Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2030829-Part-2-of-Ch1-of-Bandit
Rated: E · Chapter · Fantasy · #2030829
it continues..

Right then, since Willow and Ret were so young and in need of constant assistance, they replaced their parents for a foster dad from the tribe. His name was Roscoe and I couldn't think of anyone better to take care of my precious cousins. Roscoe is young and hip, but most importantly he's great with them and there is an equal bond between child and Roscoe that runs deep. He will also be their master once they mature a bit.

So you can rightly assume that Risk Chive and I had masters too; one for each of us. The only problem at the time was they kept changing mine and I didn’t have the slightest clue as to why... I asked my current master the other day and he said those same repeated monotonous words, “don't ask such questions”. But I knew there was a reason and I’d like to have known. In our tribe the words "don't ask such questions" were law words and we must always have obeyed them, thus trouble would arise of our deepest regret. We must heed their warnings when we first learn about them. So far no one has tried to maneuver that law; not fully, anyway.

At that moment Kale came over in my direction with her long fiery red hair wiping viciously in the wind. People jumped out of her way and pointed with their pointer fingers; whispering in each other's ears. I admired her bravery and contentment at not showing any sign of cowardice or unease. She simply acted as though nothing had taken place at all and seemed unaware of anything happening. Although… she was quite aware.

"Rogue," she addressed me, "the Elder would like to see you now. I will escort you." She said with her head held high and her musical sing-songy voice flowing through the air. A few people I recognized a bit from nearby tipi’s stared at me suspiciously and a few actually went running towards their tipis no doubt telling their friends the news...

As we preceded through the dense wooded areas adjacent the beautiful streaming, blue, river the sun kissed my skin through the opened canopies of the trees. This naturedly act graced my skin a berry brown like most of the rest of our tribe. On my bare feet calloused from my years of walking and running and living I walked over thick hallowed out trees. I noticed some were even rotted with imbedded grubs of which I tried to avoid.

A slice from a sharp rock sickly embellished my foot with hot, red, blood. But I was not perturbed by this as this was very common in our tribe. We grew up to be stronger people by not living a royal lifestyle. With my wounded foot I crunched and broke dead twigs lost from our powerful Father trees.

Suddenly I noticed Kale stop and cover her nose. She started choking and making noises of which I did not understand. I feared

she wouldn’t be okay. With one hand she shakily pointed to the river. I quickly ran over to the bank and looked back waiting for another signal. She was still sputtering and shaking all over. Then something fermented in my brain. A former thought and or belief I’d had. A rumor possibly put to the test. I dipped my foot into the ice cold water enjoying the sensation immensely as the subtle healing process began. I glanced over towards Kale and saw that she bent double and was breathing haphazardly. I was worried but in time she had regained control and told me to go north for a mile and I should then reach the Elder’s house.

Without saying much more and with a lack of an explanation she leapt up into one of the trees and bounded through the branches one by one, in the opposite direction. She reminded me of an animal; one I only remember seeing once, and vaguely. But no matter what, I think… had I not figured out what to do in time, what with her signal, I just might have been Kales snack. I paced a little in circles until my nerves settled. On the move again, I took the time to sniff the sweet air full of life and love. It was mating season for most of the animals on the Cherokee Lands. It was the mysterious time for some families to expand…, and others, to break away.

I came to a bulging rock wall and saw what I assumed was Elder’s home. It was a huge log cabin with belching black smoke brimming from the chimney. This was the farthest I’d ever been form the communal village part of our lands. I took a deep breath as I climbed the stone stairs and then descended past the protective stone wall into his territory.

Just as I reached the front garden leading to the front porch a white bird, (that could have been a dove,) with a note in its beak overrode me and swooped in to the cabin. I spotted a suspicious guard by the front door to the Elder’s Cabin. The guard wore a Mohawk and tattoos; red and black. They denoted is seniority of being a guard. His muscular upper thighs contracted as I moved closer to him. I also noticed he crossed his arms defensively. His eyes narrowed as I came to a stop about three feet away from him. He motioned me off of the deck and onto a submerged stone nearby.

"He is not here at the current moment. You will have to wait." He waved his arms impatiently as if I was some stranger and not part of the only tribe that currently resided on the Cherokee Land; or rather as if I was supposed to have known all of the silent signals of a guard on duty.

I scooted off of the stone and sat cross legged on the ground besides a very beautiful Maple Tree. I ran my hands up and down its rough outer protective bark and rested my head on its trunk. My thoughts suddenly wandered to Kale. Although so beautiful today she was wearing make-up, which was the second time. Only the older students of our tribe could wear make-up. It justified their coming of age and their experience in all of the fields of learning and practice. If students didn't have adequate experience, they wouldn't be granted any at all. It was a beautiful reward for working so hard and achieving great status among the older graduated members of the community. We weren’t slaves, but one never really stopped working. It was our duty unless very sick or old to contribute to our thriving lands. It was, however a nice gesture of gratitude from our Masters, not to mention growing confidence for us as woman. Teenage boys coming of age would get their own special rewards.

However this is only step one. The first and only “given gift,” you received was a palette full of your ordinary earthy colors of ground minerals that came from the quarry of the Southern part of the lands. This was of course when you first reached your goals and maturity. The quarry was then an option for girls of age to go to in their spare time to dig for other colors. You have the chance then to earn more colors and different pieces in the next newest lesson; “how to put it on,” class. Advanced practitioners got to use weird make-up in plastic containers, of which were ordered from a paper magazine from a faraway land. Of course people knew about the make-up, but beginners didn't know the dynamics of it all. I was the only one my age who knew about this, because I had Kale living with me.

After about fifteen minutes Kale reappeared at the entryway of the stone gate just like the slither of the wind. She glided over to me as if she weren't really walking at all but rather sliding on ice. Sometimes I marveled at her "complete," beauty. A little apprehensive when she sat by my side, I fiddle with a few twigs. I suddenly lost interest in my Maple Tree companion. I really didn’t know why I felt such a way towards Kale. I'm guessing that it's because I'd been waiting for a while in the most prized, important Elder's territory for about a half of an hour. Yes he was my grandfather and one would expect us to be close. Be he was head of the tribe and had many responsibilities. Thus we hardly knew each other.

I kept telling myself in the very back of my mind, perhaps in a hidden corner that I knew that wasn’t true. I just couldn’t be scared of the person that for most of my life acted like a mother. Yes I was nervous about Kale but I was also worried about my being summoned to Elder’s house in the middle of the day when the rest of us would be attending lunch and picking acorns, walnuts and other varieties of nuts for our enjoyment and snacks for later. I would also miss out on “The Giving.” The Giving, was simply this. After every meal provided and shared with the community we would choose one thing of our own to give back to The Wild; in return for what we take from it every day. With all of us contributing, our Masters told us that they believed we would be evening out our karma with our Lands, thus we would continue to thrive and flourish every day in a positive way. Both us and The Wild. I tried to take my consciousness out of my head by giving myself a little shake.

I felt a familiar chilly cold hand lie on my shoulder. Despite my "seconds ago" thoughts about Kale, I wasn’t scared but rather comforted. I saw her point to somewhere in the forest. She could see something I currently could not. I squinted my eyes, but to no avail. I’d just been getting frustrated when Kale leapt up silently and gracefully into the air, as if on wings. She rushed over to the corner of the Elder's house on the right side. Minutes later Elder himself appeared, all eight feet and four-hundred pounds. I froze in place when reasoning caught up with me. I was going to be speaking to him about me, all alone; for what reason, I didn’t have a clue.

Upon closer inspection, I saw exactly why Elder had taken so long. He alone, had hauled my “catch,” all of the way from the clearing to his house. He threw the beast’s horns down and sweating like that of a hog he walked into his cabin.

Kale signaled for me to wait outside as she got the “okay,” from the guard, (apparently called Chief Marty,) and ducked into the pale white furs of the entryway to the cabin. No one ever knew where the Elder lived except for a few selected masters, and apparently Kale. Chief Marty called over from his position,

"You may come in now!" And as jittery as I was he made me feel no better, with his bark of a call.

Upon entering the cabin I got a far more pleasant greeting. “Welcome," Elder said calmly. "Thank you Kale," he added as well. "You’re welcome Elder," She said in her sing-songy voice. He was sitting cross-legged on a white fur Matt smoking a long wooden pipe of tobacco. But as I inspected what made the rather large mass at what was between us… I saw… somehow… I really couldn’t believe my eyes. Magically in front of us lay the bison that just seconds ago was outside! The bison that I, earlier had slain. He then had looked at me as though searching for the slightest clue of any lies as he said,

"Look me in the eyes and tell me that before me lay the corpse of the bison you slain!" He demanded.

"Yes Elder.” I gulped. “That is the one." I was shaking but even though I was showing signs of weakness he still gave me a reproachful stare.

He signaled for Kale to come closer and whispered something in her ear. With a huge smile engulfing her face she nodded her head yes and she left the cabin.

"Kale has agreed with me upon your reward," he paused. "For the biggest beast ever shot, with the cleanest mark straight through the heart." He paused yet again and then started at a much slower and calmer speed, "in all of these years past... emulating me."… “We have agreed upon a couple of things.” One, you will as an honor sit next to us at the feast tonight for your significant effort and practice and obvious pure talent. Second, Kale is delighted for me to give you however, a reward only an experienced student should get!” At this point he was back to giving me a searching look as well as a calmer more mysterious tone. “I feel she is right in her decision…” he said hesitantly, “in bending the rules this once and giving you two very special gifts. Are you ready Rogue; Granddaughter of mine, to hear my offer?”

"Yes," I could barely make out.

"Well then,” He chuckled but continued, “First off I will give you permission to start working with the nineteen year olds in Beast Mastery class,” Second...” And from the side of his apple wood desk he picked up and rotated so that all of the beautiful, vibrant colors shown,) "your very own palate!" You have shown true experience in your performance in Hunting class as well as maturity. “Now take these gifts, thank your ancestors tonight, and get ready for the feast." He smiled, “it’s getting late." He ended.

I formed the words happy birthday in my mind, but before I even had the chance to voice these words, Kale swung herself into the Cabin and she was all over me hugging and congratulating me. I made a prayer right there and then as she drug me out of there only stopping for a millisecond to grab a parcel out of Elders hands.

I was speechless as she started babbling about how she knew all along what was going to happen and how very happy and so extremely proud she was of me. She kept on repeating to me, (as she showed me the colors on my palate,) that I got really rare colors; two of which she had yet to find for her own palate. She continued on about how she thought they were in Section D4 of the quarry, and that she would beg Elder to let me explore the quarry with her in search for minerals. And then she went on to how much fun it would be or me to experience it. And lastly, “I couldn’t possibly see the reason why he’d say no to letting you join the Make-up “putting on,” class, as you’ve already got your palate! I shall speak with him and we will have so much fun together gathering special minerals! I must do your makeup for tonight’s feast!” And she ended her babbling and concentrated on something she was envisioning in her mind. She did this quite often. It was a subtle change in her expression and facial features, but I knew when it happened. She really was in all ways, my mother.

On our way back to our tipi I had a smile plastered across my face. I thought to myself, not even Risk, in her wildest and most malevolent attitudes and acts could have swayed it away.

When Kale and I reached our Tipi, girls in my classes were steeling looks our way. Some looked at me with irate stares and took envious jibes at me. I was unmoved and impervious to their snide comments and disillusioned, compulsive, behavior. I had no time to be swayed. I had just had a moment, (or rather… a half hour), of triumph. Risk’s friends would not ruin it for me. So I smiled unpretentiously at them, caressed the soft fur of my tipi and languidly turned to it and went in.

Don’t let them get to you.” Kale said. And I was enraged that my illusion wore off as soon as I got into the tipi. But then I thought… I don’t need to pretend in front of kale, she’s my best friend. And so a smile formed across my lips. It was a true smile. Just as I was about to get excited about spending the day with kale she informed me,

Rogue, I must be somewhere in ten minutes.” I couldn’t stop it. I looked down in disappointment, tears welling in my eyes. I needed her. She took my chin and a little harshly lifted it up. With an eyebrow raised and pursed lips she said in her sing-songy voice, “Do you think I’d really let you be on your own on such an important day?” puzzled, I cocked my head to the left and she went on, “Your cousin is coming over and I won’t be long.” “It’s just one of those mysteries I will tell you about when you are older.” And she smiled a cheerful smile as I returned a cocky smile twisting my palate through the air. “And when you stop acting like that.”  She said slyly.

With my jaw to the ground she turned to me with a package in her hand.

What’s this?” I asked, incredulous that I’d get yet another gift this afternoon.

Just open it.” She said humbly and then she turned and started undressing. I opened the package to find a stunning, magnificent, not to mention expensive, shimmery sliver dress. It reminded me of the glimmering dolls Kale and I played with when we were younger I smiled to myself at the remembrance of our youthful pleasures. At the bottom of the dress it was cut choppy and there was a slit up the side. I was completely flabbergasted. This was no ordinary dress! This was the dress a woman got when she becomes of age! I was only 16! In all of my anxiousness and surprise I screamed,

What!?” I couldn’t believe it! I turned around to see kale in the same gorgeous dress.

Now I want that on you just before I get back.” With a dumbstruck look as to when I was supposed to know when she got back, she lifted one eyebrow and with a mysterious glare she left the tipi.

I didn’t have much time to wonder about the beauty and mystery of Kale before Chive was knocking on the front flap of my Tipi.

Hey!” I squealed as I welcomed him into my embrace. His jaw dropped as he noticed the dress on my bed.

That’s amazing!” “Did elder give that to you?”

Yea, how did you know about Elder?” I asked. Chive sat on Kales bed and told me about all of the rumors that were running throughout the Community. I sighed and pushed it aside as I told him all that had happened to me today. I slowed my pace down a notch as I recalled the girls.

Don’t worry about them, they’re just Jealous!” he said with rage.

They were Risk’s friends.” At this he got quiet. He’s always hated the fact that Risk and I didn’t get along. He was even a bit angry that we were actually rivals since he loved us both so much. It seemed he wasn’t going to fuss tonight. I got awarded and he was proud of me. That was always Chive, selfless and loving and caring. He never changed and I doubted he ever would.

Great job Rogue!” He stood up and congratulated me at last and with a huge hug we went outside to where the sun was setting fast. “I won’t get to sit next to you tonight,” he says in a bummed voice and slack face.

Yea, but you’ll get to sit next to Risk.” I must have come off a bit jealous because he sighed and said,

I’d give up anything in the world for you two to just be friends.” I didn’t say anything to this as that would never happen.

In a hurried voice Chive said, “Rogue kale is coming! You’d better get changed!”

Ha-ha you heard that!?” I asked.

Yes, now hurry! And make sure you come see me with your makeup on at dinner!” I smiled and assured him and with a quick hug and a “thank you,” he went back in the direction of his tipi and I raced back into my Tipi and took off my clothes to change into the beautiful silver dress. I was just fixing the folds and fidgeting a bit at being so exposed when she came in.

Beautiful!” she smiled and then added “Hurry let’s get some make-up on you! I promise I’ll put way too much on so you’ll look like Brother Raccoon!” We both laughed as she put it on and Kale laughed at how mad Risk would be that I got my make-up before her. I kind of laughed but then remember a sad Chive and it gave a pull at my stomach. I pushed it aside. I won!

And at the age of barely seventeen!” she added and this time I smiled gleefully. As we were putting on the finishing touches and Kale was racing to put her own Make-up on, our masters were began to bang their fists on our tipis making us jump.

Are you girls ready?”

Kale smiled and she asked me as she pulled out a mirror for me to look into. “Ready in five!” Kale replied to her Master’s voice. We heard grumbling but were relieved that he was giving us a bit of time.

In the last few minutes Kale and I put all of our make-up tools and minerals under her bed in an underground plot and attempted to lay a dirty rag haphazardly, (but still covering,) all of the make-up. The reason for this was that girls her age would try and sneak into other girls tipis and steal their make-up. The make-up was a coveted thing because it was received from one’s own hard work at the quarry, and with a bit of luck. Sadly, there really wasn’t much one could do about it. The best thing you could do is not show off to your friends if you’d gotten any rare colors. It worried me tonight.

Kale saw my worried face and placed a hand on my shoulder. “Don’t worry! Do you think anyone would be foolish enough to steal something the Elder gave to you?”

At that moment another voice rang out from outside of our Tipi. It was my Master and he was hell bent on being on time for the feast. As soon as we walked out all eyes were on us. WE were the beautiful. WE had the power, and WE were the stars in Elders birthday party. Kale taught me how to walk with swagger. Tonight we both put on our sexy walk. I heard a few cat calls and whistles just as we are entering the forest.

Look!” Kale said, as she pointed in a slightly backward direction. Over the screaming and hollering we sought Risk getting out of her Tipi. No one was accompanying her except one girl.

Ha-ha!” I laughed. “Look she’s so mad!” We giggled as we tried to maneuver rough the throng of people fighting to get to the feast first for the best spots. As we were giggling our Master’s nudged us hard in the ribs and started on us saying,

Girls this is not an appropriate way to act, we are not here to make others feel bad.”

         “Yes.” My master agreed, then continued, “Rogue you might have the power and beauty tonight but just remember, tomorrow is still school.” He paused and I knew he was going to continue with something I wouldn’t be fond of hearing. “As well as your first day of Martial Arts.” He gave me a stony look and finished, “With her.” I thought to myself…Boy so I know punishment. Kale looked at me with shock and hopeful eyes and said,

C’mon Master Ken, (My Master,) don’t take away our glory so early in the night!” Then Master Kay-Kay, (her Master,) said,

Kale you have to be mindful of your actions. They could get you into a lot of trouble if you’re not careful. Just because you’re having fun doesn’t mean there isn’t danger out there.” At that precise moment I noticed my master nudge Master Kay-Kay. Aha! There was something they didn’t want me to know about! He cleared his throat and continued. “You of all people should know that.” Master Ken gave him a murderous glare and I knew the discussion was over. Why did Master Kay-Kay continue? Why did he push something I wasn’t allowed to know? Was it something I would find out later? Then my attention was moved to Kale. I knew she was angry, but she didn’t let it show. Like I said, “Perfect.”

© Copyright 2015 Shizelle (shizelle at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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