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Rated: 13+ · Assignment · Other · #2040483
Character Sketch for EWW
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Name: Robert LaVerne O'Hare “Verne”
Age: 24
Location: Croydon, PA, USA
Family History: The third child in a family of seven, consisting of six boys and one girl. Father, Daniel, was born in WV, and mother, Lillian, was born in PA.
Career Aspirations: to make or steal enough money to support his siblings
Race: Caucasian
Features: short, sad eyes, rounded nose, very skinny … undernourished
Appearance: Blonde hair, with pale blue eyes
Likes: beer (and lots of it), the thrill of crime, and young boys
Dislikes: Bullies, they have bothered him since birth. Violence, WWII destroyed him
Physical Condition: Very thin, he appears frail, but can run like the wind
Ailments: Alcoholism, PTSD, and Bipolar
Education: 6th grade education
Socioeconomic Background: Poverty stricken
Parents: Daniel & Lillian O'Hare
Siblings: Lloyd, Sonny, Raymond, Richard, Anna, & Bill
Ambitions: To work hard enough to purchase a six pack of beer or a pint of whiskey.
Hobbies: fixing cars, bar hopping
Significant Others: None
Intelligence: Far more intelligent than the educational system allowed him to believe.
Emotional Stability: By the standard of the day, he is an alcoholic, a criminal, and homosexual, all diagnosis good enough to land him in an asylum, he is also misdiagnosed PTSD, and manic-depressive
Flaws: He believes he has good reason for everything that he does, but he does not have the ability to think through the consequences.
Other Traits: .
Pivotal Events in Life: Placed in foster care at the age of 12. Drafted into WWII at the age of 18.
Favorite Foods: Pepper soup. He cooks this daily, chicken or beef broth with a full size tin of pepper added to it.
Favorite Music: Country
Favorite Reading Material: Newspaper, he likes to see articles of crimes committed.
Religion: He believes that God has failed him, so he does not attend church.
Personality: Tired, beaten down, loves a good argument; in fact, he has an amazing ability to start an argument with two other people, then he walks away, leaving the two to fight out his beliefs.
Habits: Drunk driving, throwing things in a rage (he hates violence, but does not see himself as a violent person, angry, but not violent).
Favorite Thing to do: Sneak six packs into the bathroom at work, he places them in the toilet tank, so that they stay cold and no one can find them. He arrives at work sober every morning, but by the end of his shift he is a staggering drunk.
Comfort Level with Opposite Sex: He is not comfortable with women in general, he once had a love interest in Patty Drake, but she married someone else, breaking his heart.
Things he/she takes pride in: He believes he is better than everyone at anything that he does, which is true on the rare occasions that he works at things in a sober state.
Things that bother him/her: He doesn't talk much about the war, but it really bothers him, the sights that he saw, the pain and anguish, and the lost innocence of the little boys that he betrayed while battling.
Things that make him/her laugh: Police, he feels that he is above the law, and finds great humor in the things that they have yet to catch him doing.
Speech patterns: He tends to slur a lot, this is alcohol induced.

Prose Synopsis of the Central Character:

Robert LaVerne O'Hare is commonly referred to as “Verne” he is a World War II veteran with a past in poverty and crime. He is often at odds with authority figures and detests violence in others, yet doesn't see his own violent streak.

Standing a mere 5 foot 7 inches, he is rather short, with a scalp of glistening blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes he is the beat behind many young woman's hearts, but he only has eyes for one, and when she shuns him for a financially stable individual he turns his attention to men.

Citing trauma he has witnessed in World War II hand to hand combat he is buried in what we now refer to as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and possibly self-medicating Bipolar with alcohol and marijuana he is always on the outs with local law enforcement.

Despite his flaws, he maintains the same employment as an auto parts salesman for more than 20 years. When Verne passes away his boss has one question: “How did he report to work sober every morning and leave drunk at the end of the day?” The answer is discovered six months later when some plumbing work needs to be done and an ice cold pint of whiskey is found in the tank of the toilet.
© Copyright 2015 Laura Leary (imlittleleary at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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