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Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Experience · #2029750
The final dealing with a fundamentalist hatemonger.
Had enough of self-righteous bent--
the attitude of those so arrogant.
Had enough of the hate they spew,
so now I’ll tell you what I had to do...

exitcize, walk away,
exitcize, brighten my day,
  exitcize, leaving as noun,
  exitcize, prudent and sound.

Bibles high, they wave them as they scold;
(their homophobia grows mighty old.)
Talking shit without an ounce of class;
unholy voices coming from their ass...

exitcize, finding the door,
exitcize, listen no more,
  exitcize, final rebuke,
  exitcize, before I puke.

(Pray to Jesus for salvation sake;
hiss your hate just like a rattlesnake.
Be a racist and a judging fool--
Holy fuck!  You ain’t cool.)

Cousin who is a sad disgrace;
(said Gays should be shot--told me to my face.)
Called Michele Obama nasty name--
self-righteous arrogance a devil’s game...

exitcize, departure sound,
exitcize, don’t want you around,
  exitcize, it’s the right track,
  exitcize, never look back.

28 Lines
Writer’s Cramp

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