Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2032532-A-Funny-Kind-Of-Friendship
Rated: E · Short Story · Comedy · #2032532
Two guys(friends) in love with the same woman.
A Funny Kind Of Friendship

Stanley was in trouble a lot. Stanley hated people telling him what to do. Tom

was the same, only difference was their skin color. Tom was always in trouble

too. Stanley and Tom met in the juvenile detention center and have been

inseparable since. Tom and Stanley both liked the neighborhood hottie

Tangy. Tangy was desired by most, but loved pinning friends against each

other. The frienemy relationship started one night at the neighborhood

bar Pretty Penny. Tangy saw Stanley and Tom sitting at the bar. Tangy

started dancing gyrating her perfect butt and slow winding her curvy hips.

Tangy was looking their way as she seductively hypnotized both

Stanley and Tom. Stanley and Tom were staring jaws dropped. That's when

Tangy put up her hand and beckoned their way. Stanley and Tom both

got up to walk to Tangy. They bumped into each other. Stanley told Tom

"Sit down Tom she is obviously calling me."Tom replied "No Stanley

you sit down we can both clearly see she is calling me. Stanley and Tom

both still tried to go through the same little bar stool opening. Stanley

tells Tom "Bro she don't want no stale crusty bread she want wheat

toast. Now sit your albino fly looking ass down."Tom replies "Dude

are you series?"You are looking more like burnt toast instead of wheat."

Tom and Stanley start arguing. The owner kicks them out. On their way

out they both see Tangy laughing. Tom says give me your number Tangy.

Stanley reaches over and slaps Tom across the lips. Tom starts swinging

his arms wild and screaming like a girl "I know you didn't just hit my

mouth."Tangy is cracking up laughing she walks back to her friends

and they make fun of Stanley and Tom. Outside Tom asks Stanley "Why you

going to hit me in front of Tangy. You know she want me."Stanley says "Look

I'm sorry for hitting you but you trying to mess with my future wife.3 hours

later Tangy comes out the bar. Stanley and Tom runs over to Tangy and asks

"Which one of us were you calling?"Tangy sees this as a fun game to play. Tangy

replies "You are both so cute I was conflicted. I'll tell you guys what whoever

can impress me before the week is over will get a date with me."Stanley tells

Tangy "Get ready to be impressed beyond the limit." Tangy smiles Tom sees it.

Tom tells Tangy "I'm going to impress you to the bone."Stanley put up his hand

to slap Tom on the mouth again, but Tom says "uh uh."Tangy busts out laughing

and goes to her car leaving Stanley and Tom arguing again. Tangy had a lot of fun.

The next day (Stanley and Tom lives together so they know what the other is

doing at times.) Tom sees Stanley dressing up real nice and bathing himself in

cologne. Tom asks "What are you doing dressing up so nice?"Stanley replies

"Man I'm going to see my mom today. Is that okay with you? DAD!"Tom replies

"Yeah I'm sure."Stanley sees Tom dressing up in some of his best clothes, and

pouring cologne on his neck and chest. Stanley asks "What are you doing? TOM

choking yourself with all that cologne. Tom replied "Umm umm umm

me umm umm oh yeah I'm going to the ball at my grandma's home. They

having a ball for the elderly today. Yeah that's what it is."Stanley looks

weird and replies "Yeah Okay!"Stanley leaves first he meets Tangy at

the Bar-B-Q in the park. Tangy sees Stanley she walks over to him and

kisses him on the cheek Stanley blushes he tells Tangy "I got you something."

He hands her a small box. Tangy lights up and opens the box. She finds a

beautiful gold ring inside. Tangy says "Oh Stanley it's beautiful. Stanley

replies "Not as beautiful as you. Tangy blushes and kisses Stanley. Stanley

starts looking like a school boy who's crush said hi to him. Stanley goes

to fix a plate for Tangy. They both sit on a picnic table talking. Just than

Tom pulls up gets out his car and sees Stanley sitting with Tangy. Tom

gets mad, walks over to them and tells Stanley "Gosh Stan I don't see your

mom here, and she is pretty big so I couldn't miss her. Tangy starts laughing.

Stanley looks at Tom and says "Well T I thought you said you were going to

The elderly ball at your grandma's home to get laid."Tangy spits out her drink

laughing. Tom replies "You know damn well I didn't say that."Stanley

replied "You know damn well my mom would be hard to spot in the midst

of all these people. Tom says "Whatever!" Tom tells Tangy "I got something

special for you."He gives her a box with a pretty bow on it. Tangy reads

the label Louis Vuitton. Tangy opens it, it is the latest bag. Tangy kisses Tom.

Tom pushes forward and puckers his lips to kiss Tangy back, when a hand

slaps his lips. Tom punches Stanley on the hand. Tangy is crying laughing

now. Stanley says "I'm sorry Tom it's just when I saw your lips pucker

I got mad."Tom replies "I'm sorry too. I got upset, but stop popping

me on the mouth."Stanley replied "Okay I'll stop". Tangy tells them both

"I had fun with you both today. You both impressed me very much. I'll tell

You guys what. You can both meet me tomorrow at my best friend's party.

I'll write down the address on you guy's hands. Tangy took Tom's hand

and wrote the address on it. Then Tangy took Stanley's hand and wrote

the address on it than rubbed it. Upon departure from the guys Tangy tells

them "Tomorrow whoever impresses me the most will have a great chance

at becoming my new beau. Stanley and Tom looks at each other then at the

same time both say "Bye Tangy!"Tom looks at Stanley and says "She

wrote on my hand first."Stanley replied "Maybe but she rubbed my

hand ha ha."Tom asked "What are you going to get Tangy for

tomorrow?"Stanley replied "There you go. What are you getting

Tangy tomorrow?"Tom replied "I don't know yet, but I'm thinking

I might not get her anything. I mean she seem like she's trying to play

games with us. We been at each other ever since Tangy started

acting like all of a sudden we are so desirable."Stanley replied "I agree

man we shouldn't let no female no matter how beautiful and sexy hmm

hmm hmm she is come between us."Tom replied "You right give me some bro. we cool."

Stanley and Tom part ways. The next day Tom meets Tangy at the party.

Tangy introduces Tom to everyone while introducing Tom, Stanley walks

In. Tangy proceeds to introduce them both. Stanley is holding a little box.

Tom looks at the box and asks Stanley "Can I speak to you in private for a

moment?"Stanley tells Tangy "I'll be back in a minute."Tangy and her best

friend Nikki starts whispering, and laughing talking about how funny it was

watching Tangy play the two against each other and get gifts at the same

time. In the back Tom asks Stanley "I thought we agreed that we weren't

getting her anything else?"Stanley replied "I never agreed to that."Tom replied

"So you were trying to get me not to bring anything so you can impress

Tangy and become her new beau?"Stanley replied "Ha you think I don't

know what you were doing? All that bros don't let females come between us

bull crap. You were trying to beat me so you could get Tangy."Tom laughed

and replied "Okay you got me."Tom and Stanley returned to the party. Tangy

was sitting on the couch. Stanley sat on one side and Tom sat on the other side.

Tom squinted his eyes at Stanley. Stanley raised his hand up at Tom, but Tangy

pushed Stanley's hand down. Tangy asked "You guys have something for me right?"

Tom quickly said "Yes Tangy I have something for you."Tom gave Tangy an

envelope with a proud smile. Tangy opened the envelope and pulled out a stack

of cash. Tom said 10.000 in cash Ms. Queen. Tangy grabbed Tom and squeezed

him very happily. Stanley said "Pfft that's nothing. Stanley said "Here is mine!"

Stanley gave Tangy an envelope. Tangy lit up. Tangy opened the envelope and

pulled out a stack of cash. Stanley said 5.000 in cash. Tangy replied that's it.

Stanley raised his hand and slapped Tangy on the mouth.

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