Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2034798-Robintails-destinych2-part-1
Rated: E · Other · Other · #2034798
Robintail bounded up the hills of Dawnclan territory,the smell of catmint made his mouth water as the sun started setting in the now Scarlett sky,The running had made his pelt hot and his colour felt tight around his neck."How does Dawnclan do this?"He panted as Rainpelt caught up to him,Rainpelts grey tail swished,"The other clans probably think the same thing when they see the jungle."He purred as they slowed down the ground Growing cooler as they reached the shade of Larger cliffs ahead of them,
Robintail looked On top of the cliff as an orange pelt caught the corner of his eye
"INTRUDERS!!!"Howled the cat as he lept for Robintails pelt.Robintail lept to the side quickly as the small apprentice landed on the ground with a puff of grey dust,"Mousedung!!"The cat spat as he shook the gravel and Twig off his pelt he looked at Robintail confused,"Arnt you scared Kittypet!?"He growled odviosly trying to intimidate the much larger Robintail,"KITTYPET?!"Growled Robintail,he felt like clawing the Mousebrains Ears off,but knew that he would regret it if he did so."Yeah,Kittypet,Your wearing colours around your neck.And stealing!?"The apprentice unsheathed his claws,"I would run if I were you."Robintai l snarled unsheathing his sharp claws
"ORANGEPAW!"Howled a brown and white She cat(Fallencrest!)Robintail thought partly relieved yet still disappointed"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"the deputy snapped
"I-I was about to chase away a couple of kittypet-"
She cuffed him on the head,"That's peaceclan,Fluffbrain!"she snapped once agien
She then turned to Robintail and Rainpelt
"Sorry,He is new,I will show you to the camp."She mmewed,"I
She looked once more at the cats and took off at a fast pace up the mountain cliffs...

SIDENOTE:Sorry this chapter was shorter than I wanted it to be,I had to split chapter two into three parts because of some problems,the big one,me being sick.I promise the next part will be much longer and will focus more on the main piont..I don't think I did as well on this chapter either,Agien I'm sorry
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