Chapter 1
The two girls Emily and Maggie had decided to skip school today in
favour of getting a jump on their Christmas shopping. The mall was
quiet this time of a morning, especially on a Monday.
"what's first?" Emily asked Maggie as they entered the mall.
feeling the shift in temperature from the frigid cold outside to
perfect mall temperature inside.
Maggie made a gesture towards the bathroom "nature calls"
Emily nodded and followed Maggie to the bathroom. The girls knew this
mall like the back of their hands. So they were exited that the
women's bathroom on the first floor was finally open again
after being renovated .
The bathroom was a modest size with 5 stalls running down the
right hand wall with 5 hand basins or sinks running down the left. To
the left and right of the door were the hand driers. Above the sinks
was a full length mirror and on the end wall was one of those diaper
changing station.
"They closed it for 3 days and dint change much"
"that's new" Maggie stated the obvious as she pointed out
the changing station.
Emily studied it for a moment. The station was about 2 meters long
running the full length of the back wall. Witch Emily thought was
stupid. Because if the table was to be folded down or be in use. Both
the number 5 sink and stall would be unusable. That was when she
noticed that the number five stall had the words "Diaper station
supply's KEEP OUT authorised persons only" written on it
"strange" Emily thought out loud "dint see that their before"
Maggie read the sine
"Not much ells they could do with it now this is hear"
The girls curiosity satisfied turned to the stalls to take care of
business only to see that a note had been put up. One on each door.
"the change table must of dawn my eyes" Emily thought not
remembering seeing the notes there before
"due to vandalism this bathroom is out of service. We are
sorry for any inconvenience"
"Damit" Maggie said looking up and down the stalls seeing the
same note attached to each of them "now we have to walk to the food
court just to use the bathroom."
"complaining about it won't do anything lets go" Emily said
turning once more to face the door they had come in only to see
another sine
"due to vandalism. this door dose not open from this side. We
are sorry for any inconvenience"
Emily was shocked and stoped walking Maggie who was following her
almost ran straight in to her
"hay what's the... she trailed off as she too read the note
...OH... you have got to be joking"
Emily tested the handle. "oh crap" she yelled in
surprise as It fell off in her hand. " shit " Maggie said as
Emily showed her the handle
"don't know my own strength " Emily joked trying to keep
herself from freaking out and.... Bang she fainted
Chapter two
Emily woke to a banging/ knocking sound. She looked around the
bathroom. "Not a dream then" she spoke out loud
The knocking stoped as Maggie who had been using the door handle
to try and brake the door down. Turned and rushed to her friends side
"thank god. I thought you would never wake up" Maggie half
"I fainted dint I?"
Emily had mild claustrophobia (Claustrophobia:
is the fear of having no escape and being closed in small spaces or
"Yep". "how you doing now?"
"fine. It was only the sudden shock that cause me to faint"
"Good because I have tried to call out with both of our phones,
no signal, I have tried yelling for help, and now I 'am up to braking
the door down"
Emily felt light headed again but was ready for it so she was able
to stay concuss "got any more bad news?"
Maggie pushed open number one stall. Emily now laying in the
middle of the room saw what the note had meant by vandalism. The
toilet had been removed. "I still need to go" Maggie
Emily thought about that "go in the sink"
Maggie made a face then thinking Emily had hit her head when she
fell. pointed to the row of missing sinks. "wait a minute dint I
just see them..." Emily was shore the sinks were undamaged when
they entered "but..."
"I don't know how you missed that when you came in..."Maggie
asked confused "...did you hit your head?"
"no I'm fine" Emily assured her friend. As she got to her feet
"How many fingers any I holding up?" Maggie asked as she held
up three fingers
"ok no brain damage" Maggie dint looked convinced
"How's the door coming" Emily said trying to change the
"not good. The stupid thing still won't open. I mean if I had
some tools or something to hit it with maybe we could get out of
Emily looked around the room and notice a definite lack of
anything to use. The door handle was gone as were their bags and her
jacket. Emily knew she had just been using her jacket as a pillow and
Maggie had been hitting the door with something but....
"earth to Emily" Maggie waved her hand in front of Emily's
Emily new that things had been changed since they entered: the
sinks, their stuff, the handle all gone. Emily knew this but Maggie
seemed oblivious "something is going on here"
"yes we are stuck in a bathroom. You've gone nuts and I need
to find my wallet" Maggie spoke with sarcasms for the first two but
had stated rummaging through her pockets for her wallet
I need money for the change table if I'm lucky it won't have
been damaged ... are here we go" Maggie had found a few coins in
her jacket pocket.
Emily watched as Maggie feed the machine the coins hearing the
machine unlock "are you shore that's a good Idea?"
"rock and a hard place. I can pee on the floor and then sit in
it until we are rescued or..." Maggie took a look at the now open
changing station. The front had lowered and sprouted legs so that the
front cover had become the table about waist high. Remaining in the
wall were an assortment of items from baby powder and wipes to both
disposable and cloth diapers
Maggie ran her finger down the disposable side and found one that
would fit. Strangely the idea that the machine even had adult sizes
never crossed maggies mind. Nor did the huge size shock her.
It just seemed right like knowing the sun was in the sky not under
However Emily was frozen unable to voice these thoughts or stop
Maggie from dropping her panties on the floor were they promptly
disappeared right before Emily's eyes
"stop don't do it" Emily screamed in her mind trying to move
her body
Maggie lay the diaper out and lifting her skirt sat on it. She
then grabbed the front and was about to tap it closed when she stoped
Emily was relieved. Maggie however dint get off the changing table
instead she reached round behind her and grabbed some baby powder and
began to apply it generously. Then satisfied that she had enough
placed the powder back on the shelf
If Emily could have cried she would have as her friend closed her
diaper and tappet it shut
"her goes..." Maggie trailed off as she began to use her
Emily fainted again as Maggie let out a long sigh of relief
Chapter 3
Emily woke to Maggie crying. She sat up and looked around the
room. It was back to normal. No notes. The sinks had returned and...
The changing station was still open. Maggie lay on the plastic
table witch despite the water proof cover look like the softest seat
in the room. Emily got up to go to her friend but stat back down
again as she felt something was wrong. Slowly she looked down
Shirt, gone. bra not the one she put on this morning, skirt, also
gone and most frightening and most significant of all she was now
Slowly, ever so slowly she used her hands to confirm what she
already knew.
"Yes you are diapered" her hands confirmed then added more
information "and you need a change you are wet" Emily swallowed a
"don't hate me" came maggies whisper
Emily looked up in to the girls eyes seeing fear, and venerability
and that she was naked save for her diaper which looked like it
needed to be changed too.
"it was like" Maggie started to speck very fast "after I had
this diaper on the only thing I wanted to do was use it. Then you
fainted again so I decided that I better put you in one.(since you
probable needed to go too) once I had change myself. Only as soon as
I went to get out of this diaper. I change my mind thinking "I
could wait. as you might need one now as you had more to drink then
me at breakfast". So that's what I did and as soon as you were
diapered I got my mind back and I notices the sinks and the..."
Maggie pointed around the room " well I tried to get out of my
diaper but it wouldn't come off and the instruction said" Maggie
pointed to a section of instructions in the changing machine "to
remove diaper first remove all other cloths. So I did but as soon as
they hit the floor they disappeared" Maggie broke down in to tears
gain "please don't hate me"
"oh Maggie off course I don't hate you" Emily hugged her
"Really" Maggie cried into Emily's shoulder
"well it's pretty obvious that nothing in this room is what it
seems to be" Emily stated.
then almost as if it was the most natural thing in the world Emily
checked maggies diaper
"wet but not soiled" Emily thought then "oh my god what did
I just do"
just as she felt Maggie check her. The two girls continued to hold
each other trying to sort things out. as one thought kept going
through her mind "what the hell is going on here" Emily kept
thinking over and over what had happened. Trying to find a way out of
this mess.
"Emily" Maggie chocked out the one word and the two girls
released their hold on each other so they could talk "I don't
know what's going on here and I know I am scared but..." she
trailed off
"is ok I forgive you for everything. We have to work together if
we want to get out of here"
Maggie nodded "by working together" she agreed
Chapter 4
They had been stuck in this room for at least 3 hours. in that
time Emily had checked the room from top to bottom twice and came up
with two things
One : the notes on the stall doors changed every time she read
them. Going from standard
"due to vandalism this bathroom is out of service. We are
sorry for any inconvenience"
To "toilets stuffed. use the diaper dispenser"
Or "if trapped in this room. know that you have been supplied
with fresh diapers"
Two : both Maggie and herself were getting hungry and Emily
couldn't stop thinking about the fact that she was now waring a DD
nursing bra. Something she had noticed earlier and put to the back of
her mind as she realised shed been diapered. Putting together the
fact that her breast had started to hurt half an hour ago. Emily
wasn't surprised when she began to lactate
"guess I wasn't imagining it when I thought your breast were
getting bigger." Maggie commented
"they started to hurt a wile a go guess we know why now" Emily
sighed. Maggie cursed. then confessed that hers had started to hurt a
while ago as well.
It wasn't long after that that maggies breast leaked. They took
turns wearing the bra stuff with toilet paper. They dint talk about
what it meant going from C cups to DD in an half a day
"that's it" Maggie declared. She had been sitting on the
floor next to Emily with their backs to the door staring at the
cursed diaper changing station. Emily wore the bra "I'm hungry, in
a wet diaper, and my breast are leaking. I have either gone insane or
this is a really bad joke. Either way..." Maggie was practically
yelling so Emily decided not to interrupt "... I don't care"
Maggie went over to the open diaper changer and stated to take her
anger out on the organised shelf of baby products. Trowing everything
on the floor. Emily noted that like the rest of their things that
touched the floor the baby products to disappeared. "I hate this
thing" Maggie cried and slump over on the table.
Emily stood beside her friend and placed her hands on maggies
shoulders reassuringly. As she did so Emily also noticed that
although Maggie had just ransacked the diaper changer it showed no
signs of the attack. The instructions caught Emily's eye
"If your baby cry's use a supplied pacifier"
Emily shock her head. Maggie had diaper her and herself, and now
they couldn't remove them there was no way she was putting a
pacifier in maggies mouth
"sorry Emily. I just..."
"it's ok five more minutes and I would have done it" Maggie
dint respond instead she stood up, turned and stated pacing around
the room. After two laps she stopped and read the notice on the door
"that's it" Maggie exclaimed running back over to Emily and
the change station "I can't remove my diaper and you can't
remove yours but when I checked you earlier..." Maggie went red and
Emily finished for her "it moved for you so that means..."
"...we can change each other"
Emily grabbed maggies diaper tab and puled. She felt no resistance
and the diaper opened. As if mocking there earlier stupid attempts
"see we can get out of this if we work together" Emily smiled
as she felt her hopes rise
"stop" yelled Maggie. Emily stoped looking up at Maggie
"what , why?" Emily noticed then. No sooner had the words left
her mouth she under stood. If she removed maggies diaper she would be
Maggie walked around Emily and got up on to the change table "if
you take my diaper off you will be committed to changing me in to a
new one. That's what the note said and we know it likes
Emily considered that then said " it's up to you whether you
want out of this diaper or not"
Maggie gave her answer "get me out of this thing" as she lay
Emily made quick work of getting the diaper off. Dropping it on
the floor and watching it disappear with smug satisfaction. She then
cleaned Maggie. At first it was her idea or so she thought until she
found herself re diapering Maggie as she lay frozen on the table.
"damit" Emily yelled as soon as her mind was hers again "I'm
so sorry Maggie once I started..."
"I know. as soon as I was free of that diaper I couldn't move"
Emily sat next to Maggie on the change table.
"I know I don't really want to ask you this but could you
change me? I figure a fresh diaper is better than a wet one"
"ok" Maggie spoke in a whisper but jump off the table and let
Emily lay down. This time both girls were ready and the change went
Emily was right the fresh diaper was better but shed still feel
better if she could get out of hear
"well now that that's done..." Emily trailed of
"yar you said it" they were still trapped in more ways than
one and were both getting hungry and the idea that the only food in
the room was leaking out of their breast had not gone unnoticed
Emily undid her bra and handed it over to Maggie. Who removed the
socked toilet paper out of the cups and replaced it with fresh pads
and put it on.
Although she called it toilet paper it was really wipes from the
Emily held her breasts one in each hand weighing them
"their bigger and heavier yet.." she let them go and watched
as they settled. Gravity seemed to have no effect on them as they
stood firm and proud they looked real but acted fake
"stop playing WITH THEM I'm hungry enough as it is without you..."
Maggie tried to stoped herself but that was impossible. She latched
on to Emily's left breast and began to drink. The girls in the power
of whatever it was were unable to stop Maggie from draining both of
Emily's breast. Witch Emily was thankful for as she was no longer in
pain and Maggie was no longer hungry. They then swapped the bra over
again and let Emily drink from Maggie.
Emily felt the need to pee half way through maggies right breast
and still under the curse wet herself again. Maggie checked her when
they swap over to her left breast. deciding that it could wait as the
relief she was getting took priority.
Next chapter
Now in fresh diapers and feed the two girls had fallen asleep
together on the change table. Only because the plastic table was
softer then the floor
When Emily awoke she was confused. Then as her memory asserted
itself she relaxed. Maggie was still asleep thumb now in her mouth.
Seeing that Emily realised that something was in her mouth too and
it wasn't her thumb...
a pacifier. Emily looking in the mirror confirmed her fear.
naturally she tried to remove it but it was stuck fast. Emily hoped
Maggie would be able to remove it. As she moved away from the mirror
Emily's bladder drew her attention.
She had no idea what the time was. It could have been hours' or
minutes since they fell asleep. Without a clock or natural light the
only other thing that marked the passage of time was diaper changes
and bladder release.
As she dint want to wake up Maggie for a change until she had too.
Emily tried not to think about her bladder. Instead she paced around
the room. It took her three laps before she gave in and out of
boredom started reading the notices again
"have you tried to get out. It's not impossible it's just
not very likely"
"if you can read this then you haven't forgotten how to read....
Emily felt a cold shiver run down her spine and her diaper warm.
She dint like the idea of losing adult skills so she moved on to the
next notice before she forgot how to read after all they were the
only clues about what was going on.
"thank you for using our diapers. Please help yourself to any
and all baby supplies"
Realising that the notices weren't helping in any way Emily
started counting things in the room, tiles on the floor ,ceiling and
walls. Screws in the doors. Anything that could be counted. Anything
to pass the time. She soon fell asleep again sucking on her pacifier
Emily was woken as Maggie removed Emily's now cold diaper
"morning sleepy head. Dint mean to wake you but I mean I'd
have to change it sooner or later and ... its less humiliating for
both of us if you were asleep. Hope you don't mind?"
"no... no that's fine" Emily realise that Maggie must of
taken her pacifier out of her mouth "hay what you do with my
pacifier?... not that I want it back or anything..."
Emily went scanned the room half hoping she could get it back half
despising the very idea of it. Maggie let out a sigh and handed Emily
the pink pacifier. Emily snatched the pacifier up and put it in her
mouth before the question escaped maggies lips.
"your starting to lose it" Maggie said as she pulled the
pacifier out of Emily's mouth.
Emily pulled herself together "right... your right we have got
to keep focused. Has anything changed?"
"you mean beside your diaper... not a. "
Emily could feel the hope leave her but she dint want Maggie to
know that so she put on a brave face. For her "well we will just
have to redouble our efforts. I am not about to lose myself to a
bathroom diaper dispenser"
Maggie dint believe Emily but siting in a used diaper wouldn't
get herself out of this mess
"ok but can you change me first?"
Emily now having a task that could be accomplished smiled a
genuine smile "when in Rome"
As Emily changed maggies diaper she thought to herself "this
isn't so bad. I mean it could be worse. She wasn't alone. Neither
of them were in pain or sick." Emily applied the baby powder and
felt the hands guiding her actions disappear. Maggie lay just as she
had a moment before. But now It was as if Emily had been given a
choice. She could stop right now or keep diapering her friend... no
the baby.
Maggie felt the slight pause as Emily finished applying her powder
but thought nothing of it as Emily's soft skilled hands closed her
diaper. A moment later a loud gurgling noise came from maggies
stomach and ....
Maggie farted as she did a huge crap into her new diaper.
Emily took a huge step back in surprise
It took a few minutes but when Maggie finished she had a huge
smile on her face as if she had just won lotto
"Maggie are you ok?"
In reply Maggie just played with her breast
"Maggie talk to me"
Maggie turned to the sound of her new mother's voice all her
memories, adult skills had been dumped in to her now heavily laden
Emily spun at the sound of the door opening
Three days later
Emily and Maggie sat in the park. it was a beautiful day. Maggie
was drinking Emily's breast milk. they both wore diapers but the
others in the park dint even notice. They just saw a mother and her
Even people that had known them from before dint see what they had
become their memories shifting to match the new diapered them.
Emily had to change her own diapers now as well as maggies. She
couldn't digest any normal food. Throwing up anything that she ate
within an hour of eating it. So she still drank from Maggie or
herself. This was normal to everyone else as well.
Emily looked down at her baby's face and she knew that this had
been her choice. To doom her friend to infancy forever.
Immortality for both of them unless she found a way to fix it
Next chapter
Emily was thankful that Maggie was on a liquid diet today. She'd
been giving her a change in the public rest room. Not the cursed one.
When another mother came in. she was young maybe late teens early
twenties. Like herself. Her baby girl had just done a real stinker.
"sorry" the mother apologised pushing her long red hair back
behind her ear

"no problem" Emily smiled and took Maggie and left before she
threw up.
Not ten minutes later Emily had this strange eager to go to the
food court. Now not having felt the need or want for solid food in
two weeks Emily was curios. Normally she just started thinking about
maggies breast. Mouth-watering when she got hungry.
It was the lunch rush so every table was taken. But as she was
about to give up the red head from the changing rooms waved her over.
Emily pushed maggies stroller agenised the window

"you can join us if you like... were celebrating. Her first
solid food since...well she was born"
There was a moment of shock on the two mums faces as the baby
Maggie spoke for the first time since the curse
"mamma... she like me"
The veil was lifted both mothers saw their adult baby's
Emily collapsed in to the chair

Emily couldn't believe it "how long?"
"about two months... me and my boyfriend saw this movie and
afterward we went to the toilets to make out... then he gets the idea
of dropping the change table and doing it on that... well... now my
boyfriend is my baby girl... what happened to you?"
"we were best friends...skipped school to shop... Maggie needed
the rest room so we both went and the door locked us in and these
notes on the wall kept..."
"changing..." "my name is Hanna... I can't remember her
old name... I call her Jenna now"
Jenna smiled at her mother
"um I don't eat...I just you?"
"baby food mostly... but at first it was only breast milk... at
first I thought it was waring off... then Jenna started shitting her
diaper and I just knew that... I was destined to change her but
Hanna wiped some drool from Jenna's face.
"at first I thought I was cursed but look at her... she's so
happy all the time and my life is great... I mean before I was
working a dead end job but now I'm on the fast track to CEO of
running my own diaper company..."
"let me guess it just sort happened"
"yar... I mean I dint plan on becoming so successful so quick"
"the same with me... I run a porn website
were the viewer's just get to watch me... take care of Maggie and
myself... nothing hard mine you but...I have got over 300 scribers in
the last month"