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Rated: 13+ · Other · Teen · #2036612
A girl who goes by "e" talks about her life a a blog-esque way.

Being overly awkward in a small town does not, and I repeat, does not, get you anywhere good. You either end up with exactly zero, zip, friends, or you get friends who refuse to order their own food, and will not, under any circumstance, EVER, talk to anyone outside of your socially awkward group of outcasts.

That might be taken as complaining, but the second choice is much, much better than the first. At least you have people to talk to, and the awkward ones will usually not be the ones to end up doing meth, living alone with their three kids, they might end up alone with three cats, but at least they're not doing meth right?

Assuming you have this group of friends, as I do, you will probably have the one that is probably pretty loud, but also awkward. This person is a walking contradiction. If you're lucky, or in this case, unlucky, you may even have more than one of these people.

You better hope you don't have more than one, because if you do you will be known as the Overly Sarcastic, Anxious Kids Who are Way to Loud. Which I'm sure we are, and you are.

But in life, if you don't at least have a few of these people what is the meaning? Everyone needs some waking contradictions in there lives right?

Maybe? No?

Anyways, then you'll have the kid you just doesn't give a damn anymore, and these are the ones you want more than one of, because these assholes are the funniest people who are simply just done with it.

They could not care less about you or your terrible taste in music. These kids are either the rarest or the most abundant people in the world.

I should probably get to myself now shouldn't I?

Well, me. You can just call me "e" for now, and for now you can just listen to my random rants about my life. So yeah.

Since I don't want you to know who I am, I will replace everyone with a letter.

Welcome to my shitty life!

Day 1

School is usually the worst part of my life, besides my great friends of course, otherwise all I want to do is smash my head into a desk and tell everyone they are dumber than a freaking rock. And I'm not saying I'm some amazingly smart person, but at least I know not to do drugs and that the world is older than 6,000.

You wouldn't even believe me if I told you about the people around here, they seem to think high school is the most important time is their lives, boy are they in for the greatest surprise.

Usually in school I'm daydreaming about how much better I'd be if I was at Hogwarts, at least the people there would be slightly smarter than the ones here, hopefully.

You'd also get to use magic, so that automatically adds 10,000 points to Hogwarts, I must admit though, that Hogwarts, is a very, very odd name for a school. Hog-warts.

But yet again, I'd be so much better than here.

Day 2

Do you ever have those days where everyone who opens there mouths you just want to punch?

Well I do, a lot. It's not that I really don't like people, it's just that I do. There are the few, my friends, who don't annoy me as much, but the other people around me are the loudest, most obnoxious, illiterate pieces of utter shit.

And you must agree who have the one person who you wish you could just punch straight in the freaking nose every time they open their mouths and then you waste all your self control on not punching them.

Let's call mine "P", for piece of shit.

All they do is make everyone feel like crap so I think the name fits. They constantly make people feel terrible but the people P talks down to are always to scared to talk back.

So am I, but you know, inside I'm saying a lot mean shit about you so I hope you know that!

In other news, "T" one of my awkward friends is moving away, leaving only three including me, in the group. Which I must admit I was not prepared to know, T was the type the had given up caring back in 7th grade, and was always ready to awkwardly fight back, very, very unconfidently.

But it was still fighting back, and she, I mean T will be a missed friend. She told us though, that she won't be moving far, that her mother just wanted to "breathe new air", or some weird thing like that.

T's family had always confused me, one second they were happy, the next they bought a new car, and the next they were moving all the way to Hick-ville, USA.

Which doesn't tell you much about where I currently live.

Day 3

Day three of my shitty life, I helped T pack her things up today... that, T, has a lot of crap in her house, who really needs three couches anyways?

She also had I cat, one she could not take with her, and of course being me I agreed to take it without asking my mother. So I have been grounded for a week for trying to bring a "strange" cat into my house.

To be honest the cat was only strange to her, to me I knew the thing, I knew its name and that it was a cat.

That is enough for me.

Along with being grounded, my computer was taken away from me as well, so for the next, how many days, I will be writing this down like a normal human being, *shutter, and then I will tying it out later, like a not so normal human.

It may not of helped that my mother is allergic to cats and that she went into a sneeze attack.

Which I will admit I started laughing at, which probably added a few more days onto my "jail" sentence.

It was worth it.

Day 4

Back to school, unfortunately...

You never think about how odd it is to have someone of your group missing until they are. The table was screwed up and we had to rearrange everything, again, like when T first got here.

They sure like to screw up my organization skills.

P was there, because P is there everyday, and I wanted to slam my head even harder than I usually do, so I have reached a new high of wanting to slam my head . I had no idea that there was I bar that could be reached, I was completely wrong, oh so wrong.

If I wasn't so awkward I would of got up and told them how much everyone hates them, "But E! That is so, so very mean! Do you hear what you're saying?" Of course I freaking hear what I'm saying you idiot. Some people deserve to be slapped of their undeserved pedestals.

P is 125% one of those people, so is my teacher Mrs.Q, her name is that because it stands for Mrs. Queen, for what she thinks she is.

I hate her about as much as I hate P, and yes, I do usually use strong words like HATE and LOVE.

Example; I HATE carrots, I HATE P, I HATE snakes

I LOVE Hogwarts, I LOVE Kit Harrington, I LOVE the word solemn.

Day 5

I refuse, I repeat, I REFUSE!

I will not, no I will not work on any group project with the lowlife, unevolved piece of failed natural selection! EVER!

I think Mrs. Q has made a deal with the devil to make my life a living hell! Everything that woman does is to knock me down! Dear lord. MY GOD!

WHO PICKED THESE GROUPS! I want to vomit, I will not work with that child. His face makes me mad, I will not under any circumstance work with him. I wouldn't even work with him if my life counted on it.

She gives everyone else nice groups when I get stuck with him, "It'll be good to work with people you don't necessarily like" my ass, bitch.

I don't even want to do it, but if I don’t he'll hold it over me like the time he saw me in Target bra shopping with my mom. As she held bras up my preteen boobs.

Oh god, how am I ever going to be able to do this...

No, no, no I'm never going to be able to, not with him as a partner, GAH! Why does the no existent god in the sky hate me so much?


Day 9

It has been a few days since I last wrote, this is because of my grounding and I wanted to wait until I had my computer back.

Which I have now, I got it a few days early for being an unsocial child and my mother finally realized the only time I really socialize is online with well, complete strangers.

Which now that I think about, sounds really, really bad.

But to be honest the people you meet on the internet are usual much more interesting than the boring people around you, example my internet friend M is 3000x better than P, and not only because I prefer one's company and the other I hate more than carrots, but because they are simply more interesting, usually because they're lying, but this still makes them hundreds and hundreds of times better then people you've known for too long.

Because when you know people for too long, you know too much about them and it just gets plain out boring. And boring is the death of everything.

Day 10

I started reading a new book today, and I kept thinking that there must be a piece of the author in every character, or at least inspiration for each character from each person they meet.

Perhaps I have completely wrong and in that case, I dove way to deep into the characters.

It's always hard to start a new book, you have to kick out all the others for a while as you read the current one and try to get a whole new story.

While this is hard, this is what I try to do, successfully? No. Yet I try, that way I stop mixing the Harry Potter series with books from John Green.

Which happens more than you would probably think. That was a huge problem in Elementary School, when we read in class, and by ourselves, I kept mixing Curious George with the Magic Tree House.

That made for interesting answers to things while I was younger, thankfully this is not a problem anymore, okay. Now I'm just lying to myself. Okay! I admit it, I cannot read more than one book at a time, it screws with my head I just really can't.

I have tried too, it's just that my mind does not want to have a big bowl of soup up in my brain.

Day 13

Sometimes you end up loving things you though you'd hate. Examples such as books or movies, or TV shows are all very true to me. You're always 100% sure they will be absolutely awful until you start them, by the end you're always craving more.

Most of the time there is always something else, a new book, the next movie, the next episode. On rare occasion here is not, and this is definitely what happened to me.

Before T had moved she had previously given me a book for my birthday and I started reading it but I had just recently finished it, and I must tell you it was absolutely fantastic.

I have never, ever, ever loved a book more in my entire live, on my very top 10 it is number 7, behind and below Kit Harrington, and barely above Jesen Quackles. Now let me tell you, not only is this book beautifully written, but its characters are so real that you feel like you know them, like you have a new friend you know everything about.
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