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Rated: E · Other · Emotional · #2031711
Directed at people feeding in on negative feelings and thoughts about others.
On Being Negative

Thank God I keep on living!  The more I keep on living, the more I learn about people.  PEOPLE will do anything to keep something NEGATIVE going.  (Not true for positive stuff.  They will pour water on that fire.  Stomp the ashes, and scatter them around.)

I bring this up today because the more I keep on living, the more I learn about human nature, and the less surprised I am at what PEOPLE do or will do.  It is amazing.  When you are doing what they want, walking the walk they are walking, caught up in the CRAP they are in, and generally just sucking air, you are alright with them.  DON'T DECIDE to get out or just say no or even express an opinion, idea or position that is contrary to theirs or from the opposing camp.  Folks stop speaking.  Folks stop calling.  Folks get LOST!

There is nothing wrong with going your separate way.  There is nothing wrong with having YOUR own opinion.  However, there is something SERIOUSLY wrong when you drag other people into the MESS. 

Bill Cosby may or may not be guilty of whatever he is being accused.  Those, however many women that have made the accusations moved on from that situation to become FAMOUS (at least in their minds).  It was not important enough back then when it happened, but it is NOW that HE (BILL COSBY) is old and a legend to many generations.

They keep throwing kindle in the fire with each opportunity.  They could not get much, if any, of the Black actors that he worked with to tear him down, so now let's see if "any" Black actor will take him on even as a spoof on Saturday Night Live 4oth Anniversary Show, but even the rejection to do the spoof made headline news with Bill Cosby's name all up in it.

Seem like out of our league, but it is not.  We do the same kinds of things on our level.  It seems so easy just to keep something going.  We talk and speak sanctification, yet stoop to any level that allow us to remain self-righteous.  We spread Jesus on Sunday, and ourselves Monday through Saturday.

We speak to each other and about each other when we are on good terms, if someone is listening that we wish to impress.  We spread pure evil about those same people when speaking with others that we "trust."  Haven't we learned that there are no secrets?  That the pigeon that carries a message will also come back with one, and usually not the one you sent?  Grow up.  Give up the childish behavior.  Act and behave in the manner that you are teaching your children.  If your parents got it wrong with you?  Then get it right with your children.  You can’t do that while carrying some of the baggage from broken relationships.

We are in a quandary about our lives, and why us, and why not them.  We might stop, take a deep breath, and ask the really hard question or questions?  What is or was my role in this mess?  Did I contribute to this mess, and now feel victimized, and just wish to get somebody, anybody or maybe even everybody.

All those women that came out all helpless and defenseless wanted and got something for their troubles.  Just like all those women in the corporate world that slept their way to the top of the corporate ladder.  Did they have to do that?  Did they want to do that?  DID SOMEONE HOLD A GUN TO THEIR HEADS?  Doubtful, but it was theirs for the plucking and they plucked, and now are "speaking out."

Being me, and having lived long enough to make a few decisions about my value, my self-worth, and my career, I have chosen on many occasions to be passed over, to not take the bribe, to not sleep my way to my next position and not to vote someone else's conscious.  CONSCIOUS CHOICE.

My life has not been a bed or rose (and even if it had, roses have thorns), but it has been a good life, and NO I don't have a lot of dirt on anyone that I will be writing about in my memoirs to see how far they can fall.  NO SOUR GRAPES!

Happy for the successes, the friendships, and the opportunities my life have afforded me. 

In the past year, I have written several pieces on "Letting Go!"  Letting go of a job, Letting go of a Lover, Letting go of a relationship, Letting go of a friend, Letting go of your children, and just plain Letting go."  Holding on to years and years of garbage only makes you a garbage can.  All that stuff you keep holding onto putrefies, stinks, and in the end rots, and causes cancer from which you intimately die.
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