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Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #2039811
The truth of life is the magic of science and the pandora's dilemma kills new birth.
Chapter 21 Ancient Artifacts of The Secret Societies

“There have always been secret societies that have existed on the fringes of conventional civilizations. Hidden people with access to great power and unlimited resources. Hidden people who craft and chart the course for humanity’s development, along with the gradual enlightenment of the masses, through massive educational campaigns presented and implemented on a global scale. Some secret societies are very aware of the real status quo, and simply watch and where necessary nudge the flow of civilization’s development.” The comment came from Daren, who unexpectedly arrived in our home, uninvited as usual, when little Jay was sleeping over at his grandparents, and we were taking the evening off to relax together.

Kane and I looked at each other still pretending to be completely confused. “What is the point? What are you trying to tell us?” Riah asked directly. His reply caught us both by surprise. “The priest, did he tell you that humanity on this earth, the first Adam and Eve were created in laboratory experiments?” Quite casually, sipping his water, Daren dropped this bomb of a question, as his eyes calmly surveyed our reaction. “What are you talking about? What experiments?” answered Kane raising his eyes to heaven in obvious disbelief and impatience? Kane would never give Darren the satisfaction of knowing what was confided to us by the priest.

Daren quietly continued, “There are those who believe that we were created and planted on this world. Further, that our creators have visited us for centuries. In the beginning, they used the portals hidden within the inner crust, but over centuries, those portals became damaged, and untrustworthy. For a time, they also used the Bermudan Triangle, as a means to enter and exit our world. The portal in the area was intensely strong, and their crafts were able to enter and disappear within the water, making it far less stressful for a developing civilization to detect and track their existence. The underground channels ended up in underground caves, with hidden entrances to the earth’s surfaces. They could simply visit or observe us from afar as they chose.”

“Eventually however, as our technology developed, and the super-powers created satellite weapons that could be beamed and fired in an instant, the exposed Bermudian Triangle became too risky to continue to use. Thus, our visitors returned to using time and space portals that positioned them slightly above the earth, and usually ensured their arrival occurred within thick, electro-magnetic clouds, which they could happily fortify when need arose. Or they simply chose to arrive in the very many sea and land areas around the globe that are not continuously covered by satellite surveillance.”

“Ok, ok. I get it,” Kane interrupted, his hands raised to gesture his acceptance, “you believe in aliens and UFO’s. No problem. We each have our beliefs about our origins. You were created by aliens! That’s great!” he said with a smirk, “Strangely, I can believe that, and I don’t doubt it for a second!” My normally tolerant husband, was always quite skeptical of Jay’s dad. He wasn’t usually quite so indiscreet. I honestly thought he handled our occasional interactions with unswerving politeness, utter calm and patience.

I guess it didn’t help that the man showed absolutely no interest in making contact with his biological son, Jay. Yet for some reason, he still seemed to feel the need to interact with us. Neither of us were quite sure as to why, however, we had accepted his sporadic contact as the occasional realignment of his moral compass.

Daren grimaced slightly, and nodded his his head disparagingly, as he glanced towards me. The fingertips of his hands were lightly touching, gently bouncing off each other as he took a breath to craft his next words. “I know that you both distrust my motives. You believe that I abandoned my child without reason.” His eyes were clear and his deep voice filled the room in the somber tones I remembered so well. “There is a deeper truth that neither of you understand. The child is special, and in your care, he has always been truly safe. I run in powerful secret circles, where knowledge of his existence could be used to threaten and control me. His destiny can only be fulfilled if he is free of the dangerous entanglements that are integral to my life.”

The brief silence was quickly penetrated by Kane’s deep voice, as he looked directly at Darren. “So, are you finally telling us that you are some type of spy or secret agent? Is that it?” Disbelief coloured the question, but without a trance of offense, Darren answered, “I am a Great High Priest in a secret order, that intersects with other established religions at the highest levels. We are working together to prevent a catastrophe that can destroy this world.” The sincerity of his voice, infiltrated even Kane’s usual skepticism.

Darren continued, “According to all the ancient religions, we were created in secret, and in secret, we were quietly placed on the earth, to grow, to have life and fulfill our destiny, whatever we defined our destiny to be. The secret garden of Adam and Eve was Earth, and we were carefully placed here, and taught how to survive. For many, the bible is simple a story of creation, but to the initiated, it is clear evidence of the true story of humanity, of how we were created, and how we still continue to be guided and protected.”

“You weren’t supposed to find the inner crust, nor to risk re-activating the portals. The “visitors” as you would call them, don’t want us in their world. Having witnessed and being party to our creation, their purpose was simply to allow us the opportunity to live in peace and freedom. By exposing the entrances of portals to the unwary, unenlightened public of this world, you are forcing the “visitors” to come back here.”

“We were and hopefully still are, a secret to most of the population on their world. If we go popping up all over their galaxy, we jeopardize not only the lives of humanity, but the future of humanity on its own, lush fertile planet. Their civilization is highly advanced, and they do not believe in violence to settle disagreements amoung themselves. They will not kill each other in order to protect us. Here on earth, we possess a living secret to life, that they have lost. There are many on their planet who would torture and kill us, in order to re-discover those secrets. The ancient covenant degreed that portals may be closed, but never sealed, so that the enlightened innocent from either world, will always have a secret sanctuary. Those in the past have visited us quietly and discreetly, as you would on any safari, or as you might take temporary refuge in a monastery or a sanctuary retreat.

As with any society, the good and the bad exist side by side. At some points in our history, unauthorized visitors have come and kidnapped people for all types of experiments, but they were not representatives of those who were in charge. They were free-lance agents with their own agendas. In a sense, their behaviour is similar to ours, for we ourselves do much the same to one another. Consider the illegal research scientists who perform human cloning experiments, and DNA alterations to create future super-geniuses and super warriors. Or even the illicit networks that operate alongside skilled doctors to provide critical replacement organs on the black market for their wealthy patrons. We can not blame or punish every doctor or scientist for the actions of the few rogues, who heavily financed and thus invisible to most authorities, flout our medical and ethical laws with impunity. The visitors face similar challenges in policing their worlds, as we do in simply trying to monitor our population here on earth.

By trespassing through those old gates, we will break the age-old covenant that has protected the earth and all her inhabitants for centuries.” Darren paused, the intensity of his gaze communicating his anguish. “Not only are you all in danger, but you are also inadvertently endangering this world that we all love.”

He reached into his pocket, and in his open palm lay two simple rings, each beautifully crafted with a miniature jewel on each of the thirteen miniature sides. Quietly his voice continued in the stillness, as a gentle glow gleamed around the rings. “The Illuminati still protect a sacred blood-line of descendants, from those who were specially created, and are still in today’s world, powerfully different. The chosen ones cannot help you, their destiny is to maintain order and stability here, but these rings are special gift. When you need help, and there is no where else to turn, wear them with the green jewel pointed towards the sky, and place your hands in the sacred space beneath the statute. You will receive the help you seek.”

Darren’s eyes searched the room around us, as he continued in his low voice. “In the meantime, tell no-one of their existence. These are the only keys left, and the possessors can move between worlds, to influence the future, and to plead mankind’s fate. These and these alone, can save not only your lives, but also the future of this world.”

“Right, ok. So these rings are going to save the world.” The disbelieving tones in my husband’s voice clearly echoed his dissatisfaction with the current conversation, but further, his rising impatience, after what had been a very long day. He obviously had his fill of this hocus-pocus nonsense. I leant forward, and Darren gently put both of the warm, gleaming rings into my hand.

With an honesty that touched my heart, his voice continued, his words ripping my heart open in fear. “The child you raise as your own, is not simply a child of humanity. He has powers, he is different, and as his parents, you alone bear the right to meet those who hold the world’s destiny in their power.” I froze, my heart was pounding through my chest, and I couldn’t breathe, as his words re-echoed through my mind. “The child you raise as your own, is not simply a child of humanity. He has powers, he is different. . . “ My chest tightened so that I could scarcely breathe.

“Riah, if you have ever believed me, please believe now. I know what I have said seems hard to believe, but on the chance, that I happen to be right, please keep these rings secretly and safely on you at all times. From everything that we have learnt, you will need them. How, where and when, the ancient scrolls and writings to which we have access, do not reveal. We only know, that they are vital to earth’s survival, and hopefully they will protect those who possess them.”

My voice trembled, with the whisper that came out almost without thinking, “My son, . . what are you saying? Is there something wrong . . ?” My lips dared not say what my heart was fluttering in panic at the mere thought. The answer came smoothly, almost too glibly. “Jay is a very special child. He will be big and powerful just as I am.” I looked at the man whom in my innocence, I believed I had truly loved, and waves of fear began to ripple down my spine.

Both men were large, very attractive specimens of manhood, but Darren was somehow different. He always had been. Despite his Adonis-type, good looks, there was strangeness about him, an unfamiliarity that led to his never being fully accepted, no matter who he befriended. Yet, strongly even now, I could feel a powerful sense of innate goodness within him. Darren had never achieved the complete mastery of social interplay that Kane had easily conquered as a mere youth. Kane had always been instantly accepted by even the most discerning ladies and gentlemen of the highest social strata. They all melted like butter beneath his confident, sunny disposition, his charming, well-mannered good looks and his smooth, timbered but polished voice. He was indeed Prince Charming personified, when he chose to be. I looked at them both carefully, my heart still fluttering in panic.

Kane was that rare, universally blessed creature, that special type of man, who is both a man’s man, and also a charmer that all the ladies, good and bad, found most irresistible. He smoothly fit within any world, his easy smile and his gracious manners were famous. He could easily charm and disarmed the strictest of society’s chaperons, and despite his almost wickedly handsome appearance, he maintained careful reign on what was said, and how.

Darren however, despite his amazing physique, had deliberately hidden the many other talents that he so obviously possessed. What demons chased him, I still never understood.

“Riah, the child is your son, and he will have a great future. You are both doing a great job with Jay. But this discovery endangers all of your lives. Please, be careful. There are people who know of his existence and will always be in the shadows to guard the child, but please, take no unnecessary risks.”

Quietly, Darren turned and left, correctly sensing that we had had enough. Kane came and took me in his arms. Only when he kissed me, did I realize that silent tears were streaming down my face. “Ignore him Riah, half the time, Darren is nothing but a nuisance. Don’t allow him to upset you, my love. He is not worth it. Jay is absolutely perfect. He is a beautiful, intelligent, healthy child, and he is our son. Ours! Do you understand me? That half-baked quack is exactly that, a complete moron.”

My watery eyes searched Kane’s face, and as my lips opened to frame my fears, he put his finger gently on them. “No Riah. We could be here all night, discussing only the foolishness from that man’s mouth. We are both tired, let’s get some tea and go to bed love.”

“Listen, Riah, if it makes you feel happy, keep the rings on you at all times, but don’t allow Darren’s hysteria to influence the strong, brave beautiful woman, mother and wife that you are. Do you understand me, my love?” Kane’s hand gently held Riah’s neck, sweeping around to cradle her face gently in his palm, as his fingers easily brushed the falling tears from her soft cheeks. “I love you and I love Jay, and both of you are going to have an amazing life, as part of my family. Don’t ever doubt that.” His kisses gently swept away her tears, and a teasing tug at her lips, reminded Riah of how much they pleased each other, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

She held tight to the man who was her rock. His whispered assurances soothed the knot of fear that had formed deep in her belly. Regardless of what the future might hold, they would be facing it together. The thoughts unbidden raced through her mind, “Sometimes, that is all we need. To know, that come what may, someone you love, will be by your side to face the storms that life throws before you.” That was her last thought, as she curled up in their warm bed, drifting off to an innocent sleep after being thoroughly ravished. Kane lay in the darkness, watching the soft rise and fall of her, softly breathing in the glorious scents that still encircled them.

She was his wife and Jay was his son, biology be dammed. He would allow nothing to threaten their future or their happiness. The promise floated in his mind, as he too found peace in restfull slumber.

Chapter 22 The Chase Begins

Unbelievably, the rumours began to surface all over the world. Sightings documented and news developed that spread across the continents like wild-fires, blazing out-of-control. After thousands of years during which UFO’s have been endlessly documented across different civilizations, and different developmental eras, finally the truth was on the world’s stage. The recent activity was witnessed by so many, that disclaiming the existence of the objects was wasted political breath. Not only were many openly spotted, but pictures encircled the globe in seconds, a hungry fearful public transforming within weeks into a mob, riled up into near frenzy by more fanatical sections of the doomsday preppers.

Everyone was suspect, every unusual event examined and re-examined. The masses re-focused their attention on the Bible, the Koran, on every manuscript of the established religion struggling with renewed vigor, to interpret the many prophesies of revelations and those of Nostradamus.

Life was changing and yet again, we were unprepared.

* * *

We didn’t know him, but he obviously knew us, knew all about us. Clearly, he had been watching us for some time. The gun made things quite clear. “I need to hear all that you know about them, and I need to understand how it all works. Now.” His lean body was half hidden in the shadows, and the snarl in his voice was planting goosebumps all over my body. We were sitting on a log, going through our back-packs for our moonlight picnic dinner, when his voice corralled us into motion-less silence.

We had decided to go on a little excursion. Just a little romantic camp-out, as we hiked out over the open fields, and then headed into the tall trees of a sloping forest. We had seen other groups also heading out to enjoy a weekend hiking expedition, somehow, we didn’t remember seeing this man, but remaining undetected was clearly one of his objectives.

We looked at each other with wary eyes, uncertainty visable in every line of our bodies. “Look here, we don’t know what you are talking about.” My husband spoke softly and slowly, trying to make sure, that we didn’t rile him up unnecessarily. “Really!” was the stranger’s reply, “out of nowhere not even one, but two of the top assassins, who are also highly networked, religious freaks, just “happen” to be visiting you two, for absolutely no reason at all?” His eyebrows raised quizzically, and his face began to tighten. “Ok, let’s run through this, so we all know where we are.” The stranger stepped out of the brush, and with his gun holstered, but not clipped in, he took a carefull seat before us. “Ok, I’ve already checked your bags. I want one of the chicken sandwhiches not the cheese ones,” he said, as he casually nodded towards the back-packs we had abandoned on the ground. Somehow, he didn’t seem as threatening anymore, but Kane certainly didn’t look relaxed. I opened the back-packs and passed around the containers. Kane picked up the solar charged lantern, and the stranger nodded his acquiescence to allow its dim light at our campsite.

In between bites of his sandwich, and sips from the water canister on his hip, the stranger began. “On aerial photographs off the US – Cuba coastline, there are clearly raised underwater tunnels about which governments have denied all knowledge. Random family pictures of boating families have revealed large bullet shaped, metallic objects diving into and exiting from the deep waters off the Florida coastline, without making any type of splash. The events happen so quickly that they are not discernable to the naked eye. Across Denver, as journalists have also proven with their own camera equipment, between 12 and 1pm almost every day for months in 2013, too fast for the naked eye to detect, there are unidentified flying objects captured by film, and only visible on slowing down the film.

“From Russia to Japan, fish still bleeding, wiggling and dying from little bone spears piercing their sides, have been pulled in by huge fishing nets – clear evidence that someone else’s hunt had been interrupted. Theoretically impossible when the catch was pulled up from a depth of 1500 feet below sea-level, but still, the facts are indisputable. Then there has been the intermittent sonar testing in deep waters by the US government. An on-going reality that has killed and continues to kill even large whales along with other “creatures”, that once beached and discovered, immediately disappear into the shadows of the US laboratories and special defense divisions.

“Despite unified government resistance across all countries, to discussing the issue, there is ample evidence all over the planet of visitations. Despite authority seizure of all physical evidence where-ever possible, and closure of all internet data sites, there remain many people located all over the globe, who are only too well aware that earth is an on-going visitation site. How, why and the purpose of the visitations, depends on the type of visitor that drops by.”

“I know that we have different types of visitors, but the water swimmers, they have her. She disappeared in one of their pools. She entered their territory, their portal, through the limescale pool.”

Kane and I were speechless, and surprise must have registered visibly on our faces, because the stranger continued his monologue.

“No, wait, it is impossible. The swimmers have no need of a pool, their intention is not ever the land, only access to the water, in which they are comfortable. Their caves and caverns would only be smooth, marble type rocks, that they could easily flicker on and off. Limestone or coral would scratch and damage them. No, the swimmers don’t have her.”

“It has to be one of the other groups that have her, and they are obviously interested in you. You are going to contact them, and you will find her for me. I am not interested in excuses or delaying tactics, do I make myself clear?” His eyes pierced the darkness, and a shiver ran down my spine. My tongue was immediately dry. The silence was broken by the almost inaudible buzz of a cell phone. Kane & I stared in disbelief. We had tested ours, and it had refused to work underground. His own had to be extremely powerful to have received the signal.

The stranger flipped open the case and attempted to speak, but it was clear even to us that the signal was too distorted for the caller to be audible. His eyes glared at us, this call was obviously important to him, and just maybe it represented a chance for us to escape.

My doubt was clearly reflected in his eyes, but we had no choice. Either we believed and we had a chance, or we would be caught and tortured for what little information we had, that we didn’t understand. The rings felt warm in our hands, and fear trembled along my spine, as I cover the two small circles on the finger of my hand. So little and so innocent looking, how could they hold secrets that could endanger our very lives. Why were they so valuable?

“Frank, can you hear me? We are in the forested slope of trees, bring the men up this way. Frank, Frank can you hear me?” His words petered off in a buzz of static, as Kane & I sat motion-less on our log. He glared at us again. “Don’t even think of moving, because if we have to come chasing you, you will seriously regret it.” Without another word, he got up, and with another parting glare, started to trek down the slope and closer towards the base camp, reasonably concluding that the signal’s strength would intensify.

Without a word, Kane was up, pulling me as he began to run. “We can’t take any chances. Run!” he whispered to me, as we began to head up the slope in the opposite direction to the stranger’s path. Fortified with food, breathing lightly and running on fear, the grassy slopes seemed quiet, but felt like an endless uphill climb.

We were always being watched, Darren had said. So where was our defense army? Maybe they were at the top. I was always ready to believe in Darren. So many times, he had let me down, but just maybe, this one time, when we were in trouble, hopefully he was telling the truth. A niggling doubt ventured its unwelcome opinion, “Unless our promised protection was the very stranger who had just threatened us.” I shook my head, determined to focus on the positive.

The stranger was right. We were somehow important, and help was out there somewhere. We just had to find another group. High ground, people always camped out on high ground, so that’s where our help would be. Sweating and breathing heavily, we kept on going, certain that the options that lay ahead, had to be better than the gunslinger following us.

With the heat and humidity, had this event happened on top of the island, we would never have been able to run very far. But somehow, it was so cool and the air so filled with oxygen, that on the inner-crust, it felt as though it were a crisp day in Canadian springtime. “Thank God, we had taken our health seriously, and still exercised and ate well.” The thought soared through my mind, distracting me from the large forked root that barely clipped my heel.

I stumbled, catching my balance by pausing against a crooked tree trunk. “My legs ache.” Breathlessly my voice whispered, but Kane a few steps ahead, only extended his hand. “We can’t stop until we find shelter. There is too much open space between these trees, there is nowhere to hide. Come on.” With his hand pulling mine, we continued up the hill, back-packs beginning to feel like increasingly like weights. From far below us we heard a yell, and then gun-shot pierced the air like a miniature explosion. It galvanized us into fighting even harder. It had to be the stranger and his band of men, and more than likely, they were on their way, behind us. The summit was so close, that with each step, I began to daydream of our rescue. Surely other campers would be there, willing to help us.

I was almost ready to cry, gasping with the challenge, of maintaining my self-control. All this effort to reach the top. All these promises of safety and refuge, and there was nothing and no one. There was no army waiting to rescue us. There were no friendly people waiting to help us. We were on a simple grassy plataue on high ground, with a simple, empty monastry built on the center of the open space. It was just one more disappointment. I was ready to cry, feelings swirled inside of me, and my eyes watered up at the hopelessness of our predicament. “Don’t give up now, Riah”, Kane’s confident voice hugged me, as he strode boldly towards the strikingly large entrance of the building, dragging me behind him.

The old monastery wasn’t huge, just one large level, but it had beautifully arched ceilings that reached out and upwards, towards the sky. It had been closed for years, and the cobwebs around the solid walls bore witness to that truth. I held the rings safely in my hand, while Kane pulled and tugged to no avail at the massive door. The huge timbered door was firmly sealed, powerful and coldly forbidding, invincible from any assault that our mere hands could inflict. The shadows whispered, and almost unthinkingly, I reached out to touch the unusual designs so intricately wrought upon its surface. The rings felt strangely warm, and I gasped instinctively, as suddenly, the door gently opened before my outstretched hand, almost before my fingers could touch its strangely, beautiful surface.

Happily, we entered, eager to find warmth and maybe even food. Noiselessly, the massive door closed behind us. Amazingly there were no cobwebs or signs of age and decay inside the still, quiet large room. In the center of the room was a raised circular altar, and the pews were all around the altar in a circle that extended outwards. But on the floor, all around the room were series of sunken steps, each leading downwards towards solid upright doors. Including the door, through which we had just entered, there were twelve solid doors, some of slightly different sizes. The largest sunken door was directly across from the outside door, and it was to this door, that the shadows led me.

Again the door easily opened before my approaching hand, quietly, holding hands we went inside. In the distance, as the door swung closed, we heard the first shots fired at towards the monastry. The ancient walls held the warning bullets, but we knew that the doors would not stop them. Armed with explosives, they were coming, and they would not be side-tracked by any old thick walls. We had no doubt, they would blast their way inside if need be. Kane held my hand, as we walked a little faster, finding confidence in the fact that we had found shelter, that seemed willing to offer us protection. Maybe we would find the help and the answers we sought somewhere inside.

We walked for ages through a long winding tunnel that seemed to descend and always there were a maze of doors, but always only one opened as I drew near. At some point in the distance, we heard the roar and rumble of an explosion. The brief expression of alarm was quickly wiped off his face, Kane simply held my hand tighter, and pulled me a little swifter, as he turned his body forward and kept going. Uncharitably, I began to hope that the many other doors our followers would force open, would lead either into a maze of dead ends, or even better secret passages booby-trapped with unpleasant surprises.

At the end of our long walk, we found ourselves in a large throne-like room alone, with beautiful clean cream walls that sloped upwards to create a dome-like center, directly beneath which was a big beautiful statute of a woman. She was modestly clothed with robes of old. Amazing, although the statute looked incredibly old, and it seemed only gently weathered as all the colours that painted her were still vibrant and alive. She stood on a platform with a grotto all around her feet.

Behind her, gentle afternoon light flicked through leaf-covered barrier hiding from outside view. We were obviously near the side of the cliff, and cunningly thick hedges of prickly bougainvillea brush easily hid any sign of our hidden room. Heavy, thick metal bars had obviously been firmly cemented into position, centuries ago, and could easily last for centuries more. There was nowhere else to go, and nothing else we could do. Kane embraced me with a long hug as I reached up clinging to him for support. Faith battled with fear of the unknown, and I began to shake and cry, as he kissed my tears, and spoke of his love.

Light metal with strange looking wood grains gently reflected up in the soft light. Here in the grotto, the little gems all seemed to glow, flickering off and on, almost as if we had choices, in where we could go. His voice echoed in my ears, and again we both looked at the little green jem, this was the one that would take us safely from the dangers around us.

We knew they were coming, and time was getting short. Holding hands, we each slid a ring carefully on our right index finger, and twisted it gently, so that the jade coloured eye was facing upwards, and slowly together, we placed our hands into the open dark space beneath the statues feet. In the shadowy echoes of the cave, far in the distance, we could hear them coming. The noise of running boots, carelessly and strongly pounding along the cavern floors. There was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Suddenly, the stranger was there, the gun entered the room first, with his outstretched hand following it, speeding up to a full run, as he saw the shimmering space open around us. Kane held me behind the shield of his body, tightly squeezing me as weaponless, we stared at the stranger determined to control us. The echo of running boots continued, they were obviously not far behind.

The last thing we saw was her beautiful eyes as gently, her image faded from view in a shimmering, translucent kaleidoscope of gently flickering colours.

We heard the sound of pain and the stranger disappeared, wrenched from our company with an audible gasp that we felt rather than heard. Fear coursed through and around us, as the energies that surrounded us vibrated through the very core of our beings. For what seemed like moments, we were weightless, powerless and yet infinitely aware of the living energy and breathing of every cell, visible and invisible within our entire bodies.

Chapter 23 Re-discovering An Old Pathway

Suddenly, we were standing alone in the middle of a huge clearing. All around us were towering trees, and strangely, above us was the most beautiful rainbow, but instead of seven colours, a huge array of colours streamed across the sky, as pale blue clouds wafted by across soft purple skies. Kane was still holding me tightly, but the stranger had disappeared. There was nothing of him, and instinctively, we knew, without hesitation that he had to be dead. The rings had protected our bodies, but the protection did not extend to him. Guilt unreasonably began to play on my mind. Tentatively the words came, “I wonder if we killed him. Maybe if we had reached out to touch him, our protection would have saved his life.” Kane’s voice brooked no discussion, “Riah, he was an angry man with a gun. He could easily have killed us, taken the rings and created further trouble. Then, where would we be? No, he is where he belongs. He was supposed to die, and it was not our fault that he did. However, it is a warning to us. We need to know exactly how these rings work, and whether or not, we can carry others with us, by touching them, or creating a circle of energy.” We fell silent, our whispers simply absorbed by the huge space around us. It was eerie, the silence was like a living sponge. Despite the absence of life, there was a powerful sense pervading the air, the sense of being seen, of being watched. It was unshakable, the very air felt like it was alive, watching our every movement.

The massive trees were like the famous redwoods in the States. Beautiful trunks reaching towards the heavens for hundreds of feet, and suddenly, as our eyes looked for the blue skies peeping above the highest branches, we were intensely aware that we were definitely no longer alone.

All around us, were people, huge people. They simply stepped out from behind the trees, and they were beautiful, but their size made my stomach quench in immediate fear and horror. We were so small, so tiny, we were like insignificant children beside them. Fear flooded through my being, and together we froze, lost in the mili-second that took forever for our minds to interpret.

We wanted so desperately to run, but to where?

Chapter 24 The Traitor’s Surprise

They came towards us, huge figures most with long red hair in various styles, others had streaks of gold or brown to highlight their looks. They literally surrounded us in seconds. There was no point in even trying to run. We were totally out of their league. Suddenly, from within their midst a diminutive figure strode forward striding powerfully directly towards us. His dark curly hair so clearly different from their long tresses, somehow he looked familiar.

With a gasp of recognition, Riah trembled and almost stumbled, as Kane reached out to hold her close to him. It was Michael, he was there, and somehow unbelievably, he was one of them. Kane and I stood silent, in shock. “I’m sorry.” The honest eyes didn’t meet us with their customary bright blue. Somehow he looked different, he felt different. The man of integrity we thought we had met so long ago on the beach, was no longer the person we saw before us. He had changed, to our eyes he could be nothing but a traitor.

There was no point in subterfuge, nothing to be achieved by wasting valuable time. The words poured out before Riah could stop to think of what they implied, even though Kane gripped her hand in silent warning. “Why didn’t you tell us the truth? That night on the beach, you knew! You knew this whole time and you didn’t warn us! Why Michael? Why did you turn your back on Earth? Why did you betray our world?” My voice pleaded, and the creatures stopped. Out of respect? Out of understanding? For some reason, every single creature stood still and listened as I pleaded, and somehow, they all seemed to move backwards, as if giving Michael space to come closer. Almost as if they were his creatures, his friends even. What had happened here?

“I didn’t lie to you.” His voice carried clearly in the cool clear sunlight, with what almost creditably passed for honesty. His eyes were still haunted as he continued. “I simply didn’t tell you everything. How could I possibly tell you that they have always been here? How could I trust that you, both of you, could ever possibly understand? It was such a risk, even telling you part of the truth.” He took a deep calming breath, he had obviously had to run hard just to keep up with their casual massive strides. In the distance, unbelievably, some type of a flying object was coming towards us.

With a worried glance towards the sky, Michael continued, “We can’t stay here, it really is not safe. Come with me, it will be okay. You have no choice right now, but I promise, no one will hurt you.” Quickly as the giants came closer to shelter them from the eyes of the sky, a basket appeared. “To any watching eyes, they are merely on a picnic. Please come quickly.” And with as much dignity as he could muster, Michael walked up into a hole at the side of the picnic basket and climbed inside. Without any hesitation, Kane and I quickly followed, recognizing that our presence obviously endangered those around us.

There was a smooth lift off, and suddenly the basket was casually swinging between two powerful giants. Inside, seat belts had neatly been fitted into the side of the basket, and carefully paneled in certain areas, allowing us to have a view of the outside world around us, as we were carried towards the nearby towering trees. It took us a few moments to get used to the rhythm, and in the cosy dimness of the basket, Michael casually continued.

“Remember I explained that the outlawed scientists had sought to re-create conscious life just like themselves, but only in miniature version?”

“The real question is why they would bother to re-create mini versions of themselves. What would be the point of creating frail beings that could never integrate into their world, could never serve them as slaves or labour? We were simply too little, and too child-like to ever serve their needs. So, you may well ask what happened.”

“They are no different to us, only larger. So their development, intellectually, ethically and scientifically was no different to ours, except they didn’t have the “help” that we had, so their developmental path was much longer than ours. In time, just as in our society, it was deemed unacceptable for certain types of experiments to be done with or on living genetic material. The brightest were ethically obligated to limit genetic manipulation on themselves, and thus the best and the brightest refocused on the dual question that haunts all conscious life, . . . the search for the key to eternal life. Sadly, they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.”

“Originally, they were human, much larger, but essentially human creatures like us that were meant to live, love and die. Their amazing discoveries however, presented them with opportunities that accidentally re-configured them. Unfortunately, not only was the minor adjustment eventually detected on their DNA code, but the almost innocuous change simultaneously happened to every living being across their planet.”

With a slight bump, the basket came to a halt, and the door slid to the side, allowing us to exit. There was a nearby large, thick rugged log cabin into which we were invited, while our basket, and a few others like it, smoothly continued their journey to some shaded picnic tables.

Chapter 25 – The Secrets of Eternal Life

As our army of gentle soldiers kept watch, our host led us into a cunningly hidden, heavy metal panel inside the cabin, that slid noiselessly open to reveal a hidden entrance into well-lit open caves. In the distance we could hear the light thundering flow of water, and not far off, a beautiful waterfall cascaded down into a churning pool of dark water. Long red hair interspersed with gray, was casually tied up in a pony tail, and piercing kind violet eyes looked at us, from the lightly freckled smiling face of a woman. She was seated at a large picnic table, and the aroma of the tempting spread, happily tickled our hungry palettes. With a welcoming smile, she gestured us to join her, while serious-looking man behind us, secured the doors and activated a couple security screens. On the wall behind us, we could clearly see the entrance to the cabin, and our entourage, sitting and chatting outside interspersed between the large trees, at the invititing array of tables beneath a clear open sky.

Satisfied, he came to join us, his stubbly cheeks framing a serious face, with intelligent eyes that smiled as they rested briefly on his companion. “Rebecca and Samuel”, he gestured to the lady and himself, as he settled his large frame on the solid bench. A smaller raised picnic table was thoughtfully positioned to allow us to see each other’s faces.

As we dined on the fresh fruit and hearty sandwiches, Samuel continued quite conversationally, his age, and his gentle voice conveyed nothing but the trustworthiness. Quietly, and politely we ate, watching the old couple as attentively, as they did us. Samuel’s raspy voice began, “Did you ever of the hundredth monkey?” To our slightly stunned silence, he continued. “Decades ago, on your planet, all monkeys lapped up water like dogs. None of them in any monkey population across your earth, would cup its hands, like a human does, to bring water up to its face in order to drink. At the time, researchers were trying to understand how learning spread through populations. So, as an experiment, they taught a few monkeys within one tribe in India, to use their hands to drink water. Within a year, every single monkey within that tribe had learnt and practiced the same behavior, amazingly however, six months later, all over the world, naturalists reported a strange phenomenon. Monkeys all over the world, had literally awoken and without any prior attempt or practice, they all began to cup their hands at river-beds, hold the water, and bring it up to their faces to drink it!

The scientists realized that some numerical level exists, after which, once enough members of a species had learnt something, the knowledge could simply jump into the communal, historical memory of all members of that and similar species as a natural, normal mode of behaviour. It was a quantum leap of knowledge that literally exploded into the conscious reality of every living monkey across the planet. This really happened on your earth, and was fully documented by several reputed naturalists at the time.”

“A similar thing happened to a group of our scientists, except that it was not merely that a significant number of them had become too enlightened, too powerful, or too disrespectful. Somehow the exposure of that secret knowledge changed them, and it altered not only the many scientists, but simultaneously it unwittingly impacted upon the entire civilization of the planet on a genetic level. After centuries of research, they had finally discovered the secret to eternal life, and it reversed all illness, and destroyed the possibility of all sickness. Suddenly renewed vigor and vitality swept through every citizen, and the change was mind and body altering. Anything was suddenly possible for millions of people, from all walks of life, all of whom were suddenly strong, healthy and intensely aware of life.”

“The creativity that flowed from within the population was incredible, until the gnawing realization and the overwhelming fears began to spread. In the beginning, they didn’t even realize the problem, somehow in all the excitement; no one recognized that danger existed, far less that the devastation would manifest itself on such a incredible scale

Chapter 26 The Catastrophic Curse

It streamed through every single society around the planet like a plague, the switch that allowed eternal life, also instantly activated the end to all creation of new life. We soon realized that children were no longer born alive, and worse, that no one, anywhere at all could become pregnant anymore.

Eventually, we also realized the other consequence; a horror that no-one could ever have dreamt. Short of a violent or deliberate death, every-one of us alive at that moment, were all stuck on an eternal roller coaster of unceasing and increasingly meaningless existence. It was simply too much for a people that had never expected and had not been prepared for this unintended, massive consequence of intensive scientific research and experimentation.”

Sam gestured to near the nearby walls, and suddenly from invisible panels, the living pictures streamed out before us, the clips intermingled and faded together creating a living display of an alien world. A place where people, large people were shown looting, and destroying beautiful buildings, killing each other in wars shown in several different places. Angry faces and violent mobs all taken from remote cameras that watched this planet from far above. Slowly, the cameras zoomed in to show what life was like in the different cities and towns in different countries.

Sam continued, his strong voice gathering strength, as our eyes drank in the ugly sights. “The gift of knowledge opened a Pandora’s Spiritual Box, and every vice and evil grew up as our people slaughtered each other for the resources that previously, were so unequally distributed. In every country across our planet, those in control maintained an army of brute force to secure the status quo. Slowly however, the population started to lose the core of who they were, the purpose of living, the respect and love for the precious gift of life. Despite their previously, highly advanced civilized life-styles, anger and aggression erupted.”

“The famous scientist and his team finally realized their mistake. The gift of eternal life destroyed the beauty and sanctity of humanity that exists in all conscious creatures. The spirits of their people were empty. There was nothing left to dream about, or believe in. There was no joy to be experienced in the precious gift of the new-born life, for the growing young were non-existent. Slowly, to the masses of the spiritually lost citizens, the gift of eternal life became a curse of never-ending death, and now, a meaningless existence.

There was suddenly no purpose, no point to living anymore. Without a context to give life meaning, simple existence meant nothing. The self-sacrifice imbedded in the consciousness of all societies to ensure a vibrant secure future for coming generations had become nothing more than an idealistic wish. Civilization reeled, as people in all societies scrambled to reassess who and what life and living were all about before and what living should really be intended to achieve.”

“Desperate to end the nightmare of the endlessly living dead, eventually even the best members of simple society sought all manner of evil, to discover how to painlessly grant the gift of death to the desperate and to force it on the lost, out-of-control maniacs who began to appear.”

“Creation is a blessing, the gift of new life is something that humanity at every step of the intellectual and educational range can understand. Living children allow the poor to have just as much meaning in life as the rich, just by the very presence of their children within their lives. The rich tapestry underlying the proper motivation of the humanity, is automatically activated within each creature as he or she instinctively seeks to nourish and care for its young, the very act of which breathes faith, hope and purpose in the invisible and unknown future. Without children, men and women no longer saw the point of unity between the sexes, life was seen as a battlefield for resources that could be carelessly wasted in the wrong hands. So the fight for power and control started the endless wars.

“Life remained, a curse of the living dead, until the science team realized the power of possibility, the role of karma and the golden opportunity they had. It was the gift of time, the opportunity to redeem their actions and their lives, by devoting their time to helping and developing weaker creatures, who would benefit from help and guidance.” The old man looked at Michael, with a fond smile.

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