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This is the full story behind the Edward Lear poem, The Owl and the Pussycat. |
Once there was an owl, he was big and strong, he would go out hunting as it was getting dark, and stay out long after the others had returned to their roosts. He found bigger and better food at that time so he grew bigger and stronger. One night he was out hunting when he saw a beautiful creature, it was a cat, she was sleek, a pale cream colour, with brown paws, face, ears and tail, her tail was long and slender, and waved to and fro as she walked. She was the most beautiful cat he had ever seen, and he had seen a lot on his night flights. For days he would perch in a tree watching as she prowled and hunted. He wanted to talk to her, but didn't know how to approach her. After a week he decided it was time to make a move, he knew the time and the route she would follow, and he positioned himself on a fence post where she would see him, and waited. It wasn't long before he saw her getting nearer, he tried to look casual, preening his feathers, as she got closer she spotted him, and she froze, her eyes staring into his. "Please don't be frightened" he called to her. "I'm not!" She announced "you just took me by surprise. Why are you just sitting there?". "I.. I just w.. wanted to talk to you" he stammered nervously. She smiled and tilted her head shyly, making her look even more beautiful. She looked straight into his eyes, "you're a very handsome owl" she said, her nose went a deeper shade of pink as she blushed. They met like this each night, they chatted, and they got very fond of each other. When the nights were cold he would wrap his wings around her to warm her. In no time at all they were deeply in love. When the other animals found out, they scoffed and tormented them. Laughing in their faces, or totally ignoring them, turning away as either came nearby. It became intolerable, and they decided they would have to move away if they were to find any sort of happiness. They planned their travels, Owl found a green boat that was sitting unused, and stocked it up with whatever he could find. There was some honey, and he gathered coins that folk had lost in woodland and on the beaches, even a £5 note that was blowing in the breeze. Once the boat was stocked with money and provisions, he showed it to Cat, and she approved. They would sail at the next high tide and find a safer place to live. The owl and his beloved pussycat travelled the seas for over a year, they found they were taunted and hunted down everywhere they tried to settle. Dejected, they hit shore once again. A beautiful island, they needed supplies, so had to take the chance once more to forage, and take the risk of rejection. "take care my love" Cat said as Owl left the boat. He brushed his wing over her silky fur, "you know I always do" he smiled, as he flew into the nearby trees. The trees were unusual, very wide bases, tapering to a canopy of fern like leaves. As he landed on the top of one he could see an opening that led into the hollow centre of the tree. "how unusual" he thought to himself "just big enough inside for a resting place, hidden from view". He was suddenly startled by a loud noise that echoed through the tree. Then he could hear giggling coming from below. A young piglet was smiling up at him, it held a stick in its mouth. Which it dropped as Owl flew down to it. "hi, these are Bong trees, you hit them and they 'Bong'. You aren't from around here are you?", "no" said Owl, "we come from far away. We need provisions so we can move on again, and not cause any problems" "Why should you cause problems?" asked the piglet. "Well, my love is on our boat, and she is a cat. People don't understand, and drive us away. Now we just keep on moving". "that's so sad" said the piglet "You need a home, please come and see my parents, and explain to them". The owl felt there was nothing to loose, and followed the piglet to what appeared like a village run by pigs of various sizes and types. Their homes were made in the dense bushes, hollowed pushed into them. The piglet took Owl to one of the larger bushes, and introduced Owl to his father. Who, it turned out to be the elder of the village. He welcomed Owl, and invited him to sit and tell his tale. After a long discussion the elder pig looked squarely at Owl. "We have owls on this island, and we have cats, and i'll be honest, I've never heard of such a mix" Owls heart fell, "here we go again" the thought to himself. "However" continued the Elder Pig "Why not? Why shouldn't you be allowed to have a home on this island", "the islanders respect me, and I'm sure after I explain, you'll be allowed to settle here in peace". Owls heart felt like it had sprouted wings, it was fluttering with joy inside him. "I thought the inside of the Bong trees would make good nests, would we be bothering anyone to make a nest in one of them?" he asked. "Oh no," said the Elder PIg, we can't get up and into them. And other creatures haven't used them either, take your pick". Owl flew to his beloved, and told her the wonderful news. They chose a bong tree that Cat could easily climb into to make their home, and often enjoyed the company of the Pigs, and other creatures on the island. They all made them welcome, and it was suggested by the other creatures that they should marry, and make their union official. The wedding was a big affair, the piglets all decorated each other with leaves, nuts and berries, using squashed berries to paint each other. The elder pig gave them a ring, that he wore on his nose, it fit around Cats paw, like a bracelet. The Owl insisted that he took a silver coin in return, although it had no value, the pig liked shiny things around his home, and was happy with the exchange. A grand looking turkey married them, and they had a feast afterwards, and followed the island tradition of both eating from a runciple spoon, which they kept as a souvenir. The wonderful day ended with them dancing on the beach as the moon shone on the ocean. They lived happily on the island for the rest of their days. They had 12 kitlings, some more owl than cat, some more cat than owl, and over generations, where their children, and childrens children mixed and married with the islands cats and owls, there became a stable form. The creatures became locally known as Felistrix, and had the full bodies of cats, and the head and wings of owls, their cat like tails ending with a cluster of feathers, that acted as a rudder when flying. |