Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2038428-Longing-for-deer-season
by olivia
Rated: 13+ · Non-fiction · Other · #2038428
Feelings about deer season
By Olivia Gates

Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest. Mark 6:31(NIV)
As any deer hunter knows, not every time you go to your stand, are you in the right frame of mind?
On this particular day I was just down right aggravated with life itself. I didn’t want to rejoice or even be glad in it. Life was pulling me in several different directions. I also knew in my heart that Satan was trying to assassinate the will of God in my life. He was using my emotions and feelings to bring all this about. My feelings had been hurt and emotionally I was a train wreck.
My deer stand is heaven on earth. It is a welcome get away from reality. My deer stand is the one place where I can relax and just enjoy the peace and quiet. No demands on me, no phone calls, no one wanting something from me. My deer stand is the place where I am always right, even right with the Lord.
Oh! How I long for deer season each year. So I can enjoy the beauty of what God has created for us all. Here the soft wind blowing on my cheek lets me know that God is here. The birds singing me a lullaby, a squirrel sitting with his tail all fluffed up, and the smells of the woods calming my soul. This is what I need in my life.
His words tell us to rejoice and be glad in IT. Do you have an IT that is hard to rejoice in? How can you rejoice when people change your words around to mean something totally different than what you said? How can you rejoice when you do something right and people accuse you of being wrong? Sometimes we have to be the peacemaker even when others attack us.
In Hebrews 12:1 says, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, a cloud of witnesses. People watch our lives, like clouds floating in the sky. Everyone has watched a cloud float by. Some may have been dark and gloomy but they still watched them. Sometimes the clouds conceal the Sun, and sometimes they reveal the rain.
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the AUTHOR AND PERFECTOR OF OUR FAITH. Jesus is in control of everything. Rejoice and be glad in IT. What ever your IT is, keep saying I will rejoice in the Lord and be glad in it.

PS ( Pearls in my stand)
Rejoice in what the Lord has given us. The breath of life to begin with, our sight, been able to walk to the stand, instead of in a wheelchair. We have so much to be rejoicing about, don’t let the IT interrupt your rejoicing. Rejoice in the Lord always, one day at a time, sweet Jesus.
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