Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2032536-A-Tattered-Heart-Renewed
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #2032536
About a woman who finds love after all the pain.
A Tattered Heart Renewed

Erica is an intern at Edward's firm. Erica decided to become

a lawyer, because she always wanted to help people.

Erica grew up in the south. New Orleans, Louisiana to be

exact. Erica's family was not close. Erica's mother was

never around too much. Erica was the only child, which

worked in her favor, for her ordeal. Erica went through hardships no kid

should have to endure. At 13 years of age Erica's mom

decided she no longer wanted to be a mother. Though

she never truly was. Beverly Erica's mom would leave Erica

with neighbors, family, and friends from the age of 2.

Erica and Beverly never really had a relationship. Erica

longed for the mother and daughter relationship she

saw other girls having with their mothers. Beverly dipped

in and out of Erica's life until Erica was 13 years of age. Finally

Beverly disappeared. Erica could not pay any bills, she had to

go in the streets. Erica had just turned 16 after being

homeless for a 3 years when she met Dante. Dante was 24

he had a fancy car nice clothes and a lot of money. Dante

saw Erica walking, and ran behind her. Dante said "Excuse me

excuse me." Erica turned around and said "Yeah!" Dante asked

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Erica said "No thank

you." Dante said "Come on come with me to the Chinese

restaurant across the street". Erica was really hungry so she agreed

to join Dante for a meal. Dante was such a nice guy Erica thought

to herself. As Erica was finishing the best meal she'd had in over

a year Dante stared her in the eyes and began talking. Dante

said " I'm looking at you, and you are a very beautiful lady."
Erica smiled and said "Thank you". Dante said "How old

are you anyway?"Erica said "I'm 16 next month I'll

be 17."Erica saw a change come over Dante's face.

Dante said "I want to take you shopping. Is that okay

with you?"Erica lit up and excitedly said "Yes!" She was

tired of the dirty and tattered clothes she was reduced

to wear day after day. As Dante drove Erica past the mall,

Erica said "You passed up the mall." Dante didn't say

anything he just kept driving. Erica felt a churning in her

stomach. Erica put her hand on the knob to jump out,

but Dante pulled out a knife and said "Take your hands

off the door." Tears started streaming down Erica's

face. After a hour or so Dante pulled into an abandoned

car lot just outside the city. Dante parked got out and

proceeded to take Erica out of the car in a brutish kind

of way. Erica shrieked from the pain inflicted when Dante

grabbed her arm yanking her out of the car. Dante

walked Erica into a booth and said "Take your clothes

off." Erica starting crying hard, she was a virgin.

Erica was trembling as she took off her clothes. Once

all Erica's clothes were off Dante smiled devilishly.

Dante said "Dance for me." Erica felt humiliated being

forced to do these things she did not want to. Erica moved

her body slowly around as the tears fell like rain. Dante

then grabbed Erica by her hair bent her over on the

old desk and raped her repeatedly. Erica screamed, but

no one could hear her. Dante decided he'd had enough

so he stabbed Erica in the side. Erica's body fell limp

to the floor. Dante pulled up his pants and left.2 hours later

Erica came to with terrible pain surging throughout her body.

Erica managed to make it to the road where a guy was

just coming along that way, he saw her naked and bleeding.

He stopped his car jumped out quickly and stuck his arms out

to walk her to his car. He laid her on the backseat closed the door,

and rushed Erica to the emergency room. The man stayed

to hear what would become of Erica. The doctor came out

to the man and said "Well she is in stable condition, but she

will need a lot of care upon leave from the hospital." The man said "I

will care for her, and pay her medical bills." The doctor asked "Do

you know her?"The man said "No" and walked to Erica's room. Erica

was asleep from the pain medicine given to her. The man stared at

Erica lying there sleeping than left. Weeks passed than months.

Erica was finally able to leave. The man came just in time. Erica saw him

come through the door. Erica was now 17 she said "Thank you so much

for everything. You have been visiting me for months now and I

don't know your name. The man smiled and said "Edward.....Edward

Michaels." Erica said "Thank you Edward....Edward Michaels. Edward

smiled and said "My pleasure Erica."Erica said "Can you give me a

ride to the homeless shelter?"Edward said "No! But I can give you

a ride to your new apartment."Erica said "I don't have an

apartment."Edward said "Sure you do."Edward grabbed Erica's

things and they both left the hospital. In the car on the way

to the new apartment. Erica asked "Why are you doing

all of this for me?"Edward replied "Do you believe in love

at first sight?"Erica said "I'm not sure!"Edward said "I

saw you from time to time around. I wanted to approach you,

but didn't know how you would react to a man

coming up to you. I fell in love with you months ago."Erica lit

up and smiled. Erica said "That is the sweetest thing anyone

has ever told me."Tears drizzled down Erica's cheeks. Edward

put forth his hand and wiped the tears from her eyes.

They arrived to the apartment was beautiful, and elegant. Erica asked

"Is this for me?"Edward said "Yes and I want to give you

so much more?"Edward and Erica go to the apartment. At the

threshold of the door Edward proposes to Erica. Erica accepts.

They are married soon after. Erica finds out how wealthy Edward

and his family is. Edward is a prestigious lawyer and takes Erica on

as an intern while she goes to law school. Edward is very patient

and understanding toward Erica after her horrific ordeal.2 years

have passed since they were married. It is their 3rd anniversary.

Edward comes home to find Erica have adorned the apartment

for a night of romance. Erica greets Edward in a lace silk lingerie set.

Edward's eyes widen as they lock in on her curves. Edward lets

Erica lead as to not be aggressive and make her retreat. Erica

takes him to the bedroom where love and heat and passion is

smoldering. The next morning Edward is overjoyed and humming.

Erica and Edward are still in the bed. Erica asks "Why are you humming?"

Edward answers "You are an amazing woman. I love everything about you.

Your lips, your hair, your eyes, your body with the perfect slopes, your

intelligence, and your morals."Erica blushes and says "I love you too

Mr. Michaels!"Edward says "You'd better Mrs. Michaels."As he

kisses her hand. Erica says"Well we'd better get up." As she is

getting up. Edward pulls her back into the bed and starts

kissing her passionately as if his life depended upon it. Then he

looks her in the eyes and says "I hope you felt all the love

that surged through my heart just now in that kiss. Erica

begun to weep and replied "Edward I felt it and it was

amazing."Erica grabs Edward and kisses him so passionately

she singes his heart and Edward's eyes cannot hold

off the tears of joy.

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