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Chapter 32: The Interview Part 3 |
Chapter 32: The Interview Part 3 The crew was silent as they stared at the smoke filled sky. Could it be they had actually…killed Mega Woman? “Um, Captain, Captain can you see anything on your radar?” Alex said in a worried tone. “No sir. All is clear. She is just gone,” he answered. Alex turned to the camera, his face growing whiter and whiter. “Ladies and gentlemen, I, I she, err, Mega Woman assured us she could take it” He said looking back at the clearing sky. “I did not think it was possible, but, but…” “It isn’t possible. I told you I was invulnerable,” a strong voice said from directly above him. Both Alex and the camera panned up. A soot covered Mega Woman was descending from above. Her blue cape billowing behind her in the wind as she had her arms crossed over her powerful chest, partially blocking the big, blue M that came to be her symbol. “She looks like an angel,” Alex thought to himself as the behemoth landed next to him. “But you were…” he stammered, forgetting he was on camera. “Thought I would just have a little fun with you. When the last one hit, I flew at my max speed. Actually went around the world,” she said. “Around…around the world? But you were only gone for, for like a minute,” Alex stammered. “Yep. Guess I am pretty fast. So fast, that your Captain’s radar out there couldn’t keep up,” Mega Woman said proudly. “Incredible,” Alex gasped. “So, you have checked my speed, my flight, my heat vision, my mental prowess, my invulnerability now all that is left is my mega strength, right Alex?” she asked. “Right,” he said still trying to get his head around what happened. ‘And maybe a commercial break?” she asked as she looked at the bewildered newsman. “Y..yes. A break. We, we will be right back,” he said. The camera light went off. Alex walked over to a table and picked up a water bottle. He took a long drink out of it. “You okay?” Mega Woman asked as she floated over to him. “Yes. Just trying to digest all of this,” he said. “Didn’t mean to scare you. Just thought it would be a good way to show my true power,” she said. “Well you did it. Around the planet in less than a minute. No bruises, cuts or anything from all those shells and missiles. Maye my family was right, you very well might be a Goddess,” he said. “Maybe,” she smiled back at him. “But right now let’s finish this show. My strength,’ she said flexing her left bicep. “Is next.” The camera light came back on. “We are back with our special edition of Dateline the interview with Mega Woman. So far, we have seen the impossible. Missiles that have no effect. Speed that blows the mind and other powers which defy imagination. But now, now we will test the power most everyone is talking about. Ad that is Mega Woman’s incredible muscles and super super strength. The Navy has agreed to forgive Mega Woman for placing an aircraft carrier on top of a destroyer. All of these ships,” he said as the camera zoomed out to show four destroyers and one other aircraft carrier. “All of these ships are destined for the scrap yard. Usually these ships are sold for scrap or left here to rust. Mega Woman has offered to remove the ships free of charge. And to, and I can’t believe I am saying this. Toss them into space.” He looked over to where Mega Woman was floating. “Are you ready?” he asked. “I am,” she said. “But I had an idea, instead of doing this six ships at a time, how about all at once?” she asked as she flew quickly into the water. Alex watched as one of the battleships began to move. Suddenly it began to slowly rise out of the water. “This is amazing ladies and gentlemen, Mega Woman is lifting the battleship out of the water. That is close to 140 million pounds and…and she is doing it with one hand!” he exclaimed as Mega Woman rose out of the water. She quickly flew with it and tossed it on top of the other battleship/aircraft carrier. She used her heat vision to seal the two together. She next dove into the water and lifted the other battleship and did the same, then the other. She next flew into the water and lifted the aircraft carrier. “And that ladies and gentlemen. That is over 190 million pounds. And again, and I don’t believe this. She is doing it with ONE ARM!” Mega Woman smiled as she floated over to her stack of boats. She actually felt this aircraft carrier in her one arm. It was not heavy, not in the least, but she could feel the weight. She stacked it on top of the others and sealed it with her heat vision. She noticed her stack was starting to topple, so she had to use her mental powers to hold it together. Soon she had finished her stack. Five destroyers and three aircraft carriers. She knew the weight but she wanted Alex to announce it. “Okay Alex, I am ready. How much is this?” she boomed. Alex turned to the camera, his had shaking. “The amount Mega Woman is going to lift, going to try to lift is, is staggering. It, it is a weight that is almost impossible to wrap ones head around. It is 1.27 billion, WITH A B, pounds,” he said in a weak voice. “I, I don’t see how she can possibly do this, but then again, this has been a day of surprises.” He turned to Mega Woman. “You are a go Mega Woman,” he said. Mega Woman smiled and dove into the water. Using her x-ray vision she found the best place to lift. “Over a billion pounds,” she thought as she placed her thick right hand on the metal, bending it with ease. “That is a lot of weight. But this was not the time to doubt her strength. “One, two, three!” she said as she began to push. She definitely felt the weight. She wasn’t sure she could lift it with one hand. It was a lot heavier than the other boats. With a small grunt she began to use her fight powers and muscles. Slowly, very slowly, the boat began to rise. Alex looked in silence at the stack of boats. Suddenly he saw some slight movement. “I sound like a broken record but this is impossible. The boats they seem to be moving!” he exclaimed. Mega Woman’s right arm flexed hard, her muscles expanding as she pushed. She really wanted to do this with one hand but she had to admit, it was heavy. And it should be. IT WAS OVER A BILLION POUNDS! The boats slowly began to rise. Water rushed off the sides as Mega Woman’s single hand broke the plane of the water, rising slowly into the air. “There she is! And, and I, I, this isn’t possible. She’s….she is lifting it with one hand! This, this incredible!” Alex stammered. Mega Woman was soon out of the water. Her right arm swollen with thick muscles, veins bulging like they might burst. With a grunt Mega Woman rose higher until she was several hundred feet in the air. She stopped her ascent so that the camera could get a good shot. She knew she couldn’t toss this much weight into space with one hand so she brought the other. Now holding it with both hands the ships became remarkably lighter. With a grin she bent her elbows. “Seven ships, going up!” she said as she tossed the huge tangled mass of steel. It flew away, causing a sonic boom as it broke the sound barrier. Using her super eyes she saw it sail into space at 15,000 mph. It was soon out of orbit and would continue to sail through space until it hit something. Mega Woman flew back over to Alex and landed. “That, that was incredible. Tell me, was, was it heavy?” he asked. “The last one, with all the boats, the billion or so pounds. Yes, I admit. That was heavy. I don’t know if that was my limit with one arm, but it was heavy. Once I got two on there, a piece of cake,’ she said. “Over a billion pounds with one arm, and you call it a piece of cake. Remarkable,” Alex said. He looked at his director who was giving him the ‘wrap it up’ sign. “Ladies and gentlemen, we have seen the incredible, the amazing, and the impossible. This woman, this Mega Woman has shown us her remarkable powers. Is she a Goddess? You can judge. One thing is for sure, she says she is here to help. And I believe her. Because God help us, the real God help us, if she isn’t.” He turned to Mega Woman. “I want to thank you Mega Woman. And thank you for all of your assistance. Can we look forward to continuing our conversation tomorrow at the MEGADOM service?” he asked. She smiled. “Yes. And again,” she said looking at the empty sea where the boats once were. “I just want everyone to know these powers I have, these remarkable mega powers are a gift. A gift I will use to help everyone I can,” she said. “Well said. We will see everyone next time,” Alex said as he signed off. He turned to Mega Woman. “Thank you. What you did today it was…remarkable. So, where are you off to now?” he asked. “Don’t know. Maybe home,” she said. “The fortress of solitude?” he asked smiling. Mega Woman laughed. “Something like that. See you tomorrow morning Alex,” she said as she floated into the air and then took off in a white and blue blur. |