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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2039812
We are guarded when we so choose to love ourselves, by divine forces beyond our knowledge.
Chapter 28 The Invisible Guardians

Michael, who had been contentedly munching on pieces of some giant sized cashews, hastened to clarify the old man’s comment. His strong voice rumbled. “That is how and why, after centuries of literally agonizingly slow snail steps, humanity’s path of development was literally transformed by an explosive kaleidoscope of innovation, creating amazingly extensive technology, that enabled the people on earth, the opportunity to bypass the many mistakes that so many other worlds have made.

“Earth has guardian angels. Special people who are always looking out to guide her inhabitants, to help them to identify what should be important and why. Even the recent awareness and focus on environmental awareness over the past few decades, had its genesis in efforts made by our helpers. There is so much that we needed to understand, so that we could protect our world from the self-destructive actions that have been the down-fall of so many worlds. From sustainable eco-systems to the importance of social awareness, and the need to safe-guard each other as we build enlightened, citizens working to create productive, harmonious societies around the globe.”

“We are a microcosm of their world, but we have been untouched by their mistakes. We need each other, our worlds need each other. We are living reminders of the frailty, the joy, the pain and hope that makes us human. It makes us special. Long ago, they found the secrets of eternal life but it was not the solution, it did not bring the promised paradise they dreamed of realizing. And so, through us, they rediscover themselves. Through the stories of our lives, through the dramas that enfold in our world, they rediscover the chance to be living angels once more. They have the opportunity to observe, to be touched, to save, to inspire, to feel.”

“Just as we, by the conscious choice to help and protect the innocent and the powerless members of our society, and by safe-guarding the simple animals of our planet. Our decisions and their consequences slowly transform us into more enlightened people, developing into more advanced societies. As individuals increasingly chose to become more aware, and act on that awareness, the psychological growth changed us, in the same way that it also began to change them.”

Full with the nourishing feast of fruit, nuts and what tasted like potato pancakes, Kane and I, settled ourselves to listen to the developing story.

Michael faced the elder couple, respect and familiarity in the stance of his body, as he addressed his remarks to Kane and I. His concern for their feelings obvious, “I know that you fear their size, their power, and most of all their intentions, but honestly, they mean us no harm. To them, we are infinitely precious. We are no threat to them, nor are they any threat to us. We need each other to survive.”

“For along with the genetic change that created eternal life, they altered their destinies, and they destroyed their chance at ever having children. The self-centeredness of a few destroyed the possibility of a future for all of them, and so, slowly but inevitably, these ancient creatures have been dying. All their knowledge doomed to be lost.”

There was a soft knock, and behind us, part of the wall, obviously masking a hidden panel, began to slide aside.

“Until now.” Michael, moved, standing straight, and with a beckoning gesture and a wide smile, he gave a simple nod, to the shadowed figure behind us. Craning our necks to see, striding gracefully forward was a tall, red-haired little girl. She wore brown sandals and a simple white dress and her violet coloured eyes literally leapt into focus.

“This child is the first child to be born in over 500 years. She came from one of the scientists who devoted her life to saving, inspiring and loving the many human beings she saw in our world. Her selfless devotion opened the channels for her to conceive, and although she died in childbirth, finally the first child in centuries has been born. She is perfect. She is a living promise for the tomorrow of their world. Interacting to protect and cherish the humanity of our world, re-ignited a chance for their people to have a real future again.”

“Her existence is also the reason why Earth must remain a hidden secret. Earth is one of the few places she can hide, while she and many other like her, all have the chance to grow up in peace. For although Evelyn was the first scientist, others of the same group who became guardian angels for the earth, also became pregnant, and we have boys and girls who must continue to be kept hidden. They are all in hiding, these little children who were sent to earth for their safety. The orphanages of many churches keep them hidden all across the world.”

“We truly believe that all orphans share a secret power. Precisely because they knew not their origins, there are no expectations forcing them to develop along a particular path. They are free to develop any ability or skill in which they are interested. The Church functions to assist in that role, along with many carefully screened, special adoptive families across the world.”

Samual and his wife smiled, as the child sat between them, looking trustfully as Kane and I, with her beautiful violet eyes. Samuel continued “In the years to come, those who now rule this planet with such anger and aggression will eventually pass. Their bodies are dying, but filled with power and desperation, they seek any means to prolong their angry existence. All over the world, we are positioned so that the next generation of leaders will be from our ranks, educated, civilized, ethical people. Maybe, if the time is right for both of our worlds, at some point in the future, the sisterhood of our planets can be revealed to the populations of both worlds. For now, however, this child and all of them like her, must remain living secrets.”

From deep within me, the long-silent shadows finally spoke to me again. “Yes, they were right. The secret of their existence had to be kept, for planet earth was not ready to learn the whole truth. We, at vastly different levels of developing societies, were not all ready to respect the gift of their presence, but maybe one day, we, as beautiful strong people of tomorrow’s future, would be able to treasure that gift.

In my mind’s eye, I could clearly see it could easily be how I would start my orphanage. I envisioned beautiful orphans, who would be a blend of children from all over the world, but somehow, I had a strange premonition that there would be a pre-dominance of tall children. All of them were very beautiful, and somehow elegant. In my day dream, I could already see how unusually open-minded our orphanage would be. I could already envision that our orphanage would even have its own hair dressers and I was quite certain that we would openly advocate the extensive use of hair-colours on the children!

In the future, I dreamed that the certain churches would also very supportive. For now, however, it would continue. The chosen, the more enlightened amoung us, would continue to be “inspired”, to be supported, to become the strong leaders, the innovators, the creative ambassadors always spreading the message of the true meaning of humanity, . . . the gift of love.

The day-dream stopped with a cruel clenching of my gut! It was wrong! Somehow, somewhere it was all wrong! All around me was evil and danger, every cell in my body was on-fire. My mind had slid so simply, and followed along the path, Michael so vividly described, easily accepting what he so desperately wanted me to accept and to believe.

We were being reeled in, like fish hypnotized into believing the lies of a dancing lure, so innocently flirting through the clear waters, yet holding strangling death with each beguiling sparkling flicker. Could it all be false? I hesitated, testing this thought with my mind, struggling to understand where the truth ended and the lies might have begun.

Impatiently I interrupted, “We were chased by a stranger with a gun, demanding that we save Dr Braithwaite, a lady, who he claims was kidnapped by visitors to earth. At first, he thought it might have been swimmers, but then he changed his mind.” I looked at the faces of those before us, as they digested my unfinished question.

Samuel’s eyes flickered downward, before he raised them to meet mine. Intelligence sparkled beneath kind bushy eyebrows, as his old voice began. “Unfortunately, there are many portals on earth, some that were developed by others, whom we don’t know. It could be rogue scientists seeking material for research or simply an accidental transfer to another place.” He rose and walked to the bar, gesturing us to follow him, as he lined up multi-rung bar-stools allowing us to see the surface of the counter. Its shiny opaque surface became transparent, as an inner light flickered on, to illuminate a map of earth, laid out in two complete circles. Scattered along the surface were small circles, with different colours of the ring. Samuel’s finger pointed to them “These are the portals” and with a tap he drew up details on a red portal. The colours represent the last origin or destination from which or to which, the last visitor has travelled.

Suddenly, I was intensely aware that our acceptance of what was being shown to us, was absolutely critically important. It was vital to our well-being that we show every sign of accepting and believing everything that we were being shown. Too much had been revealed, our refusal to accept this carefully orchestrated picture would only jeopardize us in ways that I still couldn’t fathom, but which I instinctively understood, could easily be life-threatening.

Kane sat beside me. Leaning back slightly, I was resting against the hard curves of his chest, and his strong arms gently reached out to steady me. I couldn’t see his face, but I could feel the solidity of his presence filling me up with strength, somehow my sudden weakness and inexplicable fear were soothed by the reassuring grip of his hands on my hips.

Chapter 27 A New Circle of Friends

I smiled wearily at the being before me. “Michael” Kane interrupted, “my wife is exhausted, and to be honest, we are both really tired.” Kane pushed me slightly upright, as he left our table, and walked over with an extended arm to meet the young girl. “Hello, I am Kane” he said with a gentle smile, and the young girl reached forward and shook his hand gently, “Elizabeth” was the shy reply. Kane gestured to Samuel and Rebecca, as he angled his body so that he was clearly speaking to all of us. His deep voice had wrapped me in a safety blanket, and I smiled at him in confidence, knowing that he would choose the right words. Warm and friendly, his words rolled off with an engaging smile, “Riah and I have a child of our own, and we would never endanger a child, any child. We understand and respect the need for secrecy to protect both of our worlds, but we do not understand, exactly what you want from us. Why are we here? What is it that you expect us to do?”

Samuel smiled as he answered. Once you understand how important earth and her people are to us, to our future, to our shared destiny, then maybe you will trust us to live amoung you, and your people can live amoungst us. Whether you recognize it or not, you both have tremendous influence, and you can use it either to safe-guard the earth, or to expose it to life-forms that may eventually threaten both of our worlds. The linkages between our worlds cannot all be found, closed, moved or blocked. Our world will always be vulnerable to any visitors that portal onto your earth.”

“I realize that you are both tired. So come over to this statue, so that we can code your rings to this location. We can’t have you showing up in the middle of an open field again. We have been on guard there, since these rings were sent to you. Re-coding them will allow you to travel here, should you ever need or wish to speak with us again. This is a secret lodge, well hidden beneath many energy fields. The rings you have will allow you to visit us, and should the jade stone change its colour, it will mean that we wish to talk with you.” As Kane and I walked over to the waterfall, Samuel stepped on an artfully camouflaged ledge, and disappeared behind the curtain of cascading water.

With a smile at the beauty of the scene before us, we followed his path. Well-screened by the waterfall was a cavern with the hidden statue of a beautiful woman, who appeared to be softly gleaming in the diffused light of the cavern. Samuel gestured outwards, “Make certain you travel here during daylight, that you can clearly see where you are, when you arrive. Never allow any match, torch or light to illuminate this cave. This cavern is unknown even to all of the men who brought you here. Behind you are two doors leading to simple rooms, should you simply need temporary sanctuary, or should no one be here when you arrive. There will always be food, clothing and simple weapons on the shelves, in the back of each room, which you are free to use. There is also a circle on the back wall that is coded to your hand. Place your hand in the circle and a dimly-lit safe will open that you can hide in or place items within.”

As he had spoken, Samuel had placed our hands flat on intricately decorated circles, near the feet of the smiling statue. The rings on our hands felt slightly warm, as they twisted, and the jeweled stone of our new destination began to pulse. “Goodbye Kane and Riah”, came his whisper, and as we glanced up at the friendly giant in surprise, we felt the warning lightness of imminent travel. “Goodbye Samuel” was our last thought, as he faded before us.

To our surprise, we arrived in our home. We had obviously received visitors, who were no longer around. There was a new look to our dining room. Everything had been slightly repositioned. The beautiful mahogany sliding paneled doors had disappeared. They typically lay open to reveal the familiar sight of a discreetly positioned, small study. Somehow, we almost expected to see her, the gently gleaming statue of a beautiful woman carefully positioned in a open hidden panel on the wall, just above on a small empty mantle ledge.

The beautiful large doors had disappeared, and in their place was a lovely paneled wall. Securely built onto the new wall was a lovely, thickly framed decorative mirror with a simple, but cunningly beautiful pattern cut into the mirror’s surface. The whole objective was to disguise the existence of the hidden room, and indeed, the finished look was flawless. The patterned mirror hid the secret entrance, which opened only briefly and soundlessly, when the switch hidden within the paneled wall was activated. A fragile cord showed us the switch’s position, and at the lightest experimental touch, it promptly fell invisible on the symphony of gleaming cream and chocolate swirls dancing across the thick one foot width of wall-to-wall carpet.

Darren had written a note, which was stuck to the alcove door. “Never step on the carpet as you pass through the hidden door. We are here, on guard outside. Sleep well.” Kane shook his head in disbelief. “Now he shows up. Bit late isn’t he?” I reached up to kiss Kane’s cheek. Without a word, I headed straight for a hot bath. If I could manage it, I fully intended be sleeping in my bed in less than 7 minutes.

Our lives had changed. We had been tested and accepted. We were now part of an unseen army, and invisible soldiers, human and angelic, guided and protected our lives, somehow we both recognized and accepted it.

Chapter 28 New Knowledge and New Expectations

The next day, tummies full from a huge breakfast of fruit, pancakes and steaming hot tea, our first of many visitors arrived. Not surprisingly, Darren led the charge. In our newly renovated dining room, Darren demonstrated how the new “equipment” worked.

He used his ring, to activate the statute of the beautiful smiling lady, and a shiny portal that seemed to grow, suspended as a huge iridescent screen hung before them. The images flickered as he spoke, almost seeming to move through the ages, partnering with his words, as his voice thundered through the room

“In the beginning, God was and is and ever shall be, present always in the reality of duality. Male and female, young and old, unborn and ageless, life & death, all forces and all existence bore obedience to the harmonious duo of creation. In the beginning, those that gradually became aware of life, intimately knew of death, and had profound loving respect for the cycle of life, and that deep understanding ruled all members of the community of the living.

The love of one’s angelic community created a harmonious existence, where the community’s good was the purpose of all intention and interaction. In this sphere of existence, the younger loved & learnt from the elders, who saw responsibility and accountability in patiently nurturing the growth and development of each member of their community. Each angelic being had an equally important role within the community, which saw the developing of the self into the highest potential of an altruistic being, as the point and purpose of all life.”

“Central to the beauty of all creation was the reality of subtle differences. Those tiny differences have always been the creator’s opportunity, a little loophole offering delightful potential for amazing beauty, power and ability to be born and to show its glory to all creation. However the duality of potentiality, also allowed for slight weaknesses to exist. Indeed it was merely little weaknesses, tiny , minute differences that allowed evil to be born and eventually to fight for its own existence.”

“As time passed, different levels of self-centered awareness arose within the angels. Some failed to develop adequate self-control over their personal desires, and eventually selfish temptations became obsessive inducements. The illusionary promise of eternal life and the idea of existence solely for the satisfaction of one’s own unfettered, selfish desires, allowed evil intention and action to become compellingly, overwhelming objectives, within the weaker beings.

True knowledge can only be revealed slowly, when those listening are prepared not only to hear it, but to understand it. So, in the beginning, the heavens were divided, so that space, light and energy could create a battlefield of forces in which the first planet was born. The invisible angels who streamed peace, beauty, light, love and energy, fought amoungst themselves in the many spheres of heaven’s existence, for the angels were endlessly created, to demonstrate God’s infinite loving glory to all who existed. Yet in their occasional fighting, the magic of their power was carelessly spilt into the dark voids of fertile space.

Thus the story of creation fell into reality all over the universe. The angels, thoughtless and heedless to the power of the magic they possessed, allowed endless powerful rays to be lost deep into the voids of space, and there, in the stillness and quiet, the sparks of life took root, and grew. Some created deep moist waters inside the swirling rocks. Others held the secrets of life, which sparkled through the voids, falling in the fertile waters.

Yes, living magic fell into existence. Streams of heaven’s powers fell into this earth, quietly hidden and carefully protected from the abuses of the all-knowing, all-powerful, all-disrespectful beings who craved to exist and rule as eternal Gods. Creative magic could never be so contained. The heart of true divine power rests in the innocence and the goodness of love, where-ever it is born. Heaven’s magic moves and breathes within the goodness of its creation, and where conscious life chooses goodness, then heaven’s mark of power intensifies, and channels itself, even more powerfully, as through called and magnified by these living magnetic beings.

The Caribbean has always been one of the mystery basins of the original magic. It cascades down our little waterfalls, it shimmers like sparkling dew amoung the trees, its echoes can be heard in the silent forests, and the ancient tribes saw and knew its presence as real. Here nature calls and creates many simple temples as homes for love’s swirling energies to visit and bless. In little islands spread across the sea, magic lives and reigns, openly welcomed and boundlessly creative, blessing the minds, souls and lives of those with the open eyes of discernment. Think about it, free people of every colour. Black, White, Red, Yellow and Brown, living together happily in peace, free and relatively secure, in their own little independent countries.

“Hidden all over the islands, each of which is fundamentally different to the others are secret springs and ancient sacred places, where miracles happen, and old islanders of many different faiths hide ancient magic to safeguard the light. Always remember however, that where there is powerful magic and light, there will always be grasping evil, drawn with equal hunger to feed on light’s growing aura of energies.”

Kane shook his head. “Okay, so God created the angels first, and some of the planets and maybe even different life forms may have been created from their careless use of their magical powers. Okay, so this statue allows us to travel to some of those planets with living beings, and it needs to remain hidden from those with evil intentions. I still do not understand how we, Riah and I, are involved in this at all.” Darren smiled and with perfectly irritating authority, pompously announced, “You are right, there is so much you do not know. However, you will both understand in time.” And with that cryptic remark, and a slight nod, he strode quietly from the room and straight out of the house. We had listened patiently, not understanding why any of it was our business, or even how we were expected to help. Our role, however would soon become crystal clear.

Within the months that followed, famous cricketers, musicians, althetes, politicians and hidden lodges and all types of institutions connected with us. Somehow, from all over the world, linkages were made, and arrangements quietly finalized. In certain islands, special homes were created, and children arrived, along with special teachers and guides.

Kane and I had been chosen to lead a home of our own. Somehow, neither of us was entirely surprised to find that Darren had been appointed to co-ordinate the home’s security, which, as far as possible and practical, would remain relatively invisible.

Chapter 29 Watering the Seeds at Sunset

Riah looked at the twelve, carefully selected children of her home, her very own new little orphanage, and deliberately she spread her arms as she pointed up to the swaying coconut fronds, that floated before the huge falling orange sun, slowly suspended by time in gigantic drifting, purpley-blue net of little bubbled clouds. Jay sat in the midst of the little smiling faces, and all of them saw a hazy rainbow of melting skies, where yellows, oranges, pinks and purpled faded cascaded into a famous Caribbean sunset, complete with white-crested frolicking waves, that reached up to lick the delicious skies in sweet delight. On the warm grass of the gentle slope, that overlooked the sea-side, the children sat cross-legged on the ground, eyes delighting in the warm picnic sunset as she spoke.

As the evening skies began to darken, her voice took on a mysterious depth, and with an ethereal beauty, her words whispered through their bodies, touching their very minds, creating memories that would echo in the silence, pulsating deep within them, imprinted on their very souls.

“There are millions all over the world, yet special island magic runs through us, and we take it out in the world with us, running like lightening, singing, acting, inventing and leading on the world’s stage, . . . true magic of heaven’s very power is in every cell of our blood. We have drunk it from birth, in the raindrops from our trees, we have danced beneath the twinkling stars that surround our smiling moon. Open your eyes, children, for you are to be sister, brother, friend and family. We share the faithful magic of a good, powerful and ancient blood.”

“ Tomorrow’s promise lives and breathes within us.”

“Thirteen jems of the Caribbean Sea, thirteen jems that shine and sparkle, open your inner eyes and see. Breathe deep and feel the energy grow, from within us, more come and more will flow. We are the future, born of light and love, we are the very source of destiny’s flight. Open your eyes, bare your soul, allow your magic to dance and unfold. Forged in the magic of heaven’s light, enchantment breathes within each hidden eye.”

“There are prophecies still hidden, there are ones yet to be written. The sparks of life fly from within our jeweled shores, the invisible energies still abound here, and they bequeath a magical inheritance of prosperity deep within our very souls. I call forth heaven’s blessings of abundance on each one here now and every one yet to come. For a while, be silent, be shy, but open your eyes to life’s classroom and learn, do not be afraid. You shall lead the dances of life that your father decreed in the books of old. Be not troubled, you will play your part. Open your mind, your soul and your heart. Listen to the winds of the ages, that invisibly roll as they dance across the waves to softly caress and kiss your inner soul. Feel the magic of the raindrops and know the touch of God as it blesses your life. No matter the storms that seek to quench your thirst, seek the invisible light that beams brightest in the darkest night. “

“Seek within child, for the magic of your blood will always protect you, and call to you.. Be not afraid, for the one who created you, who guides you, who sent you, is and always will be, with you. Heaven’s army of angelic beings are with us, and walk out with us every day. Part of our very magic is that invisible faith in which we have all been so well-steeped. Stand tall and work hard, for you were meant to lead by example, the brave and the proud, we have always been, and tomorrow, our children will see us beam, as we work together in unity.

“Dream child, dream. For the magic of the island sun, is racing within your veins. Breathe, and dream, loose your talent, and shine bright for all the world to see.”

“The earth is still a secret garden of living magic, carefully hidden within the heavens, and some of her creatures, are tomorrow’s magi, hidden angels, here on this eden of old. Be not distracted by those who corrupt their souls blinded by the sparkle of riches and gold. True power and inner wealth grows when we enrich the lives of those we touch, seeking to grow an army of angels, and to empower and plant goodness in all those we meet. Therein lies the true secret of the ages, that we are each the sleeping warriors of heaven’s holy army. “

Arise each day, and open your temple to channel into the heaven’s streaming light. Fill thyself with living waters, and then spend the day, helping to light the corners of your world. Heaven’s blessings stream in many forms, patience, inspiration, creativity, laughter, love, inner joy, peace, understanding, hard-work, perseverance, kindness, goodness and so many others. Yet above all, try each moment to be a gentle presence inspiring others to reach for the light.”

The sunset was absolutely glowing, with vivid colours harmoniously streaming across the painted skies, before them all, as she spoke again. “Hold hands and raise them high,” and the little fingers of many hands grasped each other, the many shades of their skins, reaching up to join the colored canvas of the heavens, as she continued.

“You and I, are the living offspring of God’s ancient warriors. We were each deliberately harvested from many different worlds, and yet, God has made sure that together, here we have been all been planted. Thus together, side by side, holding hands, here we shall all bloom, boom and rock this world.” Her eyes twinkled and her face smiled, as she ended on this light note, that all the children could understand and enjoy.

The children had watched as they smiled and listened, and intermittently a few commented and fidgeted. Deep within however, seeds were planted, as their unity was nourished and watered. Tomorrow, they would have the confidence to allow their hidden powers to later bloom and blossom, and in their own way, each would shine.

From worlds away, the scene was a living picture, gently flickering and shimmering in the air, new legends of tomorrow’s truth, were under careful watch by the supernatural guardians and warriors of old.

Chapter 30 - The Future Beckons

Later that night, Kane held Riah’s hands, and gazed at those lovely cat eyes of hers. “It will be alright my love.” His fingers gently stroked the tiny, non-existent swell of her belly, reaching out to the promise of precious life, a baby coming to bless their lives. “ I can’t tell you how happy I am to be sharing this privilege of being a father, a real father to my own little baby.” Riah took a shivering breath at the sensitive tickle that his fingers were innocently creating.

“Don’t be frightened Riah.” His finger stoked her soft cheek, and slid over the tangled curls, to gently cup the back of her small neck. He drew her gently against his body, and as he stood there engulfing her tiny 5ft 2’ frame with his powerful athletic body, he shared his thoughts. “I am here, and I will always be here for you.” His whispers sought to allay her fears, but deep inside, the shadows had returned with a new powerful message. She could almost feel the palpable presence of future danger coming directly towards her. Riah breathed deeply and reminded herself of their new destiny, “We are together, and we can and will change the future”. With a slow, sexy smile, she reached up to the man she loved, and began to unbutton his shirt.

Book 2 - Magic in the Blood (A Preview)

While Kane and Riah fight to hide the ancient channels that allow them to travel through time and space, the magic in the bloodlines flow between two worlds connected by energies that none could predict nor control.

Jay’s secret nightmares had come true. The man of his dreams was here on earth, and visible only to his strange eyes. Trusting his dreams he travels to another world, determined to help a captive girl, who his dreams insist, only he can rescue.

The ancient warriors of the hidden societies reignite long-forgotten alliances, uneasily forged by the threatening embers of history’s fears. Across the globe, new recruits prepare to battle a vicious new war against an ancient people long forgotten but never forgiven.

© Copyright 2015 Rose Ambers (livingangel123 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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