Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2033932-Chapter-23--4---Into-the-Nevernever
by Zena
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #2033932
Following chapters!
Chapter 1

My name is Skylar Blackwood.
And for the past 2 years, I have known about them, inherited 'the sight'.
When I say them I mean the dark, mysterious fey. And by 'the sight' I mean I'm one of the few people in the mortal realm who can actually see all fey. Unless of course they willingly let down their invisibility guard, and allow humans to see them. I know what you're thinking. Faeries right? Sounds stupid I know. Faeries don't exist. Well I'm afraid to say that you are wrong. I hadn't known they existed until a few years ago. But every moment of my life I curse the day I ever found out about them. My life has been hell. Always having to be alert, looking over your shoulder in case something was creeping up on you. It's tiring. And annoying beyond imagining. Several times I have thought about telling my family about them, but each time I have thought better of it, stopping myself. There was no need to bring mom into it. Or Isabel, my younger sister for that matter. They would only end up like me and that was the last thing I wanted. So I remained silent.

My alarm went off at 7am. Groaning I reached my hand out from under the covers and fiddled with the clock, hitting it feebly. When the continuous ringing blared in my ears I sighed in frustration, bringing my clenched fist down on the top of it. Abruptly it stopped, and I sank back, closing my eyes again. It had been a long night, and I was hoping to catch a few more minutes sleep before I got up and changed for school. Only moments seemed to pass before my bedroom door swung open and Sadie came crashing onto my bed, greeting me with warm wet kisses all over my face. I swatted at her, my eyes still closed "Stop it Sadie" I groaned, shrinking deeper into the safety of my covers.
"Happy birthday!" I opened my eyes a crack to see Isabel scampering into my room, jumping onto the bed next to Sadie "Wakey wakey rise and bakey!" she yelled excitedly. I closed my eyes again, knowing that now I definitely wouldn't get anymore sleep and opened them. I smiled faintly, sitting upright. I cringed as a dull pain shot through my shoulder. Grimly I remembered last night. How close I came to almost losing my life to a bunch of evil red caps and winced at the memory. Mom came into my room holding a tray. The scent of bacon and eggs drifted towards me and I sighed, my thoughts drifting away from the fey for just a moment. Breakfast in bed. I thought, smiling as they approached. Mom sat on the edge of my bed, pushing Sadie off and laying the tray down,
"Happy 17th birthday sweetie" she said in that usual soft tone I loved. It was hard to believe I was finally 17.
I smiled, rubbing my eyes with palms of my hands, still a little sore from last night's escape. "Thanks mum" I yawned, ruffling Isabel's long blond hair as I did so.
I looked past Isabel to my bedroom window, my eyes still a little blurry. A small winged creature was perched just outside, looking directly at me with berry black eyes. It didn't move, just stared. I felt alarmed, seeing the Piskie there on my windowsill. I could tell mom sensed my mood for she regarded me with a confused look in her eyes,
"Skylar? Are you alright?" she looked over her shoulder.
I was glad she couldn't see them like I could. "Yeah mom, I'm ok" I reassured her. When she still didn't look back at me I thought quickly, picking up the first of my birthday cards. "So um who's this from?" I asked, and her attention finally snapped back to me.
After a moment she nodded, her eyes happy once again. I risked a glance at the window to find the Piskie gone and let out a breath of relief. "Well that ones from your sister" Mom told me and I opened the card. Isabel shifted from foot to foot. But I wasn't sure if in excitement or nervousness.
"Do you like it Skylar? Do you?"

I walked out of the house wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a tank top. Another long day at school was what I didn't need right now. Hopping onto my mo-ped I started the ignition and pulled out onto the road.
It wasn't long before I reached the school. Soaring up into the sky and casting long shadows across the courtyard. I removed the key from my bike, kicking the metal stand and glanced around. A few students roamed the area, either walking in groups or by themselves. I couldn't help but feel a prick of unease. Something wasn't right.
Sighing I got off my bike and swung my school bag over my non-damaged shoulder, stuffing my keys into my jeans pocket. Several people turned to look at me as I passed but I ignored them, fighting the urge to turn and ask them what they were looking at. Of course everyone would stare at the strange girl who could see what wasn't there. Over the months I had even gained the name 'freak' or 'weirdo'. I had chosen to ignore the insults obviously. Not caring what other people thought. I knew I could see things no one else could. I knew I was different.
Rolling my eyes I walked up the steps and pushed my way through the double doors into the school.
I was walking down the hallway when an excited squeal broke through my thoughts and I turned just as Kelsie crashed into me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and drawing me into a brief hug "Happy birthday Sky!" her gorgeous green eyes were bright as she pulled back, keeping me at arm's length "17 years old! Finally!" I grinned and looked over her shoulder as Daniel came walking up behind Kelsie, a smile plastered on his face. Dan was Kelsie's boyfriend. They had been together almost 3 years now. And already it was like they had never been apart.
"Happy 17th birthday Skylar" He smiled at me and I smiled back, looking at them both
"Thanks" I replied, repositioning my backpack. Wincing at my shoulder.
"How does it feel to be 17?" Kelsie's voice was light and friendly as she looked at me. I shrugged "It feels no different to being 16"
She pursed her lips, nodding thoughtfully. "Well at least you're old enough to legally go out now" She grinned "We can go clubbing together! And we can drink, and have parties.."
I walked alongside her and Dan, heading toward our first class. Kelsie chattered on about all the things we could do now that I was old enough. I felt a spark of amusement at her enthusiasm.
"She's being going on and on about this all morning" I heard Dan's groan next to me and glanced at him. I could tell he was feeling just as amused as I was. "She's really excited"
"I'd say she's a little too excited" I replied, only half joking. "Now that we are coming to the end of the semester there's going to be a lot of well-needed studying for our exams" My spirit sunk a little at the mention of studying. There was going to be a lot of things to revise for.
Dan smirked "Oh, well I wouldn't worry too much about that. If I were you I would worry more about what Mrs Braxton is going to say when she finds out your late to her class again."
I looked up, alarmed. I hadn't realized the bell had gone, too busy lost in conversation and my own thoughts.
"Crap! Kelsie we are going to be late" Picking up the pace I reached the bottom of the hallway, Dan and Kelsie following close behind. I looked back, seeing Kelsie give her boyfriend a quick kiss on the lips before she turned and hurried up to me. Dan waved at us and continued down the hallway, heading to his own class. Together we entered the classroom just as the last few students were taking their seats and I quickly hurried over to my own seat in the second from back row, next to Kelsie's. Thankfully Mrs Braxton hadn't realized we were late and didn't hesitate before beginning her lesson. I slumped back in my seat and listened as the old woman introduced a new student to the class.
"Mornin' class. Today we have a new student. This is Robbie Goodfell." I looked up from where I had positioned my pencil case and text book on the desk and immediately I stiffened.
There, across the room stood a boy. Not just any old guy though. This one was strikingly handsome, with sharp, defined cheekbones and perfectly symmetrical features. As he breathed his broad chest swelled, and his long arms hung strongly at his sides. He had crimson hair, spiked up atop of his head.
A Faerie.
But not just any Faerie.
I knew instantly that this boy wasn't just any random member of the fey, that's was for sure. Luckily I was the only one who could see the pointed ears sticking out from each side of his head. I felt that sudden unease I had felt earlier build up inside again. Shakespeare's play 'a midsummer night's dream' crashed into mind and I gaped. The famous prankster. Known for playing the most mischievous of tricks. Always cheerful- What was his name again? I think it was...
Robin Goodfellow?
Was I just imagining things? Could this really be the famous Robin Goodfellow? The Faerie who was infamous in so many old Faerie tales? I sighed to myself in frustration. No, of course not.
Excited whispers rose up from one corner of the class room where four girls, their hair perfectly styled and their faces made up blushed, murmuring to each other and giving the fey boy flirtatious looks. I snorted silently and turned my eyes back to the front of the class room. The fey boy was looking directly at me, a wide grin stretched across his face. His eyes boring into mine. My breath caught in my throat as I saw how beautiful they were. A bright icy green. Before I got too engrossed I tore my gaze away, breaking eye contact. What was a Faerie doing here? In my school? Was he here to spy on me? A sudden thought struck me. Does he know I can see The Fey? The thought alarmed me and I fought the urge to just get up right then and question him. Or simply go and hide in the girl's bathroom and think this through. Like i pretty much did with every other of my problems.
I held my breath and risked a glance in his direction. He wasn't looking at me anymore.
I watched as Mrs Braxton directed him to one of the seats. And he didn't hesitate. Walking down the Centre of the classroom he took the desk behind me. With a final sniff in Robbie's direction she began her lesson.
It seemed like hours had passed before the end of class bell rang. I hadn't been paying much attention. So many thoughts were swirling through my mind. Robin Goodfellow. If it was him that is, here in my school. Could this really be happening? And, if Puck really did exist, then that would mean King Oberon and Queen Titania must be real after all.

"Did you see that boy?" Kelsie hissed as she walked beside me, clutching her books to her chest "I thought I might have fallen off my seat!" I nodded, glancing back to find Robbie surrounded by a group of girls, twisting their hair around their fingers and fluttering their eyelashes. He didn't seem to be bothered by their 'friendly' chit chat, a smile plastered on his face the whole time as he talked to them. A second later, as if he sensed someone was looking at him his eyes darted to mine. I quickly turned my head away, my legs and arms a little stiff. I could feel his gaze on the back of my neck as he watched us leave "Em, yeah" I replied. We rounded a corner and I finally relaxed, glad to be out of sight from the Faerie. "I did"
We met Dan in the hallway, and together we all walked to next period.

Chapter 2

The rest of the day went by in a blur. Ending as quickly as it had started. I waved goodbye to Kelsie and Dan, heading towards the car park where I started my mo-ped and pulled out of the school grounds.
As I drove home I noticed Faeries scattered about the streets, rummaging through dustbins or locked in combat with each other. I shivered; glad to be this far away from them. I tried to avoid looking directly at them. That was one of the disadvantages of having the sight. When I Faerie knows you can see them. They won't hesitate to make the rest of your life a living hell. Always pestering you, playing tricks, getting you into trouble. I had moved 5 times in the past two years because of it. Always hoping to have a fresh start. I had chosen to stay in my present school; there was no point in moving again when I would be leaving in only a year, maybe less. Luckily for me though I had remained mostly unnoticed. Apart from the several Faerie gangs that had tried killing me in the past, none of these exiled fey seemed to notice I could see them and that made me feel rather relieved.
A blur caught the corner of my vision and I whipped my head around, keeping one eye on the road and one on the trees and bushes to my right just as something darted out of the undergrowth, right onto the road in front of me. I half screamed half gasped, slamming on the brakes of my bike before I hit it. A terrible screeching followed by the scent of burning rubber filled my ears and nose as the vehicle came to a halt. Only inches away from colliding into the creature.
Before me a small furry creature with long gangly limbs and huge bat like ears glared up at me through electric green eyes, hissing and spitting in a strange language, sounding much like TV-static. I stared at it, eyes wide before I realized my mistake.
Dammit Skylar! I cursed silently. Stop looking at it! You'll draw attention to yourself!
But it was too late. The few fey surrounding the edges of the road I noticed were all looking at me. Their eyes oddly unblinking. I felt a twinge of fear stir up inside me and quickly put my foot down on the acceleration, swerving around the Faerie in the road, still raging on in that weird language. I felt the heat of many eyes scorching through my back, following me as I drove away, desperate to get home.
Pulling up in my driveway I got off my bike and swung my backpack over one shoulder, jogging up the steps to my house. I fiddled with my keys in my numb fingers, finally finding the front door key and stabbing it into the hole. Opening the front door I walked inside and closed it after me. Quicker than I realized. Mom wasn't home of course, she would be still working. And Isabel was at grandmas. So that left me. Alone.
Did those things know I could see them? I thought, my head whirling before I finally shook my head. Of course they did! You gave yourself away!
I couldn't help but feel the pricking sensation that I was being watched. Darting around I looked behind me to find nothing.
I was feeling paranoid now. Sighing I dumped my bag on the living room floor and stalked into the kitchen. Opening the fridge I pulled out the orange juice and poured myself a glass, slumping into a chair by the bar with a huff.
I was just deciding to go for a shower when the phone rang. Putting my glass by the sink I walked over and picked it up, pressing the green button and holding it to my ear. "Hello?"
"Skylar! It's me Kelsie, sorry to be a pain in the ass but I have just been on the phone to Dan and he said that there's a house party at Cams this weekend" I could tell she was grinning madly for the tone in her voice easily betrayed her excitement. "I was wondering if you wanted to go with us"
I rolled my eyes. Smiling to myself. Obviously now that I was 17 Kelsie wouldn't hesitate to say yes to the first house party she was invited to.
"I'm not sure Kel" I murmured, picking at the table "I might have some studying to do. You know with our exams coming up and all"
She made an exasperated noise on the other end of the phone. "Seriously? Come on Sky, this will be the first real party we have ever been too! Can't you just like, study another time?" I could tell she was desperate. But she was right, this would be the first real party we will have ever been to. And in addition to that I didn't know when the next time I would be invited to something like this would be. I thought for a moment before sighing. Might as well.
"Okay fine. I will come to the party" I smiled. Revising could wait. Kelsie let out a joyful squeal, and I could hear movement on the other end of the phone as she bounced up and down.
"Thanks Sky! You're the best!" She exclaimed. I laughed at her behaviour, imagining how silly she looked right now.
"No problem"
"Anyway, mom's calling me. I better go" She said once she had calmed down "See you tomorrow in school ok?" When I had replied she said a last goodbye before putting down the phone. Stretching I walked back over to the sink and washed up my glass before I turned and headed upstairs for a shower.

Chapter 3

It was a chilly Saturday night. I was just finishing off my hair when the doorbell rang. Putting on my shoes I made my way downstairs to see mum holding the front door open. In the doorway was Kelsie and behind her, obviously Dan. I grabbed my purse off the counter in the kitchen and hurried over to them, smiling brightly. I had spoken to mom about the party during the week. And even though she felt a little unsure I had managed to convince her to let me go. I couldn't help but feel the buzz of excitement that coursed through my veins. This was going to be an awesome night. Kelsie leapt forward and hugged me, her eyes shining. "Ready?" she grinned and when I nodded she turned back to the door and walked out. After kissing my mom goodbye I followed her out into the cold November night.

The drive to the party wasn't as long as I had expected. Before I knew it we were pulling up in a huge drive way. Before us was a huge house, I wouldn't be surprised if anyone mistake it for a mansion. This was Cams place alright. The rich kid in town. His mom and dad owned their own business. And they were always working. I felt a twinge of sympathy
He doesn't see his parents that often.
"Well were here!" Kelsie smiled, her eyes round with awe as she stared at the house, mouth agape. "It's huge!"
I chuckled and got out of the car, closing the door behind me. Music drifted from the building followed by laughs and shouts. Kelsie got out beside me and Dan took her hand as he walked towards the party. I followed at their side, rubbing my arms against the biting cold. Bloody winter.
We walked up the steps to the large doors just as a boy, roughly my age stumbled out, holding a beer in one hand. His steps were unsteady and his eyes unfocused as he wobbled down the steps, shouting song lyrics. I grimaced at him as he past. He stunk of alcohol and I shook off the creepy feeling of unease.
It's going to be fine. Jesus Sky, get a hold of yourself.
Pushing the image of the boy to the back of my mind I pushed through the doors. Music met me, blaring so loud I could barely hear myself think. Girls and boys danced or talked, laughing and flirting. I saw a couple making out in the back and snorted in disgust. Kelsie's eyes were gleaming with excitement and wonder as she stood next to me, looking around with wide eyes. She turned to me after a moment "Isn't this amazing?" she grinned, not expecting a reply. She grabbed Dan's hand and looked back at me "You want to dance?" she asked me. After a moment I shook my head with a smile,
"You go ahead, I think I'm going to get a drink or something" She nodded, hugging me before veering off into the crowd with her boyfriend. I turned and made my way through the swarms of people, reaching the bar where a man stood, taking a bill from a boy in a striped shirt. Taking up one of the seats I took a moment to take in everything around me. Several couples were dancing with each other on the dance floor. Others were stood against walls or talking in groups. The music roared, filling the air around me. I smiled, closing my eyes I nodded to the beat. Something touching my arm made me jump and I snapped my head around, half expecting to see a drunk grabbing onto my arm. Nope, it was only the bartender, a handsome man of about 20 with black hair highlighted green looking down at me, face illuminated by the flashing lights.
"Hey you alright?" he asked and I nodded, my face red with embarrassment.
"Yeah, erm can I get a cocktail please?" With a swift nod of his head the man set to making the drink. Whilst he did so I glanced around. Even though the room was practically jam-packed with teenagers they weren't the only things present. I easily spotted several Faeries mixed in with the crowds. Half-breeds and exiles. They lived normal human lives, attending schools and blending in with the mortal realm. Of course however I saw them differently. A phouka stood in the corner chatting up two super thin blondes. Furry ears stuck out from each side of his head. The humans couldn't see the true form of the fey of course, they looked very much human through mortal's eyes. Well, some of them.
I looked back at the bartender to see him giving me what I had asked for. Smiling I thanked him and opened my purse to pay him when a warm hand grasped my bad shoulder. Biting back a wince of pain I snapped my head around to see a guy, about 19 years old dressed in a white shirt and black jeans looking down at me. He wore a lopsided smile on his face. Just by looking at him I could see he was a little drunk. His eyes were slightly unfocused and his breath stank of alcohol.
"Let me pay for that" he said, his voice a little blurry. I hesitated, about to tell him to back off but he was already paying the man behind the bar for my drink. He released my shoulder, dropping into the seat next to me.
"Er..Thanks?" I murmured, looking at him. He regarded me with a slightly over-exaggerated nod of his head.
"No problem pretty lady"
I turned back to my drink and took a sip, feeling his eyes on my cheek the whole time. After a few moments, him still staring at me I turned in my seat to look him dead on. "What's the matter?" I asked, not quite managing to keep the edge out of my voice "Why do you keep staring at me like I'm some sapphire?" I could see the cloud in his eyes and suddenly regretted snapping at him. But he didn't seem bothered by my brief outburst, just looked at me eye for eye with a grin on his face, and ignored my question.
"You want to dance?" he asked me. I was a little taken aback. That was not hat I had been expecting.
I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, wondering whether I should get up or not.
You came here to have fun, not slouch around drinking cocktails all night.
He did deserve one dance I guess, after all he did just by me an expensive drink. And he doesn't even know me. "Sure" I said after a moment's hesitation, "Just one dance though okay?" He nodded at me, his grin widening and got off his seat, holding out a hand to me. I took it gingerly, not quite managing to ignore the sudden weariness. Walking onto the dance floor with me holding his hand he spun me and drew me close, immediately moving his body to the music. It was a pretty powerful song and I found myself swinging my hips to the beat. Feeling a little uncomfortable with how close he was I drew back a little, but still in arm's length of him. He spun and swayed me, catching me when I stumbled. He stood on my foot and I yelped.

"Sorry" he grumbled, still pulling me with him as he danced. I narrowed my eyes but kept dancing until the song finally came to an end and I broke away from him.
"Okay" I said a little breathless "That was one dance" I turned to leave when he grabbed my arm and turned me to face him as another song began, pulling me closer and closer until our faces were only inches apart. I winced at how tight his grip was "We agreed on one dance" I muttered, trying to pull free.
Okay, forget a little drunk. This guy has definitely had too much to drink.
He still held on to me, keeping me squashed against him. I gasped, the breath whooshing out of me. "I mean it, get off!" I hissed, a little desperate now. He refused to let me go, sliding his hand down my back until he reached past the boundaries. With full on force I yanked myself free and pushed him away "Get away from me you creep!" I yelled, looking at him to see his reaction. That creepy smile was still stuck on his face and I fought the urge to hit him. He lunged at me again, grabbing my hips and pulling me to him. Movement caught the corner of my eye and a moment later the boy was being wrenched away from me. I watched as a tall, well-muscled person stepped in front of me, protecting me. His crimson hair was gelled back, his features pulled into a scowl. My breath caught in my throat as I realized who it was.
"Well isn't this a surprise?" He yelled over the music, glaring at the boy before him. "Is that any way to treat a lady?" His shoulders were slack. I noticed that same old grin ticked at the side of his mouth, dangerous and daring.
It took the boy a moment to regain his balance before he glared back at the grinning Faerie.
"I asked her for a dance. She said yes." He growled, taking a threatening step forwards "You should mind your own business!" Robbie's eyes were bright with amusement, and he folded his arms across his chest.
"She said one dance Beefcake. Leave her be."
The boy, looking startled at the insult snarled in his face
"You don't know what you're doing pal." He growled, voice bleary. The boy beside me seemed unbothered by the threat
"Oh I know all too well what I'm doing" He replied. The boy took another step forwards,
"You want to take this outside?" he hissed, bringing up his hands he pushed Robbie backwards.
"Oh you don't want to do that Beefcake" The red haired boy said, voice laced with amusement. The 19 year old pulled back his fist, aiming a blow to Robbie's face. I could feel my eyes widening, looking to see what Robbie would do next. The Faerie grinned even more, holding his hands up "Hey, I don't want no trouble" He said, taking a step backwards. "But uh...You might want to look in a mirror or something." He turned and took my arm, "I am going to take her away now. Go and find some tart to dance with. This one is off-limits." And with that he turned his back on the 19 year old and walked away, pulling me with him and leaving the boy standing in the Centre of the crowd who stared. A bout of snorting broke out behind us and I looked back to see the boy covering his face with his hands, grunting continuously, eyes wide in horror. The laughter of several students broke out followed by questioning murmurs. I gave Robbie a confused look but shrugged and just followed.
Once back at the bar he turned, regarding me with a wide grin.
"Hey" I scanned him over through narrowed eyes. Why did he just help me?
I chose my next words carefully. "I am grateful for your help in getting that jerk away from me" I muttered, careful so as not to say thank you. It wasn't a wise choice to thank a Faerie, because that would only put you in their debt. I found the thought ridiculous. However I knew they thought differently. I was wondering whether or not I should even be talking to a Faerie. I glanced up to see his reaction. He was still smiling, it was as if it was stuck to his face. "Why do you keep grinning like a Cheshire cat?" I asked, voice a little edgy "What's so funny?"
"Oh nothing" He replied, tapping his fingers on the counter. I gave him a sideways glance before I turned back to my drink and took another sip. I thought for a moment, debating whether or not I should ask. I did it anyway.
"What are you doing here?" I looked into my glass as I waited for his reply.
"Same as you Snowdrop, I'm here for the party" Robbie said. I pinched the bridge of my nose, rolling my eyes.
Okay, state the obvious.
"No, I mean here. In the mortal world" I made sure my voice was low so as not to attract any curious looks from the people surrounding us.
"Ah" Robbie locked his fingers together and held his hands behind his head. "That is a very good question. So you can see The Fey" he nodded triumphantly as if he already knew. That same old grin never leaving his handsome face. I stiffened, realizing what I had just given away.
Oh that's just brilliant Sky. Give yourself a pat on the back why don't you?
"Yeah. So what?" I said. Keeping my voice casual "I can see them. Such an honour I muttered sarcastically. My fingers working against the glass in my hands. I could tell we were being watched by several Faeries. A conversation between a human and a Faerie obviously drew attention. Robbie threw his head back and laughed like I had just told him something ridiculous.
"Woah, you aren't very enthusiastic Snowdrop, I'll give you that" I shot him a glare which only lasted a few seconds and then rubbed my temples.
"Well-"I was cut off abruptly as Kelsie appeared next to me, putting her hands on the bar and panting. Sweat formed on her forehead and arms. Glimmering in the neon light
"Whoa" she exclaimed her voice a little breathless "That was great!"
I smiled at her, suddenly the excitement of the night rushed back to me and I suddenly felt like dancing. Kelsie seemed to recognize my sudden change in mood for her eyes sparkled and she grabbed my hand

"Come on!" She had to shout over the noise "You have to dance!" with that she whisked me away from the bar and away from the red haired fey boy who grinned after me.
"See you around snowdrop!" he called and I acknowledged him with a quick wave of my hand before getting swallowed up in the crowd.

We danced for ages, swinging our hips and reaching up into the air as the music pounded all around us. A few times I got nudged or trod on, but I didn't think much of it. This was a party after all. Finally I broke away from the crowd of people along with Kelsie to go and get a drink. When we reached the bar Robbie was still there, talking to a tall boy. Cameron looked as if he was about to fall off his seat. Robbie grinned and together they laughed. As we approached Robbie looked at me, his sharp green eyes changing different colours in the light.
"Oh hey Snowdrop! Back so soon?" I scoffed at his cocky tone, only gaining myself another laugh from the Faerie. Cam turned his head around and when he spotted us, drew me and Kelsie into a hug.
"Hey" he greeted, pulling away and picking up his beer from the bar. Cam was a well-built guy, with straw blonde hair and deep brown eyes. You couldn't deny his charm. Girls were always swooning around him, hoping to catch his eye. He was a very popular person.
"Heya!" Kelsie yelled, a little too loud. She too smelt of alcohol, and her feet were unsteady. "This is a great party you have here Cameron" she added, her tight black curls rolling down past her shoulders. Cam winked at her in a friendly manner
"Why thanks kel. You're probably the 15th person who has told me that tonight" His voice was light with amusement, his eyes shining with laughter. He knew just as much as I did that Kelsie might have had a little too much to drink tonight. Dan came up behind her at that moment and hugged her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder and smiling at all of us. He was also dripping with sweat, his face red with the heat.
"Maybe we should get you home Kel." He said softly "You are drunk" Kelsie waved him off with her hand, but smiled up at him nevertheless
"I'm fiiiiine" She cooed, looking back at the others "Who's up for another drink?"

Chapter 4

By the end of the night several people were passed out on the floor, others supporting their drunk friends as they wobbled out of the building. I snaked my arm around Kelsie's waist as we walked towards the double doors and Dan took her other side. She, by now was on the verge of collapsing. We helped her down the steps and into the front seat of Dan's jaguar. "Are you getting in?" Dan asked me once Kelsie was belted up. I was about to nod when Robbie walked up beside me
"I can take you home if you like" He suggested softly, eyeing a sleeping Kelsie. "She needs to get home" He added.
My first thought was no. absolutely not. A ride with a faerie? That wouldn't end up well. But then I thought about Kelsie and Dan. The boy looked concerned. Robbie was right. Kelsie did need to get home and get to bed. I turned to him, eyeing him suspiciously.
"I don't know..." I trailed off. The red haired boy met my eyes with those beautiful green ones
"It's up to you Snowdrop...I'm not going to force you"
I didn't know this Faerie. I had only met him a couple of days ago when he had asked if I could tell him the direction of his next class. And it then had only been brief. I sighed. And if he was the famous prankster I thought he could be, that would only mean more trouble.
"Fine" I said with a small, forced smile. I really needed to stop giving in to things. "Dan, Robbie can take me home, you should go back to yours and put Kelsie to bed." I turned to the black haired boy and he nodded
"Okay Skylar, if you're sure. I will tell Kelsie to ring you in the morning"
Truth was, I wasn't sure. I wasn't sure at all how this night would end up. But I kept a smile on my face and nodded. Dan smiled back and glanced cautiously at the boy next to me before he slid into the driver's seat and pulled out of the parking lot, disappearing down the road. I waved after him, watching the headlights on his car become more distant and then fade altogether.
"Okay" I breathed, turning to Robbie "Let's go"
He grinned and began to walk. "Um, where are you going?" I asked, my tone puzzled. Robbie glanced at me
"To your house of course" My eyes darted around the car park "Don't you have a...car?" I emphasized the 'car' on the end. Making sure my voice was clear.
"I told you I would take you home, I never said how"
I growled, stupid Faeries and their games! Then I realized with a start by looking at Robbie's are-you-feeling-alright look that the fey were allergic to iron and metal. Of course Faeries couldn't have cars. My face flushed with embarrassment. Dammit sky! "Um...Sorry." I offered, avoiding his eyes. Then I groaned at the thought of walking. After a night at a party traveling 5 blocks on foot was not a very grand idea. Even for someone like me.
"Oh don't worry snowdrop. I can get us there quicker than you can say poof!" I gave him a confused look and he laughed in return "Hold on tight!" He grabbed my hand in his. As our skin met a spark of something that felt like electricity shot up my arm and I winced at the sudden reaction. Robbie however kept a firm hold of me. Next thing we knew I was standing on smooth black tarmac. A black Ford was parked just up ahead, on a drive that lead up to a small house. Lights shone from the living room window. My eyes rounded in surprise, looking around. I was home. "How did you..?" I looked at the Faerie boy who smiled in satisfaction. After a moment of gripping my hand he released me and the funny feeling I got with it.
"Magic" he grinned, raising a slender finger and tapping his nose. I rolled my eyes at him
Freaking Faeries and their magic!
"More Faerie tricks?" I raised an eyebrow and he grinned sheepishly
"Well Snowdrop-"
"Stop calling me that!" I muttered, still a little tingly from where he had touched me. Robbie laughed and ran a hand through his hair, eyes shining.
"Whatever you say... Snowdrop" He said with a sly smile. I sighed, about to snap at him, but held my tongue. I was too tired to think about Faeries calling me strange names right now. And to be honest, I didn't really want to. "Thanks for bringing me-"I snapped my head up "Hold on. How do you know where I live?" I asked my tone low so as not to wake Isabelle who would be sleeping. He shoved his hands into his pockets and shrugged. Like it was no big issue.
"Oh please" He scoffed in mock tone. "All... well, most of the fey in this area know where you live Skylar" he met my eyes and I gasped silently at their intensity. "You're quite popular"
I felt a shiver pass up my spine. More fey. Knowing where I live. Even just thinking about it made me feel unsafe.
"How the hell do the fey know about me and my family?" I asked, my voice louder than I thought. It didn't take me long to realize that my hands were shaking ever so slightly. Robbie looked at me, concern in his eyes
"Are you alight Snowdrop?" He asked.
I clenched my fists with a start, ignoring my white knuckles.
"No! Of course it's not! The fey know all about me and my family. They could be in serious danger Robbie!" I tried keeping the tremor out of my voice. Robbie winced at my sudden sharpness, but I was too worried to feel any regret.
"Listen. Skylar. The Fey know where you live yes, but that doesn't mean your family are in extreme danger. They will leave you be, the queen ordered them to and-" He suddenly went quiet. I blinked in confusion.
"Queen?" I mused, looking at him dead on. He deliberately avoided my eyes, running a hand through his crimson hair. There was something he wasn't telling me. I opened my mouth to speak but instead I yawned, feeling tiredness seep back into my limbs.
"You should go home" Robbie said, after a moment of silence. The smile returned to his face. The intense moment gone. "See ya Snowdrop! With that he turned and headed back down the driveway before I could reply. Disappearing out of sight.
I yawned again. My bed was calling me, and all I wanted to do was get inside. Pushing the nagging sensation to the deepest corner of my mind I made my way past mom's Ford and through the front door.

© Copyright 2015 Zena (fearless603 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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