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Rated: GC · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2032373
The fourth part of the saga. Have fun ^_^

Vareva ran quickly into the night. She held her shoulder as her violet blood dripped down onto the ground. She went behind a smaller hanger which was not even higher as she was tall and sat down behind it.
“Ah stupid, stupid, stupid!” Said she under her breath while opening, a smaller pocket on her belt and taking a cylindrical metallic device out. A small rod appeared as she pushed on a button and then, shoved it into her wound. She pushed a second button right over the first, on what a thick, greenish fluid was being injected straight into her wound. It oozed out of the fresh wound and began to harden as soon as it came into contact with the air to seal the wound and stop the blood loss.
She bit her teeth together as the pain in her shoulder grew more and more but she had to endure it if she wanted to continue the fight.
Vareva pulled it out and threw the now empty cylinder away while she allowed her arm to rest a bit more. With the other, fished she her com device out of another pocket, put it in her right ear and with a tip on it, opened a cyan colored holographic panel in front of her right eye.
It took a moment until she saw the face of her little angel and from the look on her face, knew Vareva that she had heard the explosion too.

“Vee what happened I…” “Listen Cathy I don’t have much time.” She interrupted her. “Leave the hangar with Sam and move away from the base as fast as you can. I…” She stopped as she noticed something watching her from the corner of her eye. It was a deva…

“Ahhhhh how nice. You have your pet here too and also a friend I assume. So my toys were right with the signals” Vareva heard Ve’ret’s voice over her and as she looked up, noticed the wounded urley warrior a second machine standing on the roof of the hanger.

“Ale’ir will be very happy to hear that.” The deva said with her voice as Vareva grabbed it and held it about eye level in her hand. “Lay a finger on her and you will die horribly slow Ve’ret.” Snarled Vee knowing that Ve’ret could hear her before she crushed the figure between her fingers.

Throwing the destroyed remains away went Vareva back to Cathy. She began to get up using the building as a help. “You two have to hurry dear. When they find you they…” But Sam interrupted Cathy from her side. She heard him firing a few shots while a loud smashing sound could be heard in the background. “Vee I…” Began Cathy on her side as the connection broke and only static noises remained.

She tried to call her a few more times as she noticed the sound of footsteps getting closer to her position. Vareva gulped her feelings down deep into her body. If she wanted to win, she had to block her feelings. “I won’t die here.” She said through gritted teeth as she spun around the hangar and pursuit her enemy with a dagger in hand…

- - -

(a few minutes earlier)

Sam and Cathy sat again near the fire which was now even more welcomed by both.
“Let’s just say I buy what I saw just a moment ago and that Atlantis and this entire evacuation thing you talked about is true. What happens when we get there? Wouldn’t we just move from one bunker to another?”

“If you see it like that, are you right but Atlantis is so much more. Sam we started to plant trees in some of the caves we managed to build a small garden in one of the domes with fruits vegetables and managed to breed a few animals as well” She said her eyes enlightened with a fire she wasn’t able to hide anymore while she sat forward on her bed. “Can you remember how grass smells? Or a flower?” She said and Sam looked down.
“Some of the kids have never seen or smelled anything like that in the vault. They only know them from pictures and stories of the elders. Wouldn’t it be nice if they could see it for real?” She said and stared at him.

It was a long pause between both until Sam looked up at her again with a sly grin. “You two better don’t screw this up.“ He said as some noises came from the metal roof.

“What the...” Said Sam while they stood up and pointed with their flashlights towards the ceiling.
“Could it be your friend?” He asked Cathy as another loud bumping sound could be heard. Cathy walked in front of Sam as both moved to the edge and peeked around the containers.

Something hammered this time against the small door were Sam had just ran out a few hours before.
They looked at each other before Sam asked her were the rest of his stuff was on what she pointed under the bed he had laid on.
After opening the box, he found his gear, the pistol and the knife that Cathy had give him as a present before. He checked the magazine while Cathy took a pistol and a small bag out of another box.
“I have a bad feeling.” Said Sam as they heard the sound of a muffled explosion and the outside became bright for the blink of an eye.

“You’re not the only one.” Replied Cathy as both heard a louder smashing sound coming from the hanger door.
They moved at it while something was still hitting the door. Cathy fished a glow stick out of the bag, broke it and handed it to Sam.
“Lights, out.” She said as a beeping sound came from one of her jacket pockets on what she fished a small device out and put it partly into her ear.
The door began to creek while Sam aimed his pistol straight at it. Something told him that whatever would want to get trough, wouldn’t be nice and that they wouldn’t have much of a chance with their current hardware.

A push on a button of the small device let a small holographic window appear over Cathy’s left eye.
Vareva what’s going on?” She said but the Urley quickly cut her off.
“Listen Cathy I don’t have much time. Leave the hangar and move away from the base as quick as you can. I…” She stopped as someone talked with her in Urley but the conversation stopped and Vee again talked with Cathy. “You two have to hurry dear. When they find you they…” “Cathy!! At the door!!” Yelled Sam as something ripped the whole door out and a white female looking head peered in followed by two more. Sam fired two shots and landed a hit on one straight into its forehead.
Cathy also began to aim as something smashed trough the large hangar doors. The only thing she could see was a hand as suddenly another one hammered trough and began to pull on the door. “Vee I...” She said as a loud screeching sound came over the channel and Vee’s face got replaced by static. “Damn they must have blocked the channel.” She said and fired after one of the robots.
“Is there another way out of here?!” Said Sam while reloading on what she nodded and looked over at the platform on the right side of the hangar. “It’s an old elevator but I’m afraid we have to take the ladder now that the electricity is out.”
“As long as we get away from here, I’m fine with everything!!” He said and fired four more times while Cathy grabbed a small thing out of her bag and threw it at the drone group. “Duck!” Yelled Cathy as the grenade went off and ripped the group apart.
“That should buy us some time!” She said and both went to the platform. Sam began to pull on the handle but had a hard time while his ribs remembered him on his inner wounds. “A little help here!!” He said out loud and was surprised as Cathy easily lifted the hatch with a smirk. “Getting old?” She said on what he grumbled some words before he went down followed by Cathy who sealed the hatch afterwards.

- - -

“I’ve found them, Commander.” Reported Ve’ret trough the deva’s communication system who was sitting on her left shoulder. Ale’ir only snickered and watched trough the scope of her rifle as the fight between Dalsahim and her former Setal and sister, continued.
“A male human is with her just as we thought and it seems that they went deeper into the base.” The male looking deva continued.
“I leave it to you, to catch her. Do with the male whatever you want but bring the girl, to me.” Ale’ir told her on what Ve’ret bowed down slightly and vanished into the darkness.
Ale’ir then shouldered her rifle and began to move further into the base heading to the place were Dalsahim and Vareva fought their battle at the moment. She wanted to see her former Setal with her own eye before she would kill her slow and painful.
She knew that neither Dalsahim nor Tashigi would be able to kill her and she was willing to sacrifice them.

“Twenty years. Twenty, fucking, years…sister…” Snarled Ale’ir calm and silent after she had shouldered her rifle on her back. She looked up into the dark sky while the cold wind washed the falling snow over her face. It was as if she took in the scent of her prey. A prey she had hunted for so long. A prey she would not allow to escape again.
“Have your way with them. And then face me…”

- - -

The two humans had just reached the sub levels of the base and it didn’t took long before the cold temperatures left Sam shivering. Cathy on her part seemed to have none of those problems and he blamed his injuries for that.

“Damn cold down here.” Said Sam silent and blew some warm air into his cold hands while he followed Cathy to a near corner.
“Yeah I forgot to tell you. It could be a bit colder down here.”

“Why aren’t you freezing?” He asked on what she pulled a thin dark cloth from under her black sweater sleeve.
“Thermo adaptive, combat clothes.” Replied Cathy with a smirk allowed the thin fabric to snap back. “It holds a constant temperature and pushes on relevant spots to maximize your body functions.”

“Why didn’t you give me some of that?” Asked Sam and shoved a fresh clip into his old pistol.

“Your injuries don’t allow it.” Was all that he got as an answer from her. “Can you move or do you need some help.”

“I’m not dead, Cathy. Not yet.” Was his reply before he blew another gust of warm air into his freezing hands.

Sam frowned while she cracked a few more sticks and threw some of them down the hallway before she went in.
“Come on.”
A thin layer of ice covered the floor, walls and the ceiling and Sam had to watch out a few times if he didn’t want to slip on the icy surface. Cracks in the concrete walls and several broken pipes with long icicles appeared every now and then while they walked down the corridor until they reached a door with the half faded word, armory.

A thin ice layer covered the steel door and to Sam’s surprise couldn’t he find a door knob or anything like that.

“And now?” Said he looking down the long dark corridor on what Cathy opened a small panel at the side of the door and took a little device out of her grey bag.
She connected two cables to a FieldLeader. A device that he and other scout troops used when they had to enter secured parts of the city or when they had to work on technical systems inside the bunker..
It was an extremely handy device with a big touch screen, fast processors and a large database. Two cameras, and several ports for cables made it perfect for him and the others and its size allowed it to fit in nearly every pocket.

Cathy tipped on a few icons on the screen and activated a code cracking program and after a few seconds, swung the door open and a gust of warm air left the inside of the room.

“The wonders of modern technology Sam.” Said Cathy with a smirk on her lips and entered the room right behind him before Cathy closed the door again.

“Show off” Was his only answer when he entered the room and felt the welcoming heat warming up his body.

The Armory was a large room but Sam was only able to see half of it cause of the weary light that the glow sticks emanated.
“Nice toys that you got here,” Said Sam with a grin as he took one of the assault rifles out of a nearby shelf and gave it a short inspection. “I think they will come in handy when we meet these toasters again on our way out.” He added while Cathy was kneeling to a nearby box and took a backpack out of it. He looked at her noticing the worried look she had. He knew her long enough. Well, that was at least what he thought now while she shoved a fresh clip into her pistol.
“I know that look Cathy. And no. Don’t even think about it.”

“What do you know?!” Yelled Cathy as she snapped and got up. She looked at him with a mix of anger and deep worries that he could understand just too well. “She is everything I have left.”

“And I understand that. Believe me.” He said and placed and hand on her shoulder as he gave her an understanding look. “But we are just in no position to help her at the moment and with those oversized toys on our tail, will it be already hard enough to get out of here.”
Continued Sam with a concerned voice and waited when a tear rolled down her cheek.
“Cathy…”He wanted to console her just when the comm.. device crackled in Cathy’s ear.
He mood lid up as she answered the call but as soon as she did widened her eyes when the voice she heard, came not from her mother.

“Hello my little treats…” Said a feminine voice with a hint of static in the background while Cathy handed Sam a second device and patched him in.

“Who are you?!” Began Cathy with a demanding voice while Sam listened calm.

“My friends, call me Ve’ret. But you, will soon call me mistress.” Said Ve’ret over the channel and laughed as Sam looked over to Cathy and she, back to him.

- - -

Vareva gasped eagerly for the cold air as she noticed that Tashigi was already getting back on her feet.
“Stop it Tash…surrender and I let you life.” Said Vareva under deep breaths before she looked back to Dalsahim who was still lying unconscious, in a destroyed, old building.

Good. One down, three more to go.
Thought Vareva and whisked some violet blood from her left eye that came from a deep cut just above her eyebrow.
Making a step forward towards the half crazy warrior felt Vareva the spot on her left leg where Tashigi had hit her with her sword.

Damn kid had gotten better.
Admitted Vareva in her mind while she tried to block the sharp pain out and focused on the matter at hand.

Tashigi used her sword to get back on her feet and it took her a moment to regain her balance back before she lifted it from the ground and held it ready with one hand.

Vareva saw the small cuts that were nearly all over her body and the deep cut she had given her at the beginning of her fight.
Slim, little cuts.
Not even deep enough to bleed much, but just enough to cause pain…a lot of pain.
She picked the second dagger up from the ground which she had ‘borrowed’ from Dalsahim and made herself ready while holding both of them with the blades down.

Don’t do it.
Begged Vareva on what Tashigi already stormed at her with her sword held in both hands and high over her head.
Wasn’t she thinking clear anymore, was she so absent minded that she wasn’t able to notice that she had now every part of her body open for a counter attack?

But it was useless and even before the sword of the berserk Urley could touch Vareva, blocked she the attack with both daggers just above her head.
She held the attacking urley at that position with ease while she began to get a bit closer then she already was.

“I gave you a chance and the offer still stands Tash. Lay down your sword and I let you go.” Said Vareva while she held her sword in position. “I could also help you Tash. To remember you, who you really are.”

“Liar!” Yelled the warrior in reply and increased her force. It took Vareva by surprise and to her shock did she actually sink on one of her knees while she began to lose more and more strength in both of her tired arms.

“We are Urley! We are the hands of the gods! We will crush every enemy with our strength!” Yelled Tashigi in her anger, while she increased her strength and forced her former Setal even further down to the ground.
“How does it feel to kneel before a true warrior! You and all the others will kneel before me and then, they will die!!” Yelled she her last words out loud before she lifted her sword and swung it down for a last final blow.

Vareva felt the change in the weight and acted before she could hammer her sword down again. Her position couldn’t have been better for a swift and deadly move.
All it took her, was to get up and use one of the daggers to penetrate her armor just a bit under her heart.
“I’m so sorry sister.” Was all she could tell her as Tashigi’s entire body lost all of its strength and after loosing the grip around her sword, held Vareva her close with both arms to her own body.

“I-I am so sorry that I wasn’t able to help you Tashigi.” Whispered Vareva silent into her ear as she sunk down with her and carefully placed her limp body into the snow which was already soaked with her violet blood.
She watched into the teary eyes of her enemy as her life began to fade as a tear rolled down her cheek. Vareva whisked it away with a finger but left her hand on her cheek. She wanted to let her know that she wouldn’t be alone in her last moments as Tashigi’s eyes looked up at her for the last time.
Vareva wasn’t sure what the warrior felt. Was it rage, hate, fear or even remorse? Would her soul find peace in the afterlife?

“I hope you find your peace…just like all the others.” Whispered Vareva as the last signs of life vanished out of Tashigi’s eyes which then closed themselves as Vareva stroked her cheek a last time.
Sure. She had been killed. She had done horrible things. They all did. They had to. Were forced to. By them…

She crossed Tashigi’s arms over her chest and placed one of her daggers in one of her hands when she saw her sword laying next to her and took it. She gave the blade a short look before she heard a loud roaring sound coming from behind her which unmistakably, belonged to her second, unwelcome, guest. .

“You will pay for that, traitor!” Yelled Dalsahim out loud in a deep hate filled growling voice as he stood already on his own two feet and prepared himself to attack her again.
“I’ll crush your bones!” Added the tall, male, urley to his list of vulgar phrases which he mostly spoke in his native language.

“It is a shame that she had to die even with her craziness. But you.” Said Vareva and pointed with the tip of the sword in his direction. “You deserve it.” And threw him her second dagger before his feet.
Dalsahim looked a bit confused first on the weapon and then back to her.

“Don’t want, that you complain about unfair chances when I sent you to hell.” Mocked Vareva on what she then began to walk towards him with her new sword ready to strike him down.

Piece, by, piece…if it had to be…

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