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by Comet
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2035081
A boy who seeks for answers that ignites a journey that changes his very faith.
A Person I always question,
That person had been me,
To stare up at the stars and wonder,
Who I truly am to be?

Changing Faith

A World Within a dream

Darkness, that's all there was, that's all he could see; but it was to be expected since he had only just laid down and closed his eyes in his own bed. Yet, he felt lonely, confused....lost, the darkness around him seem cold, unforgiving, like he was inside a void that had swallowed him up the moment he closed his eyes. It even felt like he wasn't in his own bed, but that he was floating, hovering in mid air with nothing suspending him. He knew it was there, he knew he was on his bed covered up with the half moon shining bright through his only window. Yet it didn't feel it at all, was he going nuts, or...

Slowly he moved his hands only to freeze within seconds of moving it. What he felt wasn't his bed, wasn't the fabric of his covers, or the soft pillow under his head as it twitched a little in shock, but something wet, tender, and almost kind of soft. It was in that moment he knew, he just knew he wasn't in his own room anymore....but their.

Slowly and very unease like he cracked his eyes opened to stare at not his bed post in which should have been there; or the very walls of his own room, but at blades of lush green grass that seem to radiate with a neon color of baby blue. Not moving, not daring to breath, hoping, just hoping that he was picturing it he shifted his eyes to stare at a tree not even ten yards from him, and it was then for sure he made positive he was back here once again like so many nights before. With a heavy breath he shifted his head, his joints moving unnatural to what he was use to, but then again after so many months of having the same dream it didn't bother him as much. "Why?" He spoke aloud as he lifted his head looking around the forest, the first time he had this dream it had been mesmerizing to him. It was like a dream come true when he first laid eyes on it. The way the forest itself seem to glow with the moon's light above, the way the crystals grew from the tress as if they where naturally part of it giving the shadows a look as if he was staring at the skies on a clear, cloudless night; but now, now it had just became a pest to him. A cruse that didn't want him to sleep soundlessly when he had really wanted it.

He didn't have to look up to know he would stare through the trees and into the full moons watchful gaze, he had done it so many times now it only sicken him even more to stare at its bright blue light. Shifting his body he station himself into a sitting position. He had no need to look down to know it wasn't his normal body he was in, but that of something else. A creature he had long loved and dreamed to find in his waking life, not in the state of a dream. "What is it you want form me." He muttered looked at the ground where ten silvery talons laid, five per foot, digging into the soft grass as he dug them into the dirt. Each time he came here, each time he was forced here, he only got lost and confused even more then the last visit. The urge to get up and walk around wasn't there, for he already knew after countless nights of exploring he wouldn't find any signs of life. It was like he was the only soul in the lonely forest. Only adding to the many questions he has had dancing in his mind since day one of all this...this unnatural events that's been happening to him.

Slowly he turned his head to stare at the tree behind him, the shadows in which it cast upon him kept he fairly hidden if there was anything watching; but he new there wasn't anything around and if so, he just wished they'd showed or gave a sign to say. "Hey, you're not the only one here after all." With a heavy sigh he got up knowing that if he tried to force himself awake it just wouldn't work, he was stuck here but for how long this time?

Balancing his weight among his feet he turned around to face the tree behind him. Something he's done for the last few nights now, he didn't know why but this tree was the only one that hadn't any sort of crystal growing from it unlike its own brothers around it. He felt it was important some how but after the last few nights he only thought he was just going crazy. "Why do you keep bring me here, what is it I'm suppose to do?" He asked placing a paw on the tree as if it was suppose to answer him. Like those many nights before he got no answer, not even the stirring of the wind. Just silents, pure silents and nothing else. With a snarl he turned away from the tree and started walking in a random direction, he wasn't in the mood for any of this not after the kind of day he had. He just wanted to sleep, to rest soundless and not be hunted by a dream that he had once enjoyed.

"Why Am I Here!" he yelled aloud his voice echoing between the trees as he screamed up at the moon. "Why Do You Keep Bring Me Here!" As if to answer him a light flashed between a tree not to far off making him snap his head towards its source, but it was gone as fast as it came making him believe it was just the crystals playing tricks on him. As they had so many times before when he had first thought something was watching him as he tried traveling this quiet forest for so long seeking any life out. "This place is going to make me go crazy completely." he growled shaking his head as he cast his eyes to the ground to stare at what was suppose to be his own hands but instead paws.

"I just want..." he cut off as the same light from before flickered again in the corner of his eyes making him snap his head up once again. "Hello?" he asked as he stared around in the darkness where he had seen it. He knew he wasn't crazy, not yet anyways and he knew for sure this time it had been closer then last, "Is there anyone there?" No answer came, not even the rustling of leaves or cracking of branches. Just his own voice echoing in the shadows as he kept his eyes on the very spot he had seen the light. "Come out damn it!" he yelled and nearly jumping out of his skin as the light flickered between two trees not even fifteen yards from him. "Wait!" he yelled as he took off after it as soon as it vanished, rounding the trees he had spotted within seconds only to see the light flicker another fifteen yards from him again. He couldn't see what it was, even from here but it was moving which was all that mattered to him. "Wait!" He yelled again charging after it rounding the next set of trees willing his feet to move faster and faster as it kept reappearing then vanishing just out of his sight. For all he knew he could be following nothing, but he wasn't going to take that chance, not after so many nights of seeking, wishing, and wanting to find something, anything in this forest that kept coming to him in his sleep. The forest became a blur around him as he try his best to catch what ever he was seeing but not matter how fast he went. No matter how hard he tried it always stayed just out of his sight tell finally he couldn't run anymore.

"Wait..." he panted as he halted beside a tree that had a rather large cluster of purple crystals growing at the base of it, "Please wait." he cried softly as he looked up to see the light gone, not even a wisp of its glow see able through the trees as he looked around. "I just want answers, even if its just one." He thought sinking to the ground, feeling his own tears start soak his cheeks as he did. "Please come..."

"Do not cry little one." a voice said softly around him making him raise his head.

"Who's there." he sobbed slightly, "Please, show yourself. Please tell me why I keep coming here....why these things are happening to me." he pleaded.

"This way little one, just a little more farther and answers you'll find." The voice replied so softly he barely caught it as the very light he was after flickered ahead of him. "Wait!" he yelled jumping to his feet as it started to hover farther away only for it to vanish just as fast again as he leaped over a set of shrubs looking to see where it went.

"This way." The light flickered again to his right making him turn and charge towards it rounding a tree and nearly losing his footing as he got tangled in some vines. "Get off me." He growled clawing at the roots wrapped around his ankles ripping them to shreds with ease as he did and spinning around to see where the light went. For a moment he couldn't find it tell he turned to his left and froze, his eyes widening in shock as they finally got sight of the source he had been following. "Wha..." but he couldn't finish the word as the light hovered towards him making him step back just a step as it stopped just a few feet from him. The only way he could even describe it was an orb, a bright white orb of light as it moved from one side to the other as if it was sizing him up before it turned and started to float away. Tethers of light trailing behind it as if it was on fire or even a star that dropped from the skies to show him something.

"Wa...Wait.." he stammered walking after it with a fast past as it rounded another tree, then another, ever now and then stopping as if it was being sure he was following it. Before long the forest around him started to thin out and it was then he spotted it. Something in all his nights he had never seen traveling the forest that has sucked him in almost every night. The orb didn't even pause as it hovered over some bushes and into a field beyond. Pausing as it cross the thresh hold, as if it was waiting for him before it hovered away and out of sight. With a shaky paw he stepped forward, then another and another tell finally he came to the very bush it had crossed and stared across the open field beyond. The full moon above made it look as if everything was made of its blue neon light as the grass swayed with a hidden breeze that he couldn't even feel from where he laid hidden in the shadows of the forest. The orb had all but vanishes from his sight as he stared at the grass, the only question crossing his mind was why hadn't he ever found this place in all his times traveling this forest. Ever since he appeared here in his sleep all he ever found was tree after tree. No ponds, no lakes or rivers, or even a field of this size. Just forest as far as the eye could even see, yet this light, this orb he followed had sent him on a few minute run and boom here it was. At that he gazed around wondering where it had up and vanished too, as he narrowed his eyes against the bright blue light that was cast upon the field he couldn't even see it. "Why was it so bright? Its like its absorbing the moon's light like a flower would sunlight." Was he could think was he took a step forward, "and why can't I feel the wind, yet see it blow?" He pondered again as he stopped and shook his head slightly. Just more questions to answers, answers he know he wouldn't find anytime soon.

"What is the meaning of bring me here Ayla." A voice growled making him pause opened mouth, he was about to call out to the orb he had followed hoping to find it once again; but the voice that suddenly rumbled around him made him freeze in his tracks. The voice was complete different then what he had heard, and sent a rather chill down his spine the way it spoke. Who ever it was, they seemed far from happy but were was it coming from? Slowly he cast his gaze left to right trying to pin point it, even though a slight fear entered his thoughts, he was more then ecstatic that their actually might be someone he can approach for once; and perhaps finally get some answers.

"My, you seem upset Levis." A soft voice spoke as he turned towards the direction he thought the source was coming from and started heading towards it. Even though he was happy that maybe, just maybe he may have found someone else but him. He still remained in the forest not stepping into the field so that he could remain hidden. Even thought this was a dream he knew that he could still feel pain. Something he found out the hard way and he wasn't for sure if who he was hearing was going to be friendly at all. Was no reason to get stupid with his excitement.

"Don't give me that, why did you bring me here after so long." The voice growled again, he could tell it was male and knew for sure the other was female. Being as quiet as he could he continued his search hoping that they couldn't hear his own footsteps. Keeping his right side to the field he stopped as a deep sigh reached his ears. Slowly he turned and shuffled through the small wall of bushes blocking his view from the field freezing as he got a third of the way through as something red came within his sight. "Levis, you know as well as I do that I couldn't have done anything, holding a grudge from the past will only allow your soul to darken." The female replied as he shuffled into the bush more, knowing his black color would help him hide, just hoping the red and blue streaks wouldn't glow in the neon light. He could hear compassion in her voice as she spoke, and he wondered what exactly they were talking about.

"Don't give me..."

"Levis," The female growled making him stopped dead in his words as they finally came within his view, and what he saw he honestly couldn't not believe at first, "You know just as well as I do that I can not intertwine with the threads of faith. It is even beyond me, what she done was of her own choice and you..."

"Stop!" The male barked, slowly he edged away form the bush and backed out.

"Dragons..." was all he could think as he left their view, "after so many months of being here and not hearing anything, know this....what does it mean?" he asked himself looking up towards the moon. "And what are they talking about?" So many questions passed through him, just as they always have. Yet no answers where to give, and most of all the female that was speaking, not once had he ever seen one like her before, not even in books he read over and over again when this all first started to happen to him.

"Levis, I'm sorry, It hurts me..."

"Why did you bring me here." he heard him growl again and he caught another sigh he guessed coming from the female again.

"I had hope to at least talk with you for a bit."

"I have no words I wish to share with you." The male responded, a shiver running down his spines as he stepped away from the bush farther. Spinning around as something red caught his eye from behind, "What in the..."

"I brought you hear to shed you a warning." The female said slowly making him snap his head back in their direction.

"Warning?" He could hear the puzzlement in the males voice as he spoke, "After so long of no words, after so long of not saying anything, you brough me here now to share a warning!" he could hear anger replacing the confusion pretty quickly. Another shiver went through his spine as he spun around, swearing to the stars that something moved behind him not to far off.

"What we thought was dead, was only in slumber,
And now it awakens with a new found hunger," The females voice seemed to deepen as he snapped his head at her sudden change. "The lands you love, will burn to ash, as he seeks what he desires, that was lost in the past." His eyes widen as the smell of fear reached his nose, he didn't know how or why he knew what the scent was but for some reason he could; and if he had to guess it was coming from the male dragon. "A simple wish will be made, and a Comet will fall, in which this light he burns can save us all." His eyes widen more at the sound of his name. "Was she talking about him?" Slowly he creep forward into the bush only to stop as the sound of something rustling behind him making him turn.

"But if his answers aren't found, lies can take hold, and darkness will fall on the worlds that we know." Bright red eyes brunt form a bush behind him making another shriver pass through him as he turned to face them. "What does it mean?" he heard the male ask as he tried to see what was staring at him from the bush.

"Wait!" he heard the male yell making snap his head around and letting lose a scream as something slammed into him. He could feel claws tearing into his flesh as he turned to face what had hit him and came nose to nose with the red eyes. "I'vvveee found you'sss at lasst." he heard a voice his as pain shot through him making him scream again."

"Get off me!!!" He screamed as he jolted upwards from his bed to stare in a panic around his room. Quick as a snake he flickered the lamp on next to his head and grabbed a pocket knife, switching it open all within a few seconds. His breathing came in hard gasps as he stared at the dim shadows around his room seeking for any source of those eyes. The sound of footsteps running down the hallway made him jump slightly as something jarred open his door, that second he hide his knife knowing who it was.

"Comet!?! Are you ok?" his mother asked as she walked in a panic in her eyes as he glanced at him then around the room. "Ya, sorry mom, just a bad dream." he replied wiping his brow, stopping as he felt the sweat was cold as ice.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," he replied instantly stopping her from approaching him, "Just a dream, all it was." he turned and flickered off his light as she tried to approach again. He didn't want to talk about it, not right now. He could still feel her present in his room as he toss the covers over his head trying to pretend like he was going back to sleep. Her worrisome washed over his mind like ocean waves as he tried to block them, "I'll be alright mom, go back to bed." he said softly.

"Well, Ok," she said unsure, her emotions hitting him like a wall making him grit his teeth, "I love you son."

"Love you too." he muffled through the covers as he heard the door shut. He waited tell he heard her footsteps go down the hall and the click of her bedroom door before he threw the covers off him and spun out of his bed. Quick like and without the light on he walked over to the desk not far from his bed and sat down, touching the touch lamp so it would turn on and opening the middle draw of the desk as he did. Only to stop as something scratched at the window making him nearly jump out of his skin as he looked up to see a pair of orange eyes glancing back at him. It took everything he had to seal the scream that was almost released yet again as he cupped his mouth. The dream come back to him in a flash as the pair of orange eyes blinked at him, a wall of fear hitting his mind mentally. Then it hit him, releasing a suppressing breath he reached over his desk and opened the window, in a flash a orange fox leaped across the top and landed in his arms. Her whole body shaking as the fear coming off her in waves hit his mind like a brick wall. "shsss, it's ok Layla." he spoke softly trying to get her to relax as he did himself. She shivered in his arms, turning to face him as he did and it was in her orange stare he could see that it wasn't fear of something from her, but her fear for him. "I'm all right," he spoke in his mind with pictures to sooth her as he did, "was only just a dream." He smiled at her in the darkness as she curled in his arms. Though he could feel that she was uncertain as she kept glancing at him through the corner of her eyes.

"It was only just a dream." he spoke aloud as he sent mental pictures of her running in a sunny field chasing rabbits. He felt her relax and curled a little tighter in his lap as he did which made a smile appear on his lips as he watched her. Her fear dwindling into a soundless sleep, her now calming presents soothing his own mind just a bit, but still the lingering memories of the dream withered in the back of his mind.

"Wasn't it?" he asked himself again looking out the window and up at the half moon, then back at the fox to see that she raised her head to stare at him with round orange eyes. "How much longer can I endure this girl?" he asked her as she titled her head and turned with him to stare up at the moon. "How much more longer tell I can find some answers to this madness?"
© Copyright 2015 Comet (faithfulcomet at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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