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Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2036269
Nyxavia and Erroll must reuinte the kingdom of Adamas.
A Once Familiar Face

The cottage was filled with the savory smell of spices and warm reminders of familiar comforts. The fire raged within the hearth, fueling the steaming pot above it. Defiant embers sparked here and there, popping against the stone floor before vanishing. The odor from the rusted pot hypnotized the companions. It had been the first real food that they had smelled or seen for a while.

The man snatched a ladle from a hook near the hearth and dipped the metal spoon down into the pot. He sipped the steaming stew carefully, smiled and placed the ladle back into the pot. Their host turned to them.

"Please, make yourself at home." He motioned his hand towards a small wooden table with pillows placed around its perimeter.

The glowing orb bounced from Nxy's hood to one of the pillows. "Don't mind if I do." He chirped, sinking into the cushion with a loud sigh. "This is nice. Its been months since I've had a bed like this."

"It's definitely a bed for you, little one." The man said lowering his hood and pulling down the cloth that had been over his mouth. Pieces of brown hair stuck up all over the place and although his voice was deep his appearance was that of a young man barely into his twenties. His smile was wide and that of a child as his green eyes danced from the presence of his company. "My lady," the young man bowed and reached out his hand hoping the elusive creature would return his gesture.

Nyx offered her hand in respect to the man's favor, curling her fingers into his palm. "You're too kind." She spoke finally, soft words drifting off her lips like silk bathed in sunlight.

"I am Mao of the Southern Kuro Tribe. It's a blessing to have you and your sprite here for dinner. You can imagine that I rarely receive visitors, especially ones as curious as you." His cheeks reddened, but the embarrassment passed into his own curiosity. "And who do I have the pleasure of entertaining this evening?"

Nyx turned her head slightly. "I apologize sir. It's been some time since we've met someone who did not want to kill us." Mauve eyes found their way back to the man's face, studying his puzzled features. She was hesitant to explain their situation to a complete stranger but this man's eyes shone with honesty and understanding. Regardless, Nyx kept her secrets to herself and simply introduced herself and her bouncing friend. "I am Nyx of Elder's Cross. To the North of here a ways." she paused, turning to the small blue orb that rested on the pillow. "And this is Errol, Prince of the Hareans."

The dot whined, and bounced onto the table. "Yep! So says the Prince, bring forth my meal!"

Mao smiled. "My, my. A Prince is he?" He wandered over to the stewing pot, and fetched a bowl from the mantle above the fire. Using a ladle he scooped some soup into the bowl and returned to the table. "Be careful, it's hot." he warned as he sat the bowl down in front of the tiny person. As soon as the bowl hit the table, Errol crawled over the side and began to slurp up the steamy goodness.

Tilting his head to the side, Mao squatted and starred at the Prince noticing his small features. If the sprite had been normal size he would have been considered handsome but given his premature state, he was more or less adorable. His curly blonde hair covered the nape of his neck and the wholes of his eyes were of baby pink. But the most curious of his appearance was the pair of white rabbit ears that protruded from the depths of his mane. They flickered and twitched as the happy sprite ate his meal, welcoming the heat and spice of the soup.

Erroll paused, licking his lips. "You sure know how to cook."

Mao nodded, standing once more and motioning his hand towards the pillow next to Erroll. "Please, my lady, sit." He pleaded with the silent girl. "Let me take your cloak. If your little traveler is hungry as such, I can only imagine how you must feel." He held out his hand for her robe, curious as to what may lie behind the hood.

Nyx once more hesitated but a shrill voice from the table urged her on. "Come on, Nyxie! He doesn't bite!" Erroll laughed, lapping up his dinner.

A pink stain found its way to her cheeks and a glare to her eyes. Nyx allowed her hardened stare to soften as she looked back to her host's outstretched hand. Every fiber of her being told her to refuse but he had a right to know who he was dining with. Her reluctant hands unbuttoned the latch of the cloak and flipped the hood back sending red locks flying behind her.

Mao struggled to keep his mouth from dropping as he stared at the beautiful woman before him, her purple eyes focused on the robe as she removed it from her body. Nyx's pale cheeks were burnt from the cold outside yet a warmth glowed from underneath them, making a welcome home for the sapphire jewel that had been placed next to her left eye. Words escaped her pink lips but Mao's ears didn't hear them. He only could see Nyx take her robe and lay it across his hand.

"Thank you." Nyx smiled, then tilted her head. "Mao?"

Her voice finally reached Mao somehow and he shook his head, returning the smile. "It's no problem at all." he assured her as he stepped next to the door and hung up her cloak. "Please have a seat." he offered once again. Nyx nodded and sat on the pillow next to Erroll's.

Erroll had devoured the soup and was going through the process of licking the bowl clean. His tiny belly was rounded and lifted the Prince's dress shirt up a bit in order to make room for itself. Nyx watched her companion and shook her head. The sprite peeked over the edge of he bowl.

"Hey, don't judge me, sister." he glared then continued slurping at the remnants of his dinner.

The red head rolled her eyes at his behavior but soon found a similar bowl of soup had been placed in front of her as well. She looked up at Mao who gave her a crooked smile and sat down on the opposite side of the table. Her soup steamed before her and the bowl was hot to the touch but her fingers held it, not bothered by the discomfort that most would have felt. Nyx raised the bowl to her mouth and sipped the contents with caution. She had half expected it to be disgusting, since Erroll's taste for food was far from sanitary. She blinked finding the soup delicious and couldn't help but to tilt the bowl further. She could barely remember the last real meal she had had before her and Erroll's departure from the city. Since then it had been lichens, rotten apples, and potato soup everyday, with the rare occurrence of honey if they were brave enough to try for it.

Erroll waved his tiny hands over the side of his bowl. "Now whose uncivilized?" he teased, receiving a growl from Nyx as she gulped down her food. The rabbit sprite squeaked and slipped back down into the bowl. "Sorry, fur ball!"

Nyx finished her soup and sat the empty bowl back onto the table. A thin layer of soup was smeared onto her chin and her nose, which warranted a giggle from the sprite in the bowl. She huffed and wiped her sleeve across her face.

"Here," Mao said, handing a cloth napkin to his dinner mate. "I wouldn't want you to ruin such nice clothes." Nyx nodded and took the napkin, smudging the mess on her face a bit more before removing it.

Erroll cooed, poking his bunny eared head out of the bowl and looking up at Mao. "So what was in this stuff anyway? It tastes so familiar."

"Oh, just the usual. Celery, lemon pepper, and rabbit broth." The man bit his lip as he remembered that last ingredient. "Oh, dear."

"Rabbit...Broth?" Erroll's eyes widened into pink marbles and a light shade of green took over his cheek. "Ugh..." The sprite whined as he tumbled out of the bowl and onto the table. Little bubbles of disbelieve danced around his head. "I'm a cannibal bunny!" he whimpered, his eyes welling up with tears.

"I'm sorry, little Prince. It slipped my mind." Mao offered the best apology he could and hoped neither of his guests would hold it against him.

"Forget everything I said, you're a horrible cook!" Erroll protested, tiny rivers running down his cheeks before he collapsed yet again onto the table.

"Oh, so that's what it is. I knew I recalled the taste." Nyx grinned, receiving a groan from her bunny companion.

"Why is everyone so mean to the bunny?" the blonde sprite pouted, rolling himself off the table and onto the pillow. "I'm going to bed, peasants!" he announced, wrapping himself up tight in his own small robe and sinking himself down into the pillow.

Nyx rubbed a finger across Erroll's ears, getting a soft purr out of him, followed by a playful curse. "May I have the other pillow next to you?" she asked Mao, who nodded and handed her the other pillow. "Thank you." she gently placed the pillow on top of Erroll and moved it around a bit.

A muffled voice spoke form under it. "Thanks, Nyxie."

Mao watched them. He couldn't help but to admire their closeness, yet the action confused him. Nyx must have realized it. "He doesn't like a lot of light when he sleeps. He's a rabbit, they like tight spaces to sleep in." she explained, hearing soft snores from under the pillow already.

"Oh, I see." Mao whispered, so not to disturb the sleeping bunny Prince. There were so many questions he wanted to ask this mysterious woman, but one stood out above all else. "Why are you so far from home, Princess Nyxavia?"

Nyx froze in her seat and returned a frightened visage to the man. "What?" she stammered, preparing to make a beeline for the door with Erroll in toe, asleep or not.

"My lady, there is no need to be afraid. I assure you. I'm on your side." Mao continued to whisper. "You are Princess Nyxavia of the Lumina Family, aren't you?"

Nyx pressed her teeth into the side of her cheek until she could taste the faint hint of blood. "And what if I am?"

A smile returned to Mao's face. "Then you should remember me." He could see the uncertain and confused glaze that had taken over Nyx's face. "You mean you don't remember?"

"I honestly can say I do not." Her patience was wearing thin with this strange man, but instead of being offended, he laughed. "What's funny?"

He shook his head. "Nothing. You're still the same Nyxavia I knew. So untrusting and so unsure." the man teased but his smile faded when a short growl came from the opposite side of the table. "I'm sorry, my lady." he started, a few drops of sweat appearing on his brow. "I didn't introduce myself as I should have."

Nyx let her tense shoulders rest a little at his apology. How does he...?

"The last time we saw one another was when we were children. I wouldn't expect you to remember that long ago." he reached a gentle hand across the table to touch Nyx's.

She arched her brow at him and then at his hand but there was something off about it. She narrowed her eyes further, taking his hand and turning it over so she could see his palm. A small and almost inaudible gasp left her throat as she traced the rounded triangle birthmark. She looked back up into the man's blue eyes and recalled the fleeting memories of childhood.

"You were the Sergeant's apprentice for the Southern Territories." she said, glimpses of summers past and autumns filled with laughter entrapping her mind. "How did you end up here, Mao?"

Mao watched as Nyx's finger traced the mark of his father. "I was promoted once the Sergeant died. I've been here on assignment for many months now. Trying to protect the locals from the wildlife and rabid armies from the North. But of course, you know all about that."

Nyx shook her head, red locks flopping around her face. "The kingdom is falling apart." she sighed. "It's only the two of us now..." she glanced back to the pillows. "Erroll's people are terrified. They're small but changes in our world effects theirs as well. We've been searching for any Leaders that are left who can help us." her eyes averted to the table. "So far, we've had no luck. We came farther South hoping to find the Leader for the Southern territories. Do you know where we could find him?"Mao was silent and his composed presence shattered into a laugh. Nyx watched him, utterly confused. "What now, you goof?"

The brunette tried hard to compose himself but he couldn't help but to grin back at his long, lost friend. "If you're looking for the Leader," he paused, staring back at Nyx, his eyes dancing with happiness. "Then look no further. I am the Leader of the Southern Territories and Sergeant of the Kuro Tribe."
© Copyright 2015 K. T. Rafferty (kraft94 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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