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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2028777
The story of twin girls, and how their life plays out in Altiera.Updated 2/4/15
Before the reforming of the once lost world that is known today as Altiera, there were the ultimate beings. The mother of the divine, Femin, and the father, Len. Together through conception, Femin birthed their children. The children having celestial powers themselves, they possessed the power to create and were taught to cherish life.
Together Len and Femin wanted to teach their older children Decus, Garstig, Nox, and Vita about creation, and their younger Arbor, Collis, and Lessus, about mortality. So Femin created soil and Len made the sky.
Then Len commanded the oldest to add to the realm. The oldest Decus made the sun so that the world may have light and warmth. The second oldest Garstig made minerals so that the soil was fertile. The fourth oldest, Vita, made the ocean and rivers, so that life could grow.

After Fermin told the youngest to make beings to inhabit the realm. The third youngest Arbor, first made a forest for his creation to thrive in. Then a marsh, deep within the forest, and created a tree of destiny. From its fruit made the Artto, he wanted his being to be all knowing. Their skin was red with black speckles, like the fruit from which they were made. Along with the gift of foresight, they formed with three eyes.

The second youngest Collis, wanted her creation to be strong and tough. She looked to the desert, and created mount Byrus, and from the mountains the Mul were formed. Their bodies had a tough outer layer the color of red clay, but underneath they were just as soft as the soil that makes the strongest mountains.

Lastly the youngest Lessus innocent in her ways, but not senseless thought first to create plants in the great plain of Rein so that her beings could eat, then from the same plants she made the Surn, their exterior leafy and green. Lessus also gave them the ability to talk with the plants, so they would be able to give back.

Len and Femin looked at the beings that their youngest made, and as they did so Garstig claimed they were too perfect. That they needed flaws or they would think they were greater than all. Femin and Len agreed, so commanded flaws be added to the creations. Garstig took it upon himself to tell his siblings what flaws to add.

First he told Arbor to curse the Artto with insanity, so they could never truly use the knowledge of the future. Arbor countered his brother’s flaw by granting the Artto with the ability to only see the future once a season. In Spring they see new beginnings, In Summer they will be able to predict the natural disasters, In the Autumn they will see a drastic shift in the world, And in Winter they will see death. Len and Femin were content with this.

Then Garstig turned his gaze to the Mul, and told Collis make their mountain barren, so that they must leave. A lack of a homeland will make them humble. As Collis thought of a way around this Lessus quietly asked if her sister's creations could live with her beings, since the Surn's lands would be quite fertile. Callis agreed and added that her beings could protect the Surn. Garstig calmly told Lessus that the Surn would have too much power, so they must be blind, though they will still be able to communicate with plants, and sense the presence of other beings through the soil they so cherish. Lessus was saddened that the Surn would never be able to see the beauty of the world, but she understood. Then Collis insisted instead of always being blind, they go blind after a coming of age. Garstig thought this was reasonable. Lessus had mixed feelings about it, but agreed. The age was set to 12.

With this Femin and Len were content. All the beings had their flaws, along with their strengths. Femin turned to Vita and commanded her to breathe life into the beings, and just as she was about to a very groggy Nox the third oldest sibling walked into the room. Len asked her if she had a final thing to add to the beings or the world that her siblings had made. She granted them sleep, and death so that they may find eternal rest. With that Vita gave the beings life, and so life began on the world now known as Altiera.
As time had passed in Altiera, The beings made by the divine grew culture, and found their places in the world. Eventually the Artto foresaw the essence of Altiera making its own beings. The Artto told their god Arbor about this, and he his parents. Len and Femin left the decision of what to do with this information to Arbor, be it destruction, telling his siblings, or nothing. Arbor told his sisters Callis, and Lessus about the beings forming on Altirta. After much discussion, it was decided to wait and see what would come from these children of Altirta, or soon to be known as humans.

Monika sets her book down with a sigh. Looks out her window at the lovely city of Aneva, and the beautiful ocean of Ignis. Then looks back at her book, “The Origin of Altira”, she scrunches up her nose in confusion. This silly origin story can’t possibly be how Altira was formed, Monika thought to herself. Sure it explained how the lesser races were created, but what about humans? What of the Immortals? Her Deities couldn’t have just one day appeared like the history books liked to portray. Sure Altira is one of our deities, she is the planet's essence, and the mother of all. That accounts for one of the fourteen Immortals, but what about the rest? Maybe I’ll finally be able to ask mother about- “BAM!” now looking to the door shocked.

Amber, walks in with a big smile on her face, looks at Monika, then does a little pout. “Mon-nee-kka! Why are you reading that book again, you hate it.” Amber voices loudly. Amber was wearing a light clothed white dress, her black hair braided with yellow flowers. She then changes to a more excited tone. “Well it doesn’t matter, because it's our 13th birthday, and we need to get ready! We should wear matching dresses, or no maybe not. Do you think that would be too predictable? Maybe matching pants and a top? That way it’s not too predictable, and we can still match.”

Amber stops and looks at Monika, Amber’s grin is even bigger now. Monika puts her book down on the alcove bench, she was sitting on, walks over to Amber and gives her a big hug. “Or we can wear a dress and pants, and we can still match.” Monika said with a chuckle.

“Oh yes, I quite like that idea! We can put the dress on now and hide the pants till we are about to go outside to greet the nobles. That way Nan can’t tell us to take them off.”

“What are you two girls giggling about?” Nan their maid said as she walked in the room

“Oh no it’s Nan.” Amber attempted to whisper while she giggled.

“Or maybe I should be asking what you girls are planning?” Nan asked with a scowl.

“Nothing today Nan.” Monika said with a big smile. Nan is an older woman, with lots of wrinkles. She looks like she has been worn down by the world. Truth be told the worn look has come from raising the twins. The girls have always been a handful, and because of it she has that typical Nanny look to her, a stern faced, gray hair, and heavy eyes.

“It’s our birthday Nan, why would we want to make it a disaster??” Amber said with another giggle.

“That’s what you two said last year, you naughty little things.” Nan said with her signature stern look.

“Oh Nan, you wound us.” Monika said with a frown that was threatening to turn into a smirk.

“I just might have to! Now hurry and get ready! Your mother is here, as well as other guests.”

“Yes, Nan,” the twins said in unison.

Monika and Amber decided to go wearing matching orange dresses, with pants underneath, and blue shoes. Well, they tried to, Nan caught them immediately and made them change into nice red dresses, to better complement their dark olive skin. Nan put bows that matched Monika’s blue eyes in her short hair. She left the flowers in Amber’s hair since she didn’t have time to pull them out one at a time. The girls didn’t like the arrangement, but Nan was quite adamant. With a lot of huffing and puffing and plenty of complaining they were finally dragged off to the party.

The announcer cleared his throat “Please welcome, Lady Amber Narra and Lady Monika Narra.” The twins processed down the steps from the mansion into the patio. The tables were arranged in a circle, and middle was the dance floor. Guests were about. All the guests started with their eyes on the twins as they make their way to the center table. Beautiful blue, and purple Dahlias flowers were arranged across lattice on the walls of the mansion, as well as hung from stremmers overhead. A big, exquisite slowly rotating ice sculpture of two swans forming a heart, with matching flower necklaces around their necks. It was positioned directly in the center of the party, levitating. High enough and out of reach, it didn’t obstruct the view of anybody from the main table. The girls’ mother was sitting with a disinterested look on her face at the main table. Along with the twin’s Aunt Lux, and Uncle Fecus.

As the girls walked, Monika noticed General Godric sitting at a table close to the platform. He looked in his late 30s, with military styled short black hair, a little stubble on his face with small hints of gray. At his side was a young boy with short, slicked back dark auburn hair. Monika shot Amber a look, it didn’t take Amber long to figure out why Monika gave her a confused look. Amber had heard from the slaves that there was a war between some Mul tribes, and the Kingdom of Unda. Of course the god of war Elium would be there, so why wouldn't his favored General be there as well?

The girls stood before their seats waiting for someone to say it’s ok for them to sit. Their mother let out a slight sigh, putting on her routine, yet famous smile that charmed entire kingdoms, “Thank you all for coming to my two beautiful daughters’ 10th birthday. I apologize for their late arrival, everyone here must be famished, and so I will attempt to keep my speech short. Please take your seats. I’d like to extend a special thanks to my sister Lux for putting this party together, I must say the swan sculpture is magnificent. It looks like they are dancing, you have truly outdone yourself. Whatever would I do without you?”

“Merx, I imagine you would burn the mansion down, if not the whole city” Lux said to her sister with a broad smile, the crowd chuckled.
The girls’ mother chuckled along “That is most likely. I would also like to thank my brother Fecus, for gracing us with his presence” Merx snickered with a slight hint of sarcasm. Fecus crossed his arms and looked away with a frown and a huff. Everyone gave a slight smile.

“Lastly, but most certainly not least. I’d like to thank General Godric for showing. In fact with a war going by the Unda kingdom border
I’m surprised you could make it.”

“God Elium sent me in his stead. He and the Goddess Vitosa have everything under control. The Mul aren’t putting up much of a fight.”
Godric said with a small smile and a nod.

“Well that is great to hear. Now that everyone has been addressed, let us begin the feast.”

The band started playing, cheering, dancing, and drink were all around. Guest lined up to greet the birthday girls, as well as hand off gifts.

The General came up to present his gifts to Monkia, and Amber. A boy the girls had never seen before. “Good evening lady Monkia, and Lady Amber. I do hope you enjoy my presents.” he handed his presents to a butler with a bow.

Amber was eyeing the boy curiously. He had dark auburn hair, and bright blue eyes. “Hello, who are you? I’ve never seen you before.” she asked the boy with an excited smile.

“This is Lar, I found him after a battle. Poor boy lost his parents, so I decided to take him in.”
Monika then smirked “So you do have a heart.” Their mother let out a little chuckle.

Godric grimaced “Apparently I do, evidently a child wouldn’t understand. Well except for Lar, but he has some manners.” Monika frowned bitterly, as her mother let out another chuckle “Now Lar, don’t I take good care of you?”

Monika did not like the general one bit, he was continuously condescending, and her mother was ever helpful. Though she really shouldn’t be surprised, when was her mother any help? Monika turned her head to Lar to examine him. She noticed Lar was standing up straight, with his hands behind his back. Though it was obvious that he had some edict training, his eyes were wide with surprise. It was apparent he was not used to his- master being talked down to. Monika smirked to herself, so he wasn't aware of how important they were yet, she thought then looked at Amber. Amber was wearing her dopey smile she liked to wear when she didn’t want anyone to know she knew what was going on.

After a moment Lar smiled softly and spoke. “Yes general Godric, you have given me a chance at an education, and a good place to live.”

Amber and Monika could feel the lack of sentiment in the statement, as well as a slight sadness in his eyes. Lar’s response was rehearsed. Monika didn’t care too much about it, or Lar in general. She just wanted to know what Godric hoped to gain from bringing Lar here. Surely he wanted more than just a pat on the back.

Amber however was slightly saddened. This meant Lar is just a pawn in their elders’ game, just like her and Monika are.
Then Lar took a step forward “Lady Amber, would you like to dance?” Everyone was surprised by this, well except godric of course.
Merx let out a laugh. “Well this day is a lot more interesting than I thought it was going to be. Lar was it? What kingdom are you from?”
Lar went to speak but was interrupted by Godric. “He’s from Unda.”

Merx turned her head to Godric with a grimace. “Dear Godric, I didn’t know you changed your name.”

Godric frowned then nudge Lar to speak. “I-I’m from Unda Ma'am”

“Should have guessed as much, with that fighting over there and the general graciously saving you. Now tell me, why do you want to dance with my dear Amber?”

Lar looked nervous for a moment, then he regained his composure. “Lady Amber looked bored. No one should look so bored on their birthday.”

Merx let out another laugh. “Very well, but which one of them is Amber?”

Monika smirked to herself, well maybe her mother could be some help after all.

Lar looked at the twins “Amber is the one with the brown eyes. I remembered from when they were announced.”

He either was much smoother then he appeared, or really lucky to actually been paying attention, Monika thought to herself. Acting like he just found out her name and which twin she was today, clever. Of course her mother probably didn’t buy it either.

Merx smiled “That’s quite right, Amber would you like to dance with Lar?”

Amber had a half smile that let Monika know she had an idea that something was going on but wasn’t quite sure what yet. Amber stood up then smiled big “Yes mother, Lar is right I am a little bored” Amber walked over to Lar. Lar put on a charming smile, gave a slight bow, and then offered his hand. Amber took his hand with her plastered big smile and they proceeded to walk down to the dance floor.
© Copyright 2015 J.A.Nora (j.a.nora at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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