Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2039807-church
Rated: E · Other · Other · #2039807
just a basic paragraph that i will probably use in a short story
" Everyone rise as we join together in song." chimes the man with the blazing blue tie. My fingers slowly flow against the smooth pew as I push myself up to stand with the rest. Everyone beings to chant the lyrics to the song. Though the song is on the screen in front of the pulpit no one needs to read them, the words are locked inside their brain. I see her fingers glide across the keys lightly hitting every note, not missing a beat. The beautiful waves of music consume every inch of the room. Streaming through my body filling me with strong rhythmic joy. Relaxing my nerves from my head through my fingers, down my torso, and through my toes. I being to sway without even realizing it. I stare at the bright lights shining from the ceiling fans as they circulate the air. Ignoring the chants of the lyrics around me I close my eyes and focus on the smooth low melody that has empowered my body. Each note hits my soul like a crackle of electricity trying to jump start my heart.
His voice booming and piercing through our ears. Jesus saves. He has saved, will save, and is saving us. Passion flows through his body, up his throat, and off his tongue. The echo of his words bounce off the wall and spread through the room.It hits hard, making everyone believe. Giving hope. All eyes looking intensely to him for what will come next. Raising their hands, amen's spill from their mouths. We will believe. He will make us believe, make us conform. I find my mind preoccupied and his words flow in one ear and out the other. My eyes are watch them as they watch him. No one notices I am not listening, not focusing on his words but instead their actions. As if they are in a trans. I watch their robotic moves turning their pages all at once, gazing at him as he speaks. Is there really a God? I wont let his swaying passion filled voice shut off my mind and conform me. I will think independently, questioning.
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