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Chapter 45: Super Liz explores her power |
Chapter 45: Super Liz Explores her Power Super Liz was in pain but she heard Tom’s voice. “Go to my balcony, I will grab your Mega Woman outfit for you. You need to float several hundred feet in the air, Mega-out and then join me at the junk yard outside of town,” he said. Super Liz nodded, his voice coming in like a bad radio signal. She took her wet Mega Woman suit from him and, her feet making his building shake, headed towards the balcony. Using all her concentration she floated up as fast as she could. As she rose, the noise got less but she could still see through things and smell things. Closing her eyes in pain she held on to her Mega Woman outfit. “I AM THE DIVINE!” She said. She was covered in the familiar white light, only this time it lingered longer and was more intense. She soon found herself as Mega Woman….the Mega Woman who had grown and became more powerful after the prayer session. She smiled. “Good to know that sticks,” she thought as she looked at her Mega Woman outfit. It was small, meant to fit her when she was not so strong. She looked at her body. She was nude, her clothes having been destroyed in the transition. “Oh well, I’ll head to the junk yard. Maybe this will stretch,” she thought as she straightened up and flew towards her destination. Tom had watched from his balcony and saw her change. He then looked around. No one was outside but there was a knock at his door. He signed and went to open it. It was his downstairs neighbor Mr. Kenner. “What are you doing up here Tom? Sounds like you are dropping anvils!” he said angrily. Tom smiled. “Sorry Mr. Kenner, I, I was moving furniture and it got away from me. No worries, I am done, and I apologize for the noise. How about I take you to lunch next week to make up for it?’ he asked. Mr. Kenner frowned. “No, that is okay. Just be sure next time you move stuff around, you do it when people aren’t trying to sleep,” he said as he turned around and went downstairs. Tom closed the door. “Shew,” he thought as he waited a few minutes and then went down the stairs, got into his car and raced towards the junk yard. Tom soon arrived at the junk yard. He stopped his car, turned it off and got out. He looked around. “Up here,” a strong voice said. Tom looked up and a nude Mega Woman, holding her suit, floated down. “Master Mega Woman. How do you feel?” he asked. “Fine. Sees once I turned into the Devine, all the pain stopped. But that isn’t why I am here is it? I know you wanted me to change so I could make it here. Now, I will change back into Liz, or what do you call her, Super Liz, and you can help her control her new powers. I cannot help when in Liz form. And I apologize for her becoming more powerful and not being used to it. This happens when groups of people pray to me. It affects my host, and makes them stronger. It has ruined some in the past, but I believe this Liz is more than capable of handling this power. It was her wish from the start,” Mega Woman said. “I AM THE DIVINE”! A white light flashed and soon Mega Woman shrank to Liz, a Liz that had some muscles given that for a few weeks, she had been able to build muscle faster than anyone on earth. “Hi Master Super Liz,” Tom said. Super Liz looked up and him and again grabbed her ears and closed her eyes. “Ah! This….this power….it….it is too much to handle!” she groaned as she dropped to her knees. Tom felt the ground slightly vibrate under her weight and strength. “Super Liz, you, you can do this. All you have to do is concentrate. It is like the Divine said, the Divine knows you can do this!” he said. Super Liz poured on the concentration, focusing on one of her new powers at a time. After a few seconds the noises in her ears stopped. After a few more she began to not see though everything but, instead, choose to see what she looked through. She concentrated harder and her mind settled. It took a lot of doing, but she was able to control the things invading her mind. She slowly stood up and looked around and then down. “I am naked,” she said smiling. “Yes ma’am, that is why you have your Mega Woman suit,” Tom said pointing to the ground where she had dropped it. Super Liz smiled. “Thanks,” she said as she quickly put it on. “Ummm, so okay. I, I think I can control my mental abilities, my sight, hearing and other things. It, it takes some doing but I hope I can get better at it and it improves because right now it is taking all my mental abilities to hold this shit together.” Tom smiled. “I am glad to hear. So that only leaves your strength,” he said as he pointed towards a stack of cars. “Super Liz, let’s see what you can do.” Super Liz gave a half smile, her thoughts still concentrating on stopping her other powers from enveloping her. She walked towards the stack of cars and put her hands under the lowest car. She lifted her arms. SWOOSH! The stack went flying several hundred feet into the air. It came crashing down creating a huge boom and mess on the other side of the junk yard. Super Liz looked at Tom. “Unreal,” he gasped. “I, I am so strong now!” she said as she leapt into the air and floated towards a larger stack of cars. She put one hand under it and lifted. SWOOOSH! It took to the sky, only not as high. Super Liz laughed as she grabbed a thick piece of metal in her right hand. With a grunt she squished it into a small ball. She laughed again as she used her bare right foot to step on an engine. She squeezed her toes and the metal of the engine began to flow through her toes as she crushed it. “Tom….I, I have strength beyond reason now! I, I have to be thousands of times…..maybe millions of times stronger than anyone on the planet, and I don’t have huge muscles! I, I really am, SUPER LIZ!” |