Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2036130-Blood-on-the-Plane
by Gaston
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Horror/Scary · #2036130
La Touche was on the way to Boston to kill a renegade vampire and found love instead.
Blood on the Plane
Lin Sung

The Singapore Airlines Airbus A-380 taxied down the runway, swinging into position for takeoff, with a vampire onboard. La Touche made sure to get a “Red-Eye” flight all the way to Boston, knowing that his thrall would pick meet him at the airport in Japan when the plane refueled. From the thrall, La Touche expected a full report on the conspirator. The timing was a little tricky, but it was manageable. There was a traitor to the Singapore Coven in his midst, and he would root him out. He could feel the renegade from two thousand miles away and it made his pure, vampire blood boil. Though La Touche’s senses could not give him a name, he felt drawn to the renegade through psychic bonds of coven brotherhood. The creature was one of his own, that much La Touche knew of a certainty.
The mild rumbling of his stomach gave him pause to think that maybe he should have fed before the trip, to prevent any mid-flight discomfort. But, he was two hundred and eighty six years dead and could do with a missed meal or two. His control of his appetite was considered phenomenal among his peers on the Singapore vampire scene and he always lived up to his reputation, laughing and teasing the newly turned night-walkers.
His blue-black, wavy hair settled on his shoulders as he leaned back in the first class seat, waving to the flight attendant for a travel pillow. Perfect teeth, with retracted canines, smiled at the pretty attendant as she swayed down the aisle to aid him. She was instantly taken by his roguish good looks and cerulean blue eyes, hesitating ever so slightly in her stride. Captivating in their intensity, his eyes hinted at promised sexual pleasures that had her libido awhirl. That was the way of David La Touche—mesmerizing good looks, coupled with one inch fangs, equaled unparalleled sexual experience followed closely by death due to over-indulgence. But Leslie Renee Thompson, “Les,” fell into those eyes and immediately felt a strong attraction to this handsome passenger… and after all, it was her job to see to the comfort and pleasure of the first class section.
“Good evening sir,” said Les. “I’ll be your flight attendant this evening. How may I help you?” Her emerald eyes were transfixed on his gorgeous face.
“Just a travel pillow, if I may. I feel a nap might be in order.” Smiling his approval of the blonde attendant, he lazily leaned forward to close the small gap between them. Les felt the intensity of his gaze enfold her in a cocoon of pleasurable feelings. Turning to the overhead compartment, she produced a small, rectangular pillow and with slow grace placed it behind his dark head. Then, seemingly coming out of a dream, she shook her head slightly, smiled with confusion and turned, with a “your welcome,” back to the front of the plane.
Though sleep had never visited David La Touche in all his hundred and eighty six years, he still enjoyed the rest of a few moments from time to time. Being one of the undead could be tiresome at times, and sustenance aside, one needed to recharge one’s psychic batteries occasionally in order to be on top of the game—and a game it was to one such as La Touche. Being virtually immortal, handsome, irresistible, and incorrigible made La Touche rather a sadist at heart; and thus his penchant for “playing with his food.” The pretty young flight attendant didn’t know it yet, but La Touche had already decided that she just might make delicious midnight snack. Thinking thus, he drifted off into a somnolent state of limbo from which he would draw a mental charge of refreshment.
“Les, are you okay, dear?” asked Marie at the front of the first class section. “I saw you wobbling down the aisle like you’ve had one too many. If I didn’t know you better, I’d say you had been drinking before a flight. What’s wrong, sweetie?”
“Oh, sorry, Marie,” said Les. “I just got a little dizzy for a moment. Guess I got up too fast from where I was talking to that gentleman in 15E.”
“Yes dear, I noticed that eye-candy in 15E. Don’t get too carried away with the passengers now. You know your training.”
“Oh, I know, of course. I just think he’s really nice and handsome in the bargain. Don’t worry, ‘mother,’ I know how to treat the customers.”
“Don’t you go getting cute with me missy,” said Marie with a grin. “You better show some respect for your elders. Now, it’s time for pre-flight instructions on oxygen masks and emergency exits. Take your station.”
Passengers were politely harangued by the P.A. System’s squawking volume as the attendant, Marie, began her spiel about the exits and oxygen masks with Les demonstrating at the front of the business class. They would then move to the economy section to repeat the routine. Gravity asserted itself upon the plane as the big airbus left the earth, pushing the passengers almost politely back into their seats. Grey runway concrete sped by as the huge airplane rose into the late night sky. La Touche was flying in style in the Airbus A-380—a 525 passenger plane in the three class configuration that was the wonder of the modern aviation world. Sporting a huge lounge on the upper level with a wet bar and several sleep lounges on the same level, the plane was a rich man’s luxury haven. It also had numerous dark, isolated places that would suit his needs, should his needs arise. But his restless mind was not on “food,” but rather, seething with thoughts of the renegade traitor who had stolen from his beloved coven.
Les Thompson scooted into her attendant’s seat and buckled up just as the plane left the ground—she was a little late, but still forgivable for a first-class section flight attendant. Smiling a guilty smirk at Marie, she straightened her posture in her seat and looked down the aisle towards the people, making sure no one was out of place.
Marie glanced out the windows, wishing for the hundredth time that she could get a Houston to Boston gig, so that she could be close to her daughter and granddaughter in Houston and still have her home base in Boston. The overseas flights paid well, but she longed for more stability now that her granddaughter had been born last May. Still, past events proved to her that the Singapore run was by far the most entertaining. Short of a suicide bomber, they had had almost every kind of nut that had ever crawled out of the woodwork onboard this Singapore to Boston flight. She couldn’t imagine anything any crazier than what she had seen in her twelve years on this run.


Five hours had expired in orderly fashion onboard the Airbus A-380, when David La Touche submerged from his nocturnal sojourn. Letting his enhanced hearing tell him the current situation onboard as his acute sense of smell told him of the attendant, Les Thompson’s whereabouts, he leisurely opened his shocking blue eyes and looked about the huge cabin. This, he thought, is like vacationing at one’s favorite restaurant, carte blanche… and everything on the menu is delicious.
Noticing that the seat belt sign was extinguished, La Touche unbuckled and stood to stretch his six foot three frame extravagantly in front of the lady attendants as they took the second round of drink orders. Each girl turned to stare at the vision of male endowment, on show for their pleasure and edification. Mai Lin’s nostrils flared as she smelled the male-animal scent of La Touche. She passed by him on her way to the galley, smiling at his display of masculine charms, and wondering what that would be like in her bed. She and the other girls had access to the first class sleeping quarters, and this flight there were three suites that had not been reserved. In first class, the booze would flow as long as there were customers, and drunks would be politely taken care of with a smile. Les and the other girls knew how to spot a problem drinker better than an AA meeting supervisor at his monthly meeting, and each of them was well trained in how to deal with a happy drunk.
Keeping his eye on the four luscious Asian attendants in front of his seating area, La Touche maneuvered his way to the lift and entered the small elevator. The new smell of stainless steel and polymer plastics assaulted his keen nose as he punched the third floor button. Jiggling slightly with a sideways movement, the lift crept upwards. La Touche knew that the upper level held sleeping quarters for twelve, and the nightclub bar that would seat 35 comfortably. Letting his mind imagine suitable punishment for the renegade vampire he pursued, La Touche’s canines began to unconsciously extend below his upper lip. But I must put this from my mind for now, there will be time for action when we arrive.
Stepping from the airbus’ elevator, his eyes were greeted with utter, decadent luxury.
My, my, these new airbuses are the Cadillac’s of the aerospace industry. I simply must look into purchasing one of these for my corporation in Singapore. It could be a tax write-off for the company—no one would need to know what I would use it for, but it would make a wonderful blood hunt vehicle…
Laughter and low conversation buzzed throughout the nightclub and a relaxed atmosphere predominated the scene, allowing La Touche to ease drop on conversations easily. Seating himself at the rear wall, he smiled at the approaching waitress and evaluated her beauty as he scanned the drink menu. She smelled of youth and vitality, making him salivate in pleasure, thinking of the lure of a quick love tryst later.
“Good evening, sir. My name is Ling Sun. May I take your drink order?” asked the stunning Asian beauty.
“Your loveliness gives me pause, I couldn’t concentrate for a moment. You are a vision of beauty, my dear.”
“Thank you, sai. I would take your order please,” said Ling Sun. She drifted into his mesmerizing gaze and could not look away. She was captured by his hypnotic eyes. Softly falling into those sky blue eyes, she smiled like a school girl with a crush.
“Yes, my dear,” said La Touche. “I will have the Mai Tai, please.”
“Yes sir,” said Ling Sun. “Would you like anything for a snack to go with that. We have an assortment of snack items such as chips, nuts, crackers, gormet cheeses…”
“Oh no, thank you. I fed before the flight, and will not be needing anything soon.”
Tilting her head in consternation at his strange turn of phrase, Ling Sun smiled and headed for the galley to prepare his drink.
With his eyes closed in relaxation, David made mental notes of how he was going to handle the renegade when he reached Boston. Vermin like that deserved nothing better than a free sun-tanning session in the noon day sun, courtesy of the corporation. Apparently this creature has been making deliveries of blood to some unknown destination, so I need to find out who the recipient is before dealing with the bastard. He might even be dealing in slaves for all I know at this point. I have to find out.
The La Touche Corporation in Singapore dealt in flesh and blood—literally. Girls and young men (and boys) were obtained in the poorer parts of Malaysia and brought to the corporation’s facilities for indoctrination and training, not to mention some severe brainwashing and psychological manipulation. Rich, powerful vampires from all parts of the civilized world paid handsomely for exotic entertainment as well as a constant, dependable supply of fresh, pure human blood. Over five thousand human slaves provided blood for his operation on sixty farms being run throughout Asia. Other vampires of questionable morals would consume a diluted mixture of human and animal blood, because it was cheap, readily available and passable as a staple food supply.
But David didn’t do that type of business. His retail blood was pure, fresh and one hundred per cent human. His girls were expensive toys because they had all been trained in the exotic arts of dance, love and servitude—just what the decadent, rich, old vampires of the world desired. His girls were not sources of food, although some vampires would sample from time to time; the value of the girls lay in the fact that they were so beautiful and servile to their masters. A sexy, erotic trophy was what they really were, and the owners almost inevitably displayed them with justifiable pride to their covens’ delights.
Somewhere in the neighborhood of two thousand girls went through his facilities in the course of one year, and had already made David La Touche a very rich, influential vampire in the Circle of Dark Lords; the underground of the vampire community. His was a lucrative business and he would not tolerate any traitorous thieving of his blood trade or his girls.
The sweet, ambrosial smell of jasmine and wildflowers informed his senses that Lin Sung was approaching with his Mai Tai. He let her get close to him before opening his eyes in mock sleepiness, yawning profusely to make her think he had been napping; just like any tired executive businessman would. She smiled with a lovely innocence as he gazed at her exotic, Asian face, placing the drink on the beverage tray in front of him.
“I hope this is to your liking. I made it myself, Mr. La Touche.”
“Oh please, sweet thing, you must call me David. It’s a very long and wearying flight to Boston and I hope we will become best of friends. It looks delicious, as do you, my dear. You hair is such a beautiful, deep black that it has blue highlights to it. Quite amazing. You are a vision of loveliness.”
“My mother was a model in Malaysia. She has hair like this—I got it from her.”
“I’m familiar with Malaysia. My company has holdings in Kuala Lumpur. Where are you from, Lin Sung?”
“We are from George Town on the Penang Island. It’s really a big city for it to be situated there. It is a very great fishing port. But when my mother started modeling we moved to Kuala Lumpur. I loved it there. There was so much to do and all the modern conveniences of a large city,” said Lin Sung.
“Ah, I can see how your mother could have been a model. Just as you could have been with those mesmerizing jade eyes of yours. They are indeed a marvel. Listen, I have an idea. Since it’s slow for you right now, why don’t you show me the sleeping quarters above? I’m interested in upgrading to the sleeping suites. That would be a much more comfortable place to relax while we wile away the hours, don’t you think?”
“Of course, Mr. La Touche… I mean, David, if that’s what you would prefer. I know that there are three unreserved suites available right now. Come with me and I would be glad to show them to you.”
Her curvaceous butt swayed enticingly as she escorted David to the rear of the nightclub and through the double-door entryway to the executive sleeping suites. Luxury was the immediate thought that came to David as Lin Sung opened the accordion double doors to the sleeping suite. A twin bed greeted him with a lush, mattress in a stainless-steel accented, sky-blue, walled cubicle about 8 feet by 9 feet. He was astounded by the sight of the expensive, Givenchy blanket, pillows, and comforter, with a set of Givenchy pajamas and slippers at the foot of the bed. Next to the bed, was a soft leather armchair for viewing the wall mounted 40 inch television, that, (he had no doubt), was equipped with satellite reception.
“Very nice, young one. Close the doors for me and let’s push this “Do Not Disturb” button here on the wall console. I think we need a little more privacy, don’t you?”
Lin Sung’s eyes glazed over as she glanced up into his blood-red eyes. His stare was hypnotizing, completely compelling, and she immediately fell under his mental control. A vampire of David’s advanced age could mesmerize a human with just a casual glance, and David made sure that Lin Sjng was completely and utterly under his very personal control.
© Copyright 2015 Gaston (gastondsanders at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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