Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2037053-Prompt-Four-Reconnections
by Smee
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Writing · #2037053
Your character runs into someone they never thought they would see again.
Prompt Four: Reconnections - Word count 1022


His 'date' with Mike's niece at church was only a few days away. Sej had concluded his usual silks and fine clothing would seem out of place, and had traversed half the city trying to find a suitable outfit. It needed to be elegant of course, but modest also. Sej's normal tailor had been politely indignant when it was suggested his usual wares wouldn't do, and had refused to lower (what he called) his standards. So far the quest had been unfruitful. He wanted something blue, his favourite colour, but the poorer cuts of cloth were all brown, and beiges. He had one more shop to visit, and then he'd give up and head to Mike's for a drink.

Sej had tried all the more prosperous tailors. This was a dirtier part of town, and unfamiliar. The directions he'd been given were vague and he'd stopped to ask several times already. Finally he stood before a shabby building, nestled between a derelict shop and a small chandlers. Amidst the smell of smoke and dung, the stench of midden permeated the air. Despite this, the streets were crowded with the hustle of peasants and townsfolk going about their way. The cobbled streets were potholed and coated with mud, but a few horse carts still made a bumpy journey down them. Barely clad children ran and played around the curbs and alleyways. Sej shuddered and pulled his coat tighter around his neck, as if it'd somehow shield him from everything around him.

The door opened reluctantly, and revealed a gloomy interior. A single oil lamp provided what light it could, several candles adding to it fitfully. A long counter was backed by multitudes of shelves and open cubbyholes filled with cloths and wools. An elderly man stood behind it, and Sej was pleasantly surprised to see him well dressed, and smiling.

"Welcome, young sir. How may I help?" His voice was rich and strong, belying the old exterior.

"I need a new tunic, modest and suitable for church wear. In blue, preferably."

"Aah perfect, young sir, I have a lovely blue silk that..."

"No, no silks. I want something plainer. Cotton, or wool."

The man looked Sej up and down, clearly appraising his current apparel. "An unusual request, young Sir, you seem more familiar with finer garments. Aah but, I understand, I would recognise someone who lives nearby." He added shrewdly.

"I don't follow..."

"Not to worry, I have just the thing." He rummaged under the counter briefly, and emerged with a large bundle. Unwrapping the twine holding it closed, he lifted up a stretch, showing a dark navy material.

Sej stepped closer, reaching out to touch it. It felt soft, softer than he expected. "This is... ...lovely! What is it?"

"A special wool from a small village in the northern lands. Their sheep are fed a mix, added to their usual diets, and their wool grows much finer. It is then treated further. Quite beautiful, and rare."

Sej had winced slightly at mention of special. It usually meant expensive. Rare doubled it.

"I need it in two days, can that be done?"

"Of course, young sir. Please, come with me out back, I'll have my assistant measure you at once."

Sej followed, and was placed on a low stool. He took off his coat, and the man laid it aside. A large mirror took up most of the wall in front.

"Arms out, look straight ahead, and try to keep still." The brash orders came from a younger man. He entered from the side, and moved behind. Sej saw him in the mirror, less well dressed than the owner, and with an array of measuring strips around his neck. He seemed about Sej's age. There was something about the voice.


"Yeah, how'd you know that?" He was already wrapping a tape around Sej's chest, paying attention to his work and not the customer.

"David Peters? It's me, Sebastian."

The man stopped and looked up. Sej guessed the same look of surprise was mirrored on his own face. There eyes held for a few seconds.

"What... er, what are you doing here?" The surprise had been replaced with a blush, and David stepped backwards. The tape fell loose and hit the ground with a noise that seemed much louder in the sudden silence. Sej was confused. He and David had been best friends through most of their teens.

"I haven't seen you in six years and that's the first thing you say? What happened to you David? You just vanished after the end of school party."

"I, er... had to go, somewhere." If anything the blush was getting deeper, his eyes were lowered, and he was wringing his hands as if unsure what to do with them. Sej was awash with emotions, and more confused than ever, but seeing his friend's discomfort tried a different tack.

"Whatever! You're here now, and we have so much to catch up on. I can't believe you've been so close all this time. We finish up here, and I say we go for a drink. Will your master let you leave work?"

For half a second a light seemed to brighten David's face. His eyes lifted briefly, a flash of a smile appeared, and then it vanished behind a frown. He mumbled something about wages, and being busy. Sej persisted.

"Not to worry about money, the drinks will be on me."

"I can't." David's face seemed to turn to stone. He picked up the tape measure and wrapped it around Sej's chest again. He turned, made a mark in a ledger, and spread the tape down the length of Sej's outstretched arms. The performance was perfectly clear to Sej. He'd seen it before when David had been in trouble with his parents, or after an argument with a girl. His friend had shut down, and nothing would pull him out of it until he was ready. Sej relented and let him finish up the measurements, in silence.

"Jonah will have it ready in two days."

"Thank you, David." Had Sej done some wrong to his friend at the party? His alcohol fueled memories of it were vague. Sej promised himself it wasn't over. He'd get to the bottom of this.
© Copyright 2015 Smee (smeedyer at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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