Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2035155-Crush-that-Crush
by Jehn
Rated: E · Article · Romance/Love · #2035155
Learn effective ways to get over a crush
  This is the tragic but true story of a boy and a girl that isn't, and never will be.......this is the story of a crush. So I have a crush on this guy, not the crazy obsessive high school kinda crush, but it's just as annoying. I am well aware of the fact that NOTHING will EVER happen between us and the fact that he's not interested in me (he has a girlfriend I'm sure he'll marry), but that sure doesn't stop my "feelings", oh no, they'd rather torture me with this senseless LOOOVE, *sigh*.

Anyways, as bitter-sweet as this crush is, I think it's about time I got over it, and if you're in a similar situation, it's about time you moved on too. I mean I know it's nice to think about him/her sometimes and fantasize about how perfect you'd be together, but the fact is there are no perfect relationships and even if your crush is a friend, like mine is, it still doesn't mean that it would work out. On the contrary, if he's single and worth it, I say give it a shot, while in cases such a mine, it's time to crush on a single person, or simply find something better to do with our time.

Now the tips I'm about to give on how to "Crush that Crush" are still a working progress, some techniques I've been trying and the results have varied from okay to pretty good. Let's get to it:

The first thing I did was to try to get back to the "Hi and Bye stage", I did my best to have little to no contact with him, and it was working, I didn't have much contact, therefore, the "out of sight, out of mind" principle came into play....until I texted him (just so it didn't seem like I was cutting him off as a friend) and he expressed how I wasn't being nice to him anymore. I'm a softy, so I felt bad and started talking to him again. To get to the point, that didn't work for me, but it might work for you.

After that failed attempt, I tried suppressing my feelings as much as I could, as soon as I start thinking about him I repeat the words "Dismiss the thought, dismiss the thought" and it works. I think about him much less, and when I see a picture of him, I'm like "meh". But the results fluctuate on the basis of my mood. Also when I see him in person, it's a whole different ball game, but even then, sometimes it works and sometimes it didn't. Nonetheless, I'm liking him less in a romantic way, and more of just a friend kind of way.

My best, and third solution, was to delete all his messages; he sends them, I read them, respond and delete. That put a halt on my obsessive habit of re-reading his messages, and thus taking him off my mind.

Lastly, and my most recent solution, is to change his name in my phone, that way if he texts me or whatsapp or whatever, I don't see his name. To my surprise, it's been working pretty well, and it's something I think is worth a try.

However, if you're not into the "time will heal all wounds" kind of thing, a more drastic alternative is available. Simply delete their number, ignore them when you see them and completely cut them out of your life. There are consequences to this move if the person is a friend, such as you'll probably REALLY hurt their feelings, I mean they do think you're awesome enough to want to be your friend after all. I highly recommend the prior techniques.

On the other hand, a crush can be a beautiful thing, every happily ever after began with one. But if the person isn't single; and you don't think it's the least bit possible that the feeling is mutual, one of you will be brave enough to admit it so that you get together, get married and live happily ever after......in the words of Donnie Brasco ""Fuggetaboutit".
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