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Rated: GC · Chapter · Other · #2033221
Amy gets detention, but so does her rival
Amy sat bored at her desk during detention, once again she’d been sent here thanks to Samantha, forcing her to streak the hallway after she’d won another one of their strip games, and it wasn’t even close, she’d ended up naked without her even winning once, ending up naked, she tried to redeem herself by offering up a forfeit, but even then she failed to win, getting forced to streak and eventually getting caught by the principle.

While everyone had become used to Amy’s special brand of mischief, the school still had to put up an air of discipline, they knew that Amy was not likely to stop anytime soon, so fortunately Detention was the worst her punishments would get, hoping that they might at least keep her out of trouble, but unfortunately, that also meant that she had to spend that time along with the perpetrator, her nemesis Samantha.

The teacher responsible for detention was rarely around, opting to use their time elsewhere, sometimes even leaving early, trusting that the students would go home by themselves when the time came, and not, for instance, leave early, some of the students actually snuck out beforehand, taking the risk of the teacher coming back and noticing them missing, but more often than not, that risk was quite acceptable.

Amy noticed Samantha packing her bag, it was too early to leave, but it appeared that Sam had decided that the boredom outweighed the risk, Amy would not let her leave; if Sam wanted to leave, that means stopping her would ruin her day, and that would make Amy’s day better.

“If you leave now, I’ll tell the teacher later.” Amy called out, a soft murmur emerged from the other detention students as Samantha stopped dead in her tracks.

She turned around, at first, Amy thought that Samantha was glaring at her, but only for an instant, so short and abrupt that Amy thought she was mistaken, Samantha smiled at her a smiled that belied venom, but it was still a smile, not a glare.

“Just admit it, Amy, you just want me around because you’d be lonely.” Samantha jeered and slowly approached Amy, causing her skin to crawl.

“I’ll tell you what, Amy I’ll stay here, but on one condition.” Samantha grinned wickedly, almost like a predator who had its prey in its snare.

“W-what?” Amy was almost afraid to ask, though she knew what it would be; Samantha loved nothing more than to exploit Amy’s one true “weakness”.

“Oh, simple, you just have to play me in a little game.” Samantha explained, quite aware that everyone else was waiting intently “a strip game, to be precise.”

Amy looked around the classroom, all eyes were on her, everyone was waiting for her answer, they had all heard of Amy’s misadventures, some even had caught her streaking naked after one game or another, but none of the students here had seen her up close, she could even see the lust in some of the boys’ eyes.

Amy was excited, she was also nervous of course, but still excited; she had played games in public before, and even to a dedicated audience, the thrill of the game mixed in with the sexual tension of standing naked in front of expecting people, Amy wanted to squirm, but feared that she might let on too much.

“What’s the game?” Amy tried to insert as much bravado into the question as possible, all while trying to kill her anticipation, it would be embarrassing if everyone got to see her naked, or worse, but it would be even more so if they figured out that she actually wanted it to begin with.

Instead of speaking, Samantha turned around and drew three circles inside of each other; a bullseye, the each circle smaller than the one around it, the inner circle itself only a couple of inches wide, certainly a difficult target.

“Anyone have a ruler?” Samantha asked the now excited spectators, who quickly produced the desired implement “Spitball darts.”

“We take turns shooting at the bullseye, the loser removes a piece of clothing, if we tie, we go again.” Samantha explained, offered Amy the ruler, but retracted it before she managed to grab it “one more thing, loser has to do a forfeit from each person here, including the winner.”

This one got attention from everybody, Amy could see it, there were hesitant looks on the eyes of everyone here, especially the girls, would Amy accept these conditions? There were two boys and two other girls besides Samantha, so that was five forfeits in total.

Of course, Amy was far too gone for this, to her it was a natural conclusion, there may have been a voice in the back of her mind reminding her that it was Samantha doing this same thing that got her in detention in the first place, but it was probably drowned out by the other voice telling her to go for it.

She once again reached for the ruler, taking it out of Samantha’s hand and thus accepting the challenge.

Taking out a piece of paper, Amy ripped a small piece of it off, stuck in her mouth and chewed on it for a second, before producing a small pellet of paper, resting the ruler against the edge of her desk, Amy wound up, and fired.

The pellet zoomed through the air, finding itself stuck to the black board, unfortunately, it was quite outside the circles drawn by Samantha, it seemed that this game was harder than Amy anticipated.

getting up and letting Samantha take her seat (to keep the playing field level, after all, Amy didn’t want Sam shooting from a better vantage point), the bully took aim and let her own ball loose, it was in the outer circle, but that was still a winning shot.

Samantha grinned, although Amy only had to take off her sandals, it still felt humiliating to lose right off bat the like this, she slipped her sandals off and took her place at the desk.

The second shot from Amy actually managed to hit the outer ring, she hoped that this would at least give her another chance.

But alas, when Samantha took her place and shot her ball, it managed to hit the middle ring, meaning that Amy, who had just lost, now had a choice between her shirt or her skirt.

Another look back around around at their audience confirmed her fears, not only were the boys quite attentive, the girls themselves seemed to be enjoying this far more than she anticipated, it almost seemed that they were expecting a humiliating defeat for a show, it was true that she often ended up the loser of her challenges, but was that also part of the rumors surrounding her?

Amy put the thought out of her head, she had to take something off, her shirt was too short to act as cover for her bottom, so there was no real easy answer here, nevertheless, she opted to unbutton her skirt, letting the smooth fabric slide off her backside and down into a tiny cloth heap on the ground, revealing her cream white panties to the spectators.

Amy began to feel nervous now, her shapely behind on display in nothing but skimpy underwear, once again, she tried to push the thoughts out of her head, to concentrate on the game at hand, but try as she might, she couldn’t shake the nerves well enough to score; the ball hit the board outside the border, another complete miss.

Cheers and raves came from the four students, further shaking Amy’s own confidence as Samantha’s shot actually hit the bullseye.

Amy’s choices this time were limited, her only real option was the shirt; she was not going to remove her panties early on when she had a bra, after all, this was more or less the same as wearing a swimsuit, of course, everyone else was fully dressed, including her opponent, her only condolence was that her underwear matched. Amy was finding it very hard to focus now.

Regardless of the pressure she felt, Amy did her best to regain control, she took a deep breath, then tried once again to fire, thankfully. Amy managed to hit the middle ring this time around, she hoped that her opponent did not repeat her miraculous shot.

Holding her breath, Amy ceded the seat to Samantha, who took aim, and, with a relieved breath, Amy watched the ball hit the other side of the middle ring, a tie, though it meant that Amy had to shoot yet again, it was still the best result she had gotten so far.

taking back her seat, Amy aimed with renewed confidence, once again managing to hit the second ring, she reminded herself that Samantha had hit the outer ring once, maybe if she held out well enough, she’d be able to get the hang of this game long enough to actually compete.

Alas, Samantha’s next shot was another bullseye, meaning that Amy had lost one more piece of clothing, and she only had two left, or more appropriately, she only has one left.

with cheers and now wolf whistles coming from the boys, Amy stood up once more to remove her bra, reaching back and unclasping the white bra and letting it slip off of her shoulders, her perky chest mounds now in view of five people, and Amy knew that her nipples were hard enough to scratch glass, she hoped that no one was paying any close attention to the crotch of her panties, though knowing her luck, someone probably was.

“Nice tits, Amy!” one of the boys exclaimed, only serving to increase the tightness in her chest and the brightness of her blush, she instinctively raised her hands to cover her exposed breasts, but found that the contact against her nipples only made things worse, and ended up pinching them.

This was a sink or swim moment, if Amy couldn’t get a win here, it was over for her, she’d be at the mercy of five of her classmates, and whatever deviant acts they could imagine, seeing how the boys were now looking at her, she was expecting something very devious.

Once more, Amy took a deep breath and fired her ball, and to her pleasant surprise, she actually managed to hit the bullseye.

And to make things more hopeful, Samantha had once again hit the center ring, meaning that Amy actually won the round.

However, to Amy’s dismay, Samantha simply took off her shoes, and she still had her socks on, it was apparent that she had more clothes on than Amy had to begin with, which wasn’t exactly cheating, since there were no rules about how many pieces to wear.

This also made Amy aware of the vast distance between her and Samantha; while her opponent was still more or less fully dressed, Amy was topless, in fact, she only had her tiny white panties on, and any hope Amy had gained from the win seemed insignificant.

The nervousness proved fatal, as Amy took the next shot and missed entirely, while Samantha made another shot at the center ring, signaling, for better or for worse, the end of the match itself, and effectively moving into the forfeits portion.

But first, Amy had to take care of one final matter, she found herself holding her breath as she hooked her thumbs into the elastic band of her panties and slid them down her hips, the cheers resurfaced as it hit the ground and she stood there, in her own classroom, completely naked in front of four complete strangers, she felt her heart racing and her breath getting shallow, she felt her engorged clit aching as it was exposed to the open air.

And just when she felt that the feeling couldn’t get any worse, Samantha picked the perfect time to reveal another bit of information:

“By the way, I haven’t introduced you to my friends, Serena, Jackie, James and Rob.” Samantha saw fit to speak up all of a sudden and introduced the four students in the class with them “I invited them here to watch after they helped me perfect my shooting technique, though I’m still a bit rusty.”

And that’s when it hit Amy even harder; this wasn’t an actual match, this was a glorified strip show and whatever entertainment they deemed appropriate to extract from her, she was meant to lose from the start.

“You tricked me?” Was all that Amy could manage to say, she wanted to lift her hands up and cover herself, but reminded herself of her own sensitivity.

“There was no trick Amy, I was simply better.” Samantha snidely gloated, she bent down and grabbed Amy’s panties, stepping away as the naked girl tried to reach out and retrieve her clothes, only to find them pulled away at the last moment “And if you even think about reneging on your forfeits, you can just walk out of here and go home as you are, and then we’ll see how you’ll tell the teacher about me leaving.”

At that moment, Amy slightly regretted that choice, although she knew that this would probably be the end result regardless.

“So I think we should save the boys’ forfeits for the end, I have a feeling they’ll be a good finisher.” Samantha mused out loud to no one in particular as she turned to her friends “Serena, why don’t you go first?”

Amy turned to Serena, waiting for the judgement to come, she had no idea what was in wait, given that this was a complete stranger.

“Well, she has a cute butt,” Serena began, which only made Amy blush further, getting such a comment from Serena was both flattering and humiliating, but mostly humiliating “So I really want to see her spanked.”

Amy was fidgeted slightly, she was definitely aroused to begin with, and getting spanked certainly wouldn’t help her state, but she assumed that Serena would be the only one spanking her, if not for Samantha speaking up:

“So that means six smacks from each of us, for a total of thirty.” Samantha added, and Serena seemed to agree “So hands on the teacher’s desk, Amy.”

Amy looked shocked, but quickly gave up and turned around, placing her hands on the desk as she awaited her forfeit, which soon came.




Amy felt Serena’s hands slamming against her cheeks as she recoiled in pain with every contact, six wacks after six wacks, Amy felt her ass warming up from the blood rushing to her tender flesh, and she was very much aware when the boys took their turns, as they took their time to also caress her ass, grope her breasts and even finger her wanting pussy.

As Amy guessed, she was considerably more aroused after the spanking, and now it was definitely a well known fact, as the boys had experienced first hand her more than moist lips.

“Okay, Jackie is next?” Samantha asked the girl, who nodded enthusiastically.

“Well, this has been so exciting that I’m absolutely parched, so I’d like to ask Amy to get us some drinks.” Jackie wore a rather devilish grin as she began explaining her forfeit to Amy, who took a second before realizing the implications of such a forfeit “So Amy, go on out to the vending machine by the cafeteria, and get us all some drinks.”

They wanted her walking the hallways of the school naked as the day she was born, Amy was certainly abashed at the concept, but she couldn’t deny the fact that she felt an instant surge of titillation from the thought.

She turned at the sound of the door opening, only to see Samantha opening the door for her, gingerly stepping over towards the open door, and finding herself standing out in the middle of the school’s hallway, she felt the urge to make a dash towards the cafeteria, but found that all she could manage was a light jog, her knees shaking as it took all of her concentration to simply walk at that pace.

Soon, Amy’s pace quickened, and she was finally making the dash towards the vending machine.

I soon came to a quick halt, remembering something quite vital, and dashed back towards the class as fast as Amy could manage, her speed finally kicking in.

I reached the door and burst into a laughter filled classroom, Amy’s audience barely able to contain themselves.

“Yes Amy?” Samantha managed when she finally calmed down enough to address me.

“M-money... you forgot to give me money…” mortified at her misstep, Amy managed to squeak out the words to the essential part of the forfeit she had so carelessly overlooked.

“Why of course Amy, here you go.” Samantha presented her with a five dollar bill, which Amy reached for hesitantly, fearing some sort of retribution or the like, only to receive another smack on the ass as she turned around, causing her yelp in pain and skip a step forward, eliciting another fit of laughter from her tormentors.

Once again in the hallway, Amy was running at full speed from the word go, no more awkwardness, now she was running as fast as her legs could carry her, the bare soles of her feet pattering at a constant rhythm along the cold floor of the school.

Thankfully, the hallways were quite empty, as this was after school hours, any students still in school, of which there weren’t many, were in their respective clubrooms and fields, leaving the actual school building quite abandoned.

finally arriving at the vending machines, Amy began hurriedly inserting the bill into the machine, the slow slide into the slot and the whirring were agonizingly slow for Amy, who’s heart beat like a drum, as her fingers shakily fumbled to press the buttons.

Amy’s heart skipped a beat with each clatter of the soda cans, the dropping sounded deafening in Amy’s ears. To her, the sound was unmistakably loud, alerting anyone still in school to her presence, to her, everyone knew that Amy was naked in the hallway with more certainty with each press of the button, and it was only made worse by the stirring of her loins with each instance.

Amy had to reassure herself that no, it was all in her head, these thoughts were only there because she was naked now, amplified with the slightest noise she could make.

This was all too quick to come crashing down as Amy finally picked out the first soda can, only to see a pair of legs right next to her, she shot upright and faced her guest, a student from one of her classes.

“Oh hey, you’re Amy aren’t you?” The student, a girl of Amy’s age, stood there with a smirk on her face, she herself was holding a money bill, clearly on her way to purchase a drink, the chances of someone wandering the halls besides her were slim, but Amy’s luck was too good (or too bad) for such logic.

“H-how did you know?” Amy stammered as she sought to shield her bare privates from the girl, only to realize she was still holding the cold, metal cans, which brushed up against her sensitive nipples, something she barely managed to resist wincing or moaning through.

“Everyone knows you, Amy, especially when you’re running around naked.” the girl laughed, and Amy felt her shame rising again through the panic of running around naked.

“Um, okay, but I kinda have to go!” Amy tried to kneel down to grab the remaining cans of soda, still sitting in the machine’s alcove, but the girl managed to snatch away one of the cans, Amy’s panic began to set in again as she reached for it, she only had money for five cans, the exact number she was asked to bring, and she did not want to go back with less than she was asked to bring, fearing the consequences.

“Not so fast, Amy.” the girl pulled her hand away, keeping it out of Amy’s grasp “I want you to do something for me.”

“What?” A lump formed in Amy’s throat, she had somehow managed to get herself a sixth forfeit, as it seemed.

“turn around, bend over and spread those lips, I want to see how horny you are.” the girl commanded, extending her free hand to Amy “I’ll hold your other soda while you do.”

Amy gave in, she handed the second soda to the girl and took the position, giving her back to the girl before bending down and reaching back, to spread her still sore ass cheeks and quite puffy pussy lips opens, she was almost shivering, but still didn’t expect the girl to press the cold metal cylinder against her exposed privates.

Amy yelped louder than she would have liked to admit, and louder than she would’ve liked, period, after all this effort to stay quiet, she goes and ruins it by yelling loudly.

Shocked and somewhat hurt, Amy spun around and grabbed her cans back from the girl, then proceeded to remove the remaining ones from the machine, all while the girl just laughed at her, though she did not stop her when Amy ran back towards the classroom.

glad that this ordeal is over, Amy walked back into the room breathlessly, the boys seemed to perk up at her return, doubtless anticipating further entertainment from the naked loser.

“Here, your drinks…” Amy mumbled as she handed the cans to the other students, glad to finally be rid of the stinging cold sensation.

“Excellent job, Amy, now to your next forfeit,” it might have been Amy’s imagination, but Samantha seemed almost sinister in her tone, as she stood up from the teacher’s desk she was leaning against and patted its surface “lie down here and give us a show.”

“W-what?” Amy had to stop and ask, she was afraid of doing what she assumed Samantha actually wanted her to do.

“Cum for us, Amy, on the desk.” Samantha explained, the smile on her face betrayed her enjoyment of Amy’s torment “Come now, Amy, we all know you’re dying for some release.”

And despite her disdain for Samantha, Amy couldn’t deny this fact, she was extremely horny, thanks to the day’s events, and she did need release, but she’d never done it in front of this many strangers before, in fact, she’d never been naked in front of so many people before.

Yes, many people had caught sight of her streaking, and she’s played many a private games with other people, but in front of such an audience? This was a first, and it worried Amy very much that she was so turned on by it.

hopping on the desk, Amy lay herself on top and lifted her feet to the edge, legs spread for her audience and soaking wet pussy on full view.

It didn’t take a lot of stimulation to get Amy off, she was already slippery and ready to indulge herself, her fingers slipped into her eager pussy with ease, and before she knew it, she was pumping away and moaning in pleasure for the pleasure of four strangers.

She finally tweaked her aching clitoris and hit her climax, sending her juices squirting out onto the classroom’s floor.

Amy heard the students clapping and cheering, she was quite breathless from the experience, but also quite dismayed when she got up to see that every one of them was holding a cellphone in hand, apparently having recorded her show, Amy was not surprised or shocked, she was used to videos of her antics spreading, thankfully, everyone had the tact not to post her name alongside it as of yet, only the people who knew her knew that she was the girl in question.

“Well done Amy, now on to the boys.” Samantha brought Amy down to earth again, she’d lost herself in the moment and had completely forgotten that there were two more forfeits she had to complete, and she guessed that they’d be the worst yet, Samantha turned to James and Rob “Now am I safe to assume that you both want the same thing?”

The boys nodded in agreement, and Samantha turned back to Amy:

“Well Amy, I assume our boys would like some ‘lip service’, if you know what I mean.” Samantha confirmed Amy’s second worst fear, at least they didn’t ask for sex.

This was not the first time Amy had given a boy sexual favors as a forfeit of a strip game, but again, it was the first time she’d done so to a relative stranger, and in front of strangers no less.

Thinking to herself that it would be over soon, Amy simply got on her knees and awaited the boys’, who, just like her, were also in need of some relief.

James and Rob stood to a halt in front of her, unzipping their jeans and releasing their stiff members.

The two weren’t half bad, if she were doing this of her own accord, she’d not want for size, before returning to her previous state of mind, Amy allowed herself to think like that for a moment, that of wanting to get it over with.

Amy stuck out her tongue and took the first cock in her mouth, her lips wrapped around it as her fingers wrapped around the second one, she thrust her head forward and took the full length in, now bobbing her head back and forth, she found herself enjoying the experience, tongue swirling around the stiff shaft before pulling back and switching over, repeating the act for the second cock.

“Smile for the camera, Amy.” Samantha called out, and Amy looked over to see yet another video being made of her.

Amy went back and forth between the two, and thankfully, she wasn’t the only one close to the climax, the boys did not last long as the first shot his load in her mouth, filling it with his hot sperm, Amy swallowed it and continued to clean the shaft as she found the second load released on her face.

even though she was given no warning, Amy took it in stride and switched to the other cock, taking her time to suck it dry and clean as well.
When she was done, Amy was surprised to catch herself smiling, quickly remembering the camera pointed at her, she tried to compose herself, but too late.

“What a slut.” She heard one of the two girls whispering, and the shame and humiliation hit Amy like a ton of bricks, she really couldn’t object, after all.

“Well Amy, Detention is almost over, so we’ll see you later.” Samantha said as she grabbed all of Amy’s clothes and headed for the door, the other four followed right behind her.

“Wait! You said you’d give me back my clothes!” Amy pleaded, and Samantha was gracious enough to reply, at least, that’s what Amy thought.

“Oh I will, but I never said I’d return them now,” Samantha twisted her words yet again, like a knife in Amy’s guts “But I suppose I could offer you a ride.”

Once again, this was a curse in disguise, as when Amy reached Samantha’s car, she remembered that Samantha had a sports car, one not fit to carry six people, only five, what that meant was that Amy was forced to sit on one of the boys’ lap in the backseat.

Surrounded by her tormentors in such a confined space, Amy’s ride home was not a pleasant one, now there was no pretense whatsoever as the girls and Rob, whose lap she sat on, and whose penis was already quite energetic even so soon after his blowjob, fondled and groped the naked and helpless girl.

When they reached Amy’s home, the students opened the door and told Amy to leave, who tried pleading with them to get her clothes back again.

“No, you do not get your clothes back yet,” Samantha refused sternly, but she seemed to have yet another angle “that is, unless you get on the hood and cum for us again.”

Amy, brought back to frustration by Rob and the two other girls, was more than willing to get this over with, this wasn’t the first time she’d been naked outside of her own house, nor was it the first time she masturbated there.

Getting on the now warm hood (which Samantha was at least gracious enough to let cool down, even though that meant she had to endure some more fondling), Amy once again fingered herself to orgasm, and of course, a third video was made of her lewd act.

When she finally got off the hood and asked for her clothes back, All Samantha and the others did was get back in the car and drive away, leaving Amy once again with one less set of clothing.

The End
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