Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2029733-Only-in-Dreams
Rated: 13+ · Other · Romance/Love · #2029733
Written for contest but can't figure how to enter it, so sharing now
Only in Dreams

She knew she shouldn't be getting into her car right now. Was she crazy? She knows she is taking a giant risk and putting herself in possible danger, but she just has to go meet him. Tina has had very bad luck in love, being married and divorced twice and meeting men that only seem interested in a physical relationship. This time it had to be different, it just had to be. She met Dan on an online social network, not the popular ones, this was one she had never heard of and fell upon by chance. She was really only looking for friends, people to talk to, and it had been going well. She has become friendly with a few people online. Dan was a different story though. She and Tina began talking one day and it was just a friendly chattering between the two. They would talk at night after Tina was home from work and settled in for the night. This went on for a few weeks. Then something changed. Tina and Dan were online one Friday evening and suddenly Tina felt an undeniable pull. She had to meet this man. It was almost as if she didn't have a choice. She literally felt something pulling at her inner being.

They continued their talk that evening and Dan shared the same feeling as Tina. He wanted to meet her also. Unfortunately Dan's vehicle was in the shop so Tina would have to drive to where he lived, about ninety miles away. Tina was definitely a little concerned with the danger of meeting a stranger in a strange town. She had never been to Wornich and didn't know anyone else from the area. She could not deny the feeling she was having though and knew she had to follow through with it. So she and Dan decided to meet the next afternoon. They set up a meeting place and Tina wrote down directions. They said goodnight to each other and waited in anticipation.

Tina awoke the next morning, went through her usual morning routine and then started to get ready to leave for Wornich. She had the directions, her cell phone and Dan's phone number. She was ready, or at least she told herself she was. The pull was undeniable still, but she had to admit she was a bit scared. She enjoyed the drive, it was very scenic and since she had never been to the area it was all new to her. The closer she got to Wornich the more scared she became. It was taking a little longer than they both had calculated so Tina decided to call Dan to tell him she was running a little late. She left him a voice mail and added that if he didn't hear from her again to just wait at the meeting place. She would be there. Tina had a feeling she was going to lose cell service somewhere along the way, and she was correct. So she continued to drive seeing road signs indicating she was almost at her destination. Now she was extremely nervous!

Tina followed her handwritten directions and was looking for a small park. "Where the heck is it"
she thought, and then there it was up on the left. She knew the grocery store parking lot was just up ahead. Her palms were sweaty and she almost lost her grip on the steering wheel. "Ok" she thinks to herself, "this is it. All or nothing, right?". She turned left at the traffic light and saw the neon sign, then turned left into the parking lot. She was on the verge of a panic attack she was so nervous. She had only seen pictures of Dan from him bio page. She didn't place appearance at the top of her importance list but she didn't want him to look like a serial killer either. So she parks the car and turns off the engine, sitting in her car looking around for anyone who looks like they are also looking for someone. She decides to get out of her car and just scan the lot quickly. She sees a man walking from the opposite side of the parking lot and feels her gut twitch with excitement and a little fear. Is that him? She can't be sure yet, he is still too far away, but he is walking right towards her.

Tina is so nervous and realizes yes this is Dan, he is now just about five feet away from her. He extends a hand and introduces himself. Tina feels an overwhelming feeling of already knowing this man, but she knows they have never met. Then they both move in for a gentle sweet hug and Tina can't believe how comfortable she feels. They exchange a few words and Dan suggests driving just a short way down the road to the river bank. Tina says mostly joking, "How do I know you aren't an ax murderer?" Dan laughs and says "How do I know you aren't?" They both chuckle and get into Tina's car. In less than five minutes they are at the riverbank and it is very beautiful and peaceful. They decide to walk around a bit and as Dan leads Tina through some tall grass he reaches back and takes her hand gently. Tina feels a flutter in her stomach and smiles to herself. They walk around for a little while and Tina shares her thoughts of wishing they would catch a glimpse of a turtle on a nearby log sunning itself or swimming in the cool water. Tina has an affinity for turtles. Dan then turns to her and says "I know where there are turtles". Tina is surprised and excited so they drive a few miles away to a local nature center. Dan leads Tina to a wooden bridge above what appears to be swampland, but when she looks down into the water Tina is ecstatic! There are at least five large turtles swimming right under their feet! Tina is so happy and just watches the turtles for several minutes.

Tina can't believe how wonderful her day is going. Dan is more than she ever expected. They continue to take a walk around the nature center, through a forest like area and around the water. They both joke that they are waiting for the birds to land on their shoulders and the animals to follow them around like in a fairy tale. They find a small log that seems to have been placed there just for them. They decide to sit and take a little break from walking. They sit in silence, just gazing at each other and then they have their first kiss. Tina feels like the world is spinning and she is floating on air. She can't believe this is actually happening and she is not dreaming. Her brain tells her it is much too soon, but her heart knows she has met her true soul mate.

Tina and Dan head back in the direction of the car. It is getting darker so they both wonder to themselves, what happens next. They spend another two hours just talking and kissing under the light of the full moon, trying to decide what to do now. Tina finally says she wants to take Dan to her house. It is a long weekend and she just doesn't want to say goodbye yet. Dan goes against his better judgement and says "sure why not", so they head back to Tina's. They continue to get to know each other on the drive back. Tina is thinking in the back of her mind, "if we get to my house and Princess doesn’t like him then I will know if he is a good man or not". Princess is Tina's dog and she has not been wrong yet. Much to Tina's surprise, Princess greets them at the door and lets Dan right in the house. She obviously approves.
The next few days go by like a whirlwind and both Tina and Dan are caught up in the storm. When it is finally time to take Dan home they are both sad, but they also know that they have finally found the love of their life and look forward to next weekend. Their love grows and grows as the weeks, months and years pass. They move in together and spend the rest of their lives loving each other and Tina now knows true love is not only in dreams.
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