Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2037800-Because-youre-Mine-Chapter-3
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #2037800
Haven is being terrorized by the brother of the man that murdered her parents.
It was one of the hardest things Cole had done all night, he had to walk out of that room. If he had stayed just another minute longer.  None of the reasons he gave himself to go slow with her would  matter anymore.

He knew once he laid down next to her, that there would be pain. He would show her exactly what he felt.  Their friendship has already changed forever.  God, he was being dramatic, he spent too much time around the girls.

Right now retreat seems the best option. As he walked back into the living room he saw Jay sitting on the couch. The glow of the dim lamp couldn't hide the emotions that played across the man's face.  Of course Haven had woken him up.

Looking at him after holding Haven was kind of weird. Haven and her brother looked so much alike. Short brown hair sticking straight up.  Both sets of blue eyes, red from lack of sleep.  Everyone was probably awake after that episode.  Funny, no one came out to see what had happen.  They knew, they left it up to him to handle.  Not that he minded, he would always be there for Haven.

Coming around the couch he saw the copy of the letter, made before the cops had gotten there.  They knew they couldn't keep the original.  They sure were going to have a copy. 

"Haven would check the mailbox, the day that bastard decide to send her a letter." Jay's deep voice sounded strained with anger.  In his other hand, a tightly rolled joint was smoking.  Putting it to his mouth he pulled on it, quickly passing it to Cole.

He didn't hesitate to take it from him. It wasn't an everyday thing for them, but today seemed like one of those days. Pulling the heated smoke into his lungs, he held it, letting the drug relax him. Leaning back on the couch he closed his eyes. Trying to calm down.  He had to stay calm, because o one else in the house knew how to.  He opened his eyes and passed to joint. 

"What are we going to do?"  Cole asked.  Over the last four years they had tried just about everything. 

"I don't know.  We have tried everything, but witness protection. "  The State had offered.  Since Cole and Haven where in danger from the man stalking them.

"She won't leave." Cole shook his head.  They had all tried to get her to leave.  Jay was ready to sell the house after their parent's murder.  Haven had said no.  That was her home.  All they had left of their parents.  So they staid.   

Cole had no idea what to do. He felt like his hands were tied. He didn't particularly like that feeling, especially if it wasn't in bed with Haven. He must have grinned over the thought the picture brought to his mind.

"What could you possibly be smiling about?"  Jay frowned.

"I wouldn't tell you for a million dollars.  I don't know how to deal with this."  He knew he needed to change the subject now.  Now isn't the time to talk about him and Haven being intimate.

Jay gave him a knowing look. They had been through this a few times now. Cole was in love with Jay’s little sister. He wouldn't make excuses for it and he definitely wouldn't feel ashamed. Haven was a wonderful woman, she was smart and giving. He had never met anyone that cared about people more than she did.  She was beautiful inside and out.  What more could you want from a female?

"Cole" Jay started, bring him back to the conversation. "We've talked about this. I'm concerned for both of you. Are you sure?"Jay asked, narrowing his eyes. " I'm afraid you both are mixing up your feelings towards each other."  Jay paused to hit the joint again.

Cole took the opportunity to stop him right there. He didn't want to hear it again. He didn't need his best friend giving him crap. He knew what was in his heart,  at least he thought he did.

"Jay, I'm not going to talk about this right now.  We have to deal with the douchebag terrorizing Haven first."  Cole's mind was already focused on what their next move would be. 

The cops were doing what they could.  So far it wasn't much.  They called the police and showed them the new letter.  They had a restraining order on the bastard, but that didn't do them any real good.  Billy had to be caught doing something.  Cole wanted to go back into the bedroom and lay down with Haven. Tell her he was going to finish this.  A helpless feeling was choking him.  God help them all when he got his hands on that creep.

"I can only think he is fucking with our head. I have to do something, I can't just stand by anymore. " Cole's big hands clinched. His rage spilling out.  He didn't realize he was yelling , until Jay looked toward the hallway.  Hoping Meir didn't wake up, she wasn't nice when the guys woke her up.

"Please, don't wake her up."  Jay wasn't in the mood for a pissed off girlfriend tonight. 

Cole didn't say anything, he had bigger problems than Meir right now.  His life was in a stalemate until this asshole was out of their lives.  He knew he was building some fantasies around Haven.  He was afraid he was setting himself up for disappointment.  None of that mattered. Removing Billy from their lives did.

If Meir was awake she didn't come out.  They stayed up a while longer talking, making plans.  They hoped to have some new idea, but it was all the same old story. 

"Why don't you try to sleep for a few hours"  Jay said.  "Haven keeps the sheets clean for you on Skye's bed."  Jay gave him a look, knowing he would rather be with Haven.  Since their middle sibling moved out,  Cole slept here more than his place.  A place he shared with his brother, Nathan.

Cole knew what Jay was telling him.  Cole agreed, it was way to soon to sleep with Haven.  She didn't even know how he felt.  First, he would check on Haven.  With a nod to Jay, he when towards Haven's room.

Cole realized he was stalling, he was just looking at the door to her room.  He needed to check on her before he could sleep.  Work was bad enough with a full night of sleep.  The weed would help him go to sleep quickly at least.  Tension filled his body as he opened door.  Praying she was asleep.  He really hoped she would sleep the rest of the night.  Her nightmares were hard on them both.

Cole opened the door, letting just enough light in the room to see Haven curled up in bed.  Holding a pillow tightly to her body.  What he would give to be that pillow right now?

After a moment Haven sighed and looked up at him.  She wasn't good at pretending. 

"I figured you would still be awake" Cole stated. He rested his tired body, against the door frame.  He felt the tension drain from his body.  He just needed to see her, and hear her voice.  Hiding his feelings was slowly killing him.  "It's late, I'm going to crash in Skye's room for a few hours."  As he was talking, his eyes closed. 

Haven sat up after a minute.  He really was exhausted. She knew it was her fault because he was always up with her in the middle of the night. Then, he did manual labor all day. The poor guy's body would eventually crash.

His hair was everywhere much like her's had been.  He looked sexy though, relaxed and waiting.  Wonder what he was waiting for?

"Cole, you're going to fall asleep standing there.  Did you need something?"  She said, not really knowing what to do. 

"I just wanted to check on you.  You think you will be ok for a couple of hours?"  It took some work, but he got his eyes open. She was sitting on the edge of the bed.  Her bare legs and smile were worth the effort. At this point in his life he would give just about anything to be able to kneel down in front of her. Wrapping his arms around her waist and go to sleep with his head in her lap.  The picture of it turned his mind to sex. 

There relationship really had changed, and without him noticing.  When he first met her, Haven had, been a bouncy little thing, always singing and laughing.  Haven was Jay's little sister, he didn't think about her much back then.  After the murders she became his friend.  That word didn't begin to express the bond they now shared.  A bond formed in mutual grief and the search for comfort.How many more nights was he going to have to walk away from her?

"Tomorrow I'll drive you to work.  We'll talk when we get there, ok?"  He had to get this over with.  By tomorrow night he wanted one thing settled in his life.

"I'm fine, go to bed."  She wasn’t fine, and they both knew it.  Would he call her out on the lie?  They never lied to each other, but this one couldn't hurt.

"Don't lie to me." He snapped, looking at her face.  Cole could always tell when she was lying.  Haven was just trying to help.  "Lying isn't going to help. Honesty is the only way for us to make it through this."  He told her.  He was talking about their relationship not all the other bullshit going on. 

"Cole, I'll be ok, just go get some sleep."  She gave him a small smile.
He didn't know what else to say, so he did what she asked.  Pulling the door closed, he turned towards the other room.  He would be lonely, hopefully he would go to sleep quickly.

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