Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2037835-Daily-Flash-6--Drums
by Smee
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Writing · #2037835
Prompt : "Don't just stand there"
Word count : 291

Tommy knew one thing. He'd been warm and cozy in his bed, and having the most amazing dream about flying just moments ago. Then the alarm drums had started. The dream, along with any good thoughts, were banished in an instant as he shot bolt upright in his bed. The drums meant only one thing.

He threw back the wool covers, and shivered in the chill night air. He needed to get dressed, and fast. Of course, as he shuffled across the room in just his smallclothes, his mother chose that moment to barge in. Tommy was caught between a personal need for modesty, a trained need to respond to the pounding drums, and shock. He froze, his mind completely unable to decide what to do.

"Don't just stand there" His mother yelled, her only concern being the alarm, and not her son's nudity. "Get yer armour on, grab a bucket, and go help ya' sisters wit' the fires."

"The fires... but Ma, I'm fifteen. I want to help Pa, and fight."

"You'll do what I say, young man." She hoisted her mace on to her shoulder, and settled the twin spiked helm on her head. "Unless you're wanting a taste o' this when I get back."

Tommy hung is head, defeated. "No, Ma." Without another word she turned and left.

He continued across the room and began putting on his armour, muttering to himself about the unfairness. The thick leather harness was cold on his skin, but he ignored it, as he fastened the multitude of straps. The beat of the drums were firing up his blood; his warm bed and the cold air were forgotten. He had a job to do.

And one day he'd get to help fight the dragons.
© Copyright 2015 Smee (smeedyer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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