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Rated: GC · Fiction · Sci-fi · #2032370
The next chapter in the Earth 2059 saga.

„Do you think that he is okay?” Asked Catherine while she was sitting into the opened hand of her big friend Vareva.
The big urley leaned at one of the hangar walls while she held Cathy up to her face noticing the worried look on her little darlings face.
“Hey lighten up dear. I’m sure he will understand everything as soon as we explain him the situation.” Told her Vareva and held her hand towards her left shoulder on what Cathy stepped off and sat down.
“I’m sure everything will work out well Cathy.” Added the huge alien and stroked with a finger the side of Catherine’s face while she gave her a big smile.

Sam had waked up just an hour ago and was about to bind his boots again as he heard Cathy and Vareva talking behind the large freight containers. He sighted and took a deep breath before Vareva’s hand came down and allowed Cathy to step down from it. He looked up his gaze still nervous as he looked up at her.
“Feeling better, tiny?” Asked Vareva and grinned before she leaned her chin onto her arm and looked down at both humans.

“A bit…I guess.” Answered Sam and looked over at Cathy who sat on a black storage box near the fire.
She wore a pair of white pants, black boots and a long sleeved black sweater. He hair was put into a short ponytail and she seemed kind of nervous to sit in front of him.

“Are…are you hungry? Or would you like something to drink? We-“ But Sam cut her off before she could move on grunting a bit as he tried to get up from his bed.
Cathy saw his struggle to get up and wanted to help but he also cut her off by giving her a short glare.

“I have questions. And you will answer them. And depending on those, will I decide if you can earn my trust again, or if I just grab some stuff and leave.” Answered Sam in a stern tone looking towards Cathy and then up at the urley.

“I-I understand. Well sure you absolutely deserve answers but let me assure you that you are perfectly safe and should you really decide to leave…will we bring you back into the city.” Said Cathy in a depressed tone and rubbed her tights as she formed her thoughts.

“What does an urley and a human do, in an abandoned human military base?” Started Sam and held his side as he felt a stinging pain coming from his ribs.

“Well, she watched over me while I,” She stopped and looked at him. “While I made sure that you are all save.”

“What do you mean stay save. For what?”

“For the transport to Atlantis.” Replied Cathy, who was nervously looking between Sam and the fireplace before Vareve decided to step in.

“Samuel,” Began Vareva from her position on what Sam, looked up at her. He had to crane his neck to see her face and it was still making him nervous to be so close to one of them.
“We were sent from a hidden base called Atlantis which is set far up in the north. That is four years ago now. Our mission was to check this city for any survivors since the database back in the station, noted that there was a fallout bunker somewhere near it. We flew here and first took shelter, here in this base. After that, started we our search for life but it was like the search for the needle in the haystack. Week after week went by and we were close to fly back when my little girl here decided to give a last desperate shot.”

Sam was listening very carefully and upon hearing ‘little girl’ fell his view back to Cathy. He was about to ask what she mean with that when the urley moved on with her story.

“She camped in the ruins of the city while I was waiting a few miles outside of it but after nearly a week was there still no sight of anyone. I was afraid that she might freeze to death and was about to move back to get her when she told me that she could hear voices nearby.”

“It was the day when you found me nearly frozen to death, Sam.” Jumped Cathy back into the conversation. She was smiling and slightly blushing as she remembered how Sam had carried her back all the way. He had been too afraid to let her walk all the way back in her weak status back then.
“I told her when I was in your sickbay to stay back until I would call her again and-“

“How.” Interrupted Sam her suddenly.

“How? How was?”

“How did you call her? If I remember right were you in the sickbay for at least three weeks.”

“I used this.” Said Cathy and took a small device out of her ear. It was shaped like a small battery but had not its metallic look more that of Cathy‘s skin. “It is a small communication device and is able to-“

“You called her back from the inside of our base?” Fell Sam into her explanation and got up grunting from his seat. The anger that rose in his guts was already blocking the pain in his chest and legs as he walked a few steps and balled his hands to fists. He tried hard to calm down again but he couldn’t shake the feeling off that she had played with them over the entire time.

“Are you telling me that you were in constant contact with her?! What did you tell her, hm? What does she know!”

“Easy now Sam.” Began Vareva from her position, trying to easy the situation a bit. “She didn’t tell me anything vital.

“And why should I believe you?! Why should I even trust you, alien?! I mean you could have set this up to lure me in and bring you into our base to get us all killed!”

“Really? I save you two times, kill one of my kind, bring you both here, where she treats your wounds and all that, to get into your home? Not only to mention all the things I we did in the past to help you guys.”

Sam rose an eyebrow upon hearing the last part. “What do you mean?”

“Where do you think came all the parts from? The medicine, the electric parts, all those things, came from here. I brought them to her when we met us in secret and she brought it to you.” Said Vareva in a serious tone.

Sam had his problems to believe it but he had always wondered how Cathy always managed it to find the right stuff, which they needed at places, where he knew that it couldn’t be there. He had never questioned her about it since he was relieved that the problem had been solved but now, when he thought about it, made it quite sense. Also the fact that she never had told him anything about her past rather then that her parents had gone years ago. She had often thought that she just tried to forget her past and so had never really tried to dig deeper. Now, he thought, wished he that he had.

“Sam.” Started Cathy and walled slowly over to him. “I would never do something to hurt you, or the others. Never! But I had to keep it a secret. I mean had you believed me if I had told you about her, or my mission?”

Sam shook his head and tried to play it through his head. As much as he disliked it was the answer simply, no. No he wouldn’t have. He would have probably thought that she would go nuts or so. To think that a human would work together with one of them was just impossible and still, here he was.

He looked up at her shaking his head, as she took a small photography out of a pocket on her white trouser and handed it to him. Sam took it and looked at the people on it. The thing his eyes fell on first, was the two big faces who were smiling behind a group of four humans. They stood in front of them waving and Sam noticed Cathy being one of them in the group.

“The two urley in the background are Malan and Ellisia. They came into the base, a year after me and Vareva. The others are Jessy, Robert and Tessa. We were best friends back in Atlantis.” Began Cathy to explain to him, while Sam stared at the little photography trying to find a hint that it could be a fake. But why was he eager to find anything suspicious.

“Let’s say I buy all this and believe you. What would happen next? I mean we can’t stay here. Butch will get crazy…not to mention Rosa.” Said Sam as he sat down on his bed with another grunt. He needed to rest that was for sure. “And what did you gave me. I know my legs were done for and now can I already walk…and run.”

“I injected you with five dosages of nanobots. They were made on Atlantis and were specially designed to repair any damage to the human body. Without them, had you died on the spot and later on when Vee took you in from the cold.” Told him Cathy and held out one of the injections with a strange green liquid in it.

He looked at it when his memories kicked in about that. He remembered on the figure he was sure to have hit as he placed the injection aside on his bed and looked back to Cathy.
“Did I…I mean. On my way out. Did I-?” He started but Cathy just chuckled a bit and rubbed her arm.
“It’s nothing don’t worry. I probably should have stayed with you until you were awake.” Replied Cathy with a forced grin and rotated her arm to prove that she was alright.

“Well, the next step would be to get you back and I guess, make the first contact with the rest of the people. I mean I would to get to know those that my girl here has told me so much about.” Cheered Vareva as she smiled down towards Sam who shook his head slightly.

A few hours went by in which Cathy checked his injuries while Vareva sat again with her back against the wall checking some of her weapons which consisted of a holographic sword two shorter keratan daggers and plasma pistol.
Sam and Cathy were sitting near the fire and ate each a military ration. None of them spoke much and it mostly consisted of Cathy who told her more about the Atlantis and how amazing it was. The different domes large dry places where they had started to grow fruits and vegetables. Grass, trees…even a few animals were there. Sam listened closely to her story. It sounded kind a like a little paradise but he still had issues when she told him about the number of urley who lived there as well.

“What’s the story between you and her.” Started Sam and took a bite from an protein cereal which didn’t tasted as bad as Cathy had told him.

“It’s a bit complicated and long.”

“We have time when I see that right.” Was his simple answer and took another bite from the cereal.

“Well, I-I was very young back then. My mom, my real mom was running with me away from a group of urley and their deva’s. We were hiding in a house as they hunted us through the floors and tore pieces of the building away. We…she took me and ran but a deva got us and…” Stopped and held her arms tight around her chest. “The wall exploded and…and the next thing I know is that I woke up in Vareva’s hand. She told me about the death of my mother and that she would take care of me. She saved my life.” Sam saw how much it seemed to pain her to talk about it. Indeed could he very much understand her pain when he thought back about the loss of his parents and his sister, Kara.
He wasn’t sure what to say when suddenly the lights started to flicker and turned off leaving him and Cathy only with the flames of the fire left in the hangar.

“Are you two okay?” Asked them the loud voice coming from Vareva as she looked over the containers from her side.

”Yeah we are. Seems that the old generator went off again.” Said Cathy as Vareva went back and took her gear. “The thing is old and it happens sometimes.”

Sam nodded as she got up and grabbed a white coat.
“Where are you going?” Asked Sam as he saw her walking away from the fireplace.

“I will go with Vee to start the old generator again. It will only take a moment before we are back.” Said Cathy and went around the containers. Sam followed her, a bit slower then he wanted and as he was around the containers, found himself watching a rather strange scene.

Cathy stood next to Vareva who was kneeling. She seemed a bit surprised to see her standing next to her and scoped her up easily with one hand.

“Do you want me to come with you? I’m sure that….”

“You will stay with him dear.” Answered Vareva and held Cathy up to her face.

Sam was just around the corner of the containers when he saw the tall urley actually giving Cathy a kiss on her head before she set her down and then left the hangar through the large doors and for a second, was he sure that she gave him a wink before the large doors closed again.

“Did she just…”

“Gave me a kiss on the forehead, or my entire head? Yes.” Answered Cathy with a smirk and placed her hand on a Sam’s shoulder who was still looking a bit dumbfounded at the hangar doors.
“Not all urley are evil, Sam. When you and the others come to Atlantis, will you see it with your own eyes. They would rather die for each of us then harming us.”

She left Sam there who still looked at the door before he returned to the fireplace.


The generator stood in a separated hangar at the other end of the base. It wouldn’t take her long to reach it as she made her way trough the snowy base. Thanks to her visor was Vareva able to see her way in the storm and darkness. It was a tool she didn’t wanted to miss any more since it was the only way to see properly in this environment. While she made her way at the hanger in which the generator stood, couldn’t she help but think about that human. The way he had looked at her when he had woken up the first time, was the same she had seen in so many people before. How many humans she had killed during the war, and how many she had transported to the camps, she didn’t knew it anymore. But all their faces had the same expression on them.
She stopped short and looked up into the cloudy sky wondering if all the bad things she had done, would be forgiven to her one day. Would she go to heaven when her time would come, or would she go to hell? Would she be able to see her family? .

Vareva arrived at the hangar still slightly sunken in her thoughts.
She was just opening the doors when several human sized bodies fell down hanging with strings around their necks at her eyelevel.
She mustered them quickly but none of them was alive anymore when several beeping noises came from the inside of the hangar and caught her attention.
Vareva activated her visor and saw the explosive packs which were planted at the generator just seconds before they blew the entire building up and sent her flying through the air and flatten an entire building when she landed on it.

It took her a moment to recall the last seconds while everything around her spun around like mad. The fire blinded her with the visor on, on what she took it off and allowed her eyes to adjust on their own.

“Well hello, my dear sister.” Called her a female voice out of the darkness with a loud laugh.

Vareva tried to locate its source and she found it when her eyes had adjusted enough to the darkness and the light of the fire. But what she saw, let her eyes widen in shock.

“Tashigi?” Stammered Vareva when the figure made a step into the light.

The newly arrived urley warrior wore one of the lower-class combat suits with the only visible armor being at her chest, lower arms and shins. A long slim sword hung from her waist belt down and nearly reached the ground while she had a plasma pistol in her leg holster and a short staff on her back.

“It is been a very long time dear sister. You don’t call; you don’t write or sent us any presents, and you don’t even appear to die properly.” Said Tashigi, draw the gun from her holster and fired three times towards Vareva who managed to get out of their way in the last second and flattened a parked car under the snow in the process.

Tashigi fired again and again but missed Vareva always just by a few inches while the urley prepared herself for her own attack.
Vareva grabbed one of her daggers and used a short fire pause to throw it at her opponent before she, went and attacked her while she was distracted.
Vareva rammed her knee deep into Tashigi’s stomach but the enemy warrior wasn’t that easy to beat and hammered her fist into Vareva’s right side.
She then used her other hand and landed several hard punches into Vareva’s stomach and her face on what Vee bent her head forward into Tashigi’s punch line and let her hit a hard spot at her head.
The enemy urley warrior yelled up in pain when the slight sound of cracked bones coming from her fingers could be heard on what Vareva gave her another kick into her stomach and allowed her to fall on the ground.

“What you did with those humans…” Began Vareva when suddenly a smaller barrack next to her literally exploded and a second urley tackled Vareva into another building.

The second one was way bigger from the few seconds that she had, had when it picked her up and literally threw her into a hangar as if she would weight nothing at all.

Every part of her body hurt when she began to open her eyes and to push some of the debris of the hangar off of her.
“urgh…” Groaned Vareva silent when she removed one of the plates from her leg.

“That is just not your day big sister.” Told her several metallic sounding voices at the same time when suddenly a large hand reached down and pulled her out of the destroyed building.
She was lifted up and now finally got the time to see the second urley warrior a bit better.

“Dalsahim…” Escaped the name her lips weak, before the heavy muscled, male urley threw her away and let her land on a large place instead of another building.

Tashigi walked over to her sister and smiled as she saw her on the ground holding her side.
“Oh sister it’s a shame. This life has weakened you so much. I mean years ago would it have been no problem for you to counter such an attack and now, look at you.” She said and knelt down next to Vareva.

She turned her around and grabbed with her right hand at her chin and forced her to look her straight into the face. “…how pathetic.” Frowned Tashigi disgusted and let her go. “It’s a shame, really. I hoped you would at least put on a little fight...” That said, used Vareva the short time and grabbed another dagger from her belt to land a blow of her own. She cut trough Tashigi’s face and gave her a deep wound straight over her cheek.

The female warrior screamed while the male looked down in shock before Vee grabbed Tashigi’s hidden gun out of her left boot and shot him two times into his legs.
She used the moment and got back on her feet in a swift move and as she noticed that the guy was down on his own knees, used Vareva the moment and kicked him with her right boot across his face with all the power she had and slammed his head into the ground.

Tashigi hadn’t noticed what had happened right before since she was focused on her own problem. The stinging feeling in her face didn’t want to die down and the violet blood on her gauntlet let her heart only beat faster and faster.

“You damn bitch!! Look what you did to my face!!” Yelled Tashigi and looked up from her point at Vareva. She ignored that Vee pointed her gun at her and only cursed her even more for what she had done.
“…I’ll gut you up and then I cut your pumping heart out but before I do that will I shot you and heal and shot you again!!” Yelled Tashigi I her madness her mind obviously not clear anymore.

“When you arrive in hell…tell them to make room for more.” Said Vareva cold. Her eyes were fixed on the little piece of a tragic life she once knew but which she would end in a few seconds. Tashigi looked down and into her bloody hands until she began to laugh like mad.

“No…you first.” Replied the giggling urley soldier who raised her head and looked at Vareva with crazy eyes before a silent hissing sound could be heard and something hit the pistol and whacked it out of her hand.

Vareva looked up trying to find the source as another hiss hit her shoulder and let Vareva yell up in pain again.
“Damn…” She thought, holding her left shoulder with her right hand while the same violet color ran down her arm.

A third Urley warrior knelt about 700 feet away from the burning building with her assault rifle held in firing position.

Ale'ir took her night vision goggles away. She wanted to see her former battle sister dying without the device since the fire gave her more then enough light to aim at her properly.
Her long white hair with a few dark grey strains in it, waved in the rough and cold air.
She touched the grey eye patch over her left eye and followed the thick scar which came out and went over her cheek to her throat with a finger.
“Let her escape Tash…I want some more fun before we finish her off.” She said calm and began to move slowly at the scene.

She saw Vareva looking at her trough the night and the storm and felt a strong erotic shudder she hadn’t felt in years going down her spine.
“She knows it…” Said Ale'ir silent, her breath visible in the cold air as her and Vareva’s eyes met over the distance.
She watched her former commander turning away and running nto the darknees with the fire of the burning hanger at her front

The hunt was on and this time, she would bring her down.
“Are the scouts spread out in the base, Ve’ret?” Asked Ale’ir and from behind her stepped a fourth urley.

Her eyes were hidden behind a mask which left only the lower part of her mouth visible. A few stains of her short white hair came out under it while a male doll sat on her right and a female doll on her left shoulder.
“Yes Ma’am…” Her right doll said. “She won’t escape us this time” Finished the left on what a smile crept on Ve’ret’s lips.
“Good. Very good. Just watch her dear.” Ale’ir said while both went closer to the still burning building.
Tashigi was still sitting and holding her cheek while the male, Dalsahim, began to get up.
He took his damaged helmet off and adjusted with one loud cracking noise, his dislocated jaw.
“Get up Tashigi!” Said Ale’ir angry, as she and Ve’ret entered the scene. “We have just begun to have some fun…”

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