Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2037751-Prompt-Nine-Mistakes-and-Failures
by Smee
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Other · #2037751
Write a scene where your character fails at something important to them.
Prompt Nine: Mistakes and Failures : Word count 918

((Haha, you just had to give this prompt on the morning of Sej's date. So so mean!))


So much for worrying about getting up early for church. Sej finished a second cup of coffee and felt just about alive enough to get ready. The details of the nightmare had faded, and the only thing remaining aside from his tiredness was the unpleasant feelings.

He washed, and unwrapped his new tunic. It fitted perfectly. Sej decided the tailor would be receiving more of his business, and his old one could stuff his stuck up ways. He pulled out his best shoes, black and well polished. He was ready.

The early morning air was crisp, and unfamiliar. The usual stench of smoke from a thousand chimneys didn't yet permeate the air. Puddles from the night rain decorated the cobbles, and sparkled in the rising sun. Before he knew it, the towering spire of the church came into view. It wasn't anything near the size of the cathedral, but still had a dignity to it. Sej found himself admiring little details, ones he'd normally not notice as he hurried to a bar, or shop. People were milling about outside. Little groups huddled around, feeling the chill in their Sunday finest. Several children, running around the small graveyard in play, were swiftly called back to their parents.

He noticed Mike at the same time his friend did. Mike grinned and waved him over. Sej let his eyes wander to the woman by his side. Her hair was a lively red, straight and pulled back neatly behind her ears in a loose braid. She hadn't noticed him yet, and was looking at Mike. Sej swallowed a few times, tugged down the tunic and headed over. She noticed the direction Mike was looking, and turned to see. When she saw him she smiled, and her face lit up. Sej's heart did a backflip, but he managed an appropriate smile in return. Mike hadn't been joking, she was beautiful.

Her face suddenly winced, and her arm raised as if to point something out, but Sej felt what she meant before understanding. Not paying attention to where he was walking, his foot sank into a puddle that was deeper than it appeared. Cold water saturated his foot in an instant, despite his shocked hop away from it. "Damn it!" He cursed before he could stop himself, and instantly regreted it. Ignoring his foot he made it the rest of the way to Mike, and his niece, noticing the blush on her face signifying she'd heard the curse. So much for first impressions.

"You made it!" Mike sensibly pretended nothing had happened, his face filled with a wide smile. "Sej, I'd like you to meet my niece, Daniella. Daniella, this is my good friend, Sebastian."

Sej couldn't help a brief wince at being introduced with his full name, but decided it was probably appropriate. He smiled, bowed slightly, and offered his hand. "My pleasure."

She shook it coyly, managing the slightest of curtsies at the same time. "Mine too."

"Your parents are already inside, I'll go find them. You two follow along shortly now. We'll save you a seat." Mike's skillful extrication made a panic rise in Sej. All the eloquent and interesting thoughts he'd been planning just flew out of his mind, leaving him staring at Daniella, his mouth slightly agape.

"Mike has told me so much about you. Says you're a great writer."

Sej could have kissed her right then and there for saving them from the silence. He grasped at the conversation like a man grabbing for a lifefloat.

"Well I'm trying. I've always loved words, and writing, but sometimes they don't come easy."

She smiled, seeming to grasp his double meaning. He was pleased at her wits. "What do you do?" He asked.

"I work with my pa with the shop mostly. He's a baker. I help with the breads and pies."

The church bells interupted any further conversation, announcing the hour.

"Time to head in I guess." Sej said, holding out his arm. "May I."

She laughed, and placed her hand behind his elbow. "Such a gentleman."

Together they followed the crowd up the church path. The rain must have been heavier than he'd thought, it was slick with mud. His foot had gone numb from the cold water sloshing about his boot. When it slipped from under him he caught himself just in time, managing to do little more than jostle Daniella. She held him tighter, and he carried on. The second time he couldn't pull it back. Down he went into the mud, pulling his date down with him. The crowd parted around them, gasping in shock. Sej wanted to curl up and die.

"Daniella, are you alright? I'm so sorry?" His tunic was ruined, covered in the thick sludge. He made it to his feet and helped her up. Her dress was similarly coated, and some had splattered on to her face. He pulled our a hanky from his pocket, mercifully still clean, and made to clear her face. Her face was a deep crimson, she was completely mortified. She snatched it from him, and pushed away his hands.

"I think you've done quite enough, don't you?"

"We should get you inside, perhaps there's somewhere we can clean up."

"Not with you there isn't." Wrapping her dignity around herself like a cloak she stalked into the church, vanishing into the gloomy interior and leaving Sej alone on the path with the crowd muttering to themselves as they edged past him.

He turned around, intending to find an Inn and get blind drunk as soon as possible, before remembering what time it was.

"Just great!"
© Copyright 2015 Smee (smeedyer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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