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A personal view of the United States situation with Russia |
Most Americans believe that Russia is the aggressor in Ukraine. Most believe here in America that Vladimir Putin is a dictator. But perhaps the true dictator is Barack Hussein Obama. In an interview with CNN Obama admitted that the U.S. was involved in the overthrow of the Ukraine government in March of 2014. The United States government is trying to push to give lethal aid to the Ukraine military, even though a new peace deal was reached in Minsk earlier this year. The United States continues to use lies and propaganda to make Russia look like they are the aggressors. I ask, why are Americans so blind to facts? The United States government continues to say Russian troops are in Eastern Ukraine, yet after a year they still have no conclusive evidence?!? They claimed that Russia was responsible for the crash of MH-17, yet never any evidence given! They say that Russia annexed Crimea, yet no proof they illegally forced Crimea to join Russia. They continue to say Russia is supplying weapons to Pro-Russian rebels, yet once again no evidence. The Obama administration has been weaving a web of lies that will eventually tangle them into their own death trap. The United States is so desperate to have Putin out of power that they have started an information war to try and push propaganda to make Americans and even Russians believe that Vladimir Putin is an out of control dictator. The U.S. claims that Russia wants to fully invade Ukraine and other NATO nations like Lithuania, and Estonia. Yet Russia has made no conclusive moves to show that is their agenda. Meanwhile the United States military and NATO military nations continue to bulk up military personnel and move closer to Russia's borders. So I ask, who are the real aggressors here? All real evidence given, shows that the U.S. and NATO are the true aggressors and are strategically trying to surround Russia, but for what purpose? They say to keep the Russian bear at bay, but we all know the real reasons. Here are some reasons why the U.S. wants Putin gone and a possible war with Russia. Vladimir Putin is a leader who refuses to play ball with the corrupt west and their corrupt agenda. Putin is a threat to the Zionist scheme and is a threat to the west's and United States all out global influence. Also, due to Vladimir Putin, the United States was not able to attack Syria in 2013. As payback for stopping them, the U.S planned a coup and overthrow in Ukraine. Facts and common sense show that Ukraine was a U.S. led scheme to put pressure on Vladimir Putin and Russia to succumb to what the west wants. Sadly for Obama, the pressure did not make Vladimir Putin budge on his stance. Another secret agenda behind Ukraine is the oil pipelines. As of now Russia supplies Ukraine with oil. The United States wants control of these oil pipelines and oil fields because 1. They are a strategic importance in a military conflict, and 2. Controlling these areas will help cripple the Russian economy even more. Truth is the United States has already declared war on Russia without firing a shot. The U.S. is actively using cyber and economic warfare against Russia, which if it continues will eventually lead to a military conflict. Some are hopeful that once Obama is out of office the conflict and tense situation with Russia will go away. Sadly whoever wins the next presidency whether Democrat or Republican, both parties are actively seeking a war with Putin and Russia. The only way this conflict deescalates is if the United States swallows its pride and sits down at the negotiating table with Russia. |