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by reaper
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #2040334
What do you do when you live in a big suite with no bathroom? and you BFF is your maid.

Part 2 of Suite Baby Girl

40 years ago Emily had found this place while looking for directions back to the high way. She was barely 20.

The sisters. Had taken her to the mother. Who in turn unbirthed her? Repeatedly.

For 15 years Emily lived in the wombs of many a student, mother, convert and baby. Always living inside her surrogate mother for the full 9 months. Then being passed on to the next one usually within minutes of her rebirth. In the womb time had no meaning. They would age her to be a full grown adult or regress her in to a just fertilized egg as needed or wanted. (If the mother had the skill.)

After this she was considered a sister of the order. She was birthed at the age of 10 and spent 61/2 years learning the ways of the sisterhood. She was trained in the ways of advanced hypnotism, unbirthing, the massage that she taught me, and other forms of magic. When she graduated she was given her first mission with another sister.

Miss West was that other sister. Aged to the right level to be accepted as a young single mother to be. Emily was growing insider when she first met my mum and made their partnership. The sisterhood would give her a baby girl with their magic's to call her own till the day she reached 18. Then she would have the choice of being welcomed into the fold or staying as she was.

So my mum had signed the sister's deal. I was her child. I had no father unless you count the sister hood. I was hers till I turned 18 but she had already had what she wanted from me. A baby girl who she could love, a terrible toddler to laugh with, a young girl to send off to school, and finally a bratty teenager who is free to go out into the world.

The contract said I would always have a choice and I do. Even Miss West and Emily have the choice: to stay or walk away. Few have, Often deciding to wed and grow old together. One even left to see the world. Some change their minds and return after a year or so.

Miss West was one who left then later returned.


As we walked inside I was over powered with the felling more a sense of home, of belonging.

I meted and greeted as I had been taught. I had expected some kind of dress code but it was as if a bunch of random people just showed up for the party. Then I noticed everyone at the party was female and surprisingly all diapered one way or another. Some wore cloth diaper, others pull-ups like Emily, but most were in adult diapers or fetish baby replica diaper like mine.

Some baby girls were left in a play pen in the middle of the floor. I could tell just by looking at them that they were in baby mode. Only a carefree mind could be that at ease with so many people around.

Along one of the side walls were big comfy chairs. Those that were occupied had a pair of girls/Women breastfeeding or being breast feed. Two identical girls drank from another identical girl. One on each breast. All three were pregnant to the 6-7 month range.

"There the sextuplets their never apart" Emily whispered in my ear as she had done before I could ask any questions. The mother one gave me a warm smile witch I found myself returning with genuine felling. I couldn't help but love them. Emily told me that was natural as they were highly skilled teachers. Turns out they had taught unbirthing for over 70 years.

Although all of the girls looked barely out of their teens or twenties and the women younger than 30 Emily had told me that everyone here was like us. One minute they were a responsible adult the next a care free baby.

Those who had come as mothers came in adult cloths like Emily. Very stylish but still wore pull ups or thin diapers.

While those that had come as baby's or switched to. Were heavenly diapered and in toddler or younger stile dress. Even I was wearing a junior high school uniform. Witch seemed to mark me in the middle or as a new convert.

The buffet table was more like something you'd see at a one year olds birthday party. With milk on tap. I fished my own bottle out of my bag. It was empty as I had drunk it in baby mode on the way hear. I wasn't thirsty just over whelmed. I filed my bottle any way

"So what do you think?" Emily stood behind me as she had shadowed me around the room.

"I don't know what to think. I should I be looking for that guy from the prank show"

Emily just laughed "no.... this is definitely no joke"

I was beginning to believe her when a voice called for order. I immediately fell silent as the room did. Even the baby's seemed to take notice. That was the power in the voice. I more felt it in my sole then with my ears.

I turned to see an elegant woman standing on the landing of the grate stair case at the end of the ball room. She was flanked by two 13 year old girls. But they faded from my mind as I focus on her.

She was about 25 I guessed, tall, dressed in pure white witch showed her long legs, her hair flowed like a river down her back and was a contrasting black, I would have thought she was the most beautiful girl in the room if not for Emily's hand curled in mine. I notice all of this as her presence requires one to notice her beauty but what drew my focused was her large breast witch was barely contained within her dress.

However when it came to her belly the dress was made to show it as it was no obscured with any fabric. It shone in the light with radiant energy as if I could see the life growing inside her. She must have been at least 9 months pregnant or carried twins to be so large. Then I realized that it could be just one baby that had grown past 9 months.

"Many of you have come far for this meeting. Travelled many hours from your home...." Her voice filled my hart with a feeling of grate joy. And as she spoke the room fell away. Only Emily beside me and this woman was real. "...I also see new faces of our would-be sisters and mothers..."

So I was not the only newbie hear. That calmed my nerves or maybe it was her presence that calmed me.

"... For you who don't know. My name is Cassandra or Cass when I'm "less formal""

Cassandra glided down the stairs. There was no better word for it, as even heavenly pregnant 'probably diapered' she glided. "This is my house...my home... and you my sisters are my family if not by blood then by a stronger bond..." she reached the bottom of the stairs yet she was a head taller than the next girl. So we could still see her even as the crowed parted so she could glide among us like an angel. "... Love" the single word drew tears from the crowed. But they were silent, happy, tears of joy

"What's your name dear?" she had stopped at a girl who I guessed was a new convert like me.

She wore a hoody and blue jeans with a flame pattern. The jeans bulged with the unmistakable form of a large diaper

"...um...jenny miss"

"Hello jenny. Tell me... how long have you been with child?"

I hadn't realized the girl was pregnant but I wasn't as close as Cassandra was.

"But I'm not..." was all she got out before I felt jealousy pinch my hart as Cassandra lay her hand on jenny's head.

I felt a surge of power run around the room. I wasn't shore if it came from Cassandra or form the crowed but the results were undeniable. Jenny's hoody ripped open with her expanding belly.

To me it looked like the girl was now ready to pop. Again I was not as close as I wanted to be but I knew that moving would be impolite in the absolute still ness that the room had taken on.

"Your lie is as unmistakable to me as is you true self... now unmistakable to us all..." Cassandra turned to her two 13 year old shadows "take this spy to my room"

The girls came forward and did her biding. The crowed parting for the tree of them

"I so sorry... so sorry... please forgive me" the girl mumbled repeatedly as she was removed from the room veer a side door. Near us

"There's one every year" Emily whispered as the door swung close after them

I wanted to ask her about it but Cassandra spoke to us again and I totally forgot the spy girl

"Now that the government ear is gone let me finish up by starting the party...


What happen after that I don't remember but I woke in a big crib wrapped around Emily?

She and I were diapered but otherwise unclothed. There was a week light coming through our window witch our crib was under. It felt like dawn.

As I looked around I saw that there were more cribs lined up agenized the wall. Each under their own window and illuminated by their light.

Each crib held two teenagers sleeping like babies in each other's arms. There were figures moving around outside of the crib bars. As one came close to my crib I noticed that it was a young girl maybe 9.

"Where am I?" I asked her as I evaluated her. She wore the same robes as the children that had shadowed Cassandra. The girl placed her index finger to her lips in the universal shush then spoke

"Shush baby" was all she said and I was returned to sleep.

I later learned that these little girls were in their training and that I would join them in good time


When I woke again I was in the car seat. Emily was pulled over into a truck stop along the high way but I dint care about that

"Oh it's about time... you need a diaper change" Emily smiled at me in the rear-view mirror. Then she leant over the seat so she could look at me. Her statement bought me up short as I did indeed need a change but hadn't noticed it till Emily pointed it out.

Emily pated my knee then got out of the car. In her absence I poked my diaper experimentally. It was wet and cold yet as soon as I looked away I dint care.

"Yes that is definitely a stinky diaper you've got their" Emily said as she opened the side door. The open door bought in fresh air and I realized as she said it, that my diaper was more than wet.

She undid my seat belt and I felt it rush across my boobs witch bought them into my focused.

I had a shirt on but my boobs felt heavy and bigger. It was hard to judge as Emily lifted me from the car. And my focus shifted again. And my boobs no longer mattered

The truck stop was barely more than a parking lot for the trucks and a small diner for them to grab a feed then move on.

Emily closed the car door with her foot and carried me into the building

"Now I don't know how much you remember about last night but Cassandra was quiet pleased with you and granted you the "gift of one day" which means although you look grown up to me and other members of the order. For the rest of the day the world sees you as my baby. And before you start talking about how we should share I want you to know that I got rewarded too." Emily poked my left breast witch I compared to hers and noted that we were still the same size as each other but both of us were now easily DD or maybe Es'

She dint say any more as we walked through the diner door.

It was empty save for a lone waitress. Sitting behind the bar while playing on her mobile phone and listing to the trucker radio

"... All I'm saying is if he ...... wants to compensate he should have gone with the 34 and .... Off with the old girl..."

The trucker on the radio continued his swearing but Emily had covered my ears

"Oh sorry Hun" the waitress turned the radio down but left it running so only she could hear. She dint put her phone down though.

"That's ok I just need to change stinky hear then I be out to order.

"No prob. It's just me here now. So I'll look the other way to the bosses rule on baby's" the girl indicated the sine over the bar "no under 18 enforced by law"

Emily smiled at the irony and headed for the bathroom

"Oh you don't want to go in their trust me big eddy just left and he had the special." The waitress made a bad smell gesture "just use that both... it will be fun watching Junker face when I tell him what happened on his favored table"

"Sounds like you know all the truckers" Emily made conversation as I was laid on Junkers table

"Well I have worked here since I was legal... served them all at one point or another..... Even some of the girls"

Emily turned to look at her. With raised eyebrows. The unspoken question on her face.

"Names betty by the way" Betty stood up and Emily saw for the first time that she was pregnant.

"oh this..." betty stroked her belly "this Richie rich guy paid me to have his kids... twin girls 4 months in" I love the sex off course. It's my job. And I'm finding I don't mind being knocked up but I'm not ready to be a mum. I know that."

Emily node as she folded up my dirty diaper "it's a lot of work but you get used to it"

"The breast milk is my favorite bit. I love them being bigger and they make more money than I do working hear" Betty waddle over to take Emily's order "now then...what ya having?"

Betty went to hand Emily a menu

"Well since you recommended it we will try the breast milk" Emily spoke the command and Betty instantly dropped her stained uniform. Emily recognized that most were cum stains.

Emily took a sip of breast milk strait from her left breast. Swirled around her mouth and swallowed as if she was tasting fine wine.

In truth though milk was just as defeated as wine as each breast had its own flavor.

Emily nodded and picked me up so I could taste.

I had had better but couldn't remember were. So I drank as Emily held me as she to drink from Betty's breast.


We were on the road again after Betty ran dry. She apologized to Emily for not making enough. She looked really upset about failing in her impossible task of breast feeding two teen girls. So I told Emily that we should try to cheer her up.

So after Emily had given her a good fucking on junkyards table. We had left her asleep naked with a smile on her face. When she wakes she would think it was all a dream.

We were back at the hotel by 10. The party from the night before long over and the staff were hard at work cleaning the mess up, so someone else could do it again tonight.

Even as Emily cradled me in her arms the staff only saw Emily and her baby girl. Most continued with their work as if we weren't there. Though some came over and cooed at me. Asking whose baby I was and were the grown up me was. As it was rear to see as apart.

Emily just told them that I would be home soon and that the baby was hers.

The magic or whatever it was let them believe this easily and after more cooing we were let through.

As the lift doors opened Emily kissed my forehead and I snuggled into her breast finding myself drifting into sleep to the sound of her heart beat.

When I next woke we were back in my/our room I was on the couch and Emily was watching cartoons.

I lay there and watched for a while before I got bored and got up.

I headed for my tread mill knowing that I was getting soft with the lack of exercise and all the lying about.

I kept the speed slow as Emily hadn't put me in a bra and my huge titt's got sore real fast running without one. As I think about it I could have gone to get one but it dint even accrue to me then. My mind fogged with the baby day magic or whatever it was

As I ran I felt my diaper warm but dint even brake my stride knowing Emily would fix it.


Emily finished her show and came over to me. I stopped and without communication she knew I was ready for a diaper change.

As I lay down with Emily taking care of me I massaged my breast to work some of the sourness out. Even running on the slowest setting had made them bounce in time to my stride

Emily hummed as she worked and I found myself drifting off again. I don't remember being so lazy


Emily had put me in my crib because when I woke it was late afternoon and she was shaking me awake "come on sleepy head, it's time for diner."

I dint fully awake but Emily lay me across her lap and as I felt her nipple enter my mouth I began to suck. Milk flowed into my mouth and I remembered that this was where I had tasted better.


15 minutes past and my belly had started to bulged yet I continued to drink. Emily found this amusing and her hand rubbed it.

I let go of her nipple and gave a big belch. I thought we would stop after that but Emily place it back in my mouth. I know I should have been full but I dint feel full and her milk was so nice. I decided to keep drinking and my belly puffed up some more.

Emily began to hum some more as her hand came up to squeeze my breast then return to rubbing my belie

"I was given to my mum to spread Cassandra's influence into the hotel business. And everything was on track and then you were born. I was told to convert you but I would have done it any way."

I felt my expanding belie hit the bottom of my boobs but I kept drinking

"When you take over. Cassandras power will grow stronger as her influence in this world gets stronger and the world will finally have peace as she rules the people as the all caring mother."

"She's not human you know... Cassandra... no she was made to take over the world by these science types working in secret. She converted each one and spread out in to the world following her mission just not how they had planned... the mansion is her birth place I don't think she's ever left... her subjects bring her potential converts like my mum... people who have power or like you powered in your future. That girl who she called a spy at the gathering. I bet she's been unbirth and started to be converted by now. The way she reacted to Cassandra means she has potential. You were good like that when she talked to you. You surprised them all. Not me though, I knew you had it in you."

"Cassandra almost unbirth you on the spot but she knew she had to wait till she was done with whoever she was already converting. You saw her belie right"

You see to be a full convert you have to be unbirthed by Cassandra and live. For that you have to be strong enough to not be absorbed by her overwhelming power. Before last night you were just another hopeful. Now you're Cassandra's favorite.

Emily removed her breast from my mouth though I tried to follow it

"No that's enough now..." she spoke softly "we don't want you getting fat"


We left the house soon after that to go to this night time day care. I was checked in for two hours and Emily told me to be good while she was gone.

I waddle around the room dressed in a pink t-shirt and diaper. My milk filled belly swayed in front of me as my shirt barely contained my breast. No one notice this though so I sat down and found a game to occupy myself.

Emily told them not to feed me because I was having really messy diapers and for them to be on the lookout.

There were two other sisters from the order working hear. One looked to be in training as she was 16 and although she was diapered she wore the staff uniform. Her name tag read Alice.

The other was the manager (Sara). She wore a pull up and was in the middle of changing Alice's diaper when I arrived now she sat on a stool and breast feed her in front of everybody.

As part of the order I could see them for what they were and they could see me.

Sara gave me a smile and a wink then as I watched, put Alice over her shoulder to burp her as Emily had done for me.


After Alice was feed she returned to work. (The other staff appeared to think she had left for lunch.) Her first job when she got back was changing me as I was a little less blotted now but my diaper had been soaked.

The other staff grimaced when they had to change diapers but Alice smiled. She even pocked my belie, as if to confirm something.

"Looks like we'll be having a lot of changes from you tonight." She kissed me before returning me to the floor. It was my first kiss from another girl (besides Emily) I found my hart filling with emotions, happiness, betrayal, shame, love all at once. My baby mind pushed the negative thoughts away and I returned to play.

After my diaper was soaked again one of the other girls changed me but this one was all professional. After that Sara took me into her office and ran some test to fill out first time paper work.

A tape measure was run all around my body. I felt myself grow hot under her touch as if she was measuring my sole. Each time she took a measurement she would wright it down in her little book. Witch had a photo of her and Alice kissing naked in a crib. A two way dildo in each other sex. I wondered what the others saw when they notice it. And who had taken it?

As she took my last measurement (my tong length and that wasn't the weirdos one) Sara noted it in her book and then asked if I had had sex lately.

I told her that Emily had fucked me before we left. We really couldn't go more than 8 hours without a quickie. Or a day without spending an hour in each other's "embrace"

Sara nodded then removed my shirt and took my breast measurement again. This had been her first measurement and she noted the different as she slowly massaged them.

"You're coming along really well... almost too fast" she complemented. "What has she being feeding you?" she asked in a joke but I answered any way.

"These days breast milk, lots of breast milk" I tried to cast my mind back but couldn't remember the last time I had anything normal "oh then there was formula and baby food but that was a long time ago"

Sara wrote a quick note one handed as she dint release my breast.

"Well in all my time working for Cassandra I have only felt an Ora as strong as yours once before and that was Cassandra herself."

I dint really know what she was talking about but she told me that everyone has an ora a mystical energy about them that makes them susceptible to magic or able to wield it if it's strong enough.

I remembered feeling the power in her presence and even more so as she expanded the spy.

"Do you feel my Ora now touching yours? Or the manna of your mate in your belie working its magic"

I shook my head.

"that's ok most people go through out there life never seeing, never feeling it but then there are some that are born to see it.... Do you get it?"

I shook my head again. Sara glanced at her watch. "Unfortunately I don't have time to unbirth you and have you reborn with the ability" Sara released my breast and I felt something leave with her. Perhaps this ora that she talked about. She replaced my shirt witch felt tighter now.

Emily had once said "lactation is the gift of the mother so all sisters have to be able to give it to those we care for" I think I under stood now. Our milk was the easiest way to give or receive manna or ora.

I was rediapered as she had taken it off for measurements. Then in was returned to the floor by Alice who rubbed my belie before she left. To the others it was a small playful gesture to me it was something more. I crawled after her but my belly was still too big for me to get any speed and soon I had lost her. So I returned to playing with the toys scattered about me.

Time was meaningless to me marked by diaper changes and the coming and going of Sara or Alice.

Each time they would see me they would rub my belly and it would grow smaller as they absorbed the manna through their ora. By the time they told me Emily was back my belly was a small bump.

Emily scoped me up into her arms and we kissed as if we hadn't been apart at all.

Come on it's almost midnight the baby day spell will wear off soon. In fact as I was placed in the car the clock turned over two 12:01 and another mother in the parking lot watched as a cute baby girl grew into a big boobed teenager with a dirty diaper. She shook her head and went about her business for what she saw could not be. So therefor was not what she had seen at all but her mind playing tricks on her.

Emily drove slowly through the night. It seemed we were the only ones out this late.

"So did you have fun at night care? With Sara and Alice?"

"Yes... there were toys and kids... then Sara thought me about ora and stuff"

"Did you pass your test?" Emily asked while trying to keep a cool expression on her face as to not show her worry. The test results could send her baby straight into the sisterhood's school program or let her to continue to teach one on one.

"Sara asked me some questions and took my measurement's..." I dint think I was being tested. "... She wrote some stuff down"

Emily pulled into the hotel parking lot. And swore as she saw a party going full swing in the ball room. Looking over her shoulder she wondered how she was going to get me past them.

My diaper was still dirty and stunk but we were used to it and paid it no mind. The gest however would notice as I still wore my pink t-shirt over my milk laden breast and my diaper sagged around my waste. Emily wore her diaper under her skirt but it was still clean and dry.

"What are we going to do mummy?" I asked

Indeed that was the question that Emily was asking herself. She could change my diaper in the car but I still couldn't walk past them in nothing but a t-shirt and diaper.

So they need a plan B and Emily dint know if she had the ora but maybe I did. She turned to me and unbuckled my belt with one hand while holding on to her seat with the other.

"Ok you know the baby day spell that was cast on you..." I nodded and she continued "well I'm going to try something similar but I'm going to need to siphon some manna out of your ora..." I node at this too though I knew Emily would never hurt me the look in her eyes told me that siphoning manna was not as easy as she made out. "Don't worry everything is going to be ok..."

As the last words left her mouth I felt my body grow weak... so weak. What was left of my baby belly was returned to Emily as well as what I had unconsciously stockpiled in my breast.

That energy was put into an illusion spell that wouldn't last for long so we moved quickly. Those that saw us. They still saw us as we were but saw nothing out of the ordinary.

Emily was concerned that the spell would wear off before we were safe but we had to wait for the elevator. Then when one came we had to share with a family returning to their room.

The mother had two kids one girl one boy both almost in high school. The girl offered to help with my diaper but we had to say no as the spell would not hold up to that kind of iteration.

They got off on the 22ed floor and as the doors closed Emily let the spell fall apart. Now she looked like the strength had gone from her. While I had recovered almost instantly. We were back in our room and Emily had yet to fully return to normal.

We got changed out of our cloths and into fresh diaper. Then we crawled into our crib and I let Emily draw some manna out of my breast as I breast feed her. She would feel better before tomorrow and I sighed a sigh of relief as the color returned to her face. Both of our manna's had been heavily taxed and as a result Emily's breast were down to b cups wile mine were in the large C or small D range.


By morning we were back to normal (or as normal as we were before) Emily played in the play pen in baby mode while I thought about what had happened last night. Manna was like a fuel, our ora was like our gas tank. Apparently my ora was quiet strong or large and so I can carry more manna. Emily said she was about average in the sisterhood wile Cassandra is the top of the board. Miss West apparently was some were near the bottom of that list but not the weakest.

Our rank was given by our manna level, experience and achievement's. I say our rank because the sisters form strong one on one bonds with each other and is ranked as a team. That being said teams can be made of more than two. The sextuplets were an example of that.

Even Miss West had a bond with a sister. Emily had told me that she was also on assignment and that they saw each other rarely. I felt sorry for her to be so far from her bond mate. The thought of my little Emily being kept from me by any one was a scary thought. Maybe that's why she was so unhappy all the time.

Emily seemed to know I was thinking of her and made a noise at me. I replied in kind as I watched her play.

Cassandra obviously considered all of the sitters her bond mates. Being at the center of them all she could draw manna to her through the ora networks. Giving her near infinite power.

The spell that had lasted for less than 10 minutes had taken a lot from us but Cassandra had cast one that was far superior and had lasted a day.

Emily told me that spells were a last resort, we prefer to use hypnotism reinforced with manna or enchanted items as they required less or no manna to use.

Emily's hair brush was incanted. Use once a day and never have a bad hair day. I asked her how it was made and she told me that to make one you must form a strong bond with the item and once the link is there it manifest an ability. She had had her hair brush since she was little and use it every day so the link formed.

I had never had anything like that. Usually replacing with new and improved before the year was out.

I sighed and went back to cleaning. Since my maid was currently preoccupied with some building blocks.


I stroked Emily's hair. It was getting long again. I had told her once that she looked better with long hair. I don't think she has cut it since.

The pain was gone now and Emily had fallen asleep on my lap nipple still resting in her mouth. I left her like that. It might cost me a nappy rash but I just couldn't bring myself to wake her.

So I leant back against my bed and sucked on my pacifier as I watched her sleep.

For the most part none of the guests ever find out, except on occasion when we play tennis on one of the hotel's courts. Tennis skirts just don't cover anything!

But then again we don't exactly try to hide them.

It's funny, Emily put me back in diapers, and now I love them. Would I still love Emily, and wearing diapers if not for her power? I don't know. I hope I don't ever have to find out.

The end

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