Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2038619-Darkness-Within
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Drama · #2038619
Prologue and partial chapter one.

George Moore stumbled across the courtyard to where his daughter Madeline was speaking to her bridesmaids. She turned around to face him as one of the women pointed in his direction. Annoyance flashed in her brown eyes. Her father was already drunk and the wedding hadn't even started yet!
“Father it's not time for the ceremony yet. Have you been drinking already? I need you to be able to walk me down the aisle. Please, no more drinks until the reception.”
“You foolish girl! For once in your life you should just listen to me. This man is no good. He'll only drag you down.”
“Don't start with this nonsense again. I thought you were finally going to be happy for me. Lance is a good man and we're going to have a great life together!”
Wedding guests were arriving and throwing curious stares their way as they walked through the courtyard to the gazebo area where the ceremony would take place. A lot of the faces were unfamiliar friends and relatives of her husband to be.
“I've given you my reasons why this union shouldn't take place. If you go through with this farce of a wedding I will have no choice but to cut you out of my will. I'm an old man now Madeline, think about what you're doing to your family.”
“Look around you! All of these people came here today to see a wedding and you want me just to cancel it? What about all the money that's been spent? Do you expect me to just toss it down the drain and bow to your demands? I'm done being bullied by you. I'm a grown woman now and I am capable of making my own choices.”
“Lower your voice, you're causing a scene. Now should I tell that boy you won't be marrying him or will you?”
“I will do no such thing and neither will you. If you don't like it then you are free to leave. No one is forcing you to stay here. This wedding will go on as planned with or without your approval. I will be Mrs. Lance Bennett and no power on this earth is going to stop me.”
“If you won't see the truth that's glaring in front of you then I suppose your mother and I will be leaving. I refuse to be a part of you throwing your life away. I know things about your future husband that you're too blind to realize. He wants your money and he won't have it. I'm cutting off your monthly allowance as long as you insist on this foolishness.”
“Goodbye father, give my love to mother.”
She whirled around and stormed past her bridesmaids, back into the dressing room. Her heels tapped an angry chorus on the hardwood floor.
Mara came through the back door
“Oh there you are, the ceremony is about to start. Where's your father? He needs to get ready to escort you down the aisle.”
“He won't be walking me down the aisle. You just missed the little blow up we had outside. He's been drinking again. Will you be a dear and ask Ralph if he would mind doing the deed? It will only take a few minutes?”
She pulled her cell phone from her handbag.
“Ralph honey we have an emergency here. Would you do us a favor and walk Madeline down the aisle? Her father has chosen to leave the wedding and leave us in a bind.”
“Don't you think that will be a little awkward seeing as I used to date her?”
“Well yes it is a little unusual but there's no one else to ask. Please just lend us a hand.”
“Promise you'll make it up to me later? Maybe wear that little number that I like so much?”
“Yes dear if that's what it will take. Just meet us in the courtyard in a minute ok?”
“I'm walking over now.”
Mara hung up and put her arm around Madeline's shoulders.
“See everything will be fine. Ralph is on his way over here now. This wedding will go on as planned. George Moore may be a legend in the medical world but not in our world. Who does he think he is ruining his only daughters wedding?”
“He's just being spiteful because he can't order me around anymore. He said he knows things about Lance. Made it sound like he's secretly a serial killer or something.”
“Forget about your father, he's never going to change. He just doesn't want to see you happy.”
“He's cutting me out of his will and cutting off my allowance.”
“Then use that degree you worked so hard to earn and get yourself a job. Hell, Lance makes enough to support the two of you without you having to work.”
“I need something to keep me busy until I can have my first baby. I can't wait to be a mother!”
Ralph appeared and offered his arm to Madeline.
“They're about to start. Shall we go Mrs. Bennett?”
She loved the sound of her new name.
The wedding procession began and Mara walked into the gazebo area with the bridesmaids. The groomsmen and best man entered from the opposite side. The mens dressing room was situated so that bride and groom would not accidentally run into each other before the ceremony. She grinned from ear to ear as they approached the flower arch way leading to the main aisle. The wedding march began to play and they made their walk down the aisle among friends and family. She held her head high, proud of who she was and who she'd become. Guests were whispering among themselves when they saw someone other than her father walking her down the aisle. She smiled at them and eagerly joined her husband in front of the reverend.
Lance admired his wife to be. She looked stunning in her wedding gown. He knew he was the envy of every male in the room. He took her hand as Ralph handed her off. They turned to face the reverend. The ceremony began and the hushed whispers ceased. Madeline looked deep into his eyes as they repeated their vows.
“Does anybody have any objections to the union of Lance and Madeline on this joyous day? If so speak now or forever hold your piece.”
George stood up from the back row. Madeline hadn't even noticed him when they entered. She groaned and glared daggers at him as he stumbled up the aisle. Shocked whispers flowed through the room.
“I object to this marriage.”
His words were slurred as he took a drink from the glass in his hand. He'd been drinking more whiskey.
“My daughter is too good for this man. There are things about him she refuses to understand. Lance why don't you tell your blushing bride about those escorts you like to hire when you go out of town?”
Shocked gasps flowed through the room.
“Go home old man, you're drunk. No one here is going to believe your lies.”
“You're the lying bastard here. How dare you stand before God promising to be faithful to my daughter when you know exactly what I'm talking about.”
“Father, I need you to leave now like I asked you. I've already told you what I think. Stop embarrassing mother.”
“You're the embarrassment Madeline. This swine will be the ultimate embarrassment to your mother. Stop this nonsense and call this wedding off. I have proof! He's a lying, cheating bastard. You'll only get hurt and you'll shame this family by marrying this good for nothing.”
Nancy stepped forward and grasped her husband's arm.
“Come on George, stop making a scene. You're the one whose being an embarrassment now. Its time to go. You heard Madeline, she doesn't want you here and we should respect her wishes.”
He shoved Nancy away from him, causing her to stumble and almost fall into the lap of a wedding guest. Madeline rushed to her mother's side.
“Are you alright mother?”
“I'm fine dear, he's just drunk. You know how he gets when he drinks.”
“That's no excuse. I'm having him removed. He can go to jail for all I care.”
She stepped in front of her father.
“Don't you ever lay a hand on my mother again.”
“You foolish child, the truth is right in front of you, just open your eyes and see it.”
It was Lance's turn to get involved.
“You're just a washed up, spiteful old man that can't stand to see your daughter happy. I would never hurt Madeline in the way you're accusing me of. She's going to be my wife whether you approve or not.
A security guard entered the area.
“Is there a problem here? Someone called for security.”
“This man is drunk and disrupting our wedding. He is also being abusive towards his wife. He's been asked to leave.”
“Come on sir, you need to leave now. Is there someone who can drive him? He's in no condition to drive himself anywhere.”
“Yes I will drive, I'm his wife.”
“Are you OK to leave with him? Did he hit you?”
“No sir, just a little shove. He just needs to sleep it off. George stop this now. We're leaving before you wind up spending the night in jail.”
He gave Lance and Madeline one last scathing stare and followed his wife and the security guard out. Lance took Madeline's hand and led her back to the front.
“Please finish the ceremony.”
“By the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”
Cheers erupted as he scooped Madeline into his arms and gave her a passionate kiss. Tingles traveled all the way down to her toes. She couldn't wait for the honeymoon to begin. Trying to put her father's hateful accusations to the back of her mind she took Lance's hand and smiled for the wedding photographer. She was more determined than ever to prove her father wrong, Lance was a good man and she just knew he would make an excellent husband.
After the formal photo's were done they headed into the reception area. The day was beautiful and bright, ducks swam around the small pond as a gentle breeze lifted her veil behind her.
Lance left her to go talk to his best-man and Mara rushed to her side.
“Are you alright? I can't believe he came back. I didn't even see him come in.”
“I'm fine. He's gone and its over. Lets just focus on the reception now. The food is going to be fantastic.”
“I'm going to talk to the DJ about taking out the father, daughter dance. It would be an awkward situation if he announced that.”
“That's what maid of honor's are for. Now where did that dashing groom of yours go? The guests are being seated now. It's time to go to the bride's table.”
“I'm not sure. He said he was going to look for Carter. We can go and sit without him. He'll be along soon.”
“If your father were still here he'd accuse Lance of playing grab ass with one of your bridesmaids.”
“My father is a piece of work. The only thing I feel bad about is my mother having to leave to take him home. I don't know why she still puts up with his crap.”
“No more talk about your father. Let's go eat, drink and be merry.”
“I'll be right over. I'm just going to look for my husband.”
Madeline left Mara to find her seat at the bride's table and walked into the courtyard. Lance was leaving the bride's dressing room. She walked towards him as he straightened his tie.
“Hey baby, what were you doing in there?”
“I was looking for you. It's about time to eat right?”
“My adorable husband, always thinking about his stomach. I was talking to Mara. You must not have seen us. Lets go, everyone is waiting.”
They walked back to the reception area and took their seats at the bride's table. No one noticed the bridesmaid Janice coming out of the bride's room. She took her seat at one of the back tables while Madeline looked at her new husband and beamed with happiness.

Chapter One

The door slammed shut with such violent force that their wedding photo took a suicidal leap from the bedroom wall. It hit the cherry hardwood floor, a crack forming in the glass. Broken glass spider webbed across the smiling faces, so full of hope, eyes gazing at each other in complete adoration. Madeline kicked the broken frame and it slid under the king sized bed, vanishing out of sight behind the dusky blue bed skirt.
She plopped herself onto the window seat in front of the large bay window. The sunset was vibrant burnt orange, as perfect as a sunset could be in Las Vegas. Her life was anything but perfect. Much like the cracks in the wedding photo, her life was becoming more shattered every day. The bedside phone screeched it's annoying tone. She got up to answer it, thinking only to silence it and not about who might be on the other end.
“Madeline honey what's wrong?”
“Hello mother. What makes you think something is wrong?”
“I can tell when you're pissed off about something. Is it Lance again?”
“How'd you guess?”
“Don't be sarcastic with me dear, what's he done now?”
“I got more photos in the mail at work today. He's seeing her again.”
“No indication of who sent the photos this time?”
“Nothing. It was postmarked locally, no letter, no anything. He had the nerve to try and deny it even with the photo shoved under his nose.”
“I don't know who could be sending them Madeline but this could be a good thing.”
“What am I going to do mother? He promised me last time I got photos in the mail anonymously that he would break it off with her.”
“No explanation from him?”
“He claimed that she moved back to town and he was just taking her out for old times sake, as a friend. Friends don't stand on a public street with their tongues down each others throats. I really don't know what I'm going to do.”
“Come to California dear, we can talk about this and you can have some time away. I'm afraid the reason I called is because I have bad news.”
“You're not sick are you? What did the doctor say this morning?”
“I'm fit as a fiddle. I'm not talking about myself. It's your father. He's been admitted to the hospital. Dr. Johnson said that the cancer has spread faster than they had anticipated. He's not got much longer to live.”
“I'm sorry mother. I'll see how soon I can get a flight out there. Does he know you are calling me?”
“No he doesn't. He's still as ornery and stubborn as always. I know you don't give a rats ass about him but he is still my husband and in spite of everything he's done I still love him.”
“I understand mother. I will come for you and only you. He made it very clear that he wanted nothing more to do with me when I refused to divorce Lance.”
“I appreciate it dear. We will lean on each other. Who knows, maybe he'll change his tune on his deathbed and you'll make amends. It's been known to happen.”
“Don't get your hopes up mother.”
Madeline paced back in forth in front of the window and daylight slowly faded away.
“I love you dear. Let me know when you're flying out ok? I'll send Gerald to the airport to pick you up.”
“Sounds great. I can't wait to see you. We've both been far too busy and not spent nearly enough time together. I'll call you as soon as I book my flight.”
Madeline ended the call and replaced the phone on the charger. Springing into action she left the bedroom and went into her home office in the next room. She switched on the overhead light and turned on the laptop on her desk. As she waited for it to boot up she smirked at the smiling photo of Lance next to her computer. He would be livid that she was leaving. He'd made it very clear during their argument that he expected her to escort him to the charity gala at the hospital the following night.
She opened a web browser and began searching for airline tickets. She located a flight that was leaving Las Vegas at ten o' clock. It was only five fifteen so she had plenty of time to pack and drive herself to the airport. Madeline made the reservation and printed out the itinerary. She picked up the phone on her desk and shut down the computer. Her next task would be to inform her assistant Jasmine that she needed her to cover for her at work for a few days, possibly a week.
“Jasmine? Hi it's Madeline. Look I'm sorry to bother you at home but I need to fly out to California tonight. My father is in the hospital and doesn't have much time left.”
“Oh Maddy I'm so sorry! When do you leave? Don't you worry about a thing. I'll take care of your appointments and anything else that comes across your desk for as long as you need.”
“I don't know how long I will be gone.”
“Family is the most important thing in the world so don't you worry your pretty head about anything work related. I lost my dad last summer. Go take care of your mom. Your kids will be fine!”
“Thanks so much Jasmine. I'm leaving this evening. Don't hesitate to call if you need anything.”
“I will try not to bother you but I will call if anything comes up.”
“Thanks, we'll talk soon.”
She disconnected and dialed her mother next.
“Mom I'm leaving here at ten and will arrive a little after eleven thirty.”
“Perfect darling. I'll let Gerald know what time to get you. I need to stay close to the hospital just in case.”
“I understand. I'll see you tonight.”
Madeline disconnected and replaced the phone. As she went back into the master bedroom she made a mental checklist of the things she needed to pack. She contemplated how she would tell Lance that she would not be going with him to his charity event. She'd never been a fan of confrontation and the argument earlier had been trying and awkward. She decided she would just email him from the airport. Lance was attached to his smart phone most of the time and would get her message as soon as she sent it.
Opening the walk in closet she pulled her suitcase and carry on luggage from a top shelf. On the way out she started grabbing jeans an blouses to pack. Not knowing how long she would be gone she packed several sets of clothing and undergarments. The last trip out of the closet yielded a simple black dress and a pair of black flats. She suspected she would be attending a funeral before she came back home.
She unplugged her tablet and stored it in her carry on bag. From the bathroom she put together a toiletry bag and tossed that into her suitcase. With one last glance around the room she picked up her purse and drug her luggage into the hall. Making her way downstairs she checked all windows and door to make sure all were closed and locked tight. There had been a series of burglaries in her neighborhood in the past month.
She punched her security code into the alarm panel and armed the house. As she locked the front door a small, dark colored car zoomed up in front of her house. She groaned and realized that she'd forgotten dinner with her best friend Mara. Mara climbed out of the black mustang and stopped in her tracks at the sight of the luggage.
“Maddy where on earth are you going?”
“Where on earth did you get those boots?”
“Oh honey don't change the subject on me. You forgot about our dinner date didn't you? I keep telling you that you need to use the calendar on your phone to keep track of appointments!”
“I have to go to California. Mother called and said that father is in the hospital. The old bastard doesn't have much time left.”
“Don't you have that fancy charity party tomorrow with Lance at the hospital?”
“Well yes but he can take his mistress instead. I've just about had it with his bullshit.”
“I thought he said he broke up with her? Is she back in the picture again?”
“Apparently, I got more photos in the mail at work today.”
“What time is your flight? We'll have dinner, you can tell me all about it.”
“Ten o' clock, we have plenty of time to eat.”
“I'll drive you to the airport. No sense in paying for parking when you don't know how long you'll actually be gone. I'll just pick you up when you come home.”
“Sounds like a fantastic plan. Coming home is always more exciting when there's someone waiting.”
Mara took Madeline's bags and placed them in the backseat. The car roared to life and they cruised towards the Interstate. Traffic was heavy at rush hour and Mara expertly maneuvered the little car in and out of the traffic, coming to a bumper to bumper section they slowed to a snails pace.
“So Maddy what are you going to do about that cheating husband of yours? Obviously your threats and ultimatums last time had no effect on his cheating ways.”
“I don't know what to do anymore. I can't imagine life without him really. I've thought about leaving him but it all seems so strange thinking about my life without him in it. We have to just find a way to get past this latest indiscretion and grow closer together. I think I'm going to suggest marriage counseling. If he loves as he claims he does then he will go with me and try to overcome his problems.”
Mara slammed on the horn as a semi truck began to drift into their lane. The truck jerked back into their own lane. She slowed and let the truck get further ahead.
“Do you really think he'd agree to see a counselor? I know you don't want to hear this but I think you're better off without him.”
“I know you don't like him and I respect that but it's harder than it sounds to just up and leave. Where would I go? I've never lived on my own before. How do I know that I could even cut it by myself?”
“You would be just fine. You're smarted than you give yourself credit for. Just tell me that you will do some real soul searching out in California ok? Really weigh your options and don't just think that you have to keep putting up with this shit. There is always another solution than the ones you're thinking of right now.”
“I'll give it some thought”
“Good, that's all I ask. So when are you going to tell him that you're going to California? Appearances are everything to the mighty Lance Bennett. He'll be enraged to not have his trophy wife on his arm at that gala. What will his colleagues think?”
Mara smirked as she pulled into the off ramp lane.
“Trophy wife? Hardly! Have you seen the photos of his mistress? Now that would be a trophy wife. She's exquisite and perfect down to her dainty little feet.”
“Don't bring yourself down like that. I saw the photos last time you got them. She has nothing on you. Skin and bones and far too pale for my tastes.”
“Speaking of your tastes how's Darlene? I haven't seen her in awhile.”
“Don't change the subject on me. I know your avoidance tactics. Quit putting yourself down. And Darlene is fine. She's started going to college to earn a degree.”
“I'm not avoiding. I was just curious about your new woman is all.”
“Right, you can try and fool me all you want. Are you even going to tell him you're leaving tonight?”
“I plan on sending him an email from the airport. I've had enough of his temper today. He flew off the handle when I showed him the photos. Snatched them out of my hand and tossed them in the fireplace. As if burning the evidence would make it go away. He'll be plenty pissed off that I'm leaving. If only his esteemed colleagues at the hospital knew how he really is.”
“Send him that email and just leave it be for awhile. Take some time for you when you get out of here. Go to a spa with your mother. She'll need some distraction.”
She pulled off the Interstate and into traffic, slowing for a red light.
“Where are we going for dinner anyway?”
“I thought we'd go to our favorite spot. Maria's Cantina isn't too far from here. It's usually not very busy during this time of the week. I figured you might be in the mood for a margarita after everything that's happened today.”
“I don't think I should drink tonight. But Mexican food sounds like just the right comfort food.”
“Maddy turning down one of Maria's famous margaritas? What's gotten into you?”
“I think I'm pregnant”.
Shocked silence filled the car as she pulled into the parking lot and found a spot next to the front door.
“Are you sure? What is he going to say about that? I thought he was very adamant about not wanting children. He threatened to divorce you last year when you brought up the subject. Did you go off of your pills?”
“No, I'm still taking them. I may have forgotten to take them a few times. It's not a for sure thing. I've just been feeling a it nauseous in the morning and afternoons. My period is late but that's nothing alarming, it's always been like that. I just need to be sure before I drink anymore alcohol.”
“You haven't gotten one of those tests from the store?”
“I didn't want to run the risk of getting caught with it. I have a doctors appointment in a few weeks.”
They got out of the car and went inside. They were greeted by a hostess they'd never seen before.
“Right this way ladies.”
She led them to their table and told them that Carlos would be coming to take their drink orders. Madeline blushed. Mara winked at her.
“Carlo will be happy to see you.”
“Hush woman, he doesn't mean anything with his flirting. Besides, he's way too young for me.”
“Beautiful ladies! How lovely to see you again! Madeline you look as delicious as always.”
She blushed under his gaze and turned her attention to the drink menu even though she wasn't ordering one.
“What can I get for you tonight?”
“I will have a glass of red wine and Madeline will just take an iced tea with lemon.”
“No margarita for you tonight?”
He eyed Madeline like a bug under a microscope, inspecting every small detail.
“No not tonight Carlos. I'm leaving on a flight in a few hours. I'd like to be sober for my trip.”
“OK then, one iced tea with lemon it is.”
He whirled around and went to place their drink orders. Madeline couldn't help but admire his athletic backside as he walked away.
“Maddy! I saw that. You act like you want to hide under the tablecloth when he's talking to you but you stare at his ass when he walks away.”
“I'm married not dead! Just because I can't flirt doesn't mean I can't admire from afar.”
“Lance doesn't seem to have a problem breaking your wedding vows. Why should you care?”
“You know I'm not like him.”
“Thank goodness for that!”
“Let's talk about something else yeah?”
“OK Madeline. What would you like to talk about?”
Carlos returned with their drinks and more flirtatious comments directed towards Madeline. She continued to blush and pretend to be immersed in the food menu. He took their order and went to drop it off and check on his other tables.
“Tell me about Darlene. What's she studying anyway?”
“She has decided to get a degree in business management. She wants to run my tattoo shop when I get the funds together to open one.”
“You know you can count on me to invest when the time comes. I've seen your work, you're a fantastic artist. Any shop that has you working in it is bound to be successful.”
“I don't want to take your money Maddy. Besides I don't think Lance would approve of you investing in a tattoo shop. I know he doesn't approve of me or our friendship.”
“Well that's too bad. He knew when he married me that we were a package deal.”
Madeline's phone chimed in her purse and she fished it out. She frowned at the screen and pushed the talk button.
“What do you want Lance? I'm having dinner with Mara.”
“Look can we just talk like rational adults this time? I didn't call to fight with you Madeline.”
“No we cannot. I'm flying to California in a few hours. My father is dying and mother needs me.”
“What about tomorrow night? You're my wife and I need you here with me for that charity event. This is very important to me and a huge fundraiser for the hospital foundation.”
“Going home to be with my mother is more important than any charity event. Call your mistress, I'm sure she'd love to go with you.”
“Don't act like a child just because you have this fantasy that I'm cheating on you.”
“Fantasy? I'm not the one living in a fantasy world Lance. I saw the pictures remember? You just can't admit that you can't keep it in your pants. You will not bully me this time. I'm going to California with or without your approval. Get someone else to go with you.”
Madeline pushed the end button and then powered off her phone and tossed it back into her purse.
“Darlene's brother is a divorce attorney. We could set up an appointment for you when you get back. Just a consultation so you can think over your options.”
“Let me get through this trip to California OK? When I get back I'll let you know if I want to talk to him. Who knows, my latest act of defiance may get him to file before I get back. He was pretty pissed about the charity ball.”
“You can do much better than him. Find a man that treats you with love and respect, one that actually wants children.”
Mara paused for a moment and took a drink of wine.
“Speaking of children, you really should take one of those store bought tests. You need to find out. This stress that he's causing is no good for you. Why don't we stop at a drugstore on the way to the airport? I'll buy you one. Plenty of public restrooms to hide in.”
“I don't know.”
“What are you afraid of exactly? Hes not going to be waiting for you in the ladies room to catch you peeing on a stick!”
“I guess I'm afraid to be disappointed. I want babies so badly. I'm not getting any younger.”
“You'll be disappointed when you eventually find out anyway. Why not just get it over with? Then you will know and you can put it behind you. Why torture yourself?”
“Maybe you're right. Oh look here comes our dinner.”
“Don't change the subject on me.”
“Fine, we'll stop and buy one of those tests if it'll make you happy.”
“Good now let's eat and talk about happy things.”
They slipped into casual conversation about Mara's work and the antics of the children at the daycare center that Madeline was a director at. The meal was fantastic as always and over before they knew it. Mara paid the check and refused the cash that Madeline tried to hand her outside the restaurant.
“It was my turn to pay remember? Last time you paid for both Darlene and myself.”
They got into the car and drove down the block to the nearest drugstore.
“Sit tight, I'll go buy the kit. Do you want anything else?”
“No thanks, I'm feeling a bit nauseous again.”
“Do not puke in my baby please!”
Mara pleaded with piercing blue eyes.
“I'm not going to throw up in your car, I promise.”
Mara went into the store and Madeline closed her eyes, willing the wave of nausea to go away. She bolted out of the car and into the bushes at the edge of the parking lot. The dinner that was so delicious just a short time again was now her enemy as it ejected itself from her rolling stomach onto the parched ground beneath the bushes. She groaned and walked back to the car, leaning against the passenger door breathing in the dusty desert air.
A short time later Mara clicked out of the automatic doors in her obnoxiously high heeled boots. Madeline didn't know how she could navigate in those things but she walked in them like a pro. She rushed towards her and produced a bottle of ginger ale from the plastic shopping bag.
“I thought you might need this. It should help.”
“Thanks. You're a doll.”
“You know it! Let's get going. Are you OK now? Not going to puke in my car?”
“I'm fine now, I promise.”
Mara started the car and pointed it towards the airport. She chose the short term parking garage at terminal one and took a parking ticket from the machine on the way in. They climbed out of the car and got the bags from the backseat. Mara carried her carry on while Madeline drug the rolling suitcase behind her. The parking lot wasn't as full as they'd expected and Madeline hoped that the line to check in wasn't very long. She had very little patience for situation where she had to wait in line for a long time.
They boarded the elevator and went up to the ticketing level. Being lazy they chose the moving walkway into the terminal rather than walking. An old man riding along behind them grumbled about lazy women riding when they could be walking. Apparently he was in a hurry. They ignored him and continued to ride along. He pushed past them when they came to the end of the walk way and Mara told him he was rude. He glared at them and kept walking into the terminal.
“Sheesh some people. If he was in that much of a hurry he should have just walked on the path instead.”
Madeline shook her head at his retreating back.
“Now let's go find a restroom before I let you out of my sight. It wouldn't surprise me if you ditched the unopened test in the trash if I left you alone.”
“You offend me so! I would never.”
“Right! I know you better than anyone Maddy, probably better than you know yourself. So get moving. I see a restroom up ahead.”
They went into the women's room and there was only a few other people inside. A young mother changing a baby at the changing station and an elderly woman washing her hands. Mara handed her the bag from the drugstore that she produced from her massive black purse.
“I don't understand why you pack around such a mom bag. What do you keep in that thing anyway?”
“Quit avoiding the inevitable. Go!”
She pointed at the row of toilet stalls and tapped a foot impatiently.
Madeline huffed at her and went into the stall and locked the door. She removed the box from the bag and shoved the plastic bag in the sanitary box. She sat down and opened it, carefully reading the instructions. She'd never done anything like this before. Ripping open the package she did what she had to do and just sat there and waited like the instructions said. She stared at the stick, willing it to hurry up and make up its mind about the result. She consulted the paper guide again to interpret the results. The test started revealing two lines. The guide insisted that she was indeed pregnant if the two lines were showing. Her eyes widened at she stared at it for what felt like eternity.
“Madeline is everything OK in there? Did you figure out how to use it?”
“I'm fine. I'll be right out.”
She disposed of the packaging and stuck the stick in her pocket. She readjusted her clothing and
went back into the bathroom. They were now alone.
Without a word she handed the stick to Mara from her pocket. Mara stared at it and then at Madeline. In silence they stared at each other.
“Well congratulations little momma. It looks like you have no reason to be disappointed!”
Mara hugged her and Madeline felt tears forming in her eyes.
“Hey don't cry! Aren't you happy? Isn't this what you've always wanted?”
“It is! But what the hell will I tell Lance? What am I going to do about him?”
“Don't worry about that asshole right now OK? Revel in your happiness and stop stressing out. Your mother is going to be thrilled! It will give her something positive to think about while her husband is dying in the hospital.”
“You're always the voice of reason. What would I do without you?”
“Honey you'd be a train wreck without me.”
Mara and Madeline laughed together. On the way out Madeline tossed the stick into the trash and felt hope blossoming inside her very being. A baby! They made their way to the ticket desk for her airline and said their goodbyes.
“Call me tomorrow will ya? Let me know how your mom is doing?”
“I will! Tell Darlene hello for me and congratulations on going back to school!”
They waved at each other like a couple of schoolgirls.

To be continued.....
© Copyright 2015 Kat Wilson (nekiri at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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