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by BarryN
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2033649
Chapter 42: Suprema Let's Lance Know Who is in Control
Chapter 43: Suprema Let’s Lance Know who is in Control

Suprema excited the elevator into the penthouse. She waived her thick hand over the light sensor and the lights came on. She went over to where Lance kept his good scotch and poured a large glass.

Soon the elevator opened again and Lance came in. He saw Jane, or, Suprema sitting in his favorite chair, drinking his expensive scotch.

“Help yourself,” he said as he went over and poured himself a glass. He walked over and sat on the couch next to her. “So, tell me what powers I was supposed to have,” he asked

Suprema smiled. “Don’t be so droll Lance. They were never your powers. But since you asked, I have beyond super strength and invulnerability. In addition,” she said as she held up her right hand. Her purple nails began to glow as they grew longer. She looked at Lance, smiled, and then slashed the wood table in front of them. The table easily split in two.

“And there is that,” she said sweetly as her nails shrank back down to their normal size.

“Impressive,” Lance said. “But no flying, x-ray vision, reading minds, any of the things that Mega Woman can do?” he asked.

Suprema stood up and grabbed the bottom of the couch Lance was sitting on. She easily hosted it into the air. “What’s wrong, this not enough for you little man? Do not forget who you are talking to,” she snarled.

Lance grabbed the edge of the couch. “Yes….of course, my apologies,” he stammered feeling afraid for the first time since Jane had changed.

She dropped the couch, bouncing Lance off the couch and onto the floor. Suprema extended her massive foot and placed it on his stomach. Lance tried to get up but couldn’t. Her foot was too strong.

“Stop squirming,” she said as Lance watched as the purple nails on her foot grew towards his face, stopping a few centimeters from his chin. “Give me a reason I shouldn’t kill you and take over your company or the planet,” she asked.

Lance grabbed her mighty ankle and pulled with all his might. “Fuck, her muscles are so large and thick,” he thought as he realized it was like an ant trying to knock down a tree. He stopped.

“What is in it for you Suprema? I was able to unlock the power of the gem. I bet there is more power left in it, otherwise why do you not have the full complement of powers like Mega Woman? Let me help you unlock it. I, I can also help you with cloths. As I had planned on getting this power, I had a special outfit made to endure bullets and other things that might be thrown at me. With some modifications, I am sure it could fit you,” he said.

Suprema smiled evilly and lifted her foot. She put it over his head. “Kiss it or I will use my toenail to rip your innards out,” she commanded.

Lance looked up but only saw her huge foot with the strange purple veins running through it. “Are you kidding me?” he said exasperated.

“DO I SOUND LIKE I AM KIDDING?” Suprema boomed, the windows I the penthouse shaking.

Lance closed his eyes and, more importantly, swallowed his pride. He leaned forward and gave the bottom of her foot a quick peck.

“Excellent,” Suprema said as she removed her foot. “Stand, and show me this outfit. I am tired of wearing these rags.”

Lance got up. His face red with barely controlled fury. “This way,” he said as he walked into his bedroom. Suprema followed him in. Lance punched in a code by his closet, causing the doors to open. He walked in and came out with a black suit with white cuffs, a white belt and white boots. On the chest was, in large letters LB.

“LB?” Suprema laughed. “Lance Byrons I presume? Fucking egomaniac,” she said as she ripped it from his hands.

“This should be easy enough for me to tear into something I could use,” she said.

“While I am sure you are super strong, I built that suit to resist almost anything. Including Mega Woman’s strength and powers. And her heat vision,” he added.

“I grow tired of hearing about Mega Woman. And I am not Mega Woman. Hmmm…..I wonder,” she said as her purple eyes began to glow brighter. Soon a thin ray of purple light shout out of it. Lance looked in awe as the beam of purple light began to burn away at what he thought was an invulnerable suit. He watched as Suprema burned the sleeves off. She also burned the LB off, instead crafting a purple lightning bolt. After about twenty seconds the beam stopped and Suprema grabbed her eyes.

“Ah!” she stated. “Fucking burns!”

Lance looked at her. She had somehow transferred the magic, or radiation, or whatever was inside that gem and concentrated it into a beam more powerful than anything on Earth. So powerful that even her invulnerability had trouble handling it. And if her invulnerability had trouble handing it, so might…

“Mega Woman,” he said aloud and, for the first time that night, a smile.

© Copyright 2015 BarryN (barryn1978 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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