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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2039808
Inside a different world, the truth of who we are & how we became the ultimate creation.
Chapter 16 - The Disappearance

Dr Angelique Braithe was the most senior of the established marine biologists on the island. Vegetarian, fit and deeply stimulated by her love of nature, she keenly pursued all manner of marine life found in the rivers, swamps and the deep pools. She inspired teams of enthusiastic teenagers, complete with recording journals to take water and plant life samples, draw and take notes of what was found where, for subsequent microscopic scans in the laboratories above. She and her professional team concentrated their efforts on the different types of fishes and water eels that had been discovered.

The inner islands carefully supported by the larger cluster solid rock sometimes formed rolling terraces, and where the water had eaten away the coral, often living layers of the islands connected by growing foliage had formed. The foliage near the sandy soil, where the waters began to settle into bays and inlets was primarily ferns and mosses, and sweet grasses, full of flowering seeds. Strange fruit from all types of plants and trees, that we had never seen before, beckoned our interest with their amazing aromas. Everywhere, the scents of life surrounded and assailed us. The plants had adjusted to living with less of the harsh direct light that so often can cause skin damage and cancer to the unprotected skin. The moisture and the fertile earth, taking the bulk of the nourishing water-soluble minerals and vitamins from the island’s surface where it concentrated below, meant truly amazing plant growth. Everywhere was alive and blooming.

Further inland the islands connected. in the midst of the rivers, there almost seemed like baskets of boulders that helped keep the soil in lush fertile state. Yet in the midst of the lush foliage that grew rampantly in every direction, there was one pool that was different from all the others. The huge columns gave it an imposing presence, yet the elevated sides of the pool were shiny, white and smooth, and the water seemed endlessly deep, and yet cool, peacefull and calm. However, absolutely nothing lived there. No fish, no plant, or even the tiniest speck of life, the water was crystal clean with a purity and radiance that sparkled for miles.

Anglique was fascinated, by the absence of life, that somehow impossibly swarmed all around the area, and yet unfathomably, left this body of water completely intact. Her neat long braids were swinging around her petite frame, as she lowered herself over the edge of the pool, and tightened the last straps of the oxygen tank to her body, before clearing her snorkel. “Give me five minutes, I won’t be long. I am just going to examine the walls of the pool. You will be able to see me, I won’t go very deep, I just want to take a slightly closer look.” Peter stood at the pool’s edge. “I don’t want to have to come in there for you Angie” came his understanding, but slightly impatient reply. “I really want to hike a bit further out, before it gets too dark, so please hurry.” He was a bit of a trickster with the ladies. Somewhere he had an honourable heart, but somehow, good intentions became side-tracked by good looks with great stories. He sat on a nearby rock, plotting his route on his own hand-drawn map, making notes to detail the approximate location of the physical features he had seen on his last trek.

It was ten minutes later that he recognized the intense silence. There was no sound of bubbling air surfacing from a snorkel, no intermittent splash of kicking feet. He was suddenly utterly alone, and in the warbling cry of a strange bird, he felt the isolation keenly pierce his being. Frantically he called “Angie, Angie” all the while knowing that she was no longer there. Her bag still beside him, the surface of the pool still shone with a special brilliance, but the water’s surface was absolutely calm. There was not a ripple anywhere. Stripping off his shirt and shoes, he grabbed the radio, his eyes ceaselessly searching the crystal clear deep waters before him, there was still no body, and yet it was impossible. “Dr Benjamin, this is Peter at the Crystal Pool. You are needed urgently.” His deeply worried voice was clearly understood. “I will be there in two minutes Peter. Do not move, I am coming right now.” Dr Benjamin’s voice reassuringly issued from the radio, along with the noise of his stride breaking through the light branches under foot. Neither man either questioned or explained further to the listening public that might have already invaded the privacy of the communication channel allocated specifically to the scientists.

Despite the long search around the area, her body had disappeared. The bottom and all the sides of the pool were clearly visible. “A gigalo yes, a murderer no. There was no question that she had been in the pool, and somehow, had disappeared from it.” Dr Benjamin’s assessment brooked no argument. Solomon nodded. He agreed, her footsteps clearly showed her entry onto the ledge, but nowhere did the crystal powdered, dusty ledge reflect her exit out of it sparkling depths. The disappearance of such an important person however, would not be easily accepted. A 24 hr guard was appointed to the pool, and an armed patrol began to subtly build a defensive perimeter around it. We all saw the threat. The pool’s radiance never dimmed. Even on the darkest night, it shimmered like sparkling champagne in the finest goblet. Very possibly, the portal we feared to discover, had just announced its presence. We could do nothing but wait, while the authorities tried to determine their next move.

Back at the edge of the camp, Peter raised a flask of rum to his mouth, only to spit out the burning liquid, irrational bravery at war with rational fear. “It’s my fault” he repeated to the silent trees, as he rested his foot along the trunk of the sturdy dead tree. “I should have gone in with her, or at least, been interested enough to watch and see that she was okay. I should never have shown her that damned pool.” They had warned him to complete silence. Not a word could he say to the others. “She had gone back to the lab with the others on the top of the island” was to remain his official response to any curious questions. His heart sank, as his guilt replayed yesterday’s events. He raised the flask to sip and savour the flavour of the Old Brigand Rum, only a few bottles remained in his private stash. With a stab of conviction, the decision was made. He would pour his energy into exploring the trails that led into the living jungles beneath the sea. Maybe then he would forget, the sight of her slender arm trustingly stretched across his waist. Her braids curled across his body, and her sleepy head cuddled against his chest, safe in the crook of his arm, yet, gently rising and falling with each breath he took. His eyes strained into the nearby dark bush, blind to the small creature that stood listening to his words, observing his behavior, and reading his thoughts. Turning, he unraveled the sleeping bag, and lay, emotionally exhausted and full-clothed on its thick, soothing surface. The flask, tightly covered remained loosely held in his outstretched hand.

Chapter 17 The Council Meets

The council met again, every single member present. Even the old, retired ones were there. For eighteen months, we had kept our secret from the world. We had re-created our own world. We had a real paradise of our own, new lands that were fertile, lush and filled with the hopes and dreams of a people, eager for a new destiny.

It was devastating to think that our independence, our newly found pride that had so strongly woven a community of many colours, from the multi-layered societies in which we had been raised, was to be threatened, and killed. Our new way of life would not be respected by the foreigners. For immediately, that is how our international colleagues were seen. Foreigners who would seek to touch, manage and control our discovery, our lands, our freshly re-discovered, priceless treasures. It hurt the pride and the hearts of every man and woman in that room, just as it would also tear into the newly found sense of personal pride that had been cultivated in so many of the under-islanders.

The island freedom we had enjoyed, the dreams and destinies we had planned and planted, would become simply yet another treasure, and we knew that our control over these precious resources, would be deliberately targeted for destruction. It is painful to approach your future captors with open arms. It is heart-wrenching to invite them in with friendship’s smile, fearing their lack of respect for the treasures of your heart and home, knowing full well, that established conquerors will almost certainly and deliberately trample one’s heartbeat.

The agony reigned within the assembly. “We cannot keep her disappearance a secret. Deep down, each one of us knows, that the pool may indeed be one of the very portals that the drawings suggest. We know that danger could come at any moment, and we know that we really are in no position, to either safe-guard ourselves, or worse yet, the humanity of this world. We simply cannot take the chance, that we could inadvertently create a global catastrophe. We have no choice. We really have no choice.” His powerful, convincing yet calm voice echoed through the chamber. “We have to inform the international community. We need to announce our discovery at once, and we need to galvanize all the resources that the strongest nations in the world can and will send to our shores. I know that we are all hurting at the thought of sharing our secret, of risking control and management of our island, and submitting power and authority over our people into the hands of others, who are not committed to our island, and its future.

The truth is though, that we were exceptionally lucky to have had the opportunity to rediscover ourselves as a people, and the power and beauty of that secret bond between us, can still save and influence our future. We have no choice. Before it is too late, we must let them know.” His voice had changed from a powerful roar to an echoing whisper that traveled through the room. It had been their discovery first, and the room listened, respectful of the opportunity and the gift they had each enjoyed, still captivated by the almost magical discovery that lay beneath their feet. The challenge in his words held their lips silent. “Dare we, out of selfishness, turn our backs on humanity, and in error, create a catastrophe greater than this world has ever known? Can you live with it? The knowledge that we may have condemned to slavery, to death, a living death, our children, our friends, even strangers across the seas? I can’t live with that idea, with that guilt on my mind. So Riah and I beg you on behalf of our children and yours. Please let us agree to share our secret with this world, before another world invades our home.” The silence hung in the air, as strangely, his plea deeply penetrated each mind.

“No!” The dissenting voices were strident and strong. “She may well have been killed by her boyfriend. Who is to say that he is trustworthy? No one really knows what has happened. We have happily been investigating our new lands for almost two years, and absolutely nothing has happened to suggest that we, the island or even this planet is in any danger. So maybe a woman has gone missing. So what? It may well have been a relationship gone sour. Every single disappearance reported has been resolved. They have always been found, and usually they were simply lost. One or two were even drunk, and were simply sleeping it off in the nearby brush. This woman will show up, sooner or later, either, sad to say it, . . either dead or alive. But she will eventually show up. There is absolutely no need to create trouble. It is better that we continue to remain invisible to the world. Much better for all of us that we are simply an insignificant people, on a little paradise island called Barbados. Let us remain hidden. Too much drama is still happening on the continents, despite what the cable networks show, the internet traffic from independent people, the scientific communities and so many of our contacts, prove that death and danger are still bombarding the mainland and all the other continents. For our future, and for the safety of all of us on this land, we need to remain invisible.”

Hours passed, and slowly recognition dawned. Not a weapon had been aimed, not a shot fired, but already the unity of our people, so painstakingly developed over the past year, had already been broken. Consensus could not and would not occur. Fears of the past, fears of the old ways still trembled along the memories of the powerful, who remembered only too well, what it was like to be powerless. Well after 2am, we disbanded, each saddened by the turmoil that had only just begun.

Chapter 18 – The World Rediscovers Barbados

Somehow, however, word had been sent. For the first time, in well over a year, drones were spotted, slowly passing over the island. There was little doubt that the foreigners would be next. The decision had been made, and action had been taken. Those responsible would no doubt be revealed in time, but for now, unease and distrust began to permeate through the ranks of both political parties. Subtly, resources started to be reported as missing.

By 10am, the phones were hot, and the news on the internet was broadcast in every language around the planet Barbados was the focal point of a huge discovery, with world-wide implications. The scientists with their wide reaching devices and diagnostic equipment would be arriving en masse within 24 hrs. The politicians were already en route. Somehow, pictures that we had taken to document our discovery were all over the net. From where, no one was certain, but Wiki-leaks was guaranteeing the data as authentic, and the globe awoke to re-discover the hidden world, beneath its door step.

In all the pod casts, however, there was no mention of the portal or the crystal pool. Nothing was said of the cave drawings and their cryptic warnings. We stood quietly; continuing our daily lives, pretending not see the stream of planes, of people and supplies that had suddenly deemed us worthy of their time, attention and resources.

As children, society encourages us to dream of the day, when we can rule the world with our wit, our experiences, our interpretations, and our reflections. Sadly, when the days of fame actually came, very few were eager to share their feelings, how could one describe the destruction of dreams, how does one explain the death of hope, while waiting for those hopes to resurface, as the phoenix does, reshaping and recreating new life. Many were silent, trying to understand where freedom had hidden their dreams.

Suddenly, the island was the site of an invasion, with foreigners of every language dressed in universal standard of beige explorer gear. Meandering journalists were everywhere, cameras seeming to roll at the locals from every corner. A intense parade of military camouflage soon followed, as the super-powers came to provide defense support to the island, along with exploration teams.

Casually dressed in jeans and an elegant blue cotton short-sleeve shirt, Peter Solomon stood beneath the shade of the airport’s observation window, watching the American Airlines jumbo plane land. His funds had been put to effective use. He already had two teams scouting the inner lands, and reports from the military teams were also routed to his desk. No one knew that the missing scientist Anglique was his sister. Indeed he reflected, as the rare plume of smoke left his specially-rolled, mild cigar, there was no need for anyone to know anything about his sister. As far as she was concerned, he died a long time ago. It was far better, that he continue to control things from afar. However her disappearance was not an acceptable casualty for him. In the distance, the airplane’s door opened, his contacts emerged and began their descent along the stairs from the plane. His gaze casually swept over the lounge, discreetly double-checking those present, as he leisurely left the lounge. Nothing triggered their interest in him. He was simply an attractive, reputable looking man with business on his mind. Peter made eye contact with an outside agent casually angling his head to look behind him..

In the distance a sleek Mercedes pulled a little closer to the arrival area. His contacts would be traveling straight through customs, with their many suitcases untouched. The nearby dark van would easily accommodate their presence. He discreetly flicked dying cigar embers onto the grass, deliberately allowing the embers to be entirely consumed by the flame, before grinding the ash into the grass. His use of a cigar was a rare luxury, an indication of his stress. It was his habit to make sure that he never left DNA evidence lying around. Leisurely, he made his way to the understated, but luxurious bullet-proof jeep with tinted windows. The island’s political representatives would be waiting at the Ambassador’s home, but the real meeting would be held in the hidden side room, after he had observed the government’s official briefing. It would be a long evening, but at least he would now control additional resources that could help his sister, and also solve the developing mystery.

Chapter 19 – Messages from the Dead

The scientists came and eagerly took pictures of the cave, they had discovered by Tale’s Hatcheries, which was still barred to ensure public safety. The new underground site however, was so overwhelming, that content with their pictures of the drawings on the dry cave walls, the scientists were soon off to explore the fertile landscape above the simple cave. Kane and Riah who guided the scientists to the cave, were soon left alone, feeling like a whirlwind of politics had recently invaded their previously simple lives. After Mr Diaz and his team left the dry empty cave, Kane and Maria decided to remain and camp there overnight. There was somehow, a mysterious sense of isolation and freedom in the large empty cavern, with the drawings on its walls. Somehow, in the semi-darkness of the flickering firelight, knowing that long ago, families may have stayed or sheltered here, it was easy to feel a sense of humanity’s continuity, a linkage to the past that somehow was also romantically cosy.

The drawings showed a picture of the earth, and the secret inner crust, where people as large as the trees, had big flourishing gardens. Little people worked and were kept in cages. Some looked like they were being cooked on fires. In the biggest drawing, the inner crust continued all around the planet, suggesting that a network of secret entrances existed and erupted beneath every continent on the earth. In one panel there were other planets, surrounded by flying beings, and across the earth with its inner crust there were special circles filled with astrix types of outward strokes that met in the center.

Some astrix-filled circles were within the crust, and others were scattered across the top of the lands, one even looked to be positioned in the sea. Another panel showed a large being dragging two small ones into a huge astrix, and strokes showed a journey to a different planet, surrounded by spears that sparkled. There were other planets too, and each showed portals connected to this ruling, spear-tipped planet.

The last panel showed the giants swarmed by little people, who buried them in the earth. The little people with smiling faces held hands around the earth. In the last frame, the inner crust was shown as sealed and completely separated from the outer land. Surrounding the aura outlined, people-filled earth however, were flying beings with smiling faces. The questions grew more convoluted with every frame. Were we seeing benevolent aliens or happy, dead ancestors?

The small fire they lit to the back of the cave, as they heated up a simple meal, and cuddled before the twinkling flames. Riah nodded off gently leaning on Kane’s shoulder. She was warmly wrapped up in an old, blue blanket, and as the flames of the fire bobbed and weaved before his tired eyes, his mind suddenly made sense of what his eyes had long recognized. The flames were moving to a breeze from within the cave. A breeze that came from behind them, from what looked like solid, unmarked boulders against which they were comfortably leaning, which formed the cavern walls.

He slowly repositioned Riah on the sleeping mat, and moved to run his fingers along the edges of the boulders. He lit a match near the corner, and it was outed by a cool breeze seeming to originate from deeper behind the seam of the boulders and flowing out into the cave. Excited, he began to run his fingers over the boulders. There was a dusty pattern traced into the hidden edge of the smooth rock, one his eyes couldn’t see, but his hands could clearly feel. At one corner, there was a lever, like a light switch that almost unthinkingly he flicked downward. Suddenly, a gentle jarring sound filled the empty cave, and slowly, a gaping darkness formed where previously, solid boulder wall had stood. At the unexpected noise, Riah awoke with a gasp, eyes held captive by the sight before her. The flickering firelight barely lit the entrance within.

A tang of musty air floated by from the moving rocks, but otherwise, the air continued, dry but clean. Armed with a sturdy lighted branch for comfort, and a couple of torchlights, they investigated the entrance before them. On the inside wall, there was another switch, which meant the cave’s door could be closed from the inside chamber. Before them, lay an empty chamber leading into several open doorways. The first 20 ft high doorway provided entry into a long, wide and deeply arched tunnel that disappeared past the strong beams of their torch lights. Drawings of birds, a shining sun and flowers were on one side, while running shelves with weapons and tools, had been carved into the opposite side.

Inside what looked like huge columns, made of glass, was the carefully preserved, beautiful form of a 15ft red-haired giant woman with a baby in her arms. Opposite her, stood a massive red-haired, giant man, at least 17ft in height. The nearby rocks were beautifully carved, stretching up to a massive ceiling high above. The giants seemed to be the royal guardians of luxurious inner chambers. Not wanting to get lost, Kane and Riah decided to take a quick look into the last entrance.

The third doorway led into a large inner chamber, and all around it, were two rows of 8 ft cages neatly piled on top of each other, and meshed together out of strong, bone-looking material. They were deep, strongly made cages. The sad bones of thin hands outstretched from within the cages lay on the dusty floor before us, and heaps of silent bones lay in the shadows. Suddenly, fear unraveled within Kane and Riah, like a snake unfurling its fangs in the darkness.

Without hesitation, they left the chamber quickly flicking the switch to reclose the door. Suddenly the coziness of the night had vanished, and the threat of an ancient past seemed to re-awaken, and the uneasy images danced in the flickering firelight, casting unsettling shadows all around them.

“Kane, those poor people, what could have happened to them?” Riah’s curls softly cascaded against his strong chest, and she cuddled against him in the soft shadows of the cave. “In the beginning, it was so beautiful, this discovery of ours. Now, I wonder if we opened a “Pandora’s Box” of trouble for this world.” Her green eyes were hidden, but the tremble in her voice touched his tired mind. “Riah, our discovery was meant to happen. God planned it, fate decreed it. Everything is going to work out, so please, my love. Close your eyes and go to sleep. It is really late.” He glanced at his wrist, at the luminescent numbers still glowly gently. “It’s 2.30 in the morning, and tomorrow is going to be a really hectic day, especially when the new dimensions of this cave are revealed.” She snuggled closer. “I know, but I still feel frightened.” Her soft voice echoed gently, “Can we pray together Kane?” In the quiet of the night, before the flames of their careful, little fire, the familiar words began to flow. Old, ancient words that have passed though generations, words that have created nations, comforted the lost, empowered the weak, and inspired those searching for wisdom. The mystical power that has long eluded explanation reached out from within them and slowly the sounds of the words changed the aura of the cave.

“Our Father, who art in heaven. . .” and her voice was joined by his, as together they prayed for their marriage, for the souls of the ancient ones who had died behind the cave walls, for living people above and below the island, and for genuine, enlightened leadership, that could protect this world from any evils, known or unknown. At peace, in the soft light, restful, deep sleep finally visited them both.

Understandably, they awoke late. Riah began to stretch, careful not to disturb Kane, as she disentangled her limbs from his. She could hear bumble bees humming outside the cave, and the sweetness of ripe guavas were awakening her hunger. Daylight was quite muted inside the cave, and the rock was so different, quite fortunately, she reflected. Obviously the large snails on the high inside crust were not interested in this type of rock at all. Her mind returned again to the amazing discovery last night. It was really significant, because in all their discoveries within the inner crust, as far as she knew, no human bones had yet been found. No death had seemed to have occurred, yet here was undisputable evidence that the drawings on the wall represented reality, a history that did really occur. If so, how much could part of the past could happen again?

As she reached for the water bottle at the side of the nearby back-pack, she felt Kane’s body shift closer. She glanced to see his open eyes and his easy smile. “Good morning beautiful. How is my amazing wife doing?” The words rolled off his tongue, as he reached out to hug her lovely body, and plant a soft kiss on those sweet lips. “Before, you start to conquor the world my darling, there are a few things right here that need your urgent, undivided attention.” Riah’s smile answered his, and after a nice refreshing taste of water, she happily returned to the cocoon of warmth inside her husband’s inviting arms.

Before they began breakfast, coded word was sent over the radio, and by the time, they packed up the sleeping bags and the feast of succulent guavas had been enjoyed as dessert, Dr Diaz and his team had returned to peruse their new discoveries. Later that night, the couple re-visited the area, to find that a preliminary base camp had been established outside the cave, with a serious, unsmiling soldiers providing armed security and preventing all public access to the area. The entrance was now-tent-covered and cordoned-off along with an army of military tents surrounding it. Eventually authorized for entry, Dr Diaz second in command, took them to the main tent in the middle of the camp. A hasty array of folding chairs were positioned around a sturdy folding table housing an array of battery-powered laptops with beautiful, large 24” screens. As they joined the group within the room, he referred to the screens beside him.

“Brillant, absolutely brilliant! The find of the century!” His eyes twinkled, against his white lab-coat, as the enthusiasm of his voice enveloped them, and the other government visitors. “The caged skeletons were not children of the giants, that initially some had presumed they might be. I believe them to be the slight Amer-Indian people, very possibly ancestors to the Arawaks that were later discovered on the island. Fragments of thick dark hair were easily found around the woeful skeletons, but the real find were the red-haired giants. Deeper inside were the skeletons of other giants, and it appears . . .” Maria and Kane listened to the findings, but neither were particularly interested in re-entering the chambers of death. So far, the scientists could find no bacteria or reason for the deaths, but their investigation into the chambers could last for years. The current theory was that the Amerindians may have been used as slaves and possibly also eaten by the giants. The couple listened quietly to the experts as they developed their current theories. Ancient history had been awoken, and unexpectedly, they worried about the secrets of the past upon which they had stumbled, and which could and possibly already did threaten their dreams of the future. The scientist made no mention of the possibility of a portal, of any potential weapon or even of any possible danger. He spoke as though, this discovery was just another simple archeological exploration of the past. There was no acknowledgement, that the site contained or implied any knowledge or information beyond a simple past.

Riah glanced around, restless. The giants were so large, so powerful and strong. What could have made them simply die where they stood? According to the internet, a mass tomb of sixty giant soldiers had already been found, and all around the world, on various islands and on the continents, occasional findings of the giant skeletons, were found, and yet in every instance, somehow, within a short time, the physical evidence simply “disappeared”. The knowledge was obviously out there. Somewhere, in secret, certain people or some society(ies) already knew what had happened and maybe they also believed that knowledge of the past could somehow threaten this world again. “. . . awaiting time-period confirmation of the carbon-dating results on samples to be sent to our labs overseas.” The doctor merrily continued spouting nothing really important, and not long afterwards the briefing ended in a typical flurry of light, inconsequential questions.

After those present enjoyed a limited selection of pop drinks and sandwiches, Riah and Kane left along with Dr Muze, who would share their camp-site for the night. “Well, it was certainly a politically correct briefing” he commented quietly. Kane nodded in agreement, “No sense spreading rumours of possible other worlds, or visiting aliens.” Riah interrupted, restlessly, “Yes, I understand that, but what happens, when no one is warned about what could really happen? I mean, we can’t just all sit back as if this is a history lesson on television, rather than a real, life adventure, where we and the world can all really get hurt!” Kane smiled. “Riah, they are taking it seriously. That’s what the armed guards and military personnel are all about. They are just not planning to start a public stampede, further galvanizing the public into ill-considered arguments or actions, when no one is certain of what may actually develop. In my opinion, they are approaching it responsibly. Investigating things quietly, while still informing the world on simple, concrete things that have been discovered.” Riah considered his words, “Well, I certainly hope that lots of us are not hurt or killed, by accidentally opening or activating a portal, that allows heaven-knows-what, to arrive on this planet.” Kane’s smiling teeth shone in the shadows, “Don’t worry about the aliens, I will protect you! Come a little closer, madam, so that I can ensure that you will be perfectly safe.” His warm voice laughed gently and Dr Muze nodded in agreement. “No sense worrying about the future my dear. The future will take care of itself.”

Kane looked again at the simple stove they had been given. Tomorrow, he would have his IT guys take a closer look at the unit. If true, the stove was truly remarkable. According to what was said, it allowed less than 10% of the smoke to enter the atmosphere, and it converted the heat of burning coals or brush to be converted into stored electrical energy that could be used to re-charge cell phones, or computers. After all their time together, he knew his wife’s thoughts, and in the silence, he smiled at the memory of her unspoken words when Dr Diaz so kindly offered them the lightweight, portable stove. “Just one of many, of this new experimental models that will reduce any environmental damage to the more delicate environment within the island.” He said with a smile. “Hopefully, they will also make communication easier, as obviously a lack of electricity means limits our ability to communicate with each other. At the meeting, all the “guests” had also received new model stoves which also came with special cell phones. Fortunately however there was an attachment with special open ports so that people would be able to charge and use almost any cell phone at all. “This will allow all the islanders to communicate and conveniently report any challenges or issues as they arise. The old-fashioned walkie-talkies are quite archaic, as I am sure you know.” The alarm Kane read easily in Riah’s eyes, as with a friendly smile, he reached forward along with all the other diplomatics to accept the gift. He could almost hear her thoughts whispering through his mind, “I am positive that this gadget also includes a GPS marker, and possibly a mini-cam and listening device.” His innocent-looking yet, always slightly untrusting wife, how she amused him, he thought with delight, and yet, in all honesty, she had usually been proven to be right. Time no doubt would tell.

News of the latest discovery spread like wild-fire, and the chamber of skeletons was barricaded off, effectively secured by armed foreign guards. The English, the Chinese had also arrived, and smoothly integrated themselves within the US led team. Barbados was an independent country, so the entire event was being handled as a world discovery. For now, international harmony was paramount, so that all the scientists and the specialists could thoroughly investigate the many dimensions of the magnificent find. It was agreed however, that a combined military and scientific team of carefully prepared explorers could be sent through the tunnel of birds, which so far, seemed unendingly long.

Chapter 20 - The Church’s Liason

The IT room was full, the new science teams uploading picture data that had been captured over the past couple years, as the explorers moved out across the inner island. They said he was a priest, but he was dressed like any normal person, his thick, heavy-looking, back-pack easily carried on his strong, solid shoulders. “Hi, I’m Michael” he said with a smile as he left the bank of computers, still controlled by Adam and Anthony’s trusted teams, who were providing data copies for the scientists to review.

Riah and Kane smiled with their answering welcome, as Michael approached them. With the light blue, button-up shirt and kaki slacks, he certainly looked quite respectable, but his opening words held a definite challenge. “Why didn’t you tell us about this? These types of discoveries are very important to the church. The Catholic Church I mean.” His voice was casual, but the warning was clearly there. “We really need to talk. Is there somewhere private we can go?”

Observing Kane’s quick nod, quietly he joined us as we headed back towards the large guarded stairs, leading upwards and outwards up to the outer shell of the island. The stove we left with Adam to look over, while we headed home. Little Jay would be waiting eager for new pictures, and stories of new discoveries. Our home was a good drive away, however Jay was staying with his granny, who was close by in Wildey.

We talked of the beauty of the inner lands, and the freshwater rivers that were teeming with life. We spoke of a high range of mountainous-looking hills in the distance, that obviously would have been above sea-level. One of the exploratory teams had sent word that sea water was found in a huge pools at the top of the mountains. It sounded almost impossible, but rumour had it that sea anomies, star-fish and cobblers were plentiful.

It was only after dinner, when little Jay was fast asleep, that we went for a walk along the beach. The moon was smiling, and the stars were like luminous crystals, the night skies, so beautifully clear, that the heavens seemed to glow with life. As we walked on the silent beach, Michael began to speak. The Church has always known of the underground, and has often made sure to acquire plots where entrances may have been inadvertently exposed, and always to buy the silence of those involved. Often covering layers were developed, and caves and paneled walls created to hide the true extent of the vast connectivity of the inner crusts, not only across the developed world, but their activities followed their roaming missionaries across the globe. Only in the Holy City do the catacombs hide hidden entrances to the inner crust of the ancient world. Around the world, churches, monasteries and holy places have been strategically built to disguise and hide ancient knowledge deemed too powerful and dangerous to the unenlightened.

Michael continued, to our surprise, he already knew of the paintings on the cave walls, and he already had detailed pictures of the skeletons, and of all the ancient discoveries thus far. “The asterixes are indeed portals that really do exist, and they can be easily activated.

There are things you need to understand. Things so amazing, that I don’t know even know how to begin to explain. So let’s start simply, by saying that long ago, there was a planet very similar to ours, that was and is very, very far away. Literally it is several universes away from earth. And on that world, the endless stream of life developed just like ours, and their doctors and scientists developed amazing knowledge and highly sophisticated technology. Eventually, they faced the same dilemma, with which our scientists have struggled. The question of God, the balance of life, the manipulation of the basic gene code, and the ethics of genetic manipulation and possibility of re-creation of the highest form of living species.”

“It was outlawed there too of course, just like it is here on Earth.”

“In the beginning, this earth was seeded by giants from afar, who used the portals to plant the seeds of life on the planet. These beings had supernatural abilities and powers, and earth was like a garden, the perfect paradise that a family of scientists and doctors had together created in secret. Earth’ first humans were an experiment, and it all worked amazing well. Just as here on this earth, centuries later, genetic experiments on people were also forbidden on their planet, so the scientists, in an effort to hide their experiments created miniature people. We were the final gift, the crowning glory on their experiments. Fully functional, creative, conscious people who could create their own destiny, living creatures who learn and develop and who would and could write their own destiny.”

The knowledge was hidden in ancient manuscripts and books, and slowly as humanity crept and learnt, contact was made to allow us to learn, and to evolve into the “more aware, inspired, conscious” beings that comprise many the developed nations across the globe today. For a while, the giants would visit amoung humanity, on various scientific expeditions, always leading and teaching the best and the brightest amoung us, using us to inspire each other. Eventually however, the original scientists died, and to preserve the secret, to give humanity a chance, before their death, they closed the portals on their world, and told the leaders of the Church, with whom they entrusted the secret knowledge, to keep the portals on this world carefully hidden.

“And so the books of creation about God creating Adam and Eve, they are all just a lie? Is that what you are saying?” Riah interrupted, she simply could not hold her tongue. Inside, she was struggling to understand how this man reconciled the core message of the Christian church with this new version of reality she was hearing. “How” she demanded, “does the timeless message of an omniscient God, who created, loved and nurtured a fragile humanity, and concerned himself about the living destiny each individual soul, also become accepted to be a family of exiled scientists who created humanity here on Earth as a secret experiment? How can the Church claim that there is a God?”

Michael turned to Riah, and paused to look out over the beautiful waves, gently rolling in over silver white sands, kissed by streaming moonlight. He reached down to touch the little cresting waves that snuggled against his feet, and slowly his hand came back, dripping wet, sand and a little beautiful pink, clam shell shining against the bed of fine white sand in his open palm.

“How can you doubt that God exists? How can doubt that we were meant to be? Here we are, alive and free, on an island, a paradise created especially for us to survive, to thrive, to become who-ever and what-ever we dream of being? How can you doubt that God exists? Did you think that with all the power, with all the resources, with all the unlimited resources of time, space and energy, that he would create only one intelligent life-form? Did you imagine that humanity on this earth on this one tiny planet amoung millions in hundreds of thousands of universes, would be all that an all-powerful, God would ever and could ever create?”

We are taught that God is everywhere, his creativity, his inspiration, his beauty, even his secret code of creation are everywhere with us, around us and inside us. His blessings fall on us whenever we choose to obey his timeless laws that govern all relationships and interactions. Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, thy soul, and thy might. Love thy neighbor as thyself, honor thy father and thy mother. Do not steal, covet or murder. These laws are universal. They provide direction, peace, prosperity and love for any and every conscious, living creature. The fundamental respect for life and for the relationships that arise from being alive, is fundamental to all tribes, societies, religions, and even to all governments.

We were created by a loving God, whether he used his hand, his finger, his breath of life, or any of the many powers in his possession. We are the people of God, and by his mercy and by his love, we are guided into becoming the best that we can possibly imagine. Who are we to question the use of God’s tools? Who are we to complain that he used his hand, his scalpel, the power of the winds, or the electricity of the air. Who are we to question and to complain about how God chose to grant us life? Is it not enough that we are alive? That our bodies work perfectly? That we were given the gift of choice, the right to self-determination, the privilege of deciding who we want to be?

Is it not enough, that those of us who were blessed with choice, have been given the resources, the inspiration, the knowledge and the opportunity to heal this world when we find suffering and pain, loneliness and disease? We are the living creatures of a mighty God, his angels protect us and have always protected us. Who are we to quarrel about the size, the duties or the intelligence of his angels? Are we ourselves not angels too? When we take care of the innocent animals who are under our dominion? When we plant and grow food, to feed shelter and provide medicine for humanity and all the animals that we choose to help and protect? Are we not also creatures of heaven, doing his will, and safeguarding his creations?

Riah nestled against Kane’s chest, as they stood on the open sands. The cool breezes swung through, dancing between the long, light fronds of the tall coconut trees, framing the sandy beach, that flowed endless on in both directions. The coolness of the little waves tickled their naked toes. The moonlight glistening down, streaming through the clouds like rays of sun, lighting up the heavens in silvery halo.

Struck by the beauty of his thoughts, the logical flow of his words. Yes she understood now. They both saw, the dilemma before them.

The deeply religious who accepted verbatim the story of creation, the duty of a soul’s redemption, and the hope of salvation. The faithless lost, who alone battled the shadows of the night, seeking evil’s touch to confirm the importance and the reality of their existence. And the growing masses of disenchanted, who sought only pleasure for themselves, having no care as to the well-being of the rest of the world’s inhabitants, big or small.

This discovery would lead them all to question and to doubt the very nature and purpose of their existence. More significantly, if they chose to believe that God, did not exist, there could be no end to the chaos and confusion that could arise. As people all over the globe struggled to establish some sense of identity, to re-define the reason or purpose for their lives, and the flow of life around them. The lesser educated could well use the information as a threat to rise up and mutiny against the hard, more impoverished conditions of their lives.

If their security in heaven, established by the one mystical being who created them and directly designed their destinies, was no longer the accepted reality, they then how could they make sense of the continuum of life, and their place in this world. For many, the reality of self-awareness, means that one’s individual life must count in some way. It is the only way that the barrage of self-sacrifice, the litany of adventures make sense, when to some-being, some-where, those life-altering experiences were pre-destined. They were important events needed to shape the world, and help to create the very pre-ordained person, who each of us was or is expected to become.

The loss of the physiological structure would impact every society across the globe. It would challenge every religion to re-establish the basis of their authority to inspire, to teach and to lead, the vast compliant congregations of this world. The current reality is that although, politics has been an accepted method to govern the economies and the resources of the world, religion still captures and cultivates the heart and souls of every nation. It is the over-arching reach of religion’s inherent goodness and beauty that fills the void of each man’s soul, and inspires him to seek individual harmony and greatness for the benefit of the wider community and by extension the entire world.

Had we not only exposed our planet to unknown entities, but worse, instigated a search for the truth that could threaten the entire social order, causing people to question and actively react against the core stability of countries around the world? We had seen the Arab uprising, we had seen the spread of unrest through-out the world, had we inadvertently started a psychological tsunami in this already socially volatile time?

In the soft silence, we all gazed at the beauty of clouds, low on the horizon, almost kissing the nearby cresting ocean, and the silver brilliance of the moonlight streaming down through an endless array of holes, as the clouds gently rolled by.

“Ok, so if we accept all that you say, what happens next? What happens now that the world has discovered the inner crust?” Kane deep voice carried quietly, but clearly, bouncing off the little rows of white-crested, incoming waves.

Michael cleared his voice, as he straightened up, and we all began to walk again along the sandy shores. “Well, discovery of the inner crust is not really the problem. It is the accidental activation of the portals. So much time has passed by, and the secret councils have changed so often over many generations of priests. Only two priests are entrusted with the details of the portals, but the maps have long since disappeared into the pages of time. The Holy City has the most extensive hidden libraries in the world, and since the news of the discovery has been released, we have been researching our archives to find ancient manuscripts for all the information we can safely use. Listen out for me, I should have more information shortly. If anything happens, please let me know as soon as possible.

There is a discreet young man named Mathew who helps out in the computer section. We can pass messages through him. For now however, we can just pray that the portals remain hidden and inactive, at least untill we find out where and how we can prepare to defend ourselves, should it be required.” On the this slightly distressing note, we all retraced our steps back to the car. It would be a long night, while we digested the unsettling news.

© Copyright 2015 Rose Ambers (livingangel123 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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