Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2033772-The-Medieval-Threat---Stay-Focused
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2033772
a tale about the constant preparation of a looming earth shattering danger on the horizon
"Timbo...it's not time for that. We need to practice now and wait for dinner so put the apple down. Let's practice our strategy for battle." Movement came from these huge heavy swaying arms covered in dense black fur in disappointment in the form of sign language. "No timbo, use your thoughts", Timbo sat silently and focused on Rin's eyes "But it's just an apple, I can eat it with one bite!" Timbo thought, Rin successfully heard with the help of the entatite stone she was given by her elder in her early teens.

"Then you'll want a nap, let's stay focused Timbo...we will keep practice short today, I'm hungry too." Timbo is over six times the weight of rin with a magnificent presence that would intimidate the heartiest being however Rin wouldn't know the meaning of intimidation or fear, she never did understand how a person could give emotion the power over their mind, body and soul in that way. Well she also thought it was normal to be able to speak to animals through thought too. They raised Timbo since a baby when rescued from the Asian black market, he most likely would've ended up as an exquisite dish of brains for a rich party and the rest of the parts in some type of medicine shop. The afternoon melted away to the smell of stew as the two mutually agreed it was time to eat. Rin took her bowl and sat in her usual place, assuming Timbo would be shortly behind. "Hi Rin, how was training today? Have you thought about me joining the command group?" Before he could get his answer a shadow cast over him and the area he occupied, followed by a rather harsh gruff. He turned to see the huge gorilla letting his presence be known and daring to be ignored. "Now Collin you know that's Timbo seat, and that's not my decision to make." Rin diffused the situation by releasing a grin as Collin moved on. "Relax, Collin isn't a threat, why are you always mean to him?" Timbo focused on putting his thoughts together, "there's something that seems hidden by him, he has a nervous spirit" Timbo communicated while using sign language. "People being Nervous around you is natural Timbo, enjoy your stew and apple my friend, something's on the horizon. I have a feeling we need to enjoy these moments while we have them."

Up before the sunrise, the bright orb peaking beyond the horizon. Gold and crimson hues light up the brisk morning sky. It became routine for Rin to sit on a cliffs ledge and meditated till morning sets in, just before training endures the rest of the day. Usually accompanied by her hairy friend but not this morning, he wasn't estranged to his own antics....sleeping in late occasionally was among them. Rin was brilliant with the sword and many other weapons but today she will train with one of her favorites, the bow. She's also very good with her arrow, usually carrying both everywhere along the countryside unless they have to travel to the city. Even though they live in modern times, a medieval threat continuously loom over them. She trained harder than ever, flipping, swinging the bow so hard it bends under its own tensile strength. Dust swirling around in a cloud of fog, move after move faster than the last. She felt eyes on her from two different directions but didn't let that break her focus. The first pair was in his usual place where he liked to watch her while eating apples that he loved, while the other pair is also familiar but watches for very different reasons. She spun around then flipped towards that person in a no hands somersault and smacked a hard piece of earth that exploded on the rock a few inches from the stalker. It was Alderic, the elder's son who occasionally stole glimpses of Rin's workouts of how the rays of light glimmered on her sweat soaked sun kissed radiant skin. Even though she had very feminine features, she could give him a run for his money in a fight and surely beat everyone else in the clan to a pulp.

"Caught you staring again when you should be somewhere focusing on your own training."

"Sure just making sure I'm still the top fighter here, that's important being the second in command."

"You were never the top fighter even when we were kids so you shouldn't have to worry about it." Rin never lacked confidence even being the only female fighter in this clan ran by men.

"Well would you care to wager your dessert on that?" His fist bald, knuckles popped.

"There's nothing I need to prove that I don't already know. Besides these are the times of the planet alignment and we are all in danger, we don't have time for these childish games." Rin turned her back, she knew he wouldn't attack.

"You always turned my challenges down which is pretty wise on your part." Alderic walked away satisfying his ego but not his heart.

"Tambo come out of hiding" a thud from jumping off a rock lift followed by rumbles of heavy footsteps causing the pheasants to fly away out of hiding, nine hundred pounds of pure Silverback muscle charged toward Rin. The speed of a creature that big was unbelievable, only seconds to travel such a distance. As he happened upon her he leaped on top of a rock feature, leaping into the air at great heights and a ferocious look showing all fangs, arms stretched above his head, closed fist ready to pounce. Rin barely flipped into a barrow roll back onto her feet just as his fist beat a hole in the earth where she previously stood, they landed face to face. Tambo stretched tall and pounder his chest with a thunderous roar heard across the valley. "Great job this time Tambo, you were ready today. That was your fastest speed yet!" Tambo shown thankfulness the way a gorilla would with hooting sounds and scuffing while actually thinking the words "thank you". Rin bowed then got into fighting stance, are you ready to spar?"

"Yes I am!"

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