Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2036097-Erry-Night
Rated: E · Short Story · Contest Entry · #2036097
a story for the Supernatural contest
The EERY Night

by ~honeysuklerose~

Word count: 999

The EERY Night

By ~Honeysuklerose~

The night was black and breezy the only light that shone was the light on her car.  Samantha Belfry was alone driving the back roads of Eastern Kentucky.  The mountains were monstrous she was from the flat lands of Mississippi

As she drove the winding road she felt a thump on her car, after stopping the car she got out and looked around, luckily for her she had a flashlight.  There was nothing. Goose bumps formed on her arms as she shivered in the brisk October air of the mountains, a mist was all around the hills like smoke settling towards the ground.

A howling suddenly could be heard in the distance, she did not know if it She was scared and jumped back in the car quickly.  She turned the ignition to restart the car but it would not turn over. Surely a car will come by eventually.  She set there in the dark listening to the night sounds of the mountains. Crickets and frogs sang out a melodious choir. The howling seemed to be getting closer.  Shivering as much from fear as cold, she looked in the back seat where she had a sweater to put on. As she got out of the car to put the sweater on, she saw a white formation coming towards her at a slow pace.  She could not make out what it was so she quickly jumped inside the car and locked all of the doors.  She heard a faint sound, one she had never heard before it sounded like many people screaming in the distance, screaming of pure fear and perhaps torture.

As she sat there terrified in her seat, the aberration came closer.

“Oh God, I’ve got to keep my cool.” Frantically she tried the ignition again,

Nothing. “What am I going to do?” closer and closer it came, the nearer it got to her she could start to be able to make it out.  Speaking aloud to herself she murmered, “it’s a woman, she just looked like something spooky because these old mountains are playing tricks on me.”  Unlocking the door and stepping out onto the grass she threw up her hand, “hello, are you all right, it’s awful cold to be out in the night.  The woman made no response she just kept walking forward towards Samantha.  Approaching the car Samantha walked around the door to go to the front of the silver Buick were the woman was. My name is…she paused for a second. Well, you can call me Sammy, or Sam which ever you prefer, Sammy was nervous and when she was, she talked a lot.

The woman, who was aged beyond her years, never opened her mouth her blue skirt was ripped, and her white blouse also torn and dirty.  Her hair looked as if it hadn’t seen a brush in many a day.  The woman was crying with tears but no sound came forth.

You don’t look very good, let me let you lie down in the back seat, are you from around here any where? What happened to you? Samantha was full of questions and the woman would not cooperate with her, she kept looking back towards the woods from which she came. Finally she pointed to the woods .  “Is something out there? Did you have an accident ? Was anybody with you? The woman would not say she wanted Sammy to follow her into the woods. Sammy was afraid but she was even more afraid that there could be somebody hurt and bleeding laying in the woods about to die. “Ok I’ll follow you, surely it will be ok.”

She followed close behind the woman, and when they had walked a while the woman with the dirty face, motioned for Sammy to sit on a rock and wait.  The woman disappeared into the darkness.  Sammy set there wondering what on earth she got herself into.  She looked down and she could not see her hand in front of her own face for the darkness.

All of a sudden, a loud woman’s scream rang out! And then that of a man

What was going on, she happened to think she had a flashlight in her back pack which she had brought with her from the car in case someone needed help someone injured. She rummaged through the back pack quickly finding the light and turning it on, she took off running as quickly as possible back toward her car. Finally she came to a clearing of the trees and she had made it back to where the car was. She ran towards it and in the front seat lie the woman whom had taken her into the woods, she was slaughtered. Sammy let out a blood curtailing scream.  And she looked in the back seat there lay a man, whom she had never seen before; he too had been killed in a heinous manner.  When she turned around there stood a figure of a woman, a ghost, her nails were long and sharp on the tip. They were dripping with blood, as she had just disemboweled The two people in the car. Her teeth were sharp to a point like spikes, and she spoke to Sammy.

I will boil you and eat you, I’ll make stew of you all. Sammy took off running and didn’t look back.  She didn’t know where she was going but she was going to find some place safe.  All of a sudden in the distance she saw the headlights of a car and she flagged it down. As it stopped she could not see inside of the car and she got in, closed the door, and then she realized it was the Ghost in the car with her. It grabbed her laughing and stuck it’s hand inside of her stomach causing blood to squirt out all over.  I told you I would have my stew. And an eery laugh could be heard all over the mountains.

The End

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