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The difference between physical clothing and spiritual clothing and an experiment |
Clothing Experiment When each of the six from the spirit realm go through the process of changing their spirit body to a physical body, each will have the chance to choose their clothing, appearance of themselves, and their accessories if they choose to have any. Since, the clothing which includes the colour, designs, the type of fabric used will be the purest materials. From the research Soukkee has done in the spirit form on physical clothing in the physical realm compared to the clothing which is worn in the spirit realm there are some differences. In the spirit realm the clothing says everything about who you are and the level of learning in love that you are in. There are different attainable spheres where lessons are learned and as you progress so does your clothing. Each spirit wears a full length gown which reaches past the ankles which can be accessorized with for example a silver rope belt would represent that you are a helper in guidance in the current sphere you reside at the time. The material used is made of the highest quality and produced from love and using the laws which have been created from the highest power in existence. The clothing the Humans wear can be rough and course depending on the materials used and this is a true reflection of the level of pure love that has been attained. Most of the Humans are poor and use only physical ways of making their clothing, either it has not occurred to them or they do not know that is possible to do this another way. The colours are not bright and cheerful, they include lots of brown and dark colours with give feelings of despair and hopelessness at times. There are no accessories for majority of the Humans. Humans who are consider to be wealthy have some brighter colours and some of them wear rings or necklaces; there are not many of these types of Humans right now on Epic. The way clothing is made is possible in the physical realm as well because we have been told that the physical and the spiritual realms reflect each other, we just do not know how this is possible at this time. One of the projects Soukkee wants to work on is what is the ideal way to make clothes? Is it the method used on Epic or the one used in the Spirit Realm? Is it possible to combine the two methods in a way to work together? Using the laws of the universe how can we create things differently in the physical realm? These questions and many more will come up for sure throughout this experiment. |