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Rated: E · Other · Other · #2039925
Charlie is a curious boy with a simple life until he's taken and life is changed forever.
Have you ever wondered? Ever questioned? Of course it is safe to say that every thought in our minds can be nor smart or dense as well as it is safe to say that with every idea and movement in our brains from the beginning of time came with a price of a question as all and is till this day. One man had once told me the purpose of our existence is to learn, create and advance in our understanding of the world and all within and around it. I truly believed that was the truth maybe even the key to success and the only way to find it was by asking but I never found my answer. See I have always pondered the countless thoughts and questions that could be capable of asking by many, for hours on end. Where we came from? Why trees could scientifically not talk? How and Where many of our ancestors based their beliefs and religions from? How to chew gum in less than a minute covered in hot fudge and whip cream with your mouth closed? Why some people were attracted as beautiful and ill flawed while others to big to small or to not perfect? And even why questions were questions? My parents always called me curious because of my nature and the way that I was sparked to such wonder and possibility that was anticipation at its finest. But to me I did'n see it, Until now in fact right now I'm stuck in a car trunk crammed with a tire, 2 dusty beige back packs, a Colorado State sweatshirt and a greasy plastic Superman action figure from a fast food place. My hands tightly woven behind my back, with my feet knotted to the bolted in tire and my mouth shut tight with the help of a double layered piece of masking tape. And all I can wonder, all I can ask is Why? Where? When the world would ever meet its end? When would I meet my end? and Why fear always seeped into my shivering body every second that passed?

It was all to fast, all in a quick minute, a quick one second stop. And boom I was here in the trunk of a hot cigarette scented filled grey honda and all I wanted to do was cry and cry and cry. How could I have been so stupid? I was only 11 just a regular kid if only the day was so much more different I could've still been at home enjoying the warmth of my plush green comforters, asleep with the sounds of my mom's voice singing while cleaning up the house harmonizing in the background of the night. "If only" I repeated to myself remembering the day as it had gone by.

"Charlie wake up" yelled mom her shouting voice still at a soothing tone that could melt the Arctic ice bergs. "Ugh" I stubbornly urged out, my eyes closed up and body ready to lay back down on my soft sheets laid on the tops of my bed. As mom moved to Parker's bed shaking his shoulders urgently her hair in a bun and a distressed face pushed into her expressions. Finally I stood up my spiky hair poofed up and shot in all different directions. Then moved to my younger brother's bed clasping my hands on his head while then shaking it until I heard him cry out in annoyance. Parker was 10 and like all of us in the house shared a room but with me, He was an ok brother you know not a total comparison that embarrassed you or made you look like the kiss up in the family but still had that annoying little brother thing going for him but we were pretty cool with each other, cool enough anyways. "What do you want Charlie it's 6:30 A.M school is at 8:00 now let me sleep" Parker whined "No duh Sherlock but we have to get ready and help mom with everyone else so let's go" I argued pulling Parker by the arm out of bed. Finally he got up his face as pale as the snow and eyes glued shut. I ran to the bathroom cause in a house of 10 you needed to race to survive in the big house. Luckily though I beat Riley to the bathroom her yelling like a mosquito annoying and right in your ear ignoring her I raced inside and started to wash my face. After 14 minutes of bathroom time and the constant shouts and banging of Riley outside I was done. I zoomed out changed into my Quicksilver T-shirt and black board shorts, lightly combed my hair, grabbed my bag and headed to the kitchen. I had to give my mom a lot of credit though a single mom with 9 kids and a job as a part-time nurse at the Jameson Clinic she was like Wonder Woman without the cape I guess. I mean there was Nicholas who was the oldest at like 19 and took courses at the Richmond Community College. Then there was Christly who was 17 and was graduating high school you know the smart one in the family. Then Millie who was 15 and was more of the swimmer you know the type of girls who lived at the beach and always swam and surf well that was Millie. Then Travis and Riley who were twins and both 14 Travis skateboarded and Riley was a girly girl glued to her phone and social media. After them 2 there was Lizzie who was 12 and more of the shy one who loved artsy type of things. Then of course me I was the more question filled one in the house and very talkative but other than that I loved to make short films and playing the drums. After that there was Parker who always was out in the look out to hit something with a bat as the baseball star in the family. Then lastly momma's little baby boy Lucas who was 7 and the prankster also known as the troublemaker in the house, park, school pretty much everywhere. I remember Grandma referring it to be a barn at our house 10 people living in a 5 room apartment. But hey that was life a hard life in fact ever since dad had left to who knows where doing who knows what. Lots of things had changed which made me livid every day, not specifically because my dad left me or my siblings but that he left our mom out of nowhere with 9 kids on her back. It just made me want to punch a guy out sometimes making her suffer under the responsibility and stress of taking care of us all. Cause no matter how much we'd all argue we are a hard bunch to handle at times those times being mostly 24/7. But anyways the morning was fine with a plateful of pancakes, toast and crispy bacon that could make a mouth water. As we all headed up and out to school.

"Hey is the kid still in the back" shouted a man angrily his voice muffled under the hood of the car. It had been almost 13 hrs since I had seen daylight the gurgling in my stomach rupturing out of me. I was starving and my body aching with pain with the constant knocks to my head by the swirling motions of the car. We were stopped somewhere probably at a gas station the smoky fumes drifting through the cracks in the trunk making me light headed. I couldn't believe I was here alone probably far far away from the love of my mom, brothers and sisters. Just the thought of them brought tears to my eyes and then I heard "Lift it up boys let's see the shrimp we caught this time".

"Sup Charlie" said Rolland he was more on the chubby side clearly a late bloomer to baby fat. His hair a bright fluorescent orange that curled at his eyes and teeth a crooked mess. Besides that he was the greatest friend anyone could ever have and there he was as always on the side of the 6th grade building in his hand a ham and cheese sandwich, his shirt filled with crumbs. But hey you had to love 'em. "Hey Rolland" I replied walking up to him and then lightly punching him in the arm. "Did you study for Mr.Colvin's test" Rolland asked while then stuffing his face with a chunk of his sandwich. "Aw man I totally forgot, no I didn't, totally gonna bomb it" I said back shaking my head "It's okay dude it's just one test come on lets just go inside before Richie comes up" Rolland responded cautiously. Just the thought of Richie brought a chill up my spine. Richie Holden was a jumbo of a boy with spiky hair that could cut a wall of wood in half, his eyes sunken deep in his face like someone had socked them in and never pulled them back out making him look dark and mysterious. His hands huge and meaty that could crack a wrecking ball in just one punch, just the smell of his breath would make a skunk run with fear. And his face what a revolting sight pudgy and pale with splotchy red cheeks that burned hotter than lava, his nose crooked as if someone screwed it on wrong then his teeth yellow as a snake's eye and as a sharp as a knife not to mention his acne that poked on every inch of his face. Plus the long scar crossing his right cheek that could intimidate a professional wrestler. It was amazing he'd only been kicked out of 6 schools I personally thought he deserved to be kicked out of 20 if I could decide. But Rolland and I rushed to class anyways not wanting to get caught in the meaty hands of Richie and his gang.

"Ah you must be the shrimp, shrimp" spoke the huge burly man that opened the trunk in his mouth a cigarette and a heineken beer beheld in his left hand. He resembled a hobo off the street a red beanie placed on top his head, pieces of rags used as a lame excuse for clothes but his eyes bloodshot red and wild with danger. Making me only crouch as much as I could at the sight of him, around him I saw the 2 guys who had snatched me up in the first place anger taking control over me at the 2 knuckleheads that took me away all I saw in them was hate, hate, hate. "You boys done well on your first one the boss gonna be pretty satisfied if you know what I mean better take this one to Big Pop he'll check him out see the value of the shrimp" spoke the man again spit flying everywhere and a grin sneaking onto his ugly face. "Thanks Walt nice to be appreciated for good work, but little guy never ate for hours" replied the youngest of the three pink stripes running along his hair. "Yeah okay go snag him a burger from inside Terry's Drive inn we wouldn't want Big Pop valuing a hungry soul would we, while me and Ray move him in the auto shop" spoke back the one they called Walt. As the young guy walked away from the trunk leaving me with Walt and Ray. "Oh yeah Walt I forgot to tell you we caught 2 little munchkins on the yellow brick road last night like one of those specials two for one" Ray joked his teeth in cracks from the obvious use of something illegal the most obvious guess drugs although the cracks and holes at a slight perfection that couldn't possibly have been the use of a chemical. "Ah where's the other one" Walt blurt back greedily "With Mike and Blue we couldn't stuff them both inside 2 minds are a harder case then 1" Ray countered looking at me suspiciously like I would do something... please in my position what could I have done. "Smart Ray no wonder boss calls you Mr. Operation, well lets haul this thing into the shop before Blaze gets back with the food for the slum bag" Walt noted nodding his head in agreement with Ray. "Alrighty shrimp your lucky our little friend is getting you food you slum bag, cause by the time you get to Big Pop it's gonna be the last meal you'll see in a while" Walt spat smirking as the two men untied me viciously at a speed cheetah's couldn't catch up to. While then violently pulling me up, my legs weak and the morning light at a high intensity that burned my vision, then with a quick jolt to the shoulder I was lifted off the ground onto Ray's shoulder like a sack of potatoes helpless to them.... For now.

"Look man I can almost lick my elbow" Rolland proudly announced in the back of math class. I'd normally be laughing and whooping him on the almost attempt of licking his elbow. But I was to busy staring at Shailey Woodbine the prettiest girl in 6th grade her hair as soft as a cloud... Just the thought of her made my eyes sparkle. "Oh I get it man you got the hots for Woodbine" Rolland joked nudging me in the chest "Dude shush it before I knock your mouth in" I threatened darkly "Not my fault your crushing hard" Rolland continued "Shut up Rolland I ain't bluffing I'll punch your face in if you keep on talking" I said back angrily "Okay man you daydream away I'm gonna talk to Ryan and Troy" Rolland pushed on turning his chair to face the guys until I eventually turned around to and started joking around with the them actually chilling back. "Hi Charlie nice hair cut" spoke Shailey sweetly as she stepped in front of me "Oh uh thanks you to" I tried brushing my fingers through my hair insecurely "Charlie I haven't gotten a hair cut in forever" Shailey shot back sympathetically. "Right well still looks nice" I nervously responded "Thanks but gotta get to class see you around Charlie" Shailey ended "Yeah you too bye Shailey" I proudly replied my smile stretching from ear to ear. "Aw how cute Charlie and Shailey sitting in a tree K-I.. OWWW" screeched Rolland as I slapped him in the arm the redness spreading vigorously. "Shut up Rolland theres more where that came from". I resounded turning into class.

I was in a closet the smells of clorox and cigarette buds burning my nose hairs harshly. Not like I could smell much with the musty fragrance of the wool lined bag placed on my head my lungs gasping for air. Again I thought to myself how dumb could I have been, just as I was laying the guilt on myself the screeching door closing the closet cracked open making my head shoot straight up in fright. A young man's voice rose in volume his image to blurry to make out under the bag, "You must be the catch of the day huh" the guy spoke an edge in his voice that ringed in my head. I fell silent I worked out that I wouldn't talk unless absolutely necessary and I had the constant reminder with my mouth sealed shut with the help of these jerks. The guy removed the sheet on my head and pulled off the tape burning my mouth with a sting making me scowl in aggravation. The guy looked fairly young maybe a little older than me possibly the same age as Travis and Riley he was filthy in rags just as that Walt guy was, his hair held back by a red and yellow bandana. His face, legs and arms all filled with bruises and scratches that definitely needed medical attention,while his body as thin as a strand of thread and eyes strewn on me."What you don't like talking ah I see how it is we catch a lot of shy campers yet we give them a nice stay, free car pooling and driving service across the world, feed them, help them fit into their rooms comfortably and create socializing experiences as well and yet no appreciation what so ever" the boy spoke his eyes narrowing on me and face starting to grin. "There's a lot of talk going around about you being a brave one but now your here and I won't tolerate big shots cause this is my castle you see everyone answers to me" the kid shouted creating an echo in the small closet. He was probably bluffing a little kid like him running this place please probably wound up in here somehow and liked messing with people's minds but it wasn't working on me. "I know what your thinking I know what everyone thinks how can I be the headquarters of this stop because I've been here the longest I am the strongest and the minds of all my goons, all my runners you see I work for the big guy heck everyone does one way or another yet were the connections and I don't know if Big guy gonna like you" the kid resounded pulling a huge axe out from the back focusing it on me. I had to admit that was a little scary having an axe 4 inches away from your face but I still wasn't buying it no way I was. "I may be only a kid but I have my ways and I hate that look on your face why don't I just wipe it off" the boy smirked his voice with a tinge of craziness seeping in and bam the axe flew.

"Alright class I'm going to be passing out your exams remember the rules keep your eyes on your own paper, no talking and if you have any questions raise your hand got it" shouted Mr.Colvin his smile cheesy and an eye sore. I was totally not prepared for this test the biggest test of the year all because of Lucas. Just because of his stupid prank that had him throw out all my school books outside in the rain while I was at my band practice. Which my mom had mistaken as one of Lizzie's trashed out art projects probably thrown out from a fight with Riley or Millie and threw it away. That by the time I got home all of my work books and class notes were thrown away leaving me nothing to study. So now I was stuck in a trap leaving me only to options a straight F I deserved or a sweet A I could cheat off of from Harry Lancen the smartest kid in the 6th grade well him and his nerd friends anyway. It was all to tempting so I looked and the answers just came but sadly I was a terrible cheater and with one look of the eye from Mr. Colvin the test was over for me. I got thrown outside to wait until class was done and I had to come in for an obvious lecture from the best lecturer of all. "Mr. Harlend you may come in" Mr.Colvin spoke his voice flat and face showing disappointment. "Charlie now why on earth were you cheating off of Harry in class you should have studied I had prepared you along with the class on the test for weeks you should not have been cheating" Mr. Colvin began "I know but my brother threw out all my notes and bookwork out my window lat night" I pleaded "I will not hear another word Charlie you are to report to the Principal's office for class disruption and cheating on a final exam and will take an automatic F understand"Mr. Colvin ordered sternly. "But sir it isn't fair" I tried again "No buts Charlie we are ending the year and this is how you act you should no much better" the teacher argued making me want to burst in flames it was all Lucas's fault my face burning hot. "Now report to the principal's office where she can deal with you I have another class waiting and no time for excuses now leave my room or else I'll add another red card onto that pass of misbehavior understand Charlie Harlend" Mr. Colvin shouted with rage. I just shut my mouth and stormed out of the classroom slamming the door on the way out. With the yelling of Mr. Colvin in the back round assuring he would notify my parents and the principal on my behavior but I didn't care I hated teachers but Mr. Colvin the most.

"BAM" the sound of the axe zoomed right over head if I hadn't ducked, if he was just a little under target I could've been a goner my mouth hung this kid was crazy, hell the world was crazy by the looks of my outcomes. "Ah that shut you up kid it always does just count that as warning next time I won't be as nice" the kid sneered his face burning my eyes in disgust. A few minutes later the man named Blaze showed up in his hand a cheap burger meal with french fries and a crummy soda, to distracted in hunger I devoured it not worrying about poisons or sleep mechanisms, the aromas driving me to the fast food miracle. "You must've met Chet huh he loves to intimidate and yet he runs this joint all 88 pounds of fear" Blaze joked although his eyes not focused on a certain object but in a daydream probably a chemical induced daydream. I just shut up and violently chewed my burger as if I was eating these guys alive... I wished! "You better say good bye to any life you had back in fairyland cause this here is the real world time to wake up and hope you don't fall asleep cause all you got left are nightmares" Blaze continued his wording at a certain theme that was frightening to imagine. As I was eating a screeching bell rung halting Blaze's hallucination to a finish "Ok bucko that's call time we gotta hustle you fellas back up to your evaluations" Blaze announced snatching my food away and placing the wool bag back on my head the smell like a punch in the nose. "Here you go buddy have a nice nightmare" Blaze soothed creepily picking up a cool metal shot and piercing it in my neck before I could fight my body loosened the last words I heard was "Nighty night kid your soul is ours now".

"Charlie Harlend the principal is ready for you" shouted the front desk assistant her glasses as droopy as her face like a bulldog. I sulked into the office not looking forward to my "principal meeting" at least my mother wasn't here.. yet. "Hello Mr. Harlend what brings you here today" spoke Mrs. Rummer " Uh Mr. Colvin sent me" I stammered nervously "Why is that?" she then asked when I as well as she knew the answer to that one at least I never asked dumb questions in my lifetime. "Uh I cheated on a test" I replied gloomily "Ah but not just any test the test of the year, correct" Mrs. Rummer continued annoyingly "Yes, it was it's just" I tried to explain until Mrs. Rummer held up her hand causing me to pause "Charlie I am not a fan of excuses true or not an excuse is something people use to get out of their responsibilities because they are lazy and want to take the easy way out and no matter what the excuse their is always a way to carry out your responsibilities" Mrs. Rummer started her voice rising in volume with each sentence. "I guess" I responded wanting to end the conversation "Look you cheated on that test to take the easy way out, and here at Middleton Junior High we do not like slackers or kids who take the easy way out no sir we build up those who are capable of many great responsibilities and feats so if this is how you expect things to be easy you are wrong" Mrs. Rummer argued I just nodded solemnly not taking my eyes off the floor trying to play innocent "For the next 2 weeks you have after school detention mopping the gym floors, scraping the gum off of desks and lunch duty understand Mr. Harlend" Mrs. Rummer ordered proudly "Yeah I guess" I grunted "You guess would 3 weeks assure you" Mrs.Rummer challenged "No ma'am 2 weeks is just fine" I pleaded "Good now get back to class and remember there are no easy way outs in life just the long way, the right way" Mrs Rummer ended leading me out. Yeah right easy way whatever!

It was all darkness, there was a girl in the corner crying she was small probably my age but weak her hair was in pig tails and she was in a perfect pink dress a satin bow placed in the middle as if for a royal galla held in London for the rich. Her mourning strong and painful the sobs louder by the minute I slowly gained on her wanting to be comfort and she turned her eyes were sewn tight with of that was once a material from the wool bag placed on my head. Her hands in fists and face flushed with pain she couldn't open her mouth either it was sewn shut as well but she was still speaking to me through a stronger being. "Look what you have done you killed me, my father and my mother you took my life, my abilities I am lost and so are you" she screamed in my head making me clasp my ears shut. "You can't escape I have you now they have you now your gone your soul is dead as long as I have it as long as they have it" she taunted my head ready to burst in pain that was unexplainable. "Your a dead man Charlie Harlend I will hunt you down, you will hear my cries and I will hear yours for centuries and centuries and centuries" she screamed until "BANG" my head was knocked with a force that made my teeth clattered and it was dark.

"Hey man" shouted Rolland who ran up to me sympathetically "Are you okay what did Rummer say" he asked genuinely "Ugh I got detention for 2 weeks mopping gym floors, scraping moldy gum and passing out lunch trays" I complained moping off into Art class "Oh dude I'm sorry Mr. Colvin's a doofus and a jerk don't worry I can stay after school on Thursday's and Tuesday's I'll chill out maybe even watch the cheerleaders practice" Rolland determined daydreaming about the cheerleaders. "Thanks man that'd be good I guess just I hate Mr. Colvin, Rummer and the fact that I'm gonna get it at home for sure" I thought disapprovingly. "Charlie it'll be fine you got me and day's almost over anyways your meeting pulled you out of Ms. Watson's lame lecture on saving the blue whales" Rolland announced hanging his arm on my shoulder. "Yeah okay guess your right just art class and 2 long hours of detention" I started "Hey you gotta be positive" Rolland insisted " Man fine I'm positive your fly's open and that Cole and I are going to get an F on our art project" I joked sarcastically Rolland gave me a look then took his seat behind me right across from Cheryl Hart cheerleading captain and he said I was the dreamer oh yeah sure I was.

"BRRRRIIINNNGG" that was final bell the day was over. Rolland, Joshua, Cole, Ryan, Troy and Gavin all rushed up behind me, my boys I thought we were a cool group well a good group of guys I thought so anyways. "Oh did you see Cory's new bike totally need it" Cole pleaded "Like you could save anything" Gavin argued punching him in the arm "Gavin's right guys but at least I can keep my lunch down enough to not puke during science projects" Cole shot back "It was the chemical gases" Gavin tried as we all laughed at the spike back. "We going to BoB's Burgers"Troy asked his demeanor at perfection compared to most of us. Tall, a golden brown tan, Blonde wavy hair, strong biceps and abs that made the girls go wild, teeth straight and as clear as glass. While his personality humble yet very outgoing he was great and the only 6th grade guy that was asked out more than 14 times in just one semester by girls! "I wish I could come but I'm stuck with detention sorry see you later, Rolland and Troy I'll see you at home put up the back board and tell my mom I'll be home by 5ish" I answered turning the corner to the office. "Okay Charlie see you later bro have fun cleaning".
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