Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2036268-Broken-Lands-Chapter-1
Rated: E · Chapter · Fantasy · #2036268
Nyxavia and Erroll must reunite the land of Adamas.
House in the Snow

The blizzard was relentless as the two companions entered the fortress of snow, weary from their travels and near starvation. Through wisps of white a faint light came into view. It flickered defiantly against the swirling gusts around it, offering protection and solace to those who could reach it.

“A house!” A small voice exclaimed, his blue aura bouncing within the hood of his friend’s jacket. “I thought we were goners. ” A sharp breeze blasted the excited orb back inside the hood, forcing him to cling onto the other’s neck. “Wah! This storm is crazy! Hurry up fur ball! I’m freezing my tail off out here!” He whined, wrapping a piece of loose fabric around himself.

His companion simply nodded and drudged deeper into the ceaseless storm. With every step, their anticipation grew just as bold as the flames ahead of them appeared to be. The promise of homey comforts was within reach, yet the elder of the two felt reluctant to believe such an inviting atmosphere.

As the reality of the situation became clear, she paused just feet away from the home of a stranger. The orb glowed bright, heating the inside of the jacket.

“What ya stopin’ for!? Don’t you want a hot bath? A warm meal? Oh, why do I even bother with you!?” The frazzled ball of energy hopped out of the safety of the hood and down into the snow. With a plunk the orb disappeared into the deep powder before popping back out. “Oh, man, that’s cold!”

As the ball bounced forward, a horrendous howl echoed out from the side of the small cottage. The note held for an eternity, shaking the ground around the glowing orb and his master.  The howl dissipated, only to have a pair of red eyes take its place.

“W-what’s that!?” The orb quivered.

“You’re not welcome here, mortal! You have no right to be on Pack grounds!” The eyes spoke becoming attached to a hunched shadow.

“Pack grounds? Then why don’t you mark ‘em or something? My friend here has senses better than any dog and we didn't smell a thing!”

Another growl rang out. “Do you doubt the Pack’s potential!? What do mortals understand of Wolven ways?” He snarled. “You deserve no mercy for trespassing here!”

Before either of the travelers could speak, the shadow lunged towards them, revealing snarling teeth and baggy fur. A wolf larger than either of them had ever seen had them in his sights and was prepared to turn them into chopped liver. The wolf sprung forward, putting all of his power and force behind the attack, promising a fatal blow.

The tiny orb screamed as he ducked into the snow despite the harshness of the frozen ground. The figure behind him remained drenched in silence, peering wide eyed out from underneath her hood. As fast as the wolf could jump, she raised her hand and pushed it through the air with such force that the wolf was sent flailing back against the side of the house.

The orb blinked and turned his head. “Huh? Alright! That a girl!” The ball bounced happily waving his fists at the collapsed canine across from them. “That’ll teach ya to mess with Erroll and Nyx, ya big fuzz ball!”

The wolf regained his composure, although his body continued to shake from the pressure of the throw. “Why, you…I’ll tear you apart!” he snapped, preparing himself for another attempt at their lives when a voice interrupted him.

“Teru, enough.”

The wolf tucked his tail between his legs and bowed his head.” I’m sorry master.” In a swirl of smoke the wolf had suddenly taken on the form of a man, still very large and burly compared to the other figures around him. “These ignorant fools have trespassed on our Pack’s sacred grounds!” he wailed, pointing a shaking finger at the maiden and the sprite. “They could be spies sent from the Eastern coast, or bandits from the North come to steal our holy treasures!”

The man held up his hand, silencing the brutish man before he could babble anymore unlikely prophecies. “Did you bother to ask them what it was they desired, Teru?” The brute shook his head. “I thought not.” The mysterious man remained shrouded by the gusts of snow, while his eyes gleamed back as emeralds through the wispy haze. A simple cloth covered his mouth, protecting his words from the harsh wind of the winter chill. “Come, my visitors. You seem tired and overwhelmed, so I offer you my home for as long as you may need it.” The man turned his back on the travelers and stepped onto the porch of his home.

“Who is this guy?” Erroll whispered, hopping back into Nyx’s hood. “Oh well. He kept that psycho dog from killing us, so I guess he can’t be all that bad. Plus he’s gonna feed us!” The tiny mite licked his lips and bundled back inside the loose fabric that he had hidden in earlier.

Teru the brute sat down next to the house, patiently waiting for his master to invite him in for his own supper. However, as the two strange visitors passed by him and made their way into the house, it became clear that no such invitation would be coming anytime soon.
© Copyright 2015 K. T. Rafferty (kraft94 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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