Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2028856-Sisterly-Love
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Fantasy · #2028856
Three woman find more than blood is common between them.
Flames, Burning Flames

         Flames licked at the homes and buildings of my city, roaring like a monster who taunted me, hurting my people, burning my kingdom into ashes, inviting me with an evil heat to come out and play its game - to dare to stop it. If I lost, it would cost my kingdom and many lives. All that would remain would be what history could be scraped together in the ruins and put into history books. Though it was almost a routinely visit for various enemies of kings, queens, and scoundrels alike to try and take my kingdom, none had ever succeeded. I almost felt like applauding the bastard for his sudden and well thought out plan. It had spice, flare, and great potential to work, but I was too experienced, too smart for it. I also couldn't help but admire it. Since I was a little girl, I had always liked fire and though I may have been moved by this attack, I wasn't going to let him win. Once I took back my city, we would rebuild, rise from the ashes like the fire bird that was the brother to my family's origin. And like all the other times, the people's dedication would grow stronger, ensuring the continuance of my reign.

A nearby scream pulled me from my thoughts. The smell of burnt bodies chased me to my throne. My people were hurting and through the connection I could feel the pain. I knew they needed help, but I couldn't move yet, not if I was going to take my kingdom swiftly to end the flames and pain simultaneously. Sitting down, I crossed my left leg over the right. The invaders -at least the few men that had been sent of the scoundrels small army- would reach the main hall soon enough. From there, the next place targeted would be the very room I was in, the room I was expected to be in. I knew because I saw it as it was happening through the crystals I had installed throughout the castle. The psychic connection provided a vague image of what went on. I had dismissed my guards already to help fight throughout the rest of the castle, but I wasn't alone.

Banark, my right hand warrior(should I change this? What to?) had been locked in here with me before the guards had left to their newly assigned posts. Banark was one of the secrets I kept from my people. I liked to rule with a trustful policy where so long as I treated the people nicely and cared for them well and appeased them, they would return the favor and it worked. Despite that, I knew there were some things that the people just could not know; many of them likely couldn't handle the secrets I dealt with. If they knew that Banark was a Mattel wolf who helped me protect my kingdom, and that I was a Darkantian, many of the uneducated could not comprehend that we could be kind, especially if they knew how I loved to fight.

Feeling the corner of my lip tug into an almost smile, I was happy to drift away from worrying thought to the delightful surprise the invaders would find when they finally reached us. Not only was Banark strong and terrifying to people, but the powers and what I could do with them if they knew could strike a man cold with fear. That's why next to no one knew. Banark was one of the few who knew the whole story and was the strongest sparring partner I could practice with. I looked forward to practices with him because those where the times I felt like I could honestly let go and indulge the darker side without worrying about killing him.

Through the crystal balls I could see a small group of darkly clothed men storming the halls, they looked like they knew where they were going which either meant someone was a former worker or I had a rat in my midst to search for once I was finished with them.

"How long are they going to take?" growled Banark in his raspy voice near my ear. Despite the violence behind them, they sent chills down my spine reminding me what else Banark was to me.

"Be patient, they will be here soon enough." I told him calmly. While his hungriest times were after battle, there were plenty of other times he had a hunger for more than just meat and blood. Battles like this satisfied both his curse of hunger for blood and meat at the same time luckily, but the lust of a male Mattel wolf was something more unquenchable compared to his other hungers. In the beginning when we had made the pact, "he must be completely satisfied" was the requirement. At first I had tried to send soiled doves from the town in exchange for the continuance of its running, but they were too scared, too frail and weak. For him, they weren't very willing either. So the duty went to me and that's when my life took a whole new turn.

While the first time had been very painful because he didn't know I was still untainted, he had apologized after realizing. I think that's where I began to realize he was human too, it might have even been the moment I started to fall in love. From there, it changed and suddenly I enjoyed his company over others, even looked forward to any visits. Now, I was beginning to fear how often these attacks happened, particularly because there wasn't just my life to think about anymore. I was carrying three other little lives inside me. Three girls, the spirits had told me, all with a great power and destinies waiting for them. Suddenly I heard a clamor outside the large and glittering doors. Then they began to sway with bangs behind it to break it open.

Placing a hand over my belly and whispering a silent prayer of protection, I began to draw energy from earth and the dark spirits that always seemed to lurk around since I could remember. Banark jogged over to the shadows over to the right of the room where the lighting had been turned off. He loved surprising people, especially scaring them, but he was also very impatient. I'm sure the screams didn't help with his desire to protect and help - something the general people had forgotten about the wolf people in the rising of their bad reputation. Suddenly the doors burst open with a loud protesting crack, like bone snapping.

The men rushed in and looked around for guards, ready to fight but instead only saw me and aimed. Banark hadn't attacked because he knew how I loved for my victims to see my face and realize my power before they perished. I rose from my throne and smiled darkly at them, slowly revealing the purplish black energy balls buzzing in my hands. Fear struck a few of their eyes, but not the burly man standing in front of me. He just narrowed his eyes and pulled the trigger. In two swift movements, His arrow shattered into pieces and his heart stopped beating, a purplish black sphere in the place it used to be. He took two steps back and then fell, revealing a bloody sight for the rest to see. Then it was Banark's turn to make them really wet their trousers.

The girls were fast asleep in their large crib. I stared at them, feeling my heart breaking into pieces one by one. The longer I looked at them, the more I saw how much they looked like their father, Banark. Each one was slightly different from each other but not by much, but it was likely age would change that.
I held onto the railing of the crib for support. It seemed to shiver under my touch, but the girls didn't make notice.
Two girls looked so much like him especially the one on the left end. So much so, I swear I heard something snap and the muscles of my breast began to throb and ache painfully. The longer I stared, the more blurry my vision and the weaker I felt. Hot tears began to steadily slip from my eyes as I continued to struggle for control.
The third, she looked more like my mother. She was the one that cut the least. Sobs escaped from my throat as I sank to the floor, curling up in a ball. I knew what had to be done. I couldn't handle all three girls by myself even with the help. I couldn't handle the stabbing grief they caused and rule my people.
Taking a break from the throne was not an option either. I knew what I had to do.
I had to give them up.
The girls had to be sent away in hiding. They had to have different lives, separate from mine.
With the decision in mind and the numbness that was quickly becoming my relief, I collected my strength and stood before calling the caretaker.
         The caretaker, Melinda was her name, stepped gracefully and softly into the room. Her flowing robe matching her movement and the pale colors of white and lilac accentuated it.
         "Yes, your highness?" she coed softly. Like a dove, she was a soft creature, always so caring and pure of heart. Innocence and a gentle wisdom made her scent flowery. Her comforting aura reached out to me though she stood at the respectful distance waiting on my command. She would find a good home for the girls. I drew a deep breath.
         "I need you to take the girls and find them a home faraway from here. I cannot rule with all three of them in my care and deal with the crisis of our absent protector. They must go far away where I will not encounter them. I trust you will find them a good home." I told her. Surprise lit her face briefly before she nodded and walked towards the crib. She took a basket gracefully from a cabinet nearby and lined it with thick and warm blankets before placing the babies in one by one.
         As she went to pick up the last, I stopped her. This one was the one who looked like my mother. I didn't remember much since she died at a young age due to our species that she had passed on to me. I had lost most of her things during a raid of her kingdom before it was fully mine. I didn't want to let this one go. This was my baby girl. This was a blessed reminder from my mother.
         "Don't take this one. She's going to stay." I told her, never taking my eyes off of my baby. Slowly and as gently as possible, I picked her up. She began to cry but when I rocked her in my arms as the caretaker quickly showed me, she quieted down.
         She opened up her eyes and stared at me. Her eyes were a bright blue and skin so soft and pale pink. She was absolutely beautiful. Tucking her into the nook of my left arm, I reach out with my right to lift her head. She grabbed one of my fingers with her small pink hand. Instantly, I smiled and a name popped into my mind.
         "Lila. You're my little Lila."

Mystery Seeker
"Can I getta refill?" I called to the bartender named Clara. Green grave poison was the designated name of the mint green liquid slime that she slurped into my cup. It wasn't the strongest alcoholic drink but I couldn't have that. I couldn't risk losing my senses while I was being chased.
I had been stretching myself for months trying to avoid capture. I really wanted a break but I couldn't afford the slip. I even had to stop working and avoid all my frequent spots. There really weren't that many in the first place. I came here when I needed something, to let off, or get information. If this hunter was as intelligent as they have proven to be so far, they would likely know about this place already, making it a big risk even coming here.
I'd been trying to figure out who was tracking me and why, but I wasn't getting very far. My hunter was a powerful and very careful individual. They were smart and had learned my techniques. They were also persistent. In any other case, I would have taken care of it or at least gotten very close to fixing this mess, but this wasn't a normal situation. All I knew was that they wanted me alive. They kept under the radar better than anyone else I had tracked down. I sighed and asked for another shot.
         "You should go. In a few minutes it'll be Gremlin hour." Clara told me. She was the bartender of this place and the co-owner. She shared it with her husband who really took no part in it except paying for the supplies and information.
Their marriage was one based more on a deal than affection. He kept working as the secret information harvester for the underworld while keeping her legal, she transferred information with his customers through her bar and kept away and detected any enemies nearby with her "special gifts," as she liked to call them. As an unregistered psychic, one of the most skilled of her kind if not the most secretive, she could sense any one approaching from more than a mile away and see the auras of just about anyone who walked in here. Neither she nor her husband had heard anything about my pursuer.
          Gremlin's never showed up on schedules. The species was unpredictable that way but they were predictable in the sense of visiting their favorite territories often. They were also very troublesome and dangerous to interact with, especially since they traveled in gangs. So I had no doubt they would arrive in such a manner.
         "I think I'll stay and have another drink." I didn't want to go back to running just yet.
         "That bad, huh?" she said. I never stayed when they were coming. The first time was enough to teach me, but tonight I didn't care. I wondered if it was the Green Grave poison talking. It was against the odds considering I could hold my own on alcohol stronger than this.
         I scoffed and nodded as she poured another one. "You have no idea." I replied. The bell rung and the animalistic chatter leaked into the dank air of the bar. I heard them scramble in their odd way of getting around to a large round table towards a corner, not sparing on the noise as they stole other chairs and tables to all sit in one group.
Clara sighed before putting a pleasant smile to greet them and get their orders. I left her to her business and sat with my drink. I still had yet to figure exactly where I was going next. Maybe I would travel to Nebula five and visit the abandoned planet 56Z7 or take a hopefully unexpected route to the convicted criminal planet Carzona.
I was contemplating other planets while I half listened to the ugly creatures until their chatter drew my attention. One of them brought up my presence and they were trying to determine exactly what I was and if I was actually a supernatural being or just a stupid human. Then one of them said they thought I was attractive.
Some of them agreed and others were against it but ultimately one of them decided to try and hit on me. I was hoping he would follow his fellow's advice, but he didn't. The little bastard had to be drunk already. They were known for getting drunk fast, but I didn't it could be that fast. He scooted out his chair and approached, hopped up onto the stool beside me and ordered another round of a drink named German Cricket. I hadn't realized how hard I had been gripping my drink or staring at it until he had come over. I released the tension as he turned to look at me.
"Hi, I'm Gleroche and you must be one hell of a thief because you stole my heart from across the room." The tiny Gremlin said. It was cleverly pathetic. I always hated pick-up lines. I was always one for the upfront approach.
"No thanks." I told him without even looking at him.
"So what then? A burglar? a killer? A mirage?" he continued.
"I'm not interested." I told him a little more clearly.
"Oh come on! You should really consider me. Gremlins are much more fun than any other species. You've got to at least try it. Trust me, you'll like it." He placed his hand on my leg at the "trust me" part and rubbed it up and down my thigh. The little bastard was crossing a very deadly line. I turned towards him with a very warning and dark look.
"Remove. Your hand." I told him very distinctively.
" Come on! I promise once you try it you won't want to go back." he winked. That was it. He was going to fucking die. I smiled at him sickly sweet.
"Well since you're so curious, I'm an assassin." I began to slowly pull a hidden knife out of my pant leg. "So I guess it's time-" I was going to eliminate the shrewd creature but a mysterious man finished my sentence incorrectly for me.
"For us to go, right darling?" he looked like a scrappy and ragged human, like he had been through hell almost, but I didn't recognize him.
"Never mind then." The gremlin said and snatched his hand away. He hopped off the stool with an annoyed grumble and went back to his friends. I hadn't expected that to work at all. Normally I would tell this mystery man to go find his grave in the alley but he was my ticket to freedom. For now, I would play along.
"Right. Shall we go then?" I asked, smiling at him the best I could. I got off the stool and left the money to pay and let him lead me out with his arm wrapped around my shoulder. The Gremlin's watched us as we left. They looked frightened.
The bell chimed behind us and I tore myself away from him as quickly as possible, "Thanks." I said.
"No, it's us who should be thanking you." The man said. Us? I suddenly had a sinking feeling in my stomach. Something was very wrong. I heard a scuffle and turned in time to see another man emerge from the alley. Shit, this was not good. The man who had led me out grabbed me from behind and before I could fight him off the other man from the alley put a cloth over my mouth. It smelled sweet and I felt myself getting sleepy. I knew from the scent. It was chloroform. I only had seconds, but their hold was too strong and the chloroform too sweet. I was fucked.

Motives of a Different Kind
I struggled against the grip on my arms from my captures on both my left and right as they dragged me i nto a room that reeked pompous and bloodless royalty . I sensed movement from all places of the room and stopped struggling to look around. People dressed in royal clothing were exiting, obviously curious and afraid by my presence. I sneered at the ones who met my eyes and all of them just about scampered away. I had nearly chased them all away when I was forced to kneel in front of a royal sitting in his throne. I flipped my loose long, dark brown hair out of my defiance. The "king" smirked at me. I sneered at him, wishing that he would shrivel up in a dark hole as well as some other rather dark things.
         "Well, well. So, you managed to catch her. I was beginning to think she'd gotten you like so many of our other assets." He said, amused. I narrowed my eyes at him.
         "And what exactly do you have planned for me, king? I'm not exactly into serving a false king with no royal bloodlines for any particular reason." I shot at him with electric fire in my voice. I wasn't about to back down on my rules. I lived by them. It was how I survived and did high paying jobs for people willing to pay. One of my captures hit me on the back of my head in the spot that was supposed to knock me unconscious, but I faked it. When I was a child I trained, making myself resistant to unconsciousness.
         "She better be worth it for the trouble she caused." One of them said as they relaxed and let me fall to the floor, but instead of falling I grabbed one of their knives from their boot and rebounded off the ground to do a diagonal spin-jump and stab one in the chest. I slit the throat of the other as I kept spinning until I stopped precisely facing the king. I smiled and pounced up the stairs to his thrown and pinned him by the throat, smirking at the fearful look in his eyes.
         Suddenly, I felt the pressure of a knife on my throat and my arm curl behind my back painfully. I pulled my knife away and threw myself into him. Instead of letting go from surprise as my usual victims did, he wrapped his hand with the knife around my waist and the other around my neck, sending both of us tumbling down the stairs. He let go of me after puncturing my side. I kept rolling until I was only a few feet away from the large doors I'd entered only a few moments ago.
         When I went to get up, the man put a knife to my throat again. I jumped up and attempted to side step away, but he caught me. I tripped and landed on my stomach, barely managing to not hit my face because he had my hands pinned behind my back. How the hell had he seen that coming? Oh, if looks could kill, he would be dead a thousand times over already. He sat on me to hold me down, making grunt from the pain of the puncture wound. I saw the corner of his lips lift up slightly from what I could see of him on my stomach.
          "Thank you, Uncle. I apologize for your time and the inconvenience. I'll be on my way and waste no more of your precious time." The man said in a deep, gruff voice. This non-blood royalty was his uncle? Yet this man had a sense of nobility flowing in him like the kind that only came from proper, true royalty.
         "Don't fret, young Cailean. I'm family, you shouldn't act so polite. I must say, she is definitely an interesting and...fine specimen." The "king" said to him while examining me. I could feel his eyes as they scanned over my body. Goosebumps prickled my skin. I noticed this Cailean smile more, this time in a friendly manner gestured towards the man on the throne.
         "She sure is, Uncle, she sure is." He said as he guided me up, putting the blade to my throat. He must be skilled to have caught me and provide very little windows of opportunity to escape. He told me to not make any moves as I stood up. I felt the pulse of laser cuffs as he put them on my wrists. What in the gods and goddesses name did he want from me? I would have to watch him carefully and find a way escape.
         "I hope she's a good enough hunter to get the job done! " The "king" called after us as Cailean forced me to walk in front of him, guiding me from behind. This would have been a good time to fly if I had wings.
         "I'll let you know how it goes when it's over!" I heard Cailean call back to him over his shoulder.
"If you're still alive by then." I mumbled under my breath. I went quietly after that, trying to find some answers in his energy shield, which I did not expect to find . He secured me into a chair on board a ship, and took off. I took the time to take a good look at him. He looked pretty rough to be a relative of a king. Obviously, he had grown up a royal. He had the blood of an actual royalty, too. I could smell the alluring scent in the air, which, in turn, left me wondering how it was possible.
He was an average height, more than I because I was on the shorter side of average. His ink black hair added to the mysterious look he somehow pulled off. His form fitting black shirt and black jeans complemented his tan skin that was practically on the other side of the spectrum compared to my complexion which was only a few shades away from paper. Sticking to the shadow and hiding in the night didn't darken ones skin tone so well. I had a feeling in my gut that told me I could trust him, to a point. I usually went with my gut on this and it wasn't that I didn't believe it, it was just that I'd rather not trust a stranger, especially one who had had me tracked down and was a relative to an overconfident false-blood king, even if there was no trace of that on him.
         "I'm sure that you have questions and would like to tend to your wound. Since I'm putting this baby on autopilot, now would be a good time to ask them before we get to our destination." He said, spinning his chair around to study me. I looked away as if he didn't exist, but I was listening very carefully. Tuning into every little bit of reaction or info that came from his energy. I didn't speak for a while, trying to keep myself from saying some smart ass comment. I hoped he wouldn't keep me waiting for him to speak; I wasn't sure how long I could keep this up. I felt my heart pound from his full body study of me. What was it with royals eyeing me and studying me all the time? I wasn't sure I'd ever know, but it wasn't really that important to me at the moment either.
         "You aren't really related to that bastard, are you?" I finally asked. I had to find out or else it would bother me until I knew for sure. I wouldn't have been caught if I'd left the bar early. I had been doing rituals and meditation to keep my mind clear so I could keep a sharp mind, but I screwed it up by drinking.
         "Yes, I am." He said calmly. I sensed some negative energy slightly flaring off his aura.
         "Then how do you have the blood of a royal when he does not?" I asked him.
         "He's my uncle through marriage. My aunt, his former wife, died a few years ago." He said, tracing the palm of his hand. If he was anything like me, that meant he was trying to keep certain painful memories off his mind.
         "Figures. People like him don't deserve to be king. Even King Deveron is less pretentious than him." I commented under my breath. The next thing I knew, Cailean was in my face and holding me by the throat. I tried to dash away the look of surprise on my face before he could notice, but I doubt I was quick enough.
         "My aunt was a wonderful person and he may not be the best person for the job but she thought so and that's good enough for me." He said to me through gritted teeth. If he were a dragon I would have been seared to a black crisp right now. Moments passed before he went back to his seat, facing the empty space around us.
         "Exactly why I work alone and don't have any relationships other than assets." I said quietly to myself. I'd rather not feel the pain of heartache and my enemies would only use it as a tool to harm me. I already had enough ghosts causing me pain to last a lifetime. I noticed him glance at me, but otherwise he didn't respond. A minute or two passed before I broke the brutal silence with another question that would get both of us off of the road of bad memories.
         "So, what exactly is it that you want from me, Prince Cailean? It looks as though you can take care of assassinations all on your own and there's not much else I'm good for since I'm terrible at being kept on a chain and obeying orders unless they come as bounties and assassinations. " I said, my mind racing for a way to get out of this mess alive.
         "Well, it's more of a bounty than anything, but I need you to track down this girl for me." He told me, admittedly.
         "And you couldn't have just contacted me to tell me this? " I asked.
         "It's more complicated than it sounds, but I couldn't think of any other way to... . " He said. I waited impatiently for an explanation.
         "The lords and kings of my home planet want her assassinated, of which I have been assigned the job to find a suitable assassin and accompany them to report on the progress and aid them in any means necessary. So, to them you will refer to it as an assassination, but secretly, I want to hire you to help me find her and fake her death so that...well that part you don't need to know. " He told me. Gee, life just couldn't take a break from complicated for one day, could it?
         "So, you want me to be a double agent. Let me guess, you love her enough to go against your royal court's wishes?" I asked. He shrugged.
         "We used to be very good friends. Then, some things happened...now, I owe her a favor...and I'm not very good at following orders I don't quite agree with," he looked at me and grinned, "the rest is complicated." He said. I sighed and closed my eyes to meditate on the situation, contemplating and asking my goddess what to do.
I could feel his attention reach for me in hope .
         "I'll have to think about it." I told him. It sounded like a job that wasn't too hard, but my gut had a bad feeling. I would need to be cautious.

Lucky Rush
I glanced at my pocket watch. It was 11:30pm, time for the meet. Placing it back in my pocket and crossing the nearly empty street, dodging a young boy on a laser skater before reaching the other side of the street. Usually, this place would be crowded, but that was only in the day. I was soon learning that at night, especially in the spine chilling falls and winters, it was quite empty.
         I watched a man on a bench warily as I walked by him, keeping alert just in case he attacked. While he didn't, but my instinct still left me suspicious of him. I prayed that the gods above guided me safely through the night. A cold breeze blew through the street and touched my cheeks gently. I could feel them turn red. I didn't like the cold weather much, but I didn't have many options as I was the prize in a galactic wide manhunt, priority number one. I opened the door to an unkempt caf the sign hanging on its corner and heard the bell ring joyously as I stepped in. The warmth and the music of the Christmas holiday being hummed by the waitresses eased my nerves. I pushed the memories of lonely Christmas's spent with my dreadful mother into the back of my mind, where I hoped my past would go too.
         I scanned the diner and met eyes with a well built, short black haired, tan skinned man. He was known as Ace. I met his dark, hard stare with a friendly smile. He was wearing a black turtle neck, a leather coat, brown leather pants, and black assassin boots, along with his gear, the usual wardrobe for someone of his job nature. I could only imagine what other gear he had on him that remained concealed for obvious reasons. Honestly, I'd never met him face to face before, but I had seen him a few times when my mother had called him to her castle for a job. I was still young and just beginning to see how my mother was really treating me . I'd found him attractive then and he looked even better now.
         I slid into the booth seat across from him, but didn't remove my paper white trench coat. I took pride in it and made extra precautions to keep it in the shape it was since it was the only precious thing I had and still cherished.
         "Nice place. Bell's a nice touch, too." I told him, propping my head on one hand and examining the nails of my other.
         "Personally, it's a nuisance . Now, cut to the chase. What does a girl of your status want with a guy like me? " Ace demanded. I sighed and put my hands in my lap. He was as up front and impatient as he was back when I first saw him.
         "I'm looking for protection." I told him calmly.
         "Don't you have your mother for that? Your guards are probably waiting just outside because your mother is asking another job of me. Am I right?" he said in an arrogant tone . He laughed at me when I narrowed my gaze and gave him a fierce look.
         "Oh, I know that look. Don't even bother princess, you might hurt yourself." He shot at me.
         "If you haven't heard already, I managed to escape my mother's clutches and I don't plan on ever returning again. Obviously, the stubborn old hag is going to come after me after working so hard to keep me in her clutches and control almost every little thing down to the last detail of my freaking life. " I hissed at him, ignoring his last comment.
         "Oh, look, the ditsy presumptuous child finally came down from her pedestal and now she's seeking my help. " He commented smartly.
         "Presumptuous? You want to talk about presumptuous, go look in the mirror, because from where I'm looking, you aren't any better than me." I shot at him with fire . He gave me a fierce look that stirred something inside me and made me feel happier that I'd gotten to him but there was an odd twinge of guilt in my gut left behind.
         "Now, look here, I do what I do to survive even if that involves acting like a hot-headed chicken shit . How do you think you're going to pay for this, anyways?" he replied. I crossed my arms and retorted.
         "I have a secret account brimming with money she never received but was meant to. I can pay for your fee easily. Hell, I can even pay it if you raise it by double! Now, I plan to stay free from her as long as my subconscious exists and I prefer to have the best protect me, because its more assuring, but it appears I'm wasting my precious time with a guy like you, you foolish, insolent pig!" I shouted at him, jumping from my seat and stomping off towards the door.
         "Wait!" he yelled to me and grabbed my arm but before I could react, tires screeched nearby and an entourage of gunshots followed by the sound of breaking glass. He knocked me down and held me on the ground until the shots stopped. Before, I could fully grasp the situation he grabbed my hand and yanked me up and out the back of the caf where he slammed open a door and revealed a car. He got in on the right side and started the engine. He looked at me with an annoyed look.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" he growled. The sound of another shot coming from inside the restaurant had me in the car before I could blink and the vehicle shot off before I even finished closing the door. He pulled out a gun and told me to return fire. I poked my upper body out of the window to shoot at the car following us. I shot their tire and windshield with precision, shocking even myself, and we left them in our dust soon after.
         I sat back down and crossed my legs as we speeded off and slowed as the cops rushed the opposite direction towards the crash. I smiled. The police could be so oblivious at times, which worked out well for me every time. Suddenly, blue light started flashing on the head board and my smile fell into a convincingly warm smile. Ace pulled over. Apparently, we only got pulled over for running a red light and got a warning. I relaxed as we pulled away casually.

© Copyright 2015 Lily May Nighwick (monsterlady94 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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