Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2036811-Prompt-Two-Character-vs-Reputation
by Smee
Rated: 13+ · Assignment · Other · #2036811
Which does your character value more: their reputation or their character?
Prompt Two: Character vs Reputation - Word count 524

"Put it on my tab."

"You ever plan on paying your tab, Sej?" Mike's face seemed to be serious but his eyes showed mirth as he pushed a glass over.

"Ha, when I'm a famous author you'll not be concerned with such petty matters. You'll be telling anyone who'll listen how the great Sebastian James drinks here."

"Drowns his sorrows, and never pays, is closer to the truth."

Sej grinned and took a swallow of the strong liquor.

"So, oh great author. You written anything today?"

"As a matter of fact I have begun this great epic about a barkeep who ..."

"Yeah, yeah, in other words, no."

Sej's second grin was more forced. "I'm close to my great idea. I can feel it. The pieces are slotting together."

The grin slipped as Sej's thoughts turned inward. Damn his writer's block. How much had he sacrificed for his dream? Friends. Family. A wife. He wanted to let it all out, and bare his soul to his last remaining friend. But was Mike truly a friend? He was just the local inn-keep, and how sad it was he was the closest thing Sej had to a friend. Surely even his patience was wearing thin. Could he risk revealing his true state?

"You're quite right, my friend. My tab is long overdue." Sej pulled out his coin pouch and counted out a considerable amount. "This should put a dent in it."

"Aye, and then some." Mike replied, scooping the coins up, dropping them in his strongbox, and making a note in an open ledger. "You're a good man, Sej."

Sej managed to hide his inner wince at the amount. He was burning through his inheritance far faster than he'd hoped. But appearances had to be maintained. How long could he hold to his dream?

"Use the extra to buy your next customers a drink on me. Make sure they know who though." His smile came easier again, his worries put aside briefly.

"Mighty generous of you. Sure you don't want it kept aside for your own future tab? Haha!"

Sej finished his drink in one large gulp, and cast the glass on to the counter. "Well, maybe one more for myself."

Mike let out a bark of laughter, and turned to fill the glass again.

"You thought any more about meeting my niece? It'll do you good."

Sej couldn't help a wince, but covered it before Mike turned around again. He'd thought it a joke. Was there any harm in meeting the girl? It wasn't like he was thirty chapters in and needed to complete his work. Perhaps she could prove to be a source of inspiration, or, if nothing else, a welcome distraction that didn't leave him with a hangover the next morning.

"Sure, if it'll make you happy." Sej said, his reluctance exaggerated for Mike's benefit. "I'll be delighted to meet her. Does she live far?"

"T'other side of the cathedral."

"And you're sure she'd be interested?"

"Well she usually goes for the big muscly types, not scrawny little whelps like you, but she owes me a favour." The twinkle in Mike's eye was back, and Sej couldn't help but laugh.

"Curse you old man. Give me my drink already."
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