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Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2035189
Twelve powerful persons struggles to conquer the world.
Night          Sovereigns - Lords of the Dark Night

Night Sovereigns - Lords of the Dark Night

Dark Night is the time of chaos in one region of the world - The Aisle.

One group, one goal.

Follow their adventures and misadventures as they try to conquer the world with twelve powerful people coming from different races to achieve their ultimate goal.

Character List

Mirujo Nightfield - the second lord of the Dark Night, known to be the stubborn in the lords and is fundamentally close to Yana. She has black hair down to her waist (never tied up), a red scarf around her neck, usually wears a school uniform and a garnet pendant. She is one of the founders of the Dark Night.
         Ability: Chain of Calvary - Mirujo can materialize chains as many as she wants, visible or not. The chains she produces can also enter oneâs body without knowing. It can easily kill a person if she feels like it.
                     Elemental Manipulation - Mirujo is an Elemental Mage and is able to freely control fire and ice.
         Position/Title: Head of the Combat, Daughter of the Aisle

Yana Reso - the first lord of the Dark Night. She is basically the core of the Dark Night. She is shown to be petite and has a funny personality. She usually wears purple ribbon in her hair, and a track jacket. Usually bullied by Jen and Ren and is fundamentally close to Mirujo. She also has a secret crush on Roqui and is one of the founders of the Dark Night.
         Ability: Voice of Bermuda - Yana can manipulate anyone who heard her voice if she wants. Her voice is basically a poison that she inherited from her grandmotherâs tribe.
                     Calling - Yana is a summoner, her ability âCallingâ is a summoning ability that enables her to call monsters from the Bermuda - a place where ferocious monsters live.
         Position/Title: Planner of Activities, Last of the Bermudaâs

Kristoff Caluso - The third lord of the Dark Night. He has this annoying personality but is actually a good person. Heâs always ignored by Mirujo because of this personality; however Kristoff is also known to be the soother among the lords. According to Mirujo, he can be a shoulder to lean on. He wears commoner clothes because he always does the groceries.
         Ability: Eye Contact - just like Yana, his ability was an inheritance from his clan as well. This ability allows him to read the minds of the people he made eye contact with, present or past.
                     Cold Reading - this ability allows Kristoff to read people without using Eye Contact. He uses information and a little initiative to do this. People call this a talent.
         Position/Title: Head of the Intelligence, Negotiator

Roqui Nilhvalen - The fourth lord of the Dark Night and the Head of group. You can easily identify him from the bunch because he has his bulk feature and heâs also tall. He always has his azure bandana on his head and a black cape with fur. He is the founder of the Dark Nights alongside Yana, Mirujo and Kristoff.
         Ability: Telemaniac: Telekinesis and Telekinetic -  reading minds, telepathy and can move things of any mass mentally.
                     Eye of Horus - one of his eyes is cursed. However, this curse is a powerful magic spell made by his late mother so that whatever/whoever looks into his eyes will turn to stone.
         Position/Title: Head of the Lords of the Dark, Banished Prince of the Aisle

Revi Florence - The fifth lord of the Dark Night. At a glance, he just looks like a plain guy who always looks at nothing. However, heâs actually sleeping. He is one weird guy according to the lords because he sleeps wherever, whenever and whatever position he is - closed or opened eyes. However, this doesnât show at his abilities. He is one of the strongest in the Lords of the Dark Night and is actually being feared by enemies than Roqui.
         Ability: Void Magic - void magic enables the caster to take control of the time and space. However, this takes a toll on his body that makes him fall asleep in random times.
                     Jamming - As he is able to control time and space, he is able to control what you see as well. Jamming is an illusion magic that can jam the target(s) line of sight and manipulate what they see.
         Position/Title: Lord of Slack, NoraGami

Joana Gitsby - the sixth lord of the Dark Night. Joana is easy to identify because of her body - because she is a sacred priestess, her body was full of sacred tattoos. She is always seen hanging out with Roqui and Berlin.
         Ability: War Dancing - Joana is a War Dancer or a âMaiHimeâ. She is a priestess that specializes in performing sacred rituals during wars. War Dancing also enables her to manipulate light and make it a saber.
                     Weather Influence - Because of a side effect when she performed a ritual when she was a kid, her body and mind became as one of the weather resulting to her control of the weather.
         Position/Title: Weather Goddess

Kareene Lemercier - the seventh lord of the Dark Night. Kareene is a petite girl. Sheâs also known to be the youngest in the group. She always wears a floral dress made by her mom. She was found by Yana and Mirujo in a carnival as she escaped her assassination. Her family, the Lemercier, is known to have the Scale of the Dragon Kyrie - a small stone that is supposed to have a tremendous power.
         Ability: Invisibility - Due to the Scale of the Dragon (powdered by her parents) that is actually mixed in her blood, she gained herself an invisibility ability.
                    Taming - not quite a summoner but Kareene can tame whatever wild animals even monsters that she wants to pet.
         Position: Little Tamer

Berlin Dryad - the eight lord of the Dark Night. She is half dryad and human. She was the only lord in the Dark Night that can turn into a tiny fairy creature. She can also cook thatâs why she always fails to attend the meeting and is actually quite behind the scenes. Sheâs the communicator and the observer which causes her to have no fighting experience at all.
         Ability:  Telepathy - she became the observer because of this. In a fight, she observes from above in her fairy mode and eventually tells the party what is currently happening through her telepathy.
                     Fairy Mode - she turns into a fairy.
         Position: Observer, Kitchen Fairy

Liedan Verdan - Liedan is the ninth lord and last guy in the Dark Night. Liedan is said to be a high ranking official in the Aisle, however he abandon everything just to join his cousin Roqui in battle. He is one happy-go-lucky guy that always has corny jokes up in his sleeves.
         Ability: Golden Words - this ability of Liedan exceeds imagination. Whatever Liedan speaks of - thing or not - becomes reality. However, there are two restrictions, first is he has to have a girl by his side, second is he needs to do it without a shirt.
                     Excalibur Wielder - Excalibur is a legendary sword that can only be taken from its stone by those who have strong hearts and skills. An Excalibur wielder is a person who can wield the Excalibur. (However, it is said that it was Roqui who took it from the stone and gave it to Liedan afterwards.)
         Position/Title: The Noble, Excalibur Wielder

Sirena Glasshire - Sirena is the tenth lord in the Dark Night and carries an important role in the group. She is known as the oracle due to her ability of precognition. She is always locked up in her room and only letâs Perla enter. However, in dire times she goes outside for foods.
         Ability: Precognition - this ability of Sirena made her the oracle of the Dark Night. This ability allows the caster to see scenes from the future.
                     Casting - casting is her healing ability. Even if sheâs in her room, her bandages will heal anyone from the Dark Night wherever and whenever they are.
         Position/Title: The Oracle

Dei Gaito - the eleventh lord in the Dark Night. Despite of her appearance and name, Dei is actually a girl. Dei usually wore menâs clothes and a boyâs haircut thatâs why sheâs always teased being a boy but actually itâs just a side effect of the curse on her tribe. (She will never grow hair exceeding a specific length)
         Ability: Blessing Wrap - this is ability unique to Deiâs tribe. It lets people wrap in an atmosphere that actually protects the person being wrap to any harm. It can even prevent a sword to cut through the body wrap by this.
                     Hypnotism - as the name implies, it is hypnotism. âVery helpful for insomniacâ - Mirujo 
         Position/Title: The Tomboy

X-shil Durahan -  X-shil or Xcyl is the twelfth and the last lord of the Dark Night. She is a very calm person and a friendly one. She also has a beautiful voice that can attract anyone listening. She is the right hand of Roqui and his most trusted ally.
Ability: Ice Magic - this is a type of water magic that is the crystallization of water to ice. Xcyl can manipulate water and can turn it into ice. She can also call storms.
                     Binding String - This is the string that she ties around her wrist and is very effective at binding opponentâs movements.
         Position/Title: The Singer of the Ice

As the moon shines brightly red, under it there is a mansion - a very big one. In the front door of the mansion there is a written sign.
âThe Lords of the Dark Night. - Do not enter without permission.â
As the name implies their self-proclaim title, this mansion is owned by the strongest group in the region of Goron, popular in the Dark Night - The Lords of the Dark Night, led by 12 powerful people. However, the scene was unusual as bodies of these leaders continue to stumble in the ground as thousand of gunshots kept ringing.
âHeh, is this really that group the council is talking about? What a weak bunch.â Said a guy in armor as he walks past the bodies of the people in the mansion.
The other soldiers followed him and never even spoke a word. This shows that this man is a much respected person in the Council of Cloven Elders. No - just by his scar that traced his left cheek, this person is Froilan De Embark, the third strongest power of the Council.
âUgh, how gross.â He said once again as he stepped on a body - a body of a girl wearing a uniform thatâs now torn by traces of gunshots in her body.
âHow peculiar, your highness. I donât see any bloodshed.â Alarmed - the soldiers cautioned themselves but the guy just laughed.
âCome on people! It just shows that theyâre not actually human. This bunch of weaklings! They kept on disgracing the name of the Council, and yet theyâre just beaten by a simple machine gun. Ha! Serves you right, Lords of the Dark Night!â Still kicking the body of the girl, he continued laughing not knowing what it is to come as the eyes of the girl opened and the mist began to shroud the whole place.

Chapter 1 - Part 1; The Beginning
Under the red moonlight, inside the mansion of the strongest group in the Goron region - The Lords of the Dark Night, more than ten soldiers were slaughtered and only the laughter of a girl echoes in the night sky.
Her red eyes shone more brightly as it reflects the color of the moonlight. She was standing in the top of the mansion.  Her uniform's all torn as it sways in the breeze if the wind. However, in the face of the girl draws a wide grin and blood splatter that proves that she is the one who killed those soldiers inside the mansion.
âYou really think you could beat us with that chunk of metal, you old geezers!? Donât you think itâs actually time to stop this nonsense and just surrender yourselves to us? What a waste of time.â She flips her long black hair and crossed her arms.
âListen, geezers of the Council. You would never beat us! So shut the hell up and leave us alone!â This time, her expression shows how pissed she is because of the continued attempt of the Council to slaughter everyone in the mansion she lived in. And to top of that, they always fail. Not giving any worthy fight to anyone in the mansion.
This girl is Mirujo. She is one of the twelve lords and one of the oldest group members.
âOy, Mirujo. Get down here!â A guy in a cape shouted. He wears an azure bandana and lets out an aura of a leader. And indeed, it was the leader of the group - Roqui.
âEh!? But Iâm not done yet! I want them to realize how unworthy they are to fight us! Argh⦠Iâm so pissed, you know!â She said with anger. However, in a blink of an eye, she was now in front of Roqui.
âEh? Ah. Eeeeeh!â It took a minute for her slow mind to digest what happened. 
âYou bastard, Revi! Where is he! Donât you just transport people all of a sudden!â She stomped her feet to the ground like a little kid. Now, this is not a strange thing to happen in the bunch. This is actually quite normal.
âShut up, old hag.â A voice came out of nowhere then a person came out from the shadows. It was a guy with really big eye bags - and by the looks of it, heâs still sleepy.
âDo you know that you are disturbing people from their slee--zzzzzzzzz.â
Amazed by his sudden appearance, the faces of the people watching began to show a âwhat-the-heckâ expression.
âHeâs⦠sound asleep.â One of the members commented.
âHeâs asleep.â
âWhat the⦠in that position?â
It is truly amazing and a disappointment to their part. The guy in the shadows is Revi. He is the one responsible for suddenly transporting Mirujo.
âHe is now sound asleep in standing position. Hihi. Letâs take a picture!â Two petite girls ran towards the sleeping Revi and took pictures. One of them is Yana and the other is Kareene. If you look at them, you can just conclude that they just simple toddlers that is being taken care of by the group, but actually theyâre one of the 12 Lords of the Dark Night.
âArghhâ¦. I wonât let you sleep yet! You bastard! Youâll pay for transporting me!â Mirujo started shaking Revi.
âUlu-ulu-ulu-uluâ¦â This is how Revi reacted on what Mirujoâs doing. In any case, Revi is a void magician. And as a side effect he can sleep whenever, wherever and whatever position he is at random times.
âAhihi⦠Both of you are sooooo cute together! Right, Kareene?â In agreement to Yana, Kareene nodded and happily cheered together - kids.
âUgh. What a noisy bunch.â Roqui touched his forehead in an attempt to stop his headache from getting worse.
âThis is quite fun, isnât it?â With a smile, a girl approached him.
âWell. Some sort of things.â

As the bunch continued to what they are normally doing - playing and having fun together, there are people from the outside that is currently watching them.
âI canât believe it! Froilan had just been beaten! They are really monsters, Mistress.â It was a one-eyed guy who proposed the argument.
âI think we should really stop challenging them, Mistress. It is as they said. Itâs pointless. We will never beat them!â
This is actually the roundtable of the Council of Cloven Elders. This is where the leaders of the said council resides and plans, and this roundtable is headed by the Mistress.
âShut up, fools.â The academic noise began to hush up until it completely vanished. The one who just spoke is the Mistress Claudine von Denmark - the leader of the roundtable and of the whole Goron region.
âWe will slay them. This time, itâs for real.â Declares the Mistress.
âB-but Mistress-â
âSilence. Those who acknowledge themselves as righteous and as a servant of the region of Goron, follow me. I will go there personally and wrap things up with them. Tonight, those scoundrels will vanish.â

Goron · âThe Lords of the Dark Nightâ Mansion

âWell, well. To celebrate our survival, I will cook a special cuisine for everyone!â The girl in an apron exclaimed. This girl is Berlin, their cook.
The noise of the bunch suddenly died and -
âA-re?â All of their faces turned red. It is because of the âgrrâ sound that each of their stomach produced.
âA sign that youâre all hungry, I guess. Okay, everyone. Letâs go to the living room, shall we?â
Everyone is teary eyed as each of them continued to imagine food. Yes, they all wanted food. Because thatâs their only hope to survive.
âBerleeeeeeeen!â Kristoff - with teary eyes - held both of Berlinâs hands and continue spitting words of wisdom of how great Berlin is, and that and so on.
âOkay, okay. I get it, now, stop it Kristoff! And donât murder my name!â
However, when they are about to head into the living room they sensed something that made them to look towards the door of the mansion.
âThis is quite interesting, isnât it?â Mirujo readied herself as she gets her knives from her knife-pocket.
âAh, what do they want now?â The sleeping Revi awhile ago, recovered his senses.
âOh, youâre awake!â It was Xcyl.
âNo, Iâm still sleeping. Bunch of idiots.â
âHey! Whoâs the idiots!?â Mirujo reacted the same way he reacted to Revi awhile ago.
âHey, Mirujo! Thatâs my kitchen knives that was stolen yesterday, isnât it!?â Berlin pointed out the knives that Mirujo is holding.
âAh? Eh? Saa, donât know.â Mirujo plays innocent.
âWhy you, littleâ¦â
âEveryone, get ready.â Roqui ordered them as the door of the mansion creaked open and a woman appeared. Her eyes are piercing each one of them. Yes, it is the woman who is watching them a little while ago. The head of the Council of Cloven Elders! Mistress Claudine von Demark.

Chapter 1 - Part 2; Fighting Attendants

âEhh? What is the head of the Council doing here in our mansion without our permission?â It was Kristoff who broke the silence between the two parties.
âStill a noisy bunch, arenât we? Scoundrels of the Dark Night.â It was the Mistress of the Council of Cloven Elders, Claudine von Denmark.
âWhat is she plotting now? Should I slit her throat?â The atmosphere turned heavy. It is clear how each group hated the other. However, no one attacked. And it is actually pissing Mirujo. Being the Head of the Combat, she is the one who really wanted to fight first hand.
âHush, Miru. We will not attack.â Pissed how she was not granted permission, she stomped her feet in the ground. âWe still donât know what they are doing here.â
âWhat!? Itâs already clear from the way they look at us that they want to fight us! They even brought with them their chunk of metals!â
âThis isnât just a chunk of metal, Ms. Combat Girl.â
Hearing what the Mistress said, Mirujo clenched his teeth.
âMiru, weâre leaving.â Yana held the hand of Mirujo. Just by that stance she knew where itâs going with. That Roqui already decided to leave things here and leave. They are hungry after all. But, she canât accept that they will just leave this be.
âNot going to do anything, huh? Scared?â
Iâm gonna kill this woman. It was the only thing that registered in Mirujoâs mind.
âWeâre leaving but Iâm going to leave two attendants for you to play, is it alright?â
Claudine smirked. âYou arenât taking this seriously, arenât you, rookie?â Attempting to piss off Roqui by saying his name in the wrong manner, she said those words. However, Roqui regained his coldness and calmness.
Backfiring what she attempted, she crossed her arms. âI wonât let you! Guards, fire!â
Then the ringing of machine guns filled the air. They are four - no, five machine guns at work but it appears to be lacking because no one in the Lords of the Dark Night seems to care. Nobody got hurt, for short.
âYeah, youâre right.â Said Roqui as he turned away. âI am not actually taking this seriously. Letâs go.â
âMirujo, letâs go.â
Mirujo knows how frustrating it was to not have what you wanted. When she was still a kid she always got that. But this is the most frustrating one she had experienced.
âWait! Youâre going to pay for this!â Alarmed that the lords will leave, Claudine tried to reach where the lords are but she was stop by two ladies wearing Chinese outfits. Theyâre faces are the same - no, they are completely identical, they are twins.
âYouâre not --â
â -- going anywhere.â
As if connected, they ended the sentence connectedly. As if they are one.
âI am Ren.â Shining from the light of the moon, their bright emerald pupils shone brightly as their eyes widened.
âI am Jen.â The twin with pigtails tilted her head as she introduced them.
âWe are the attendants that Master Roqui was talking about.â Both of them said in unison.
âOh? So youâll play with us?â
âYes.â Said Jen.
âPlease donât bore us.â Continued Ren.

âIs it really okay to leave Ren and Jen there?â
âWell, itâs going to be alright!â Dei said cheerfully. âI already enveloped them with my blessing, so they should be fine.â
âRight! They should be fine. Well, I do hope that they can join us in dinner.â
The girl in a kimono narrowed her eyes, âSo you can brag your body like that? Liedan, youâre a freaking exhibitionist.â
âA-le-le? Aiâs mad! Haha.â Kareene commented honestly.
âWha-- Iâm not!â
âAi, kids donât lie. But, I like it when Liedan showâs his body, though! Ahihi. It just shows that his confident.â
âOr you just really want to feed those lewd scenes in your head, Joanna.â
âShut up, Berlin!â
And the hallway is filled with their laughs. However, one person isnât really happy with that.
âI thought so; Iâm really not comfortable with this.â

âPlease do entertain us more.â
âYour level of entertainment is too low. Yanaâs is much enjoyable to bully than to fight you,  yâknow.â
âThatâs right!â
Emotionless as they are, the twins stood beside the bodies of the soldiers that they already defeated.
âWhat are theyâ¦â
âTheyâre not even one of the highest ranking yet.â
âFools! Donât be scared with them. Theyâre just two martial artists. Go!â
Confused, the soldiers decided to attack head on. Then again, the twins just swiftly avoided every move.
One soldier bring out his hammer and attack one of the twins and just when it is about to hit Ren, a swift kick come from the other side. It was the twin, Jen.
âPlease donât go sneaking around at the back of my sister.â
âThanks Nee-chan.â
âItâs okay, for y--â
And a gunshot echoed the room.
âNeeâ¦â Shocked at what happened, each of their bodies tumbled in the ground as Claudine von Demark smiled cunningly while stepping in one of the sistersâ face.
âYou⦠what did you do?â
âJust a little magic,â Claudine said, âdonât even think that you are the only one capable of doing some magic.â
The sisters stretched to get a hold of each other as their consciousness slowly fades away.

Chapter I - Part 3; Mirujoâs Rage
The dining room jammed up of silence as two glasses fell and broke in the floor. Nobody could move an inch until Berlin entered the dining room holding a bowl of foods.
âA-re?---- Guys, what happened?â
But, the surprised in Berlinâs expression became fear as she saw the broken glasses.
âThe twinsâ¦â
âRoqui! I really need to go there! Just now⦠just now, my blessing wrap was cut. I canât feel their presence anymore! Roqui, the twins are in danger.â
Dei was already panicking as tears continue to form in the side of her eyes. But Roqui didnât say a word.
âRoqui! Hey, Roquiâ¦â
Everyone was silent. Itâs not because they donât know what to do but it is because they canât believe how Jen and Ren got lost. Itâs not because they are not human, but they are special human thatâs why they are called an elite group.
âThis is why I just canât leave them be.â
âIâll go.â
âThatâs right, we need to go. Everyone, be ready. Weâre going back.â Kris started to move, but --
âNo, Kris. Iâm the only one going back.â
âWhat are you saying, Miru? We canât do that. Not now that they have a trick up their sleeves.â
âKristoffâs right, Miru. You canât just go alone there.â It was Liedan who commented that one. As everyoneâs getting ready, ones again Mirujo insisted -
âNo, Iâm going alone.â
âMiru! Donât be so stubborn!â
âIâm not being stubborn! What if I got beaten? Iâm not afraid of that, but if we go there together not knowing what they have we will lose. If I go there, and I didnât comeback, you can do whatever you want, but in that case you really need to be careful. I know my limits and I know you know it too.â
âMiru, I get it. But to go alone---â
âIâll go with her.â The sleepy eyes of the man sleeping in the shadows revealed himself as he suggested what he is planning.
âItâs okay, right, Ro?â
Roqui didnât even say a thing. Now that they mentioned it, he never really talked when the groupâs arguing. However, it doesnât mean that he never responded. The table started to stir and the room began to move. It is an earthquake!
But it only lasted for a few seconds and it became stable.
âR-ro, you donât need to do that much.â Yana noted. Indeed that was Roquiâs doing.
âThis is a failure in so many levels. So?â Mirujo asked again.
âDo what you need to do.â And by that, in a swift they disappeared. Then a silhouette moved towards the dining hall.
âDonât worry, theyâll be okay. Now, I want some foods.â When they hear what she has to say everybody began to relax.
âGeez, Sirena. You shouldâve joined us a little while ago.â

Claudine was still staring how magical bandages continued to heal the wounds of the twins they captured.
So this is how they heal in a battle? Theyâre really not ordinary humans.
âYou must be amazed, right?â
She geared up when she heard the familiar voice of a girl. It was the girl who was wearing an all-torn uniform few hours ago.
âAhh, I just saw your magic healing weapon. Now, I wanted to get a hold of this mechanism.â
âSorry, but you cannot have it.â
Clearly seeing how angry Mirujo was, Claudine started to laugh hard.
âReally, I never thought that this is how weak you are people.â
âOh? Few hours ago, I really wanted to slit your throat, now Iâve changed my mind. Iâm going to crush your organs.â
âLike hell you can do that!â She held out gun, the one she used in shooting the twins. It was a golden gun with ancient carvings in the side. There is also a seal in the handle of it.
She shoot the gun towards Mirujo, however, as it continue to get nearer, it bents until it becomes a thin coin-like object.
âI see. I do sense a sense of magic in the bullet. No - perhaps it was the gun thatâs giving the bullets special attribute?â
Amazed on how Mirujo discovered that in just a single shot, Claudine started undressing until the only cloth left is a single cloth thatâs wrapping her from the chest down until her knees.
âSo thatâs what you really are, pretty interesting Nyad.â Mirujo exclaimed as she saw root-like blood veins that is showing in the bare skin of the Mistress.
âHeh, now I donât have to hide it anymore! Iâm going to crush your group!â
âLetâs see if you can do that!â
Both of them attack towards each other. Claudine started to manipulate roots from the ground to attack Miru in every direction. Mirujo, on the other hand, being a combatant had already exceeded the normal sense thatâs why she can evade every attack.
Mirujo used her knives to attack the nyad. They appear to be in equal level.
Two gunshots were fired by Claudine once again, however just like the first one; it was flattened without even getting a meter closer to Mirujo.
âItâs really useless to aim at you at this distance, isnât it?â
âSaa, I donât know what you mean.â
âThen, here I go again!â
If I can get close to her and fire my gun in less than a meter, it should be enough! I can do it. Iâm not going to lose here!
Just as Claudine planned, as she got the chance of getting close to Mirujo, she fired her gun aiming in her heart. BANG -
It was the sound of the gunshot and Mirujoâs body stumbled. Blood gushed out from her chest. Then Claudine let out a triumphant laugh.
âThis is really one hell of a gun. Well, it was the heirloom of the Nilhavalen family. Tsk. Too bad, Ms. Combat Girl, but I won.â
As she walks away she noticed something different. Why are they the only ones here? In fact, there should be lifeless bodies in the ground. And where are the twins that she captured?
âToo bad -â
âYou hit the wrong person.â
She turned around and saw the twins in the roof supporting each other as they are not completely healed yet.
I hit the wrong person?

Once again she looked at the lying corpse.
Indeed, it was not the body of the girl. It is the body of one soldier! She asked herself --
âWhere am I?â
She heard the voice of the girl in her back. And before she moved, the knife of the girl is already in her neck, ready to slit her throat.
Than a silhouette appeared from the shadows, it was a man with sleepy eyes.
âJamming -- a skill only a void magician could cast. It can let the target see what the caster wants it to see. An illusion magic, now, I am the caster and youâre it. Pretty amazing isnât it?â
âW-what the hell is a god doing here?â
âA god? Him!? Please!â
Before she could answer, Mirujo kicked her and she stumbled in the ground. However, even if sheâs not being restrained, she canât move.
âW-what did you do to me?â
âSaa,â and before she could protest, Mirujo picked the golden gun. âSo this is the heirloom of the Nilhavalen family huh?â
âDonât touch that!â
Even if she wanted to answer, she couldnât. Something is inside her, crawling in her veins, choking her organs--
And she remembered, 
Iâm going to crush your organs.
It was what Mirujo said. She is crushing her organs. Before she realized it, she is actually coughing blood already.
âListen,  nyad. Next time, if you have more lives, donât mess with us.â And her vision blackened.

Chapter 2 - Part 1; Meeting
Goron · âThe Lords of the Dark Nightâ Mansion

âOkay, everyone. Chop, chop, and chop! Donât be lazy; there are a lot of guests today!â
This is the current kitchen of the mansion of The Lords of the Dark Night; the air was as lively as people from the mansionâs helping each other. Today, guests from the leading region of The Aisle are visiting the mansion to conclude a meeting regarding the Dark Night.
âWhy do I have to do this on my own!?â Mirujo asked as she watches the smoke from the oven.
âOy, Miru. I donât see your hands moving!â Berlin told her.
âHai, hai!â
Again, the guests and the lords are having a meeting at the moment.
âWaaaah, Berlin! I should be there right!? Right!? Iâm one of the lords, right?â
âShut up! Todayâs a hectic day, Miru. And because you kept on making trouble in the kitchen, Iâve decided that for this time, you need to help here.â
Today, once again, the Lords of the Dark Night are having a meeting with the leaders of the Kannagari Region.

âAh, Iâm beat.â
It was a hot afternoon, and the guests were just finished eating.
Itâs a ruckus down there. Ahh, Iâm so tired.
âOy, Miru!?â That was the voice of Berlin and Miru knows that sheâs going to let her work again, thatâs why before Berlin could find her, she escaped through the forest just outside the fence of the mansion.
âAh, the airâs so cool. The breeze is so refreshing! Itâs been awhile since I saw this view!â
Seeing the view, Mirujo remembered things from the past. Her first experience of watching the same view is when the mansion was still a little house for four people. It was her first nature-viewing, her first step towards freedom.
Listen, Miru, in attaining oneâs dream the first step is important.
Just when she is about to dive in her thoughts, silhouettes of two ladies dimmed her vision.
It was the twins, Jen and Ren.
âWhat -â
âAre you doing here?â
âHa? Ah, ehâ¦â This is a shame. She couldnât find the right answer.
âSheâs sneaking out, isnât she?â
âYes, she is.â
âAh, what a sluggish person, ne?â
Unable to answer the teasing of the twins, she sighed heavily.
âWhat are you two doing here, really?â
But before they answer, they stared at her.
âW-what are you staring at?â
âSigh~ nothing important.â
âWe just want to⦠ugh, say.â
âThank you.â They both said in unison.
Startled at what the twins had just spoken, Mirujoâs face turned red. Itâs not like sheâs not taken a thank you before though.
âEh, no⦠Really, I guess everyoneâs going to do it if they are in my place right?â
She said convincing herself.
âThatâs right. Itâs not like she just did it on her own, right?â
âRight. But, really. What a sluggish person.â
âHey, you two! Arenât you a little too over the top.â The twins giggled.
âHai, haiâ¦â
âLetâs go back, Miru? Berlinâs searching for you.â
Miru obliged. After all, it really is her fault for being on the kitchen staff right now.
The three of them jump over the wall of the mansion and split to go to where they are supposed to be. Just when sheâs about to go  to the kitchen, she met Berlin.
âMiru! Where did you go?â Asked Berlin.  Looking at the person in front of her, she couldnât imagine that Berlin is actually one of the lords. She was the cook and is always left behind, but Miru canât understand how Berlin could take it. Unlike her, who keeps getting the others in trouble.
âI⦠just got some fresh air!â
âSigh~ okay, fine. Get dressed.â
âYouâre attending the next meeting.â Her eyes widened. âThis should make you happy, right?â She nodded. She didnât really like meetings, but she hated it more if sheâs behind the scenes.
She then go to her room and get changed, her usual uniform is not appropriate so she changed to her casual attire. In the upper part, it was a kimono embroidered with sequence that extends to the ground.
The meeting will start at thirty minutes past three, so she still has thirty minutes left. So she wanted to sneak out, first.
âWhat are you doing, Miru-sama?â
â Ai! Ai⦠Nothing, I just want to, yâknow⦠see those guests. Hihi.â
âMiru-sama? Why are you in your casual attire?â
âAh, I am going to attend the meeting this time. Berlin got me off the hook, already.â
âI think itâs not really a good idea.â Miru looked at Ai whoâs anxious about something. Ai is her attendant. She has been with her ever since she ran away from home.
âAi, is there something wrong?â
However, when sheâs about to answer, the people who visited the mansion is already heading off to the court. Miru looked at them and found some familiar faces. So familiar that the memories from them seemed to happened just yesterday.

âIn the end, she didnât attend the meeting. Whatâs wrong her?â The meeting had already ended hours ago and itâs time for dinner yet she didnât show up.
âSeems like sheâs not feeling well, though. Letâs leave her be, for now.â
âHow about you, Ai? Do you know about anything?â Said someone who is not in there a while ago.
âPerlaaaaaaaaaaa!â Shouted everyone.
âHey, guys? Whatâs wrong.â Ask the girl thatâs comfortably sitting in front of everyone.
âNo. We just thought that you we havenât seen you around for a while now.â Said Kristoff.
âThatâs right! You are a prisoner of Sirena after all! Nee, Kareene?â Via nod, Kareene replied to Yanaâs.
âWell, Iâm sorry for having her as a prisoneeeeeeeeer!â
âSirenaaaaaaaa!â Now, thatâs everyone.
âShut up.â It was an irritating tone from Sirena. Her long lash of cloth flowed down to the floor. Although she hasnât entered the meeting, she was unusually dressed in her formal attire.
Not minding the bunch of idiots that is looking at her suspiciously, Sirena sat in front of their dining table.
âFood. I want food, Berlin.â She ordered.
âOkay~ ^__^â 
âWow, you just come out of your freaking room, and you ordered - JUST ordered food.â Said Joanna.
âWell, Iâm sorry for that. I am hungry. Am I not part of this group?â
âThis girlâs freaking irritating!â Joanna stomped down on her seat, trying to control herself.
âNow, now. Stop it, everyone. :)â As usual, Xcyl became another peace enforcer.
Sirena kept her firm look. A moment later, her food was served.
âSay, Sirena. Why are you in your casual dress? Are you going somewhere?â Asked Roqui.
âYes. Though, Iâm not alone.â
Then a moment later, the door opened and an old man appeared from the other side. He was an old man but in even in his appearance they can tell that he was of the higher court. He was smiling.
At his back, two persons followed him. One was a tall guy with golden hair. His blue piercing eyes continued to stare in front as if he is looking somewhere far behind. The other was a girl with fancy clothes, her short brown hair was tied into a single bun pinned by a hair ornament only royal blood can have. She is a princess.
âUgh, Iâm sorry for disturbing you, Lords of the Dark Night.â Said the old man.
âWhat is the Lord of the Kannagari Region doing here. The meeting ended years ago, Lord Kuuga.â It was Roqui who stood up in front of the Lord of the Kannagari region.
âAh, Lord Roqui --â
âLord Kuuga, just call me Roqui. This is not a formal meeting.â
âUh, Roqui then. Actually, Iâm just here to invite everyone in your group to our castle.â
âEh? Why?â It was a Yana who suddenly get in front of Roqui.
âUh, it is for---â
âMy birthday. I want all of you to come to my birthday, especially you, Roqui-sama.â The princess blurted out.
âEspecially me? Why?â
âI want you to be my husband!â
âEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!?â <- reaction of everyone including the Lord Kuuga and the golden-haired guy.
âErika, stop joking.â
âEh? But Dad, Iâm serious! I want Roqui-sama to be my husband. I mean, he is so cool. And heâs the leader of a powerful group! If I marry him now, our country shall expand, desho!? Itâs hitting two birds with one stone!â
âBut, Erikaâ¦â Said the Kuuga as if he canât contradict the demand of her daughter.
âRoqui? What are you going to do?â Asked Yana. And for the first timeâ¦
The leader of the group is speechless. It was shocked written all over his face.
âR-ro!? W-what happened to you?â
âA-le-le, heâs speechlessâ¦â
âand terrified, for sure. Hihi.â
âFor? For what?â Asked Kareene.
âKareene. You wonât understand adult stuff yet, so donât ask okay?â
âHeâs terrified because of the thought of marrying someone he donât know. Hihi. Iâve never seen my cousin like this before.â
âAnd youâre having fun, Liedan?â
âWell⦠the decision lies in him. If heâs not going, we will not go. Lord Kuuga.â
âBelieve me, I donât know what my daughter is thinking. For now, I really wanted you--â
âWe understand, Kuuga-sama.â A voice of a girl echoed the room. Everyone looked at the spot where that voice came from. It was a girl with a robe and a sash covering her face. Her dress was as of an oracle.
âWho is this?â No one answered for a few second, but SIrena stood up and answered.
âShe is our oracle, Kuuga-sama.â
âO-oracle? Ah, I see.â
A moment of silence took cover. As if everyoneâs processing what happened, and what will happen. Even Roqui got himself out from his shock-state.
âW-wait, O-oracle-sama. W-why are you deciding things?â Asked Liedan.
âBecause thatâs what I see in my visions. That this connection can help us in our goals.â
Everybody is speechless.
âI-I see. Now itâs decided, right? We will be waiting in the Kannagari castle, at the time the moon is in its highest, we will see you. Then, goodbye.â Kuuga turned away and his two escorts followed.
âBye-bye. Roqui-sama! Iâm  looking forward to be your bride!â
Once again Roqui became stiff.
Then the door closed. A few seconds laterâ¦
âT-that was a relief!â Said the girl in robes as she took away the robes in her face. âIâm not going to lie again! That was really nerve-cracking. I thought Iâm going to be found out!â
âHahi, Roqui! Whatâs the matter?â  Asked Miru.
âFirst time. For the first time, Roqui lost his cool.â
âSorry, Roqui. I just have to do it. I heve to go to Kannagari castle because there is something I need to do.â
For a moment, Roqui stiffened. Seconds later he heaved a sigh.
âI canât take back that decision now, so make sure youâll do what you needed to do.â
A wide smile formed in Miruâs lips. âOkay! Thanks Roqui!â
Laughs echoed the room. Yes, indeed. For the first time, Roqui lost his composure.
âRoqui, I never knew that youâre that scared of getting married!? HAHAHAâ Teased Kristoff.
âWell, got a problem with that!?â
âOkay-okay hush guys. Next up, all of us will go to Kannagari Castle. Get ready.â

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