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The fifth part of my sci fi storyline. Have fun ^_^ |
Weak illuminated the flashlights mounted on the assault rifles, the long corridor ahead of Sam and Cathy. Tremors shook their surroundings and from time to time fell a few pieces of ice or concrete from the walls or ceiling. They knew they had to be fast if they didn’t wanted to be buried alive under tons of massive rock but they had to look out if they didn’t wanted to get hit by the pieces. Also, if that wasn’t already enough, had both to worry about the threat that a loser coming Deva army possessed. Ve’ret, which was the name of the controller of all these units had declared a manhunt on them just a couple of minutes ago and Sam, or Cathy were in the mood to make it that easy for her. “How much longer, until we reach that carpool?” Asked Sam as the turned into another corridor and gave her the sign to follow. “It should be pretty close. I just hope the way didn’t came down over the years.” Replyed Catherine as another, much heavier tremor shook their surroundings and let both stop for a moment as a few metal plates and an old pipe came down and hammered onto the metallic and ice covered ground. “We better be.” Added Sam concerned and looked at his visible breath before him before shaking his head and moving on. The pain in his ribs and legs was getting worse with every step he did and he was kind of glad that Cathy had taken the backpack before they had left the old armory. Surely the new combat gear he wore was already hurting enough on his ribcage but it was either this, or stuffing all the magazines and the other stuff into his pockets. Not a really nice view. Cathy on her side didn’t seem to mind that much. She had taken the backpack easily along with the combat vest and the assault rifle. He was kind of impressed about it but blamed his wounds for being so weak. “Argh.” Grunted Sam when he took a wrong step and nearly slipped on a piece of ice. Cathy saw it and immediately hooked him under to support him. He wasn’t supposed to be up after all and especially being under those circumstances. The beating he had become from that urley had nearly killed him and it was only thanks to the Nanomed injections she had given him that he was alive after all. “We have to find a place to rest.” Said the young woman and leaned Sam near a wall before she searched for another nanomed injector in one of her pockets. Sam, began to cough while he tried to support himself on the icy wall. He turned away from her and when he took his hand away, noticed he a small drop of blood on his hand along with a burning and stinging feeling in his chest. “You need another injection, Sam.” Said Cathy as she began to prepare the tube for him. “How many do you have of those?” Asked Sam on what she said that she had only two left. “Then we save them for an emergency.” Was Sam's only replyand forced to grin. “This is an emergency. Sam you should be in bed and not move for at least a week.” Replied Cathy as she held the injection still ready in her hand. You inner wounds were critical. The machines can repair them but even they need time.” “I am fine…trust me.” Said he with a smirk and guided her hand and the injection back into her pocket. “And now let’s move on before that bitch comes here with those damn trash cans.” - - - Vareva felt her body getting weaker and weaker by the minute. She was still holding Tashigi’s sword firm in her right hand but she felt the lack of strength to rise it up anymore. “I thought you…you wanted to kill me.” Mocked Dalsahim who was standing at the other side of an old helicopter port and held his broken left arm with his right. A deep cut was visible on the left side of his torso and a stream of violet blood ran down over the armor and his left leg. “You have to try harder if you want to bring me down, traitor.” Ranted he and coughed before he took a few deep breaths in and out. Vareva panted heavily on her side. She knew she had to bring him down but she hadn’t thought that he, along with Tashigi, had become that much better since the last time. “I have to admit that I underestimated you. I guess I have to train a bit harder when this is over.” Came Vaeva's reply as she held her side with her free hand and wondered how many of her ribs weren’t broken yet. Dalsahim began to walk towards her on what she took a step back and held the sword higher up despite her condition. She wished for her Holographic sword but her equipment had been lost during the fight with him. “Your ribs were only the start Vee! Ale’ir allowed me to rip you apart should I get the chance and I will make sure that I break you apart before we give you the final blow. And your pet…” Said Dalsahim while he had to adjust his earlier broken jaw again. “I think Ale’ir will allow me to have my fun when she had hers. Of course only if she or Ve’ret doesn’t break her before.” Added the urley warrior and grinned wicked as he prepared himself to strike again. Loudly yelling, stormed the giant towards her and left deep imprints into the ice and snow and even in the pavement under it. He balled his hands into fists and jumped towards her on the last few yards rocking and crushing the ground beneath him. Vareva saw him coming while the ground shook under her feet. He was truly a walking tank and even feared under other urley for his immense strength. Vareva knew, that would he get her, was she done for. She waited until he was closer and ducked just in time when he jumped forward to make a roll right under his immense. The ground literally exploded when the giant landed again and his fists hammered into the ground where his opponent had stood just a second ago. “GAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!” Yelled Dalsahim out loud to undermine his hate and rage as he noticed that Vareva wasn’t there anymore. Vareva came back on her feet just as he was about to turn around, and prepared another blow towards him as he already wrapped his arms around her and easily lifted her up his arms around her waist. He pressed her tight at him and she heard something else cracking on her body as he squeezed her more and more. Vareva could barely breathe and felt her chest getting more and more compressed while he smiled up to her and increased his grip. “How can he…with that arm.” Thought Vareva as she tried to free herself from his steel grip, but without success. “Getting hard to breath, traitor?! Don’t worry this is nothing compared to the agony you will be in before I end your life!” Yelled the warrior and increased his grip again on her on what Vareva lost the grip around her sword. “Can’t even breath can you, my Setal?! Thought you would at least put on a bit more of a fight!” Vareva wanted to scream but she didn't have any air left in her lungs after his last move. She wanted to fight back but couldn’t and allowed her upper body to fall towards his left shoulder leaving her head hanging just a bit over his back. Dalsahim grinned widely as he saw her falling over his shoulder and with the victory, which was literally in his grip began he to loosen his grip just a bit on her. But just as he did so, felt he an arm around his throat which began immediately to choke him. “Neither you, Ale’ir, or any other of you monsters. Will. Ever. Touch. My. Girl!” Said she in a grim and deep voice as the legs of Dalsahim began to loose their strength and he fell on his knees. He was trying to free himself from her grip but Vareva was using every bit of strength she had left in her arms and held against his attempts. She felt a fury inside her as the images of past battles came up in her mind. She saw Dalsahim running like a tank through groups of humans not caring if they were soldiers or civilians. She saw how he treated those they captured what he did to them for fun and…pleasure. Tears welled up as she saw their horrified faces on what she increased her grip around his throat even more. She would make sure that this monster would never be able to touch a human. She would never allow him to harm a human as his neck made a loud cracking noise and she felt his body giving away for once and for all. She remained at the position to make sure that he was really dead until his body began to fall backwards and she loosened her grip and allowed her beaten body to fall into the snow as well. With an ear deafening sound crashed Dalsahim’s dead body and left a deep imprint in the ground. Vareva was lying with outstretched arms in the snow and ice as well and allowed her body for a second to relax while she was breathing eagerly the cold air into her lungs. “I really…have to train a bit more when we are back.” Said she beaten but with a smirk and looked into the dark grey sky above her. “I have to say that I am a bit disappointed that it took you so long to kill them.” Said Ale’ir and stopped in some distance to her former battle-sister . She walked calm and with all the patience in the world to Dalsahim’s dead body but didn’t even tried to check if he was alive as she sat down on his chest and crossed her legs and arms. She smiled wickedly down at Vareva who was trying to get up. “What’s the matter, traitor? Already beaten?” Said Ale’ir in a hunmored tone and placed her sniper rifle slowly on the ground next to her. She then began to open a small pocket on her belt and took a syringe out which had a light blue, glowing liquid in it. “Do you remember that?” Began Ale’ir and turned the syringe between her fingers. “It’s the good stuff. Not the lower class medication that they give us nowadays. No. This here is the real deal.” Said Ale’ir and got up from Dalsahim’s dead body. She played with the tool all the way until she reached Vareva and then crouched down next to her head with a grin on her lips. “I want you in top shape before I kill you, Vareva. I want you to see just how strong my hate made me.” She said and then injected the entire liquid into her neck. Vareva began to turn her body as the liquid began to flow through her body. The intensity of the serum began to burn in her veins and she felt as if she would burn out from the inside while the billions of organisms, began to repair and regenerate her body in an astonishing time. She tried to hold it in but the pain became just unbearable after some moments on what she began to cry and scream out loud while she went into a fetal position. Ale’ir couldn’t help herself and grin as she saw what the results of the high dosage did with her former commander’s body. Sure the effect would wear off in a short time but until that, would she enjoy every single moment of the little spectacle. The warrior walked back to Dalsahim’s dead body as one of Ver’et’s modified deva’s ran up to her and gave her an update of her very own hunt. - - - - Sam couldn’t believe it when his eyes fell on the largest car park, he had ever seen in his entire life. Barbossa’s as far as he could see stood neatly in three long rows up to thirty cars in front of him and waited patiently for a day on what they would be used again. The large, eight wheeled, armored vehicles, with their cal. 50 machine gun and the grenade launcher build on top, looked like beasts ready to attack as the light of their flashlights shoed away some darkness from the waiting machines. “There should be an emergency ladder at the end of the hall.” Said Cathy and nodded down the row of cars as Sam inspected the nearest one a bit closer with a child like grin in his face. “Butch had often told me stories about those. He always wanted one or two but…we never managed it to find one intact enough to bring it home.” Said Sam and touched the ice covered metal surface of the vehicle. Catherine saw the slight glimmer in his eyes when his hand touched the car. He seemed to act a bit like a boy who had just found a new toy he wanted to have so badly. But as much as she would have loved it to give him a few more moments, knew she that at least a dozen Deva’s were on their way to them and it would only be a matter of time until they would find them here. “Sam.” Began she and placed her hand on his shoulder on what he turned his head to her and nodded. It didn’t took them long until they reached the end of the main hall and found the emergency ladder at its end….or better, what was still attached to the half fallen in wall it was build onto. “Damn it.” Spoke Cathy out loud as both them saw the pieces that lay scattered around. At least twenty feet of the ladder were missing or better, not more attached to the wall. Sam thought of maybe climbing the wall and using the caps in the concrete but the ice made it too slippery to get a grip and so was that idea shattered as well. They pondered on what or where to go when a faint explosion halled through the corridor they had walked through before. “They are coming.” She started and aimed her assault rifle to the door at the end of the hangar when Sam noticed the still closed vehicle doors on the left side of him. He knew similar ones from the vault and if they were lucky, could they open one and run to the surface even if it would take them longer. “Come on.” Gave he Cathy to understand on what both of them ran to one of the two doors. The left one where they stood before, seemed pretty much okay while the right one, had already several large bulges in its middle and the upper part. The dent metal told them clearly that this was not the way they could go when a second explosion emanated from the second package they had planted on their way here. “That was the second pack we planted.” Said Catherine when Sam looked to the Barbossa’s “Do you think that they still drive?” Asked he and made his way over to one of them. Cathy was close behind him and climbed up the hull like a little monkey on what she then opened the armored hatch and climbed in. Sam needed a bit more time and waited outside while Cathy sat down in the driver seat and began to wake the old beast up from its deep winter sleep. She needed a few tries until the system jumped back to life and showed her an energy cell power of at least thirty percent. “Wow not bad for such an old bucket.” Could Sam hear from the inside while the system made a quick diagnostic and suddenly went silent again. “What’s wrong?” “Seems that we cheered a bit too early. The cold start must have killed the power cell. It might have a few bits left but that will never get us out of here.” Started Catherine to explainto him as she looked up at Sam who was looking at the other cars. “We need a replacement but I’m afraid that it will be the same with the other cells in the cars. Maybe if we had one from the storage area a bit further down the hangar. They should be still working even after such a long time.” “Good.” Came Sam's answer on what he began to climb down on the tank before Cathy could stop him. His rips were hurting as well as his legs after he went down from the car and he needed a second to breath through before he made his way to the storage area. On his way, cracked the comm. Device in his ear and he feared that this urley could be at the other end again when he heard Cathy’s voice. “I build up a short range communication link between us but I am not sure how far it will work so you better stay close to me.” Said she over the link and giggled at the last comment on what he grinned on his side. It felt good to hear her as he went into the storage area and walked to the part where the cells were stored. "I try and run the diagnostic with what we have left until you come back.” And added. “Oh and I found a box with ammunition for the autocannon. That way if those monsters show up, can we greet them as they deserve it.” Sam only nodded as he went absent minded through one empty shelf or empty cell. He was already half way through when his eye fell on a cell that lay half hidden under a staple of prints. He hoped and for once, seemed the luck to be on their side. “Cathy, I found one. Prepare the beast, because we drive it out in style.” Joked he over the link and heaved the heavy cell on his shoulder with some more grunts. His rips began to remind him again that he wasn’t in any way fit for this. The way back seemed endless until he finally reached the tank again and pulled the heavy cell up and into the hands of Cathy who was eagerly waiting inside. “Okay just a few moments and then are we out of here.” It was not a moment too early thought Sam when the sounds of multiple running feet could be heard in the distance. “Well, you better hurry or it’s getting ugly, really…” He said but was violently pulled off the roof by a slim, white, mechanical hand and thrown easily with his back at the nearby wall behind the tank. With a loud thud hit Sam the wall and slid down rather forceless until he landed on the floor. “Sam!!” Screamed Catherine out loud when the white, female, face of a deva appeared before the hatch, and closed the heavy door before it blocked it from the outside. “Damnit! Noo!!” Yelled Cathy and pushed against the hatch from the inside. It wasn’t moving an inch when her mind took over again and her eyes fell on the ammunition crate. Sam grunted when a hand grabbed his throat and forced him against the wall with his feel dangling a few inches above he ground. “Well, well, well. Look what the cat brought me.” Could Sam hear a sneering voice as he grabbed his pistol and in a swift move fired two rounds into the skull of the deva. He choked a bit when a series of laughters began to fill the room . “Oooh you broke one of my toys.” Said the voices in unison and giggled. “But don’t worry…I have plenty more for you to play with.” Added Ver’et and laughed when three of her drones spotted the human at the end of the car hangar. “Cathy…” Began Sam and rubbed his sore throat when he heard the urley. The footsteps were close but the weak light made it nearly impossible to track them when something grabbed him by his collar and threw him along the floor until he stopped near the entrance to the storage area. “Cathy!” Said he again and aimed down the floor with his rifle in the nick of time when the male version of a deva came running towards him. He fired and decorated the upper body and the face with a series of holes before a part of the face broke away and the machine fall forward skidding the rest of the way until it died down a couple of feet before him. “Catherine!!” sam yelled out loud as another couple came running towards him followed by a small group of four who seemed to have taken the way over the roofs of the tanks. Adrenaline rushed through his body and numbed the pain in his body while it sharpened his senses and reaction. He aimed at the couple and fired but only hit the female on the left before its partner jumped aside and used the walls to give him a hard time to aim. Sam screamd out loud in rage as the magazine reached its end and quickly grabbed his pistol again using the last rounds on the remaining deva before its powerless body collapsed near him on the ground. He knew of the consequences when four shadows appeared above him and eyed him down from their point of view. “Our turn…” Said one of the male versions with a dirty smirk and a female voice as it looked down at him. “Sam!” Coudl he hear Catherine yell over the micro in his ear before a staccato of cal 50. bullets shredded the bodies of the deva’s into pieces. Sam sighted when the engine of the old tank roared in the distance and a group of lights broke through the darkness. Never in his life had he been happier to hear such a sound when he began to walk back towards the tank. “Not a second too late Cat.” Said Sam relieved and quickly changed the magazines when he heard something behind him. “Do…do you believe that, that’s it?” Sputtered one of the shredded devas in Ver’et’s voice on what he approached it and kneeled next to it. “I have an army of drones and they are all on their way to you, and your little girlfriend.” Said Ver’et before the system broke down. “Cathy…”Began Sam when he heard the machines getting closer in the distance. “Get the thing going. We have to leave…fast.” Ver’et hadn’t had that much fun in a long time as she followed her little toys through their very own eyes. Hunting humans had been always spatiality for her since she was able to command multiple drones at once. She loved it to hunt them not to catch them because that would mean the end of the fun for her. “Yeah hide and fight. Give me a good show…” Moaned the urley in her own little hideout which consistent of a smaller hangar. She loved the rush the feeling of power she had not over the little playthings but her prey as she would hunt it until it would give up out of fear or helplessness. “…be good little morsels and do what you can…until you break and die.” “I can’t open it! It’s blocked!” Began Sam clearly now out of breath on the outside as he tried to pull the hatch open while Cathy was on the other side and pushed. The devas where probably only moments away and he knew a decision had to be made. “Get the tank going, and drive through the gate!” “And you?” Replied Cathy from her side and tried again to open the door. “I wont leave you!” “I will hang outside and try to hold them away from us! And now stop arguing with me, and move!” It took Cathy a moment until the old tank broke free from its cold place and rolled the first feet. Sam knelt with his rifle ready at the roof as the first devas appeared at the entrance on the other side of the hangar. “They are here! Take a round and then break through!” Commanded Samuel her, as he took down two drones. He knew that it would bring them closer to the entrance from where the drones were comming but the autocannon and five more magazines made sure that not even a handfull managed to be able to walk after they had passed it. The tires squealed loudly on the icy beton as Cathy made another turn and accelerated the 20 ton heavy vehicle down the hangar. Sam was still on the roof shoving his last magazine in his rifle as pair of deva’s jumped from the sides at the tank. Their hands left deep scratches on the armor while Sam was busy to fill their heads with a few rounds. He saw a few running after them and threw a grenade which got most but not all when more and more seemed to appear behind them. “It’s no use.” Grumbled Samthrough gritted teeth and took another one down on what three more appeared. He saw that the storage was close and closed his eyes before he moved to the edge of the roof and waited. “Cathy! Don’t stop no matter what!” Came his last order over their link before she turned the car around the corner and he jumped off landing harsh on the icy ground. “What are you talking about?!” Asked she unsure what was going on when she was already facing the door at the end of the room. “Just go!” Yelled Sam and fired his last rounds from his rifle and taking three more deva’s down before he switched back to his old pistol and started shooting. He allowed himself to pause for a moment eagerly breathing in and out as when the Barbossa crashed violently through the old doors and was soon followed by a few drones before the roof collapsed and closed the opening. “Cathy!” “I’m fine. Seems that the old ceiling gave away after we hit it.” “Catherine..…” Began Sam, when the sneers and snickers around him began to fill the room. Cathy was driving the heavy tank at its limits as she made her way further up. “You have probably three of four devas on your tail…” Cathy turned the wheel but couldn’t hinder the collusal machine from scratching against the right walls as she remained with her boot on the gas all the time. “We will make it! Just a bit…” But static began to appear in the link which seemed strange at such a short distance. “I am not with you…I’m still down here.” The words literally gutted her as she took her foot from the gas. “What…” “I hold them off as long as I can. If that bitch wants a hunt, I will give her one.” More and more static filled the link as she absently minded, stepped on the gas again and pushed the old tank further. “Cat,…” Began he, not knowing if she could still hear him or not. “Make sure that you survive…and save our family back home.” “Sooo. Only you and me then, hm?” Heard Sam the urley saying as one of the devas made a step forward. “What a pity. I hoped to hunt you two together.” “Only me now.” Grunted the man and reloaded his pistol before he took his empty rifle and dropped it on the ground before him. He looked into the crowd and counted at least fifteen devas. Some were female, some had male features and all he had, were the 14 rounds inside his magazine. “Thirteen for them…one for me.” Thought Sam with a smirk and pulled the hammer back. “Well, what are you waiting for…” Said Sam out loud and dropped a grenade before he jumped back and turned. He made a run towards the storage doors remembering that the heavy weights on the other side were only held by old and hopefully, weakened chains as the grenade went up behind him. The shockwave hit him in his back and pushed him forward before he tripped and fell. He activated the light on is gun and searched the chains. “Got ya!” He fired round after round as the devas made their way over to him. “Cheap tricks like those won’t save you, human. I will get you and will enjoy my time. I guess I will break your limbs first. Arms, legs…your ribs…and then…” She waited and thought before the machine smiled and crossed her arms behind her head. “I guess I will think of something funny.” He had only five rounds left inside when the metal started to groan. He had never heard such a nice sound. Again fired Sam on the chain when it finally snapped and flew up vanishing into the ceiling above him. The heavy doors groaned violently before they began to close before him. “No! Nooo!” Heard Sam the urley screaming as the doors literally crashed into each other and left him with good twenty inches of steel between him and the machines. He collapsed grinning and laughing as he looked at his pistol and noticed that he had one bullet left. “One for me…” - - - - Cathy drove the tank as fast as she could higher and higher until she noticed that the way was getting brighter before her. “Close…” Thought she and pushed the pedal on the ground. The heavy tank groaned under the speed but she wasn’t caring for it as the light before he got brighter and brighter until she reached the end of the tunnel and crashed through a thick layer of ice. “You idiot! You moron!” Cursed Catherine and hit the steering wheel under her breath as she followed the snow covered road. The day had already begun even if most of the light was covered by thick clouds. She maneuvered the vehicle around a corner when something hit the side. She activated the cannon but got no signal. “Damn!” Again got the car hit but this time not on e one but on both sides. “Must be the devas he mentioned!” Said Cathy and hit the gas again when something caught her attention in the corner of her eye. It was big. Bigger then a normal human and when it hit the right side of the tank, was it more then enough to push it up and crash it on its side. Metal groaned violently and the armor dented upon the impact. The wheels on the right side lost their contact with the ground as the tank flipped to the side and hit a nearby building before it stopped and laid their like a dead animal. “Oooh poor little thing…I hope I haven’t scratched her too much.” Said the heavy deva with Ver’et’s voice as a small group appeared behind it. “But…accident’s happen…right?” |