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Rated: 13+ · Other · Emotional · #2039783
As she's about to jump from her balcony to end it all, she hears his voice, and stops...
Saved By Song

I turned my surround sound up as far as it would go, tears streaming down my cheeks as I put on a black shirt and dark blue jeans. I hurt so bad. I just wanted it to end, right now, right here. On my own terms. I made my bed, did my laundry and folded everything up neatly. I wanted everything to look serene, I needed it to, or I would chicken out and lose my mind. I gave a little hiccupping sigh and smile faintly as Demons by Imagine Dragons played on the radio through my surround sound system. It seems like the radio knows exactly what songs to play, at certain times.

I cleaned and put everything to order. I was waiting for sunset. I wanted to see the beautiful oranges, reds and golds mix with the vibrant pinks, purples and blues of the sky one last time. I sorted through my CDs, arranging them alphabetically. I did the same with my movies and my books. I smiled and stroked the cover of House of Hades by Rick Riordan. I had first read his Percy Jackson series as a girl and kept them all through high school and college. Once I fell in love with a book or series, there was no letting them go.

Next, I went through all of my drawings, paintings and sculptures. I smiled fondly at the picture of my little girl. I had adopted a sweet little baby girl, named her Bella. Then, when she was just a sweet, cute little girl with milk chocolate eyes and mahogany hair, she was taken from me. Some sick bastard abused her, then killed her and left her fast cooling body on my steps. It broke me. I could barely put her in her favorite blue dress one last time, before she was cremated and I said goodbye. All I had left of my little girl was ashes and memories, a picture and her stuffed kitty.

Finally, I was done organizing everything. I opened my balcony doors wide, and closed my eyes as the wind tugged at my hair caressed my face. I opened them and watched the sun set, watched as Apollo painted the sky with beautiful, breathtaking colors. I stepped to the railing, was about to jump, when a song came on.

"It's late at night, and I can't sleep

Missing you just runs too deep

Oh can't breathe, thinking of your smile

Every kiss I can't forget

This aching heart ain't broken yet

Oh god, I wish I could make you see

Cause I know this flame isn't dying

So nothing can stop me from trying

Baby you know that maybe it's time for miracles

Cause I ain't giving up on love

You know that maybe it's time for miracles

Cause I ain't giving up on love

No, I ain't giving up on us

I just want to be with you

Cause living is so hard to do

When all I know is trapped inside your eyes

The future I cannot forget

This aching heart ain't broken yet

Oh god, I wish I could make you see

Cause I know this flame isn't dying

So nothing can stop me from trying

Baby you know that maybe it's time for miracles

Cause I ain't giving up on love

You know that maybe it's time for miracles

Cause I ain't giving up on love

Baby can you feel it coming?

You know I can hear it, hear every soul

Baby when you feel me feeling you

You know it's time

Baby you know that maybe it's time for miracles

Cause I ain't giving up on love

You know that maybe it's time for miracles

Cause I ain't giving up on love

No, I ain't giving up

No, I ain't giving up on us"

The song ended and I backed away from the balcony. I cried throughout the entire song. It spoke to me, and the parts where the singer says "It's late at night, and I can't sleep/Missing you just runs too deep/Oh I can't breathe, thinking of your smile." It perfectly fit me. Missing my little girl just ran too deep for me to sleep easily. Who was the guy who sang this song? I needed to know. I couldn't stop crying, bits of the song echoing inside my mind. I dried my tears and calmed down. I got out my laptop and went to Bing. I typed in the words "time for miracles lyrics." Results popped up and I saw that was by an American Idol runner up named Adam Lambert.

I decided right then, that I was going to buy every song he ever recorded. I went to ITunes and started downloading his songs.


Meet & Greet

A few months later...

I hugged my new Adam Lambert CD album to my chest as I waited in line. I was at a meet and greet where he would be signing CDs and listening to stories of how his music changed some of our lives. Just one more person, then it would be my turn to meet my savior. The woman in front of me moved on and I stepped up. He was gorgeous. He was probably one of the very few men who could wear makeup without looking weird. He smiled and I held my CD with shaking hands. He noticed and smiled gently.

"You alright miss...?" He asked.

"Fira." I murmured. "I'm Fira. It's nice to meet you." He smiled at me and grabbed a silver sharpie and stated to sign the CD case.

"It's nice to meet you. So did my music change your life?" I nodded.

"May I ask how Fira?" I nodded again and closed my eyes as I told him. I told him of my little girl and how hard her death was on me. I told him of how a few years later of how I attempted to end it all. And finally, I told him of how his song stopped me and that after that I bought all of his songs that I could.

He looked at me with understanding and handed me my newly signed CD. I said thank you and was about to go, when he stopped me. I raised my head to look at him, wondering what he wanted.

"Could I have your phone number Fira? You seem like a nice woman and I want to let you know that I'll be very glad if we could be friends." I nodded, smiling a bit.

"Sure. Just hand me your phone real quick." I winced a little at how raspy and low my voice had gotten. I rarely spoke to people. He gave me his phone and handed him mine. I quickly typed in my name and number, then gave it back to him. He smiled and gave me mine. Then he surprised me by giving me a hug. I felt some of the ache in my soul fade a little. I guess I needed that.

"Thank you." I whispered, my voice raspy with unshed tears and under use. He nodded and released me. I walked toward the door before giving him a little wave and a small smile. I stepped outside and it was snowing gently, tiny flakes dancing in the snow. "Bella loved to play in the snow." I thought and felt a prick in my chest. But it was not as sharp as it had once been. I suppose it did me good to tell someone after years of keeping it all locked away like stolen pearls.


I popped my CD into my player and the apartment was filled with Adam's beautiful voice. I smiled and felt my soul lighten up a little again. I opened my eyes. When had I closed them? Oh well. I walked into the kitchen and started making ginger bread cookies in the shape of music notes. I did this every Christmas. It was a tradition left over from my days with my a Capella group. I smiled fondly. Hailie had married Grant and now had a babe on the way, Silena and Charlie were still dating, Zoe was engaged to Alyx and Winter was just being herself and lived with Hallie and Grant.

Damn, I missed them so much. I put the cookies in the oven and went to go wrap and box everyone's gifts. If I sent them now, they should be there two days before Christmas. I set Hallie and Grant's sculpture of entwined dragons in their box, making sure it had plenty of bubble wrap. I set the card on top of the bubble wrapped figurines and sealed the box shut with packing tape. Silena and Charlie each got a painting of them, styled as angels, Zoe and Alyx were to receive personalized music CDs that I had made by burning their favorite songs onto blank Cds.

And Winter got a figurine of a beautiful Elf woman riding a snowy colored Dragon. I smiled as I wrapped each one. I really hope they enjoyed my gifts. I addressed each box in careful, neat handwriting and set them by my door. Then I went to check on the cookies. Just a few more minutes until they were done, then I could let them cool before icing them. My phone range and I picked it up.


"Hey Fira, how're you doing?" I smiled. It was Adam.

"I'm fine. Just baking music note ginger bread cookies and sending Christmas gifts to my a Capella group." I replied.

"Really? You sing?" I gave a small laugh.

"Yes. I sang professionally. We were an official occapella group. We called ourselves the Fly Always." He hummed in interest.

"Why the Fly Aways?" He asked.

"Well, at the time each of us was being stressed with something that we felt was holding us back and we always said that we wanted to fly away. We wanted to be free." I explained.

"That's deep." He said.

"Yeah. It was also inspired by this one song that went 'give me the beat boys, and free my soul, I wanna get lost in your rock n roll and drift away.'" I sang the lyrics instead of saying them like most people would do.

"You've got a beautiful singing voice Fira." That warmed my cheeks. And my heart if I'm honest.

"Thank you. Listen, I hate to hang up, but my cookies will burn if I don't get off the phone." I said. He laughed a little.

"No, no. Go get your cookies. Burnt ginger bread isn't the best. I'll call you later Fira."

"Okay. Later Adam." I smiled and hung up. I took my cookies out and set them on the cooling racks. I let them cool while I made the blue, white chocolate frosting and got the sprinkles out. Once they were cool, if decorated them and put them on a plate, then put it in the fridge. I did that to make sure the frosting didn't fall off. I finally went to bed at around 12:00 after turning my surround sound off and putting my CD safely away.

Music & Chocolate Truffles

I listened to Time For Miracles as tears streamed down my cheeks. It was the anniversary of my little girl's passing. This song fit how I felt about it and it spoke of how I missed Bella. A little bit into the song my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the screen. It was a text from Adam. I smiled a little.

Adam: What're you up too? :)

Me: Crying while I listen to Time For Miracles. I wiped at the tears on my cheeks as I looked at the setting sun.

Adam: Why, what's wrong Fir? :(

Me: Anniversary of Bella's passing A. :'(

Adam: Oh sweetness. The song reminds you of her?

Me: Yeah. How'd you know?

Adam: It fits. Certain parts fit, from what you told me of her.

Me: Yeah. It does.

Adam: Can I come over or do you need to be alone?

Me: Come over. I need a hug.

Adam: Will do sweetness. Be there in a few.

Me: Okay. Drive careful A.

Adam: I will Fir.

I smile. Me and Adam had gotten really close over the past week and a half. We got to know each other better, and he didn't seem to mind that I was always playing his songs when he came over. Whenever I just started crying when he was here, he would just kiss my forehead and hold me. Afterwards, we usually watched the sunset together or played The Game of Things. Sometimes we'd talk or watch a movie or he would sit back and relax as I drew him or just used his facial structure for the outlines of sketches. His facial structure was a good one. He has a strong jawlines and beautiful facial features.

A few minutes later, I heard the lock rattle and I knew it was Adam. I trusted him enough to give him a key to let himself in. I heard the door shut and he walked over to the balcony and wrapped his arms around me as he lay his head on top of mine. Being only 5'8, he was taller than me by quite a bit, but I didn't mind. I wasn't short and I was happy with my height. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against him. I took in a breath. He smelled good, but then he always does. I knew I loved him, but it was mostly as a friend right now. I knew he was gay, but I wasn't going to try to convert him.

No, that would be unbelievably rude. Rude doesn't even begin to cover it, but it's the only word I could think of right now. I opened my eyes when I felt the pad of his thumb brushing across my cheekbone to swipe the tears away. I sigh.

"You're such a good friend A." I murmur softly. He turns his head to smile at me.

"Not as good as you Fir. You're better," He argues softly. "You never ask for anything except my friendship and a hug. Most people want money or fame or some shit like that."

"I'm not most people. I don't care about money or fame. I just want a friend who will let me ruin their shirt with my tears when I cry on it." He laughs softly and grins at me.

"Which you have done more than twice." I growl, but it is a playful one.

"Never gonna let it go are ya?" He shakes his head.

"Not a chance." I smile and grab his wrist, tugging him away from the balcony.

"Come on you," I grin. "I made chocolate truffles." His eyes gleam.

"Truffles? What for?" I pull him to a stool in front of the kitchen bar before heading into the kitchen.

"I'm a chocolate ho, A. I thought you knew that." He laughed as I pulled a small container of chocolate truffles from the fridge. I opened it and sat down next to him with them, popping one into my mouth.

"How could I forget? That poor chocolatier.'

Glitter Ho On A Shopping Spree

I wake up to the smell of cherry coke and I open my eyes to see Adam holding a bottle of cherry coke under my nose. I grin. Cherry Cola is my favorite soda. The other sodas could fuck off if you asked me. I sit up and grin at him.

"You sure know how to wake a girl up, A." I snatch the bottle from him as I throw the blankets back and stand up. He slings an arm around my shoulders carelessly.

"Well you certainly more than deserve it. I can't bear to see you cry, sweetness." I blushed. I nearly cry when he calls me that. It makes me feel loved. My parents passed away in a car crash when I was twenty-one and I was an only child. I had adopted Bella when I was twenty-four and then she died three years later. I'm twenty-eight now, but you'd never know. Adam says I look like I'm in my mid-twenties. A healthy life and fast metabolism can do that to you. I don't really go out to eat a lot.

"Hey Fir, you wanna go shopping?" Adam asks and I'm instantly wary when I see a mischievous look in his beautiful blue eyes.

"For what?" I reply cautiously.

"Clothes, shoes, makeup..." He pauses. "Glitter maybe." He says slyly and I laugh.

"A, you're such a glitter ho." I smile. He just grins, not even trying deny it.

"Damn straight. If I wasn't a glitter ho suddenly, my fans would demand to know what I had done with the real Adam."

"True. Come on Glitter King. I need a shower. And you probably do too. I bought some clothes and makeup and junk just for you. Check the second drawer in my art desk." I said as I grabbed some clothes.

"But you can't open the box until you get out of the shower, or I won't go shopping with you." I hear him growl and I chuckle. I pat his cheek.

"Be patient, lyrical one." I said as I stepped into the bathroom. I closed the door and turned on the shower, letting the water warm up as I got undressed. I brushed my hair out, then stepped into the shower and let it flow over my body. It felt so that I closed my eyes in bliss. I reopened them after a while and poured some rose scented shampoo into my palm and massaged it into my scalp. Then I rinsed and put some incense scented conditioner into it and let it sit while I washed my body. I rinsed again and shut the shower off.

I stepped out and dried off. I got dressed in a black button up shirt with half sleeves, dark blue skinny jeans and black boots with felted bottoms, perfect for skating on hardwood floors. I brushed my hair and stated on my makeup. I ut on black eyeliner, a little mascara, smoky eye shadow with black sparkles and black lipstick. I put in studs in my left ear and a gauge in my right. I had three piercings in my left and one in my right. I snapped a two finger wide black choker around my neck and stepped out.

"All yours, A." I said and headed to my jewelry box on my dresser. I pulled out my leather finger-less gloves with the studs on them and turned around, leaning against my dresser. And found that Adam was staring at me.

"What?" I asked. Why the hell was he staring at me?

"You make me want to convert to bisexuality." I blush and cover my face with my hands.

"Dammit Adam. What the hell am I supposed to say to that?" He laughs and walks over to me, pulling my hands down away from my face.

"Hey, don't be embarrassed. You're beautiful. And sweet, kind, caring, passionate, artistic and a damn good singer. How anyone could not want to convert to bisexuality from gay is beyond me." I glared a little.

"What am I supposed to do when your fans get all pissy with me because I converted you?" He laughed.

"Hide behind me of course. I'll tell them it was all my fault for seeing your beauty."

"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." I quoted. He grinned.

"Precisely my point. Now," He grabbed the box of clothes and shoes and junk I had given him and grinned. "If you need me, I'll be in the shower." I grinned back.

"Feel free to use my shampoo and such. But if you don't want to, there's other stuff under the sink." He saluted me and shut the door. I smiled and headed out into the living room to play my mixed up playlist of his songs. It's strictly his songs in random order. I press play and Never Close Our Eyes comes on. I smile when I hear Adam singing along. I decide to make breakfast while he showers.

I pull out some food and get to work. Ten minutes later, Adam comes out wearing the things I got him. He's wearing tight, black leather pants, a glitterfied Queen t-shirt, and black combat boots made of fine Italian leather. He put on black eyeliner, reddish smoky eye shadow and sparkly mascara on his eyes. His nails were painted red with black Crackle! Painted over them. He had the studded gages in his ears too. I grinned.

"Looking good Adam. You hungry?" He grinned.

"Starved actually."

"Good. Because I made omelets and got out French vanilla ice cream." His eyes gleamed.

"Damn girl, you know how to feed a guy." I grinned and sat down next to him, handing him his plate.

"Learned it from my Mom. She was an angel in the kitchen." He agreed and we ate.


I dragged him towards Spencer’s like an over excited teen. He was wearing sunglasses so he could go out without being mobbed by fans. He chuckled.

"What's gotten you so excited?"

"I saw this shirt with a giraffe on it and it said "Moo, I'm a goat." I want it!" He laughed.

"That's funny."

"Which is exactly why I want it." We bought a few things there, including the giraffe shirt for me and a pair of reflective UV shades for Adam. Next, we went to Hot Topic and bought more stuff. Most of it was black, purple, blue, and dark greens and stuff like that. And some hot pink too. Then it was one of my favorite shops in the whole wide world; GlitterRain &Makeup. It was a relatively new store, but already it was famous for its glittery makeup, clothes shoes, etc. And not to mention the wicked jewelry selection they had.

They even had wicked posters of all my favorite singers, bands, animals and supernatural creatures too. I bought some finger-less gloves, earrings, sparkly mascara and waited for Adam to pay for his nail polish and make up. He also bought a cute hat. With glitter on it of course. I shake my head at him, a smile tugging at my lips.


"Glitter ho. Come on, I'm hungry. Let's go to Subway."



You can't make me. I'm not going, Adam." I said defiantly. He glared right back.

"Yes, I can, and yes, you are." I scowled and stood up.

"Try me, I dare you." I challenged. He smiled slyly. Oh fuck. He better not be planning what I think he's planning.

"Adam you better not be pl-" I was cut off as he picked me up and slung me over his shoulder. He might look skinny, but he isn't. There is a difference between skinny and lean, people.

"Damn you Adam! Put me down you glitter addict!" He ignored me and tossed me on the bed. He crossed his arms, legs spread a little to keep his balance. He gave me his evil eye.

"Just stop fighting will you? I promise we'll have a good time. There's going to be singing and dancing. And whisky too." He added. Damn him for knowing my other weaknesses. Dancing, singing and whisky. I scowled.

"Fine. But prepare yourself to be blown away when I'm done." I smiled secretively. I already knew what I was going to do. He grinned and gave me a hug.

"That's the Fira I know. C'mon, hurry up. I wanna get ready too." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Shut up. You take longer than a preppy girl in high school to get ready." He swiped at my tongue with his hand.

"I'll grab it." He warned. I laughed and pushed him out of the room.

"You gotta keep out. It's a surprise." He pouted.

"I'll be quick. Go play some music A." He grinned and bounded away to go play some Beyoncé. She's his idol. I pulled out some clean clothes, new makeup and shut the bathroom door. I parted my hair and dyed it. Then I hopped in the shower. I just washed my body and conditioned this time. Mom always said that you didn't need to use shampoo every time you took a shower. I turned the water off and dried off. I looked at my wet hair in the mirror and grinned. Adam was going to love my hair to death.

I brushed it out and put on some black skinny jeans, a sparkly, glittery black top with One Republic written in whitish blue, knee high blue boots that sparkled and a long, dark blue trench coat with glitter. I put on blue eye shadow and glitter dust, black eyeliner, glittery mascara and blue, sparkly lipstick. I called this my "Glitter Gear." Then I put on a sparkly hat with glitter swirls and a black ribbon around it on my head. It matched my trench coat. I was totally "Glitterfied" as Adam would say. I shook my head as another one if his quotes came to mind; "If it doesn't look right just put some glitter on it."

I turned the lights completely off so he wouldn't see just yet. I opened the door and shouted at Adam.

"Hey Glitter King! It's your turn!" I heard him laugh.

"Okay. One sec."

"Don't look in the closet A!" I yelled. "You can't see me yet!"

"Yeah yeah I remember." I laughed and stepped into my closet. As soon as I heard the shower running, I darted out into my living room and retrieved my nail polish. I painted me nails a dark black with glitter swirls. The shower turned off and I waited for a few minutes before texting him.

Me: Hey A, I'll meet you there, k?

Adam: Sure. Can't wait to see your outfit.

Me: I can't wait to see yours

Adam: Did you use the hair dye?

Me: Yeah, why?

Adam: Can I use it?

Me: Sure. Later A.

Adam: Later Fir. See ya there.

I smile and grip my wallet and my keys, then step outside. I start my motorcycle and drive to Starbucks. I needed some coffee. Plus I knew that Adam liked the Macchiato they made. I ordered an iced caramel and chocolate mocha and the caramel and chocolate macchiato. Then I walked back to my motorcycle and balanced the coffees in my lap as I drove. I parked and locked up my motorcycle then leaned against a wall while I sipped my iced mocha. I heard familiar footsteps and smiled. It was Adam.

"Excuse me miss have you..." He trailed off as I looked up. I grinned at him as I handed him his coffee.

"Not expecting all this glitter, were you?" I couldn't erase the smug smile that had settled onto my lips. He laughed and took a sip of his own drink, an amused expression on his face.

"Nope. To be honest I was hoping, but didn't really think you would." I snorted.

"You should know me better A." he touched my hair with adoration.

"I want your hair Fir. It's absolutely gorgeous." I smiled. I had dyed my usually whitish-blond hair cobalt blue and black streaks. It went to the middle of my back and it had been layered which made it even cooler. I hit his arm lightly. Adam was wearing a sparkly black trench coat, a glitterfied purple button up, black leather pants, and dark purple combat boots. He had purple eyeshadow that sparkled when he blinked, black eyeliner, glittery purple mascara and he was wearing his hair all spiked up and glitterfied. I grinned at him.

"Looking good A. Let’s go in, shall we?" he Grinned at me and we headed into the club. The bouncer let Adam Immediately pass, but when I tried to follow him, he stopped me. I glared at him.

"Hey A! This asshole won’t let me pass!" I yelled after him. Adam turned around and came back.

"She's with me." He said and tugged me away with him before the bouncer could say anything. I grinned at Adam.

"Let's go sing." I said and tugged him towards the karaoke station.

"Strut." I told the DJ. He nodded and the music began.

"I want to start a revolution

A type of personal solution

We all have got our own pollution

It's all about the execution

You got something to say, your hands are tied, open your mouth, open it wide

Let the freedom begin

Get on the floor, just let it drive, don't it feel good, don't it feel hot?

Feel the fire within

I wanna see you strut, strut, strut, come on walk for me

Strut, strut, strut, how you wanna be

Everybody's looking for some love, but they don't know

How to let it all hang out and that's why they're solo

Solo, solo, don't wanna be solo

Solo, solo, don't wanna be solo

We're a complicated nation

And now we're in a situation

Let's take a Maybelline vacation

And get yourself some validation

You got something to say, your hands are tied, open your mouth, open it wide

Let the freedom begin

Get on the floor, just let it drive, don't it feel good, don't it feel hot?

Feel the fire within

I wanna see you strut, strut, strut, come on walk for me

Strut, strut, strut, how you wanna be

Everybody's looking for some love, but they don't know

How to let it all hang out and that's why they're solo

Solo, solo, don't wanna be solo

Solo, solo, don't wanna be solo

I'll be your mirror

Darling, let your hair down

Show me what you're working with

And let me see you

Strut, strut

Strut, strut, how you wanna be

Everybody's looking for some love, but they don't know

How to let it all hang out and that's why they're solo

Solo, solo, don't wanna be solo

Solo, solo, don't wanna be solo

Strut for me and show me what you're working with

Strut for me and show me what you're working with."

I grinned and smiled, breathless. I and Adam liked singing together. I laughed as we ran offstage to get drinks. I guess this was a good idea after all.
© Copyright 2015 Angel Knight (tigerrain at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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