Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2036900-The-Cantina
by cotton
Rated: E · Novel · Romance/Love · #2036900
Tina Wentworth was of age, and couldn't wait to go out there and fall in love.
It was a hot and stormy night, when the moon was full above the water of the sea...
There where many ships near, by even this girls father's ship named Cantina, and named it after his daughter, Tina, Wentworth, was her name. Her father name was Brian...
Her mother had died given birth to her... Her father and her live in a small cottage, on the west, side of the Caribbean. Her father, hired a nanny for when he went on long trips across the sea...
Her name was Hilda the nanny. Tina knew her ever sense she was little... so they got along good together... Tina also sailed with her father at times and loved to open sea air...
She told her self when she got alittle older, she hoped to fall in love with a man that sailed the open sea, some day, just like her father had done so many years, ago, and still going strong, taking on new crew members every year he sailed the high seas.. When Tina was younger, she had short blonde hair, and dressed like a tom boy... Now that she is getting older, she wanted to dress like a young lady, and her father, wouldn't allow it, he wanted her to be his little girl, for as long as he wanted her to be...
Her nanny Hilda was young a beautiful, with dark blown hair, and was about her fathers age. Tina shared alot of the things Hilda has taught her, just like a mother, would do...
Hilda taught her how to sew, a draw, and alot of other things too. of how to be a propper young lady. like all the other young ladies Tina saw when they went to town... She wanted to be one too...
When she was old enough to do so that is and now in her 16th year. Hilda started helping her, make skirts, and dresses, for a young lady like herself now...
She also wanted to go exploring more now with her father then now more than ever. So she bagged her father, until he could not take anymore of her, asking him, that she can go with him on the run, to where ever he was going upon the sea... Going to port to port, or exploring new places, instead of being cooped up in the small cottage that they live in now, from when she was a child...
So the very next day Hilda the nanny Helped Tina and herself get packed for being on her fathers ship called The Cantina... Tina was so excited that she could finally be on her fathers ship. Now that she's a little bit older, and ready for the long journey that lies ahead for all three of them and her father's crew... that helped him run his ship with them...
He was their captain...

Page 2.

Tina wondered what to call him, when she was around him and his crew.
"Just call me father, that's all I ask... For I explained to my crew, all about you, so you don't have to worry, my child..." Tina rolled her eyes and pouted to her father...
"Father, i'm not a little girl... any... more" She mouned.
"I want to become like all the young girls, that I see around town?" She winned and then made a grunting sound, as she then looked at her father. Then walked away from him with her bags of stuff in her hands and started for her state room that was on the ship, that her father let her use, along with the nanny... Her name was Helda and she, began to speak...?
"Brian, Sir... Your daughter, is not so little any more...? She is a very propper brought up young lady, if you happen to notice." She than smiled... Brain, mouned and said.
"I know..?" "You've raised her, we'll..? "She's still my little girl, no matter what anyone says, she's just, growing up, so fast, these days...?"
"I'm just afraid, she's going to leave me... One of these days, when she's all grown up and I'll Never see her, again..." Brian sighed... Hilda, smiled again, and put her hand upon his right shoulder, and said...
"When, that time comes, no matter what goes on in her life..."
"She will always be, you daughter...?" Brian, got a funny feeling. that he never felt before, even when Tina's mother was alive... He then grinned, and made a noise, and walked away, from Hilda, when he heard, one of his men, fighting with another man. and he went to go break it up...
Hilda looked at him weird and wondered what he was thinking then grabbed her bags and went to the room, where Tina had gone...
"All right...!" "All right..." "Break it up, Break... it... up...?" He winned...
"But, Captain, I heard him. Talk about your Daughter, His 1st. Mate, Burny replied., as Brian blocked himself inbetween the two men...
"Captain, it's not right to bring two young woman aboard... Aspecially the wee one..." The other man replied... Henry explained.
"That wee... one is my daughter, and there, be no bad, talk about her... You, hear..?" Brian, their Captain, gripped...
"But, Captain...? Henry... cried... Brian interupted him, no matter what you think, she is coming with us, weather you like it, or not..." He explained to the two men.
"That goes with the rest of you men...!" Brian screamed.
"Don't even think about her, or go near, her, or you will answer to me...!" Got it, Men..."
"I...!" They all spoke out...
"Good, now back to work...? We pull anchor in an hours time... He spoke up, once again...
Then Brian, let go of the two men that he held apart from one another... He then mouned and walked away, and went towards, Hilda, and his daughter Tina, to see how they were holding up...

Page 3.

Mean while as Tina reached the state room, she looked it over when shen she walked into the room.. Then Hilda, came in a while later.
"It doesn't look anything like my room, at home, but I guess it would do...? Tina, then sneezed from all the dust, that lingered in the room.
"Well, maybe we should tidey it up a little before we unpack our things...? Hilda replied.
"Do you think we... should." "What, will my father say...?" She wrinkled her lips...
"I don't think he would mind. Hilda. remarked, and smiled.
"Do you really think so... Tina, giggled.
"I know so...?" Hilda. then went and picked up a pillow from one of the twin beds and shook it, not know, Brian, he father, came in while the door was opened and did it right in his face... while Hilda was chatting with Tina...
Brian cleared his, throat and then sneezed as he waved the dust away.
Hilda, looked his way... and cupped her lips and dropped the pillow, and dusted him off...
He tried to get her to stop... Until he said her name.
"Hilda, Hilda... it's all right, I'm fine now...? He pouted.
"I'm sorry, brian, Sir... I had know Idea, you were standing right there until you you spoke, Sir...?"
Tina, was giggling, because she say the whole thing happen, right before her very eyes, and didn't say a word, as her father looked over at her... and put his haqnd over his, mouth like he was going to sneeze and then spoke again, I just thought I come and see how you were getting along..." As he removed his hand from his mouth...
"I am fine, father. don't you worry... this room will do...?" Tina explained.
"Are you sure...?" He replied, as he walked over to her, and looked at Hilda, as he walked by her, with a wierd look upon his face. As she smiled back at him...
He put his hands upon his daughters shoulders after he reached her...
"Don't look so worried, father, Hilda is here, to, take care of me too. Nothing bad is going to happen to me...?" she spoke back, and he let go so she can hug him.
"That's what I'm afraid of...as they held each other. Hilda came and said...
"all right, Brain, Sir. Now get, we got work to do.. as he let go of Tina. and got pushed out the door, by, Hilda, the nanny.
"Now, go... Go... On..." She gripped as he tried to speaked and got the door slammed in his face, by Hilda...
"That, man... what... am... I...going... too... do... with him... if he tries, to walk in this room, once more...? Hilda, rambled on, as Tina, started to giggle once more, when her father, opened up the door...
"I knew it, I knew it, let us be now... We both be fine... Now get... and tend to your men up on deck. Hilda griped as she pushed him out the door, once more...
Tina, laughed out loud, this time and said.
"Hilda... Your so forceful, I like it, I wish, my father would marry you... and you can be my mother, for your the... only mother... I have ever known... thanks for looking out for, me...?" Tina then went to her and giggled on the way there and gave her a real big hug...
"I Love you...?" Tina giggled out loud...
"I Love You... Too..." Hilda replied back.
"Now let's clean up this mess... Hilda explained, and they went on about their work, as well, as Tina's fathers help did the same.

Page 4.

Brain, was stunned that, he let a woman do that to him, and heard, what, his daughter said, to Hilda...
"Marry Hilda... He thought out loud as he walked away... Then he thought some more.
"Could Hilda, be in love with me...?" He told himself... Then he laughed. as he walked a little more and then stopped, and, said to himself once more.
"Na..." "She couldn't, be...?" "Could she...?" "Na..." He laughed again. and thought some more, as he began to walk up to the deck where his men were.
"But, then..." He spoke again, this time his whole crew heard him, ramble on, about Hilda, and shook his head.
One of the men whispered... To one another...
"What's wrong with the Captain...?"
"I have no idea..?" Other man spoke.
"Is he crazy, with fever, or what...?"
The 1st. Mate, spoke up...
"If the Captain see's you talking, He would tan our hides...
Another man began to giggle, and Brian looked over at them, and they all were, quit, and went on about their work...
Brian, turned his head again, and thought again... Quieter, this time spoke the words, in his head.
"But, then, why, would my daughter say, such a thing... She... likes Hilda alot... known her, ever sinse she was little..." "I guess it's possible..." "I also have know her, for that long..." As he mouned and pasted back and forth.
Burny, his 1st. mate, looked confused, and wondered, what got his, Captain, so worked up...
"Must be something, that, got him all worked up...?" He whispered to himself in silence.
"could it have to do with us, or the two woman, he brought on board, this ship...?" His 1st, mate. said to himself again, and again..." Henry, heard him whisper underneath his breath, when he thought no was around listening to him.
'Who, the heck, knows..." Henry whispered...
Burny, heard Henry's voice, as he was deep down in thought. and shook his head...
Then looked over at him and said once more.
"What..." As Burny shook his head again, rolling a piece of rope.
"Who, the heck, knows..." As Henry was mopping up something on the deck floor.
"Oh, that's what you, said..." Burny, replied back.
"Are you and the Captain, friends... Maybe you should go talk to him..." Henry, explained.
"We are...?" Burny replied. and moved his lip to one side. and thought a bit.
"Never seen him act like that before..." Burny whispered.
"Go talk to him, then..." Henry gripped, and whispered at the same time.
"I don't think it would be a good idea, right now...? Burney spoke once more.
"I think itis better left un said..." "Besides... I don't want to make him any matter with me..." "Than he already is...?"
"If you say so...?" Henry mouned, after saying so...
"Trust, me..." "I know so..." Burny said in a worry, tone in his voice.
All his men stopped what they were, doing and looked right, at him, when they heard their Captain, swear...
Brian then looked over at them, and reacted, hastly.
"What, all, you, men... looking at...!" Then gave then a dirty look.
then stepped towards them, and they all dropped what they were doing and ran, from him. They knew not to get on his bad side.
"Where are all you, going, get back here...?" He shouted...
His men scattered, one even ran from the ship...
"Well, that's one man... I don't have to worry about I guess... Mumbling, underneathe his breath... then took a deep breath in and out.

Page 5.

By that time, Hilda and Tina, fixed up thier room... they were about to share with one another.
Hilda, took out a dress she made for Tina, and showed it to her...
"Here, wear this, Tina, I made it just for you...? For you're 16 now, and it's time for you, to be like every young girl., should look like, at your age, should be...?"
"It's beautiful, but what about my father...?" Tina explained.
"Don't worry, about, him, if he gets, upset, let him, take it out on, me...?" Hilda, remarked.
"I don't want that to happen to you, if he starts too. Hilda, cut her off.
"It's fine, I a sure you, once he see's you in this. He'll forget about what he's mad about...?"
"Besides, it was me who pushed him out the door..."
"it's me that shall take the blame, not you...?"
"Go a head try it on...?" As she held it out towards Tina...
"I sure, hope, you, know, what you, are, getting yourself into... Hilda..." Tina told her.
"He never listens, to either one of us, and I'll never hear the end of it..."
"You'll never be able to change his mind...?" She told her once more.
"We shall see..." Hilda, tilted her head and sighed... Tina grabbed the dress from Hilda... It was laced in white, and pink satin, material, with white laced sleeves, and pink satin all the way down to her toes.
TIna then got undressed and put it on, while Hilda helped her.... Tina had a worried, look upon her face.
"Stop worrying..." Everything will be just fine. My soon to be Daughter...?"
Tina, then said..
"So, then... You, do, love my father... Tina annouced.
"Ever since I saw him, yes... I really, do...?" "I just don't know how he feels about me, after, working for him, all this time." Hilda, wondered.
"Can I call you, my Mother, or just stick, with your name being Hilda and all..." Tina asked.
"I would like that..." As Hilda helped her finished buttoning her up... They then both giggled at one another, and then gave each other a hug... Then gave her some fashion shoes to wear with it.
"Now, let's go show your father..." Hilda redplied, and then smiled.
Tina held back as Hilda slowly walked her out the door...

Page 6.

They both got up on the deck, and Tina, looked around, and not even the crew of her fathers was around.. She knew her father had a temper, and she got scared and got lose from Hilda's grip she had on her, and started to flee.
"Wait a minute Tina... don't be afraid.... Hilda... explained.
"Look at the deck of this ship. their are usually men a foot, that work for my father, and now, they are no where in sight."
"Your father, may have a temper, But I doubt, they stopped working for him... They are probably some where hiding from him..." Hilda explained to Tina.
"For I used to take you out and about, when your father was in one of his moods, so both of us, Fled as well."
Tina stop fighting me, my child...Hilda, announced.
Well Tina, didn't like what she heard comming from Hilda, that she stop pulling away from her, and said.
"I am not a child, I can stand on my own two, feet... Tina snapped.
"Then prove it...?" "Show your father, you are a grown up young lady...Hilda, shook her head in repliance.
"All right I will...! I will show him... that I am...?" As Tina stood tall and headed towards her father... As hilda stayed behind to watch.
She walked over to her father while he was miles away. As she got his attention... then looked at her. then looked to see what she had on... Even her hair was nicely brushed.
Her father took a step backwards, and fell, in a big tub of soapy water.
"Oh, father, all you all right...?" she asked.
"I'm a, I'm a... all right...? You just took me by surprise that is.." Her father, couldn't talk straight.
"Really, you, really, think so, father...?" Tina smiled, with her blonde hair, that was past her shoulders now was blowing in the wind., and her blue eyes glowed, and sparkled in the sunlight.
He did not want to admit that she looked nice like all the other girls, that he saw that were her age, all other the the land, that he had sailed too, all of those years ago... when he was a much younger, man, than he is now...
Then he thought of some young man sweeping her off her feet, and leaving him home all alone, with no one to love.
She saw the look on his face, when he stood up, from falling in that biog tub of soapy water.
"you don't like it do you...?" Tina then rolled her eyes and looked over at Hilda.
"I, I, do...?" He told her.
"I can see that look upon your face, that you don't. You want me to stay your little girl forever, don't you...?" She cried, and whippered all at the same time.
By then her father, said, what he shouldn't have said to her...?
"You will all ways be my little girl, go put something else on, I have men around here, that would think differently about, you, now get...! Before they come back..." He screamed at her.
She then ran to Hilda's side and cried in her arms, as she held Tina tight. Hilda, gave him a dirty, look... After the way he treated his daughter. and his face changed, and then walked away, from them..

Page 7.

"Thats it Hilda, I showed him, I thought he changed, but, he still is mean to me, ever since I was little." Tina cried and sobbed.
"That, maybe so, But he still loves you...?" Hilda tried to make her feel better.
"I want to back to my room... Now...?" tina explained.
"Go ahead, I think I'll have a talk to your father, I'll make him, change his, mind." As she thought to herself what to say and do... to him... When she went up to him... Something low down and dirty...
"Hey, I'm not done talking to you, I made that dress for her, it's me you should be mad at... Not your daughter...?" As she stood before him with a not so dirty, look upon her, face, then she did it, she then, stared at him, for the longest time and said...As she started to cry...
Brian Hated to see a woman cry and tried, to comfort her. As he told her he was sorry, for gripping at her.
He then thought of if she really cared about him, when he over heard his daughter say that Hilda, liked him more than she's letting on and with out even thinking he put his lips upon hers. She then pushed him away, and slapped him in his face... with out her realizing how fast she reacted, when he kissed her, for it took her by surprise.
"Oh, my lord, Brian Sir, I am so terribley sorry...?" "It's just you startled me so..." Hilda, told him as she wiped the tears from her face...
"It's my fault, I promise I will not do it again." He explained.
"Actually it was kind of nice...?" Hilda, smiled.
So then he reached down and kissed her again... This time she responded back.
"Then paused while kissing Hilda and she, is what I heard from, Tina, true...? Do you have any feelings for me at all..."
"Where did you here that..." Hilda, remarked.
"I could help to over hear, what she said on the other side of the door... after you roodly pushed my out the door." He replied back to her.
"I am sorry about that, but after seeing that room you had for us, to stay, in... I had to clean what ever was in there up. after all, that's not all you hired me for in the 1st place, is it. Just to have me look after your daughter while you were away at sea... She then sighed, and took a deep breath in and out.
"Sooner or later you would have to realize she's not so little any more, and getting older of each passing year. Hilda explained to him.
Brian was stuborn. He knew what Hilda was saying, but didn't want to admit it... He already lost his wife, he didn't want to lose his daughter as well... He was not ready to commit to her just yet, he had a Job to do... and still did not get over the death of his wife, Wendy.
Hilda wished He would get over with it and move on just like he took the 1st step into kissing her. Is all Hilda thought about then said...
"I better go see about your daughter, she was pretty up set with you, a little while ago..."
"I really don't think she wants anything to do with you right now. Hilda mentioned, to him...
Then she left his sight, and went back to their room, where his daughter Tina was at...

Page 8.

Tina had locked the door, when helda came to it.
"Tina, let me in, it's Hilda...?"
"I talked to your father, he was pretty made at 1st. Then something happened.Hilda, remarked.
"What happened...?" Tina asked. I slapped him in the face, I didn't mean for that to happen, after he kissed me and all.
Tina sat up from her bed that she sat upon, and said... "What...?" Tina was shooked. Her father hadent been with a woman for along time after her mother died given birth to her.
She and Hilda, told each other everything, some good some bad... and Tina smiled.
"What was it like kissing him, after all these years, you worked for my father...?" She asked.
Tina suddenly felt alittle better...
So Hilda told her what it felt like, for She too, was her 1st time in a long timebeen kissed after working for her father.
"I have been kissed before when I was much younger, But, when you long for someone, it's totally different than what you expect.
"I think your father has some kind of feeling towards, me, if he didn't he would have, kissed me...?" Hilda explained.
"I'm so excited for you...?" "can't wait to fall in love...?" Tina giggled and hugged her. while she said that her father wasn't a bad guy after all, but, he was still strict with her. after all she's only 16 years of age, but almost a woman...
"You'll find out, someday, when you find that special someone, like I have had with your father..." She sighed happilily.
"I want it to happen now...?" She told Hilda.
"Don't worry it will happen when you least expect it, too..." Hilda explained.
"That special somebody is out there, just waiting for you... to come along, just be patient."
They talked for hours, when finely, Brian, got his crew to set sail, they didn't even know they left the port.
They sailed all thru the night and into the day... When her father came down and had brought them some food, to eat, that his cook had made for them.
"When do we get to go up on deck father...?" Tina asked.
"When I say it's all right to go up there. Which is in a little while." As he sat and ate with them.
"I am not really all that hungry, can I go up there, now... Can I get into that dress Hilda made for, me, for it's to hot to be wearing this, all the time. Aspecially if I've out grown them..." Tina asked again. Her father looked over Hilda, as she nodded her head.
"Well, I guess it is all right, if Hilda says, it's all right it's all right with me...?" He told her.
He warned her before he walked out the door, not to give any of his men any ideas, So then her father left the room, so they can both change their clothes and go up on deck...

Page 9.

Tina and Hilda could wait to get of the ship, after they sail for a day or two... after enjoying them selves upon her fathers ship. They all went to port to port, buying new things to wear, and having her father back. Now, that, Hilda and her father, kissed and are now in a realationship...
A year had past and and her father still hasn't proposed to Hilda yet... She was now 17 and enjoyed living upon the sea, with Hilda, and her father... She still wished for that day of love to come her way, after, Hilda, told her about the birds, and the bee's.
When one day it finally happened.
Her father rented a room at the local Inn, in town where, they went to stay for a while, after being out on the sea, for periods of time, to time...
She wore the dress again and again, that Hiolda had maid for her, and she liked all of them out there looking at her now, for she had grown out a little more, then she was before.
She asked Hilda if she could go alone and shop this time around.
"You be carefull, their are alot of Pirates out there." Hilda mentioned. This was the first time there was any mention about pirates, for they were now, some part of the caribbean...
Where there were tons of them.
Her father knew she was older now, and set in her ways. to be off on her own, with out Hilda, and her father following her around... all the time... Her father, wanted her to find someone that wasn't a pirate like himself, but never told her he was one of them, but Hilda knew, and when the time came they would tell her.
So she went out and got some material to make her a new dress, when all of a sudden she spotted someone... She couldn't take her eyes off of him. She followed him with out her knowing,to see where he ended up at...
He had a whole lot of men around, him... That, went every where that he went, Just like the men her father had hanging around him, for port to port. He was tan and Tan, and had brown wavy hair, and brown eyes, the shined, when the light hit them. She heard his name being called many times by the ladies in town... Eric, but didn't know his last name.
She had to use a bathroom, for she had traveled a long ways, from where she was, finally, found a store that had a bathroom, and when she came out, her eyes, locked with his, and she smiled, and high tailed it out of there.
He said to himself what a strange young girl, from no one he's ever seen before, she was different from any other girl, until, he walked out of the store, and saw some things that she had dropped. and picked them up and went after her.
He called after her...
"Miss, oh, Miss you dropped something, stop running away from me, so I can give it to you...?" Then, one of his men, that hung around him, said, he would get her, and she turned her head and bumped right into him. He then grabbed her, and told her to calm to as she dropped more of her stuff upon the ground. Then then like a gentleman he came and picked up the rest of her stuff and handed it to her. She then grabbed it from him.
"Miss are you all right, you look a little shaken up, and she looked at him and the man that had grabbed her.
"Wouldn't you be if someone came up and grabbed you...?" She carried on. As she breathed heavily...
"Please excuse my man. He should haven't done that to, you. But you gave him no other choice to stop you, to give you what you have dropped." Eric, remarked, he to was breathing had, trying to keep up with her and all.
She looked around and noticed she went out of her way, and got her self lost, by following him, to this very spot but then it was the other way around.
Eric was very nice to the ladies around the town they were both in.
"Thank you, Eric, for giving me my stuff back...?" she breathed in and out.
"Hold on just a minute How do you know my name, are you, sycic or something..." Eric asked.
"No, not that I'm a where of... She lied to him. Knowing the ladies called him that..
So, if you know my name, can you tell what you name is Miss... He replied. Trying to breath at the same time.
As he bent over to do so...
"Which by the way, where did you learn how to run like that... He then coughed.
"Are you all right, Miss, you look lost... Eric. remarked.
"Captain...?" One of his men spoke out.
"Not, right now, can't you see I'm having a conversation with this lovely young lady. Eric, spoke out, as he raised his voice to him.
He reminded of him of her father doing that to one of his men from time to time and they called him a Captain just like her father is upon his ship.
"I wonder if he has a ship of his own., and she was lost in thought. When he then brought her back to reality.
"You can say I'm a little lost, I guess..." She spoke back.
"Would you like me to help you, find your way, back. Eric. replied.
"I Guess it wouldn't help to someone show me the way, back. She told him.
"I would like to help you, but, to communicate, with me, you would have to tell me your name... For some how, you all ready know mine. He remarked.
"Oh, I'm so terribably sorry..." She said sweetly.
He thought to himself as she spoke, that her voice was so different from any other, girl he spoke to, so sweet and charming...

Page 10.

"Its, Tina, Tina Wentworth." She told him.
He was so inchanted with her voice, one of his men. got his attention, and said.
Excuse me, what, is your name again." He smiled.
"She said, Tina, Wentworth, Captain..." He then moved him to stand behind him, again.
"Sorry, Captain, I didn't mean to speak, out of turn... He replied.
"There's no, need to apoligise. He told them.
"So Tina, Wentworth, where are you bound, so I can show you the way, home." He explained to her.
"That's so nice, of you, thank you...?" She replied back.
"Wentworth, sounds so fimilure to me. Where have I heard that name before... He announce.
So they talked and walked until she knew where, she was at.
His men were getting mad at him, for he took his, time getting to his ship, but he was in his home town and basically lived aboard his ship instead of in town...
She told him thank you, for showing her the way, home. Well, to the local in anyway.
"You live in a Inn." He asked.
"Just temperarally...?" She told him.
"I really live in a little cottage, West from here..." She explained. That she spent most of her time aboard her father ship.
"What, side is this...?" She asked him.
"I think we are in the East, I think. He replied back.
"Oh, that's wonderful, almost back to the little old cottage, then. For I spent a year out at sea, with my father, Brian Wentworth." She told him.
What she didn't is that her father was watching from the Balcony... While he watched her glow every time she spoke to him.
"Captain, we really have to go now, it's getting late...?" Eric, then griped at him and said.
"It's my ship, and I'll stay, out as long as I want to sailor, you got, it." He screamed in his face.
Suddenly, one of her fathers men, came out, to get his, daughter, as he instructed her to go in with him...
"OH Hi. Burny, I guess my fathers kind upset with me, being out so late and all..."
She introduced him to Eric. Now, Eric, what's your last name.." She asked.
"I thought you all ready knew my name...?" He remarked. and sighed.
"All right, I heard you name being called from other woman, all right..." She mouned.
"It's Eric. Hemsworth..?" "My Lady...?" She liked that coming from him, not only did he greet her as a Miss, but now a lady....
Burny knew he had a son, but never met him, and heard he had the same last name as he did. He had heard from a lady he went with a long time a go had a son, but never met him, and his son wanted to to meet him as well.
Burny, mentioned, his mother... he wanted him to follow in his father's foot steps, and now he's got his own ship, and is the Captain, of it. Eric, couldn't believe the luck, he's been having.
"Now I remember... My mother, spoke of you, and the ship you were always, on, the ships, name doesn't happen to be, The Cantina...?" Eric then, looked over to Tina's way.
She smiled and than made a noise. and giggled at the same time.
"Always, wondered were the name came from. Eric told her.
"Well, now you know...?" She smiled.
"I got to go now, thanks, for helping me find my way...?" She remarked and smiled and moved around while she spoke, to him.
Her father then yelled from where he stood outside on the belcony... Tina, Now...!"
"I'm comming father, just hold your horses...?" Then she giggled and wentside the Inn. to their room. They stayed, in.
"Men you can go back aboard my ship if you want too, I'm staying here, to get to know my long lost father.
Tina, walked into the room, when Hilda, came and hugged her, for her safe return home.
Her father, didn't forgive her, that she was out late, and something could have happened to her.
Hilda, told her father, that she was saved, after, Tina, had told her that she had lost her way...
He was mad because, she found a boy, that was kind enough to her, and was a pirate, he didn't know anything about him... Then burny had brought Eric, up, so they can meet, and reminis with them.
Tina still had the material in her arms, when she saw, That Eric, was now in the room.
"Oh, Hello, again...?" She then quickly ran into her room, and shut the door behind her.

Page 11.

"What a strange, pretty young lady, your daughter is Sir... Eric remarked.
"That's all she'll ever be to you, boy..." Brian reacted.
"Brian...?" Burny called out to him. Take it easy, Your Daughter, bless her heart, found my long lost son, I've told you about..."
"Well, in that case, sit down my boy, and tell, me how you found my daughter...?" Brain, asked.
So, Eric told him all about it, and what had happened.
Brain, never seen, his daughtewr react, when she's around him, and that scared him.
He was thankful to Eric, for bringing her, back, home for getting herself lost out there, in the town. Of Belize... Where they were staying at the time.
The days went by, as, Tina, kept, on bumping in to Eric, and Eric, bumped into her and finally, showed her his ship called, The All Mighty...?
She knew her father really didn't approve of Eric, Burnys yound son, that was 6 years older than she was...
Her and Eric, became really good friends. Maybe even a little to close to friends they were...
Every time she got together with him, she would go and tell Hilda about him. But was afraid to tell her father, about him, that she was with him most every day, that they stayed over at the Inn,
Finally came the day that they had to leave the port, of Belize, island, town. She didn't want to go back home to there little cottage, on the West side of the shore line. The crew of Erics, began to wonder about, him, He began, to get very defient with them, and asked him, what was going on with him, It had come to pass that he had some kind of feelings towards, her... and all day long he would stay in his room and wouldn't come out for days, on end. She was leaving and he didn't like that one bit, and above all else, his father, went with them. Erics crew didn't know what to do, with him, half the time. One of the men spoke, to another,.
"Do you think it's the bonny lass, he helped out all those months ago." He remarked.
"she has been spending alot of time with her lately, and now she going away, and he doesn't like that one bit." Another man, spoke out.
Tina, was beginning to miss him as well, as she moped about her cabin, and even upon the outside on the ship.
Hilda, told her father.
"She just hasn't been the same since she left, Belize.
"I think she's in love..." She replied.
"My daughter in love with who...?" He raised his voice.
"What, do you, know...!"
"I think it's Eric, Burnys boy...?" She explained.
"Eric, that Eric, she's been seeing him, behind, my back. he screamed.
"He's a good, boy... Even Burny said so..." Hilda. told him.
"But, he's in the business, I was in many years ago.
"Good, one, not a bad one. remember..." She explained to him.
"That's why, me and Burny got out of there, I don't my daughter end up like that.
"She won't Trust, me I've seen them together when your not, around..." He's good to her." She told him...
"You got to let go some time. She's at that age now, that, he is more important to her. That's how it is when your in love... I waited for all this time, haven't I...?"
"I hope, that old Captain, of mine is still not around, he was a mean one I'll tell, you..." Brian explained to her.

Page 12.

Tina found out, that Eric, shipped out and couldn't stay around, to many memories, lingered around there, for him, to stay. Tina was even more depressed, of what could happen to him, out there, upon the sea.
After, her, father, told him, he and burny where in way to deep, with their Pirate captain, and he was mean, as can be. and Tina was afraid that he might be captured, or something even worse, dead.
Her father finally acepted him, to be with his daughter, but they were two worlds apart, from one another now.
Two months have past and Erics ship was attacked, and he lost the battle, and was beaten up. pretty good, all of his men dead, with only him, to survive.after he had jumped off his ship. with out any one knowing where, he was.Or what had happened.
A week went by where, there were, no food or water, for him, to drink. His father was worried, about his safety, as well. So they went out looking for Eric. For they never returned home, and wanted his daughter, to be happy, just like he is with Hilda.
He pasted out a few times, for being so week. He started to halusinate. Got real sick and still bleed from his wounds. The other Pirates gave him.
They spotted a ship and it was all, blown in to shreads., of floating pieces of wood... No one was around. It was his ship, all right... For they saw the name on a piece of split wood, that was, near by... Tina ran over, and screamed.
"No, it can't be... and she ran into her cabin, crying. Hilda, ran after, her.
"Tina, don't worry, we'll find him... We'll find him...?" She gave Tina, a really big hug.
Her father sailed, where the wind was blowing to find Eric, for, he was, not, there, in the reckage, with all the other men they found, slottered.
The very next day, they sailed again to find him, They came across this ship, sure enough it was there old Captain, sailing the high seas. They knew he was up to no good, and did something to, Eric, for what happened to them, years, ago.
"Where's my son... The reckage has got you written all over it. You Rotten scoundrol.
I have know idea, where your son, is, he must of escaped my mens clutches."
"Those wrotten scalewags." The old Captain, scouled.
Brian, and Burny got the better of him, And didn't give him a chance to survive and left him to die... While his men were off ship celebrating their victory.
"I just got my son, back, and now this happened..." Burny, griped.
Back in the cabin, oh, Lord, please let him be all right, please let him be all right, I love him... Please don't let him die. She cried, and preyed all at the same time.
The next couple of days were really hot, outside.
When they spotted a piece of wood, with a man on top of it. Brain, said, that's got to be him, and called out for his daughter, to come see.
It was him all right when they got alittle bit closer.
The two men, went and got him out of the hot sun, and water. He had a fever, didn't wake up. they went and got the ships doctor, and stiched him, up. I'm surprised, he wasn't eaten up by a shark, with all that blood around him.
"Shark, what, shark, Tina, cried.
"I want to see him, father, Please... She then got down on her hands and knee, and grabbed his hand, and squeezed it. Please, father, I,'ll take care of him, I promise..
"He, is pretty bad, shape. right now, When he is a little bit better, we'll let, you see, him.
She turned to burny... You'll let, me see him, right, after all... your his father...?"
"I'm going by what your father, says, he's the Captain, around here... she than ran to the other side of the ship...
After a while, Burny went and saw his son... Made sure, he was doing all right.
She saw him go in and out of the cabin, while, paised around the door, waiting, and wanting to go see him.
When it became night time, and she was in bed, she made sure, Hilda, was asleep still in her bed, she, then slowly got out of her bed, and snuck out the door, to go and see him. for she has done that before... and this time she waited for someone to come out of that, room, so she can sneak in this time to see, him. The last time the door was locked...
She waited and waited, as she went and hid behind, something near by....
Finally, someone came out of his room. and when the coast was clear. she went in to go see him.
"Eric. I'm here. wake up, let me know your all right. She then laid by his side, when his father, came into the room...
"Tina, you, know your not supposed to be in here. But, since you're here, now, I guess, it doesn't make any different... Burny, had mentioned.
Even though he was unconcious, he seemed to respond to her being there,as she cupped her, fingers inbetween his. and noised he had a grip on hers.as his arm laid limp, upon his chest.
He told his Captain, what had, happened.
"Maybe her being there, with him, is not a bad idea..." Burny had mentioned.
"My Son, seems to know, weather she is near...?"
"Is it all right, if she stays with him, for now on, Captain...?"
"Oh, alright, if it makes him happy, and her too... Brian replied.

Page 13.

She stayed with him, with out leaving his side. He then got his strangth, back, with in a couple of weeks, and couldn't find anything to do but to hang around with Tina.
One night, he even got the courage to kiss her. From that moment on, they couldn't stop, kissing each other., But, only, when, Her father wasn't around, Eric, still had a feeling, about him. Not liking him, so much...
Then Erics fever came back, and hung, to Tina, like glue.
"Tina, I don't like him hanging on you so much... He explained.
"Oh, father, you worry, to much, I really, don't care, what he does, when I'm around, him. Besides I like all the attention he's been given to me, and I am totally, in love with him, and he loves me... Can't you see that...?"
"Why, don't you, do the same, with Hilda, and marry her all ready....
Her father, mounded and griped all the same time... as he got up and left the table, they were sitting at...
She knew, it was time he had to rest, and get better as soon as he can, so he can fell like himself again.
Sure enough his fever had gone, the very next, day. As he slept all thru the night and half a day.
Eric, and his, father, were more, closer then ever before.
After knowing Her, father, and his, stopped that pirate from ever, hurting their family ever again. He was glad, that he, stopped, feeling that it was all his, fault... about his, men, and most of all losing a ship. Now he shares this ship, of the Cantina, along with his father, Tina, and her father, and had him take charge of recruting a crew, to help them aboard the ship, and finally, having her, father, proposing to Hilda, and Eric, did the same with Tina, and they lived happily ever after...


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