Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2039752-Mirror-House
by reaper
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #2039752
Alternate reality were the main character is babied and finds happiness/family

Mirror house

By Reaper

All of her life Emily had been on the move. Never in one place. School was a challenge as every year she was in a new one. Keeping in contact with any friends she made was virtually impossible. So she stopped making them after her 7th or 8th town

Dr Stone. Emily's mum. Ran around the house. Boxes of stuff that would probably never be unpacked were stacked up all along the walls.

"Come on Emily hurry up or we'll both be late" she yelled up the stairs, before groaning at her phone clock.

Emily was in her new room in her new house. Getting dressed in her new school uniform. A scene that she found was constantly being repeated.

Her mum worked for a big company that treated her like a piece of equipment to be shipped where ever they needed it for 6 months to a year.

That's why they moved all the time. Her dad was never in the picture. Her parents weren't even married when she's was born. So she had no sisters or brothers. Her mother had thrown herself into the job as soon as Emily was old enough to look out for herself.

"I'll be waiting in the car. If you ever decide you want a lift" Dr Stone called up the stairs before heading out the front door.

Emily looked out her window. It was a new day, in a new town, at the start of summer, the sun was shining, not a cloud in the sky. She hated that everywhere she looked she was reminded of the fact that she was once again expected to play the part of the new kid, and it would only get worse as some of the kids realised that her mum was in town to fire or cut back staff.

Her new school was only 5 blocks away she decided she could to walk. Delay the inevitable.

Getting out her phone she sent of a quick message to her mum telling her to go to work and that shed see her when she got home. Then grabbing her bag she took one last look in the mirror checking that she had everything and was ready. Her hand went to her key witch hung around her neck. She had found it in her room on the day they moved in. she had tried it in every lock in the house yesterday until she found what it unlocked.

In the celling of her room was a trap door witch led up to the attic. (The reason why she had claimed this room) while she had been stashing boxes for her mum she had seen an old door in the back. She tried the key and found that it opened but not into a second section of attic as she had thought but into... the unknown.


The first time Emily had opened the doorway she had experienced strong winds that both pushed and pulled her towards the opening, she had managed to close the door and lock it with some effort. Before she was dragged thru.

This time however she was prepared. She had tied one end of a rope around herself and the other too her bed. The rope was 20m long. It had originally been used to tie boxes down on the truck so it was quiet strong

Emily now stood in front of the mystery door key in her hand. Thinking she still had time to go to school forget that this door was even hear.

She slid the key in to the lock.

Maybe shed make some friends in this town.

She unlocked the door.

Maybe her mum would tell her boss to get lost the next time her expertise was needed at the next factory or lab.

Emily turned the handle.

The winds started up again as the door opened on its own.

Emily took a deep breath and walked in.

Emily was ready for this. Her bag was packed with everything she could think of.

If she ended up like that old show "Spellbinder" she wanted every comfort of home.

Getting the key out of the lock she rehung it round her neck and crossed the thresh hold

Whoosh.... the air flew past her ear.

Zap.... her skin felt the pins and needles and her hair stood on end as if she'd been playing with static electricity.

Boom... the door closed behind her. The rope /safety line being cut.

Emily found herself in a very white room. Like one might picture heaven's waiting room, with marble floors "white" of course. The wind was gone now, the door was behind her but it wasn't against a wall, as far as she could tell there were no walls or celling, and now that she locked she couldn't identify any light source. Though she could see just fine.

"Hello" she called. No answer.

Emily looked around some more. Even behind the door though there was nothing there or anywhere it was just a white area with a big old wooded door as far as the eye could see even with binoculars.

"Great all that drama and all I am going to be is late for school" Emily mumbled to herself. Turning the handle of the door she was surprised that it had looked itself after it had closed itself.

"Lucky I dint forget the key" she said as she retrieved it from its place around her neck, the lock was old but the key turned easily as it had before. Opening the door she found what looked like the attic. Emily discovered with a little observation that she is in a room similar to the attic but babied?

The attic itself was the same only the boxes had been moved around and the names on the sides had been changed. They used to be plan brown packing boxes from the moving company with Emily's room, Dr Stone, lounge or office written on them. Now there were boxes of all different types and sizes with baby's room, toys, and teenager supplies piled around the room. Some were covered in dust others looked more resent. Looking closer Emily found an open box with her name on it, the box itself was very new. The box was a big one that once held a crib. Looking inside it with caution. Emily saw that it was empty except for the excess Styrofoam packing peanuts and a recite. The recite was for the 16+ crib and according to the date was bought 3 weeks ago from AB unlimited

"Weird" Emily said aloud as she moved on to another box

Bang... the door had closed itself again

Emily's hand went to her hart witch had almost jumped out of her chest when the door closed, the key still hang around her neck. Emily noted as she decided if she should try the door again, keep rummaging through boxes or go down stairs and see if anything else had changed.

Making her way through the boxes Emily noted to herself that there was a lot more boxes up her than had been in the mover truck and every two out of three boxes was a disposable diaper box from AB unlimited. In fact Emily could see that most of the boxes had their logo on them.

"Maybe there a moving company to" Emily theorised. She reached the trap door then. It was open just as she had left it.

"Odd" Emily thought "if this was a different attic the door should have been closed. then again who ever lives hear might have left it open" knowing shed get no answer up hear she removed her back pack and the now useless rope placing them behind an old TV box before lowering herself down it to the room below

"1...2...3" Emily's feet dint reach the floor so she counted as she got readied herself to drop into the unknown.

"Drop" Emily let go of the attic and felt herself fall on to a pile of boxes waiting to go up into the attic.

Emily idly wondered what was in the boxes. Most had been soft. Her thoughts on that mater were cut off as someone entered the room.


Emily fainted. Not the Emily laying on the pile of boxes that had just fallen from the attic. The other Emily that had come to investigate what had fallen over.

"Well I guess I am in a parallel world." Emily said to herself right before she two fainted

1 hour later

Emily woke with a groan. "Oh were..." she had been about to ask "were am I?" but she stopped as she remembered why she had fainted and where she had come from. Her hand went for the key around her neck and sighed in relief that it was still there. Before screaming as she noticed her change of cloths

Emily now wore a very babyish nighty but that was not what had made her scream. it was the fact that she was also diapered, sitting in a very big crib, in a nursery, and beside her slept another Emily dressed in the same "outfit" as herself.

The other Emily blinked once then twice again before asking "who are you? And what are you screaming about?

Emily 1 answered the question as she tried to get a hold of the situation

"My name is Emily Rose stone...

"Nice try my name is Emily rose stone" interrupted the other Emily "and we both can't be Emily"

"Well I am Emily and I think you are too you see I think I am from another dimension or reality or something"

Emily one then told her story of how she came to fall out of the attic and into her others life showing her the key as proof, as she talked she tried to get out of the crib. This proved impossible as Emily could not clime out due to a piece of silk that formed a pyramid above the crib. It ran from celling to the fore corners of the crib with a mobile hung from the centre. And then there was the lock keep her from opening the slide gate witch seemed the only way out. The other Emily sat and listened to her doubles story and dint try to help or stop her escape attempt knowing it was futile. At some point near the end of her tale Emily 2 started to believe her. Because if you can't trust yourself who can you? And because the other alternative was they were both mad.

"Then I woke up hear in these clothes" Emily one concluded

Yare that would have been mum. She probably change you after she saw that we had both collapsed. She's nice like that.

"You're telling me your mum finds a girl that look just like her daughter in a pile of boxes and rather than freak out, all she does is put her in a diaper and put her to bed with her other daughter because she's nice"

"Well yes and no"

"What do you mead yes and no?"

"Well mum is nice but it was my idea to change you and put you in the crib"


"Because I always wanted a sister now I have one. Well a twin sister witch is even better"

"I 'am not your twin?"

"Oh, but why not" Emily 2 wined

"Because I've got to go home"

"But you said that the door locked behind you and when you when through you ended up hear. What makes you thing you can get home you can't even get out of this crib"

"I'll just have to break out then and hope the door works the same both ways." With that Emily gave the bars a big kick and broke the lock

"Hay, you can't do that to my crib" the other Emily complained but it fell on deft ears as Emily one lowered the rail and got out. Emily now free of the crib found herself in the nursery. Bright pink was everywhere, from the silk above the crib, the dresser, the prices rug, even the back of the door had pink flowers on it. The two steps to the door reminded her of what she was wearing even as she tried to forget and just run, escape. Get home, the door opened and she was thru into the hall way.

"Don't go" came the cry from the nursery. The room across the hall from the nursery was open and Emily saw that it had a pile of crumpled boxes. A quick check reviled the trap door open and even better a ladder laying down against the window wall. Emily entered the room locking it behind her before setting up the ladder

"MUM" the other Emily called from the hall way "the other me is escaping"

Emily kicked a box of diapers out of her way and up went the ladder

"What's going on?" asked a confused voice from the hall. Emily paused that sounded like her mum

"She's going to use the door that's how she got hear"

"What... how... the key"

Bang Dr Stone tried to break the door down and Emily needed no more encouragement to get up the ladder. Bang came another attempt to enter the room as Emily lifted the ladder up in to the attic. Bang crash the door gave out just as the last rung of ladder disappeared into the attic


Emily sat in the attic. Her breath came in huge gasps as she tried to catch her breath. She had never moved so fast in her life.

"She's up there mum" came her doubles voice from below

"Well so is the ladder" her mother spoke calmly

Emily decided she'd had enough of this place and half walked / stumbled to the door in the back. Tacking the key from around her neck she placed it into the lock and turned it. The door opened into the white inter camber and Emily walked through letting the door close behind her. The key in hand once more Emily unlocked the door again and stepped through into the attic

"No way" Emily was in denial. She was also back in the attic she had just left. The ladder was laying were she had left it. In amongst the baby boxes. Emily spun around to go back through the door. Closing it behind her she tried again.

"That's not fair" Emily once again stood in the baby world attic.

She kicked a box in frustration it went through the open door and Emily tried again, and again

And again,

And again, and again,

And each time she returned to the attic she found in to be the wrong one

15 minutes later

Emily sat in the white room on the box that had been kicked through. The fact that the box had remained in the room was a clue to how the door worked, but nothing Emily tried got the door to open on to her attic or any were else.

Another 15 minutes later

Emily had decided on a brake. She was getting nowhere on the door problem. The only thing that had changed was the sound of music from down stairs as the other Emily sat in wait for her to come down, and to make matters worse Emily needed to pee.

Her bag had contained food and water for about 2 days (a week if rationed), change of clothes, which she had taken advantage of. An umbrella, a F.E.D (food eating device), fishing line, fishing hooks, a litter, small tent, sleeping bag, first aid kit and even a small shovel to dig a toilet. She had tried to be prepared for anything...

Emily put her head in her hands, and eyed the AB box full of diapers meant for the other Emily witch meant they were all her size.

It was the only logical choice.

If she tried for the bathroom down stairs she would be caught and she couldn't take that risk.

If she peed on the floor. Well the diaper was better than that.

Emily got to her feet and opened the box. Inside lay a dozen diapers

"No I can't" Emily shoved the box away and started to pace backwards and forwards.

"To be diapered or not to be diapered that is the question" she mumbled to herself as she ran over her options again and again.

It was the only choice. But she couldn't bring herself to do it. Her foot brushed against a box sending the top box toppling. It fell open at her feet. Revealing the nite and diaper she had removed before. Emily had stashed them there after she had changed out of them not wanting to look at them

"Well she had already been wearing that one" her bladder agued

Emily closed her eyes and sighed there was no way she was going to wet herself. Especially in her only change of clothes. it was almost too easy to re-diaper herself. Then the next problem arose should she just go or should she sit down? Would the diaper hold it all or was there a possibility of a leek? Emily was procrastinating but her bladder dint care anymore as it burst.

First came the sigh of relief / shock, then came the guilt and embarrassment at what she was doing, then came the warm feeling as her diaper filled.

5 minutes later

As soon as she was done she practically tore the diaper off. Taking care only to make shore it wasn't going to leak on her. That dealt with Emily finally could think straight her bladder now empty she turned to clean herself up and get dressed.

"Where are my clothes?" her cloths were gone in their place was a diaper and a note

"If you're not going to come out of the attic you don't get cloths. Singed E. PS call me E and I'll call you Emily"

Emily dint like diapers but she dint like being naked a lot more so with reluctance she re-diapered and dressed in the nighty.

Emily heard it and felt it but every fibber of her mind was in denial. There was no way that she was shitting in to a diaper. She was not half crouched doing a poo in a diaper and she was defiantly not enjoying it.

But she was shitting in to a diaper, she was half crouched doing a poo into her diaper and she was enjoying it. Very much so, then her bladder joined in "this is impossible" Emily shouted

It took less time then she thought but then for her it seemed like an eternity. Emily lay on the attic floor between the boxes and cried her diaper gage read 110% though she dint make a move to change herself or even move. Instead she sucked on her thumb and waited for her mother to hear her cries and come to change her.

Emily sleep and dreamed of home as her new mother cried her down the ladder from the attic her new twin sister E was try not to wake the baby as she followed her mum through the house to the changing table in the nursery

"E dear fetch mummy the baby wipes and a fresh diaper"

"Yes mummy" E sang before skipping of to get the diaper bag

Emily dint wake when she was put on the change table or at any time during her diaper change. Dr Stone was very thorough in cleaning, powdering and re-diapering, she even let E watch and help with the tabs, and then it was off to the crib. Dr Stone gave her new daughter a bottle and pined a pacifier to her shirt. Before razing the side of the crib and letting her sleep. E was changed next though she was only wet.

"Mummy?" E asked "is Emily going to stay with us?"

"Yes dear, in time she will forget her home world just as you did"

"Ok I love you mummy"

"I love you to E" Dr Stone said as she placed her in the crib next to her sister "see you in the morning"

Emily woke in the middle of the night. At first she was panicked then she realised she was in her crib next to her sister in the nursery. Then her memories came back to her:

The key, the door, her other self, her life before this world and the diapers.

Her senses were heightened as adrenalin ran in her veins. She moved with care so as not to wake her sister. This place was getting in to her head. Even now Emily knew she was slowly losing herself. Calling E her sister rather than the other one.

E rolled over as she re adjusted herself as Emily got out of the crib. Luckily the lock was still broken after her last escape attempt. The room was dark but Emily knew the room like the back of her hand.

"How do I know that?" Emily thought to herself

"Got to get out of here before I start forgetting" Emily had reached the nursery door now. She turned the handle slowly opening the door. The hallway was dark and empty as her eyes adjusted to the dark Emily could make out a light coming from down stairs. Emily could hear movement from the same direction as the light. As she crept down the stairs Emily cursed how the diaper crinkled. To her ears it was so loud she wondered how she dint wake the house. Her heartbeat might have been just as loud.

She reached the first floor. In front of her was the foray and the front door to her left was the dining room. The citrons drawn yet light from the street filleted through. Maybe it was a trick of the light but Emily was shore there was something wrong with the chairs. Though what that was eluded her. She moved on. Heading for the front door and out of this crazy house.

1...2... 3... Steps and she was at the door. She tried the handle. To her surprise and relief it opened.

Whoosh... in rushed cold air and even some snow.

It must have started snowing at some point yesterday as it was blanketed quiet thick. Emily dressed in diaper and satin nighty was not dressed to go out in that sort of weather. There were a couple of coats hanging in the foyer and Emily wondered if she should try her luck out in the snow or search the house. For her key.

No way was she going out there.

Emily pictured the lay out of her house. So far the two houses have been the same (sort of) Emily turned to go into the lounge room witch lay opposite the dining room. The bottom of the stairs dividing them. When she heard the noise again the door under the stairs off the dining room led to the basement. And it was that door that the noise she had herd earlier was coming from. The basement door was open and light came up the stair. Someone was defiantly down there.

Emily snuck up to the door and took a look down. After almost total darkness the light from the stair was very bright but Emily's eyes adjusted quickly and seeing no one on the stair she headed down.

In the basement of Emily's house was another door like the one in the attic.

The basement was empty save for a washer dryer set up, an old couch and a big steel door set against the back wall. The noise came again and the door opened. Emily froze in the middle of the room as her mum walked through

"Are you're awake" Dr Stone said as she closed the door and pocked Emily's key

"Is that the door home?" Emily asked

"No" Dr Stone lied

"Then were dose it go?"

Dr Stone sighed and indicating an old lounge "sit and I'll tell you everything" Emily hesitated then did as she was told.

"The doors are just like any other door it's the key that has power" Dr Stone started "the keys lead to a white room. This room is not in this reality or any other. There is no air yet you can breathe. The laws of physics don't apply and yet there is gravity."

"It's a weird room get to the point"

"Once the door closes you visualise were and when you what to go and when you open the door again your their

"Then how come I can't get home?"

"Because this is your home"

"This is not my home. My home is...my home"

"Your already starting to forget aren't you?

"I remember..." her mind was blank why couldn't she remember

"It's this place. It is a paradise"


"When you stepped through the door you were running away from your old life in to a place where you could be happy. The key bought you hear"

"Then why won't it take me home"

"Think of it this way. The white room is an elevator with 2 floors you got in on the first floor and pressed the second. That's when you came here. Then when you tried to go home you pushed the same button the door closed but the elevator dint move. The door reopening on the same floor"

"So I have to try again..."

"It won't work now"

"Why not?"

"You don't want to go home"

"Oh yes I do" challenged Emily standing to emphasise her words

"If that were true you would have done so already"

Emily fell back on to the couch "your right" she admitted to herself as much to Dr Stone

"Your sister was much the same when she first came here"

"E's not from hear?"

"No she came in through that door like you. But unlike you she left her key in the white room and was trapped here"

"Can she use my key to get home?"

"She is home unlike you she loved it hear from the beginning"

"Really... how long has she been hear?"

"Oh a couple years about 100 or so"

"A 100?'

"time moves differently across the reality's in you first home reality for example it's been about half a second since you left and only a few days since E left hers"

"How do you know all this?"

"When I first found a key I sort knowledge, so the white room took me to a place of learning and understanding. I stayed there for many lifetimes"

"Why'd you leave if it was your paradise? Wasn't it?"

"I told you I was seeking knowledge not paradise that was my second trip"

"And you came here?"

"I wanted to be a mother to a pair of baby girls. I first arrived here when E did and we've been waiting for you"

"Why me?"

"E wanted a sister and I wanted a second baby..."

"you keep saying baby but I am not a..."


"...I am a teenager"

"That's why you're wearing a diaper... that by the looks of it needs a change?"

"I' am what?" Emily was indeed in need of a change. The gage read 67% full "when?" Emily asked confused

"While we were talking. Actually to be more specific when you stood up"

"But... but..."

"I know the loss of bladder control is a shock but this is your paradise. A mother that won't leave you for work and a sister that knows you and understands you"

"Hear" Dr Stone passed Emily back her key "put it around your neck that way if you ever truly want to leave you can. Your old life will wait for you"

Emily did as instructed. As she hang the key Emily sighed in relief. She could go home whenever she wanted. But first

"Um I don't know how to ask this but can you... you know..."

"Change your diaper?"

Emily dint want to say it aloud so she nodded instead

"Ok then let's get you changed" Dr Stone took her baby daughter by the hand and lead her back to the nursery

E slept as she had in her cot and was not disturbed by the seen that follows

Emily hesitated at the table "what's wrong dear? Are you scared?"

Emily shock her head. She wasn't afraid.

Dr Stone lent down to look her daughter in the eye "it won't heart you, I promise" she took a diaper from the pile and showed it to Emily "see it's just a diaper. It won't even give you diaper rash"

Emily stuck her thumb into her mouth so she dint have to answer

"It's ok you're not ready" her mum put the diaper away" why don't you go back to bed and well try again in the morning

Emily shook her head again. She wanted this over with

Well then I guess we can do this. Dr Stone pinched her daughters belie

Emily fell into a half crouch as her bowls started to move. Emily's eyes shot wide open and her mum gave a little laugh at her face

"It's ok Emily let it out. We can change you when you're done" the diaper gage rose from 67% to 84% to 93% as the back of her diaper bulged

"All done?" mum asked as Emily straightened up and got on to the table

"See not so scary is it" Dr Stone said as she undid the tabs "not as smelly as your last one. Few more days and they won't stink at all" Emily continued to suck her thumb while she tried in vain to not know what her mum was doing

"Lift...there you go all done"

E choose then to wake up then


"Yes sweetie"

"I need a change too"

"Oh... how long have you been awake?"

"Not long" E answered as she climbed out of the crib. Her diaper read 92%

"Well up you get" her mother lifted the teen baby with easy on to the table.

Emily turned to give her sister some privacy.

"Don't be like that Emily you can help mummy" E suggested

"You can just hand me stuff if you want or I can teach you how..."

"I already knows how to change a diaper I've done it before... I used to be a baby sitter"

"Well ok then" Dr Stone took a step away from the table. Crossing her arms "show us"

To late Emily saw the trap. Now she would have to change E's diaper "ok I will"

Emily moved over to her sister and telling herself that she was just changing a little girl she proceeded to diaper a girl witch just happened to look just like her.


"Ok now off to bed you too..." she lead them over to the crib.

"Good night mum..." e lent in and gave her a hug whispering something in her ear witch caused her to smile

"Of course if that's what you want" she answered cryptically then turned to Emily

"Umm... err... good night..." she waited patiently "mum"

"Good night Emily" mummy then tucked them both into the crib "I'll see you in the morning"

With that she pulled up the side and latched it into place "sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bight"

Emily was asleep before she heard the word bugs.


Emily awoke to the strangest sound. It was some sort of sucking sound. She rolled over to try and identify the sound and found the crib side was down and E was gone. Emily surveyed the room and found E and the source of the noise.

Mum sat in the big sofa chair in the morning sun, e draped over her lap as she suckled on mums left breast


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