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A script for my character Luxie Xiao's story.Not complete but comment if you want more. |
LUXIE ACT 1 (Shows the sun shining on the ocean and the sounds of a young girl laughing. Then shows a 4 year old Luxie swimming with dolphins) LUXIE: (swimming in circles and laughing) Look at me Mum! Look at me! LUXIE'S MUM: (chuckles happily) Yeah, you having fun? LUXIE: (Dances with dolphin) Yes Mum. (Scene moves to night time) LUXIE'S DAD: (Puts hand on Luxie's shoulder) you're too young to die, we will miss you sweetie. LUXIE: No! No! I can't let you go! (Cries clutching onto Dad) LUXIE'S MUM: Swim as far away as possible Hon. We love you. GO! LUXIE: (Bursts to tears and swims away. Hides behind a rock and spied on a huge black figure with glowing yellow eyes who killed her parents) NO! (Sees the figure turn to look at her and Luxie swims away) (Scene changes into Luxie swept up on the shores of China. Her tails dries up and legs were formed. A couple walk by and notice her.) (10 years later) LUXIE: (Wakes up in bed and starts to breathe heavily, quickly sits up then slowly stands up. Walks into bathroom and runs a bath. Sits in the bath with her mermaid tail dangling over the end of the tub and washing herself. Tries to get out of the bath but falls on the floor and reaches for the towel on the rack. Gets dressed in school uniform then arrives downstairs and sits at the table eating a bowl of Crunchy Nut) MRS XIAO: Morning Darl (pats Luxie's shoulder) LUXIE: Morning Ma. (Eats more Crunchy Nut and says in a mouth full) Where's Pa? MRS XIAO: Pa is out at the rice fields this morning. (Sits in front of the TV and switches to Asian News) LUXIE: (Watches TV whilst eating Crunchy Nut) MRS XIAO: Come on, hurry up, otherwise you'll be late for school. LUXIE: (Sighs and plays with her Crunchy nuts with her spoon). Don't want to go to school. MRS XIAO: (Gets up and sits with Luxie at the table) Ok Lux, you say this almost every day. What's the matter? Has something happened? LUXIE: (Sighs again and drops her spoon in the bowl and slouches in her chair) Nothing has happened. I just don't like going to school. Too many people. MRS XIAO: (Looks concerning). Luxie. I know that is not the reason. I may not be your real mother but you can tell me anything. LUXIE: (Looks at her then looks down at the floor) I just don't have any friends. Nobody likes me there. They all say I'm different. (Looks down and twiddles thumbs) MRS XIAO: (Rubs Luxie's arm). Everyone is different. As long as we keep this mermaid thing between us and the headmaster, things should be alright. (Gets up and takes Luxie's bowl. Looks at the clock). You should get going, you have 20 minutes to get to school. LUXIE: (Nods silently, with a down expression then stands up, kisses Mrs Xiao on the cheek) Love you Ma. MRS XIAO: (Washing up Luxie's bowl). Love you too Darl. LUXIE: (Grabs bag, coat and walks out the door) (Short scenes of children hanging around and walking to school) LUXIE: (Walks up School entrance stairs. Three boys block her way) JINN: (Crosses arms) Well, well, well, isn't it the Luxie girl? LUXIE: (huffs) just let me pass Jinn HIKARI: (Puts hands on hips) what's the password? LUXIE: (Glares) the password is let me pass otherwise you'll be finding yourself laying in a hospital bed all bandaged up. JAMES: (Gets into Luxie's face) oh really? (Folds up sleeves on his arms) bring it girl! MR PRIEST: (Storms through the corridor towards them.) Excuse me but I will not tolerate this sort of behaviour. Get to your classrooms now! LUXIE, JINN, and HIKARI and JAMES: Sorry Headmaster (Walks to class) (Scene changes to Luxie sitting in art class with her head laying on the table, half asleep. Sounds of the teacher talking in the background) MS CHAN: LUXIE! (Bangs a ruler on her desk) LUXIE: (Raises her head slowly and looks at Ms Chan with narrow, tired eyes) Huh? MS CHAN: Could you repeat to the class what I just said about the famous artists Vincent Van Gogh? (Walks back to the front of the class) LUXIE: Errrrrr... (Rubs eyes) he went mental and cut his ear off. (Whole class makes some quiet giggles. One person face palms) MS CHAN: (Walks towards Luxie.) No it wasn't that, I said that he was the artist who painted the famous painting Starry Night. Now because you were not paying attention and your sarcasm, detention after school. (Walks back to the front and writes Luxie's name up on the board.) LUXIE: (Makes a quiet, fake cry and lays head back on table.) (Scene moves onto after school) MRS XIAO: (Laying the tables and sees Luxie walk through the front door) Detention again eh? LUXIE: (Hangs up her coat and bag) yes... (Sighs) again. MR XIAO/SENSEI: (Sitting on the couch reading a newspaper) what for this time? (Looks at her). LUXIE: (Rubs her arm) not paying attention in art class. MR XIAO/SENSEI: (Gets up) right, ok girl, I want 20 sit ups before you eat dinner (points at her bowl of mild curry noodles) Go! Go! Go! (Claps and sits down at the table) LUXIE: Awwwww!!! (Stomps foot and sits in the middle of the living room and starts doing sit ups.) MR XIAO/SENSEI: (Eating noodles with his chop sticks) come on Lux. This will happen every time you get detention from now on. Just think of your noodles getting cold (Chuckles). LUXIE: (Looks at Mr Xiao unamused and continued with her sit ups) (Scene switches to night time with Luxie in bed.) LUXIE: (Tosses and turns rapidly) Mother.... Father.... I.... I can't leave you! D-don't go! (Scene shows flashback of Luxie back in the ocean when her real parents were killed and sees the image of the unknown creature who did it) LUXIE: (Wakes up breathing heavily and sweating a bit. Looks around her dark room and sighs.) The memories are becoming stronger, I can't help but feel the creature is going this way. (Walks to the window and looks out at the night sky. Then looks at the clock.) Damn it. 1am! I can't go back to sleep. Neptune save me. (Puts head in hands then looks back out the window and spots a little blue light in the bushes.) Wait what the heck is... (Sees a small fairy fly out of the bushes and past her house. A surprised expression comes upon Luxie's face.) I... I got to follow it! (Gets dressed out of PJs and sneaks out the door quickly and quietly. Runs towards the direction of where she saw the fairy go.) Maybe, just maybe I can make friends with her, just where is she? (Looks around in the dark forest then spots a familiar blue glowing light flying past her.) Wha.... Hey! HEY WAIT! (Follows it until Luxie sees it hide in a hole in a tree.) Wow... they can be fast. (Panting, trying to catch her breath. Walks slowly and quietly to the tree, trying not to alarm her) I wonder if she's alone? (Hears crying coming from inside the tree hole. Peaks through the hole and sees the fairy alone crying. Gulps nervously.) H- Hey Th-ere fairy girl. (Fairy looks up at her then a startled expressions comes onto her face.) CALLULA: (Looks at Luxie in surprise and moves herself further away from her.) No! No! No! Please don't hurt me! LUXIE: (Looks nervously at her) I don't want to hurt you. I- I saw you fly past my house from my bedroom window and followed you. CALLULA: (Gulps with fear and breathes heavily) Why were you following me? LUXIE: (Rubs her arm.) I'm so sorry. I saw you alone and believed that you were alone so I followed you. I, err, all I want is a friend but I don't have any. I'm sorry I followed you. I just want to be your friend. CALLULA: (Looks concerned.) How do I know you are not tricking me into a trap? LUXIE: (Looks surprised) I'm not like that. Why were you crying? CALLULA: (Wipes tears away from her eyes and sniffles.) I was banished from my fairy colony. Banished from my own home by the colony's Queen. She feared that I was a danger to every one back there because I was different. LUXIE: (Looks sadly at Callula and folds her arms.) I know how you feel. I feel the same when I'm at school and everyone hates me because I was completely different and I wonder why they hate me because of it. CALLULA: (Stares at Luxie.) Ok, the Queen feared me because I was the only fairy in the whole colony who was interested in something from your world, mechanism and technology. Sounds weird I know but that made her banish me because she wants all that away from her and her fairies there. I now have no home. (Starts to cry more.) I don't know who I am anymore! LUXIE: (Sighs) just let me be your friend. CALLULA: (Buries head in her arms) I... I don't kn- (Gets cut off) LUXIE: (Gently grabs her and pulls her out of the tree hole slowly) CALLULA: (Notices she's being pulled out of the hole and freaks) what are you doing? (Tries to escape Luxie's grip on her) LUXIE: Hey hey, I promise I won't hurt you, I want to be your friend, and my name is Luxie. CALLULA: (Stops trying to escape) Luxie eh? I-I'm Callula. (Calms down a bit and wipes tears.) How old are you? LUXIE: I'm 14 years what about you? (Sits down on the ground with Callula still in her hand) CALLULA: I'm 12 and a half years. Hard to be banished at this age. LUXIE: So are we friends? CALLULA: If you ungrasp me then maybe. LUXIE: (Opens hand) Sorry for grabbing you. (Stands up) CALLULA: (Crosses arms) Not to worry... I'M GONE! (Flies away) LUXIE: HEY COME BACK! (Reaches arm out and a tear falls down her face.)She flew away... I was so desperate. I blew what could have been my only chance for a friend. (Puts hands in pockets and walks back to the house). (Scene moves to art class in school next day). MRS CHAN: Zhang Daqian, famous Chinese artist born in 1899 and died in 1983, the year I was born. He is famous for his art style in how he draws landscapes and flowers such as the Huayang Celestial Hall painting and the Orchids. LUXIE: (Drawing Callula in her art book) MRS CHAN: (Approaches Luxie). Well you're not dozing off this time in lessons but you are still not paying attention. Drawing something that is irrelevant to this topic. (Points to picture of Callula). What has Fairies got to do with Zhang Daqian? (Class chuckles) LUXIE: I don't know Miss, I just wanted to keep myself awake and I drew this in my book. I'm sorry Miss. MRS CHAN: Well, maybe your detention tonight will teach you to take earlier nights. (Writes Luxie's name on board) LUXIE: (Face palms) not again... (Scene changes to when Luxie arrives home). MR XIAO/SENSEI: Detention again eh? Seems to be becoming an everyday thing. LUXIE: (Sits down in front of a plate of Asian Fire Meat) Please don't make me do sit ups today Father. I'm not in the mood for anything. (Begins to eat meal). MR XIAO/SENSEI: Well, ok but your punishment this time will having to be getting up early and heading over to the dojo with me for an early session. Better then sit ups right? LUXIE: (Shrugs) I guess so. MRS XIAO: (Sits next to Luxie). You really need to make some friends somehow. Try finding some people in school who also seem to be by themselves and be friendly with them. You may get somewhere. LUXIE: (Sighs) I guess. I don't know. I just want to have a nice weekend with no trouble. (Scene changes to Luxie in the bath in Mermaid formation) LUXIE: (Yawns and eyes slowly shut. Slowly slides head in the water then gets images of the beast that killed her Mermaid parents. Rushes head out of the water, eyes open and heavily breathing. Looks at towel on the rack next to the bath, pulls it off and climbs out of the bath, falling to the floor. Wraps towel around self to dry and leave the room once the tail turned back to legs). (Scene moves to Luxie lying in bed) LUXIE: (Watches bedroom clock tic) Oh... I can't stop thinking about that Fairy. I felt like she was my only chance. (Walks to window and looks out). If I ever find her again I'll apologise for grabbing her. That's probably why she flew away. |