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Teaching a single concept in the field of Instructional Technology and Distance Education.
A single concept in the field of Instructional Technology and Distance Education.

By: Claude Simpson
Nova Southeastern University

1.          Needs Assessment and goal Identification

An anonymous college (college X) is determined to offer distance education so as to reach more students in diverse areas. The methodology that college X decided to use is geared to enable staff to determine whether a problem really exists, and if it does exist, what is the nature of the problem. Using Rossett's model (Dick and Carey, 1996) the data collection instruments will include reviewing existing data, documenting, surveying, interviewing, and observing.
From surveys, interviews, and observations 75 out of 80 prospective students were  found to lack the necessary  knowledge  of the distance  education  technologies.
Hence out of this needs assessment came the goal identification. The needs assessment will determine if instruction is an effective intervention for resolving the need.

Goal Statement
Given a variety of distance education systems, first year distance education students should be able to identify different technological tools and apply them appropriately to given situations.

2.          Instructional Analysis
Instructional analysis for identifying/stating the advantages of Print-based correspondence.
After exposure to different media uses the learner will be able to state the advantages of print-based correspondence with 100% accuracy.

Instructional  Analysis
Instructional analysis for identifying/stating the advantages of Print-Based Correspondence (PBC) with the use of a Web-Based Authoring Tool

[1. Use ISP to go to the Internet..]------->. [2. Use Browser to navigate the Internet..]------->.
[3. Enter URL: www.blackboard.com ..]------->.[4. Enter DE300 in “Find a course”..]------->.
[5. Select “Go to course”..]------->.[6. Enter User Name and Password..]------->.
[7. Select Course Documents (CD)..]------->. [8. Read and study content in CD..]------->.
[9. View handout slides in CD..]------->. [10. Select Communication..]------->.
[11. Choose Discussion Board..]------->. [12. Respond to Self-Test..]------->.
[13. Select Feedback..]------->. [14. <Did you make the correct responses?..>]----Yes---->.
[15. Go to next concept..]-------. No-------> Go back to #8.

[8.5  Advantages of Print-based correspondence..]------->
[Entry level behaviors]
[8.4  Uses of each type of Print-based materials..]-------^------->
[8.3  List some examples of Print-based materials..]------->.
[8.2  Classification of Print-Based Correspondence (PBC)..]-------^------->
[8.1  Define the term Print-Based Correspondence..]

3.          Learner and Context Analysis
The learners, male  and female are paraprofessionals  and trainee teachers.  The age range from 25 to 52 with an average age of 33. The learners are all required to have passed a minimum of four subjects at the CXC level or its' equivalent to qualify for entry into college X. Students may however be admitted with only three subjects but they must obtain passes in a fourth entry level subject before the associate degree is awarded.
Students with higher qualifications in their subjects of specification may be granted advanced placement, which means they are exempted from the first year of the course. There is a fairly wide disparity among the students with respect to their ages and ability, the number of subjects and the level at which they were passed, the length of time between obtaining their qualifications and entering college, their motivation, and their financial and family commitments.
College X is located in Kingston, Jamaica. The college has a computer lab  that can accommodate 20 students at a time. The computers are net worked and are made available to students from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. All students have access to a computer at least once per  day Monday  to Friday.  Distance  students may use the lab between  3
p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday but online connection is 24 hours per day and seven days per week.

4.          Performance Objective(s)
After studying the individualized unit on Print-based correspondence year one distance education students will be able to state at least two advantages of Print-based correspondence with 100% accuracy.

5.          Assessment Instruments

Self Test

1.          List two advantages of Print-based correspondence
2.          As it relates to cost, how would you rate print-based correspondence -high cost or low cost?

For item #  1          - learner-paced
                        - can be used anywhere
For item # 2          - low cost

6.          Instructional Strategy
The instructional design deals basically with the question of what to teach thus the term instructional strategy deals with the question of how to teach it. Instructional Strategy is used to cover the various aspects of sequencing and organizing the information and deciding how to deliver it.

For the instructional strategy, media selection will play  a very  important part. The most appropriate medium will be selected. The medium will be selected to teach an intellectual  skill, that  is, stating the advantages  of using  Print-based  correspondence.
Corrective feedback will be provided; and in order to provide a responsive feedback an interactive medium, Blackboard platform will be chosen. Print instruction that requires responses  from learners will be used  on the  platform.

The instructional analysis would allow the designer to set out the sequencing of information from entry level behavior to lower level skills to the top of the hierarchy.
The instructional sequence should be a combination of bottom to top and left to right. That is, the subordinate skills for step 1 are taught first, then step 1. Next the subordinate skills for step 2 itself.  This sequence will be  continued  until  all the steps are  taught.

The linear programmed-instruction approach will be used for this set of instructions. This approach will enable the designer to break all the information down into very small units.

The major components of an instructional strategy are; pre-instructional activities, information presentation, learner participation, testing, and follow-through activities.

Pre-instructional  Activities
Prospective students will be duly informed about the course DE300 and will be given a breakdown of the units and concepts to be learned. A pretest will be administered to find out if students have prerequisite knowledge to begin the instruction.

Information  Presentation
A student guide will explain basically what each unit is all about. Relevant information will be presented as it relates to the objective(s).

Learner Participation
Student will study content materials and then answer the related question(s).
Students will  get feedback  accordingly.

For each concept, a self-test will be administered. A pretest will be administered

for the skills to be taught in each unit and at the end of each unit a post test will be administered.

Follow-Through Activities
Students will answer all the items correctly on the self- test and then go on to the next concept until the module is completed. Students may not go on to another concept unless mastery is obtained on self -test. The Blackboard platform will allow for remediation activities in each case through discussion board, e-mail or chat.

Concept Map

Distance Education Systems -------Communication ------- 1. Asynchronous 2. Synchronous
1. Asynchronous a. Print-based Correspondence a1. Advantages a2. Disadvantages
                        b. Audio-based  b1. Radio b2. Audio-tape
                        c. Video-based c1. Broadcast Television c2. Videotape
                        d. Discussion Board
                        e. Email

2. Synchronous a.Telephone b. Audio Conferencing c. Chat d. Email Messaging.





Prepared by: Claude Simpson


Welcome to your student study guide -Distance Education Technologies  (DE300). What do you expect to find in it?  You will see everything that you need to know for DE300 course. Oh! And there is more too. It will help you with your resource material, writing, and studying. It will guide you through the course and will show you how to use Blackboard platform to learn about DE300. So enjoy your DE300 lessons cause this book was written especially for you.

You will find that some topics are included in this guide in keeping with the requirement for this course because you need to be able to use them in everyday life. But others are included because understanding them is essential if you want to study more about the subject. Unless you understand and are familiar with certain terminologies and concepts you will find this course rather challenging. It is also important to find out how much you know about a topic before you learn new ideas. So each topic under a unit will start with an overview, which will help you to get a feel of the new ideas that you will cover

Getting Started
It can be challenging to start a familiar topic with a new approach. Here you go!
From examination of this guide, you will see Part 1 :

Part 1. The module under discussion is Print-Based Correspondence.
You will use the attached instructional analysis sheet to go to Blackboard platform to learn the concept 'The advantages of print-based correspondence'. Follow through steps 1 to 8 sequentially. At step 8 you will read and study. Go to step 9 and view power point slides by clicking on handout in the Course Documents. Continue through step 15. The skills acquired by working through this guide will enable you to attempt the various assessments and tasks given to you.

Follow the steps carefully. You will achieve success!
See over leaf.

To use Blackboard platform

1.          Turn on computer
2.          Connect to the Internet
3.          Enter URL ...http://www.blackboard.com
4.          Enter DE300 in slot for 'Find a Course'
5.          Click go
6.          Select 'Enroll in Course'
7.          Enter your student information
8.          Click on enroll at the bottom
9.          Click on 'Enter DE300'
You are now in the course!  Select Course Information and read the study guide
10.          Select Course Documents (CD) on course menu
11.          Read and study content in CD
12.          Click on handout in CD
13.          View handout slides
14.          Go back to course menu i.e. click on 'Back'
15.          Select Communication
16.          Choose Discussion Board
17.          Click on Self-Test
18.    Click reply, respond and click post
19.          Click back to Discussion Board and view FEEDBACK
If your responses are correct then ok! If not
20.          Repeat steps 10 to 18.

If you have already enrolled and have your User Name and Password then you may follow the procedure below:
1.          Turn on computer
2.          Connect to the Internet
3.          Enter URL ...http://www.blackboard.com
4.          Enter DE300 in the slot for "Find a Course'
5.          Click go
6.          Select 'already enrolled'
7.          Enter User Name and Password
8.          Click 'log in'
9.          Click DE300
You are now in the course!
At this point you are at step 7 on the Instructional Analysis sheet. You will follow the steps on the Instructional Analysis sheet. See steps  10 to 18 above.

See Instructional Analysis sheet

Instructional  Analysis
Instructional analysis for identifying/stating the advantages of Print-Based Correspondence (PBC) with the use of a Web-Based Authoring Tool

[1. Use ISP to go to the Internet..]------->. [2. Use Browser to navigate the Internet..]------->.
[3. Enter URL: www.blackboard.com ..]------->.[4. Enter DE300 in “Find a course”..]------->.
[5. Select “Go to course”..]------->.[6. Enter User Name and Password..]------->.
[7. Select Course Documents (CD)..]------->. [8. Read and study content in CD..]------->.
[9. View handout slides in CD..]------->. [10. Select Communication..]------->.
[11. Choose Discussion Board..]------->. [12. Respond to Self-Test..]------->.
[13. Select Feedback..]------->. [14. <Did you make the correct responses?..>]----Yes---->.
[15. Go to next concept..]-------. No-------> Go back to #8.

[8.5  Advantages of Print-Based Correspondence..]------->
[Entry level behaviors]
[8.4  Uses of each type of Print-based materials..]-------^------->
[8.3  List some examples of Print-based materials..]------->.
[8.2  Classification of Print-Based Correspondence (PBC)..]-------^------->
[8.1  Define the term Print-Based Correspondence..]

Unit Objective(s)
By working through and completing this guide, you will be able to identify different technological  tools  and apply them  appropriately  to given situations.

Before starting this unit, you should:
•          Have had basic experience in keyboarding.
•          Have had basic experience in the use of computer to go to the Internet.
•          Have read Blackboard platform training manual.
•          Be able to log on to the Internet.
•          Be able to enter the platform's URL (blackboard.com)
•          Be able to navigate the Internet.
•          Be able to communicate electronically.

Recommended  Instructional  Events
•          Review Blackboard Training Manual.
•          Go through content information (Step 8 on Instructional Analysis sheet).
•          Complete Self-Test.
•          Review content and procedural information if necessary based on Self-Test.

Individualize Lessons Self-Assessment
This guide is designed to support your learning and help you to enjoy the new skills that you will acquire. Consequently, at the end of every topic you are given a short exercise to check your progress.

Now that you have completed part 1 you are ready for part 2!

S - L - I - D - E - S


2. [GOAL:
*Given a variety of distance education systems,
first year distance education students should
be able to identify different technological tools
and apply them appropriately to given situations.]

*After studying the individualized concept lesson
on print-based correspondence year one
distance education students will be able to
state at least two advantages of print-based
correspondence with 100% accuracy.]

4. [UNIT 1 MODULE 1:

5. [PBC is a form of asynchronous technology
"correspondence study"]

6. [*PBC normally, learning materials (text book,
study guide) are delivered by mail.
*Original form of distance education...
dates from mid 1800's (Simonson, 1998)]

*Can be used anywhere
*Low cost]

*Write the answer in the space provided
below each item.
* 1. List two advantages of print-based
* 2. How would you rate print-based
correspondence, high cost or low cost?]

9. [FEEDBACK (Answers for Self-Test)
*Print-based correspondence is:
* 1. Learner-paced
-Can be used anywhere
-Low cost
* 2. Low cost
-(If you did not get the correct answers,
go back to slide #7 and revise the advantages)]



© Copyright 2015 Claude H. A. Simpson (teach600 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2039863-A-Single-Concept