Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2028463-Dragon-medallion
by yoku
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2028463
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I was
in my bed sleeping happily when I hear my Mom calling me from
downstairs “Hikaru its Breakfast time hurry up before your
cereal gets Soggy!’’ I didn’t feel the Will to get
up until my little brother started jumping up and down on my bed
roaring pretending to be a bear ’’Hoshi stop jumping on
my bed I’m awake already” I yell trying to get him to
stop jumping before I kick him off. He stops and jumps off and runs
to the side of my bed where I’m facing giving me that it’s
Christmas look every 7yr. old gives you I get up and jump out of bed,
because I know if I didn’t he would’ve gotten his
bear claw Out and clawed me, as I make my way to the hall way I see
my little sister who was a few years older than him had a tangle with
Hoshi this morning cause she looked like she fought Bear, we look at
each other and then hear mom call, I felt Hoshi Dash and Bum rushes
me out of the way almost knocking down the stairs my sister rushes
over to grab me from falling down ‘’Thanks Mik’’
I Say as I sigh from the near death experience “No problem but
stop standing near the stairs when Hoshi hears mom call for
breakfast’’ she says as if I should know this by now ‘’
Miki, Hikaru hurry up before Hoshi Eats all your of your breakfast!’’
we Dash downstairs only to watch in Horror as Hoshi Glugs down our
breakfast I almost shed I tear because of how horrid it was to watch
him eat my last box of Cereal, as mom turns around to find that all
the breakfast was gone immediately turning to Hoshi who got away by
giving her that I’m just a kid I didn’t know. look in
which she falls for…Again ‘’there’s still
some milk left and there’s some cereal in the top shelf, Hikaru
could you get it for me please’’ she says as she wipes
Hoshi clean from all the breakfast he Ate, ‘’ok Mom’’
I run over to the Shelf open it and get the cereal and put it on the
table Miki gets the milk out of the freezer and mom rinses out the
bowls Hoshi devoured our Breakfast in Miki Turns to Hoshi and Sticks
her Tongue out at him, in which Hoshi in Response tries to stick his
tongue out Back at her but only Burps and sadly for Miki she still
had her tongue out, I Try to my laughing from her but she catches me
in the act she quietly takes out her Staff and Whacks the Hell out of
me I Cringe in pain of how much that hurt and it sucks cause well I
can’t hit Girls so I can’t get her back and there isn’t
any other way because mom doesn’t let any pranks slip past her.
After I Finish Breakfast I Run upstairs and Get Dressed and grabbed
the Goggles and Small ice tablet my dad gave to me Before the Day he
went missing and Dash out the door as a dashed outside I Ran over to
a Tree house in the Yard I climbed up the rope ladder and Saw my
Friends inside Rodeo, Lolly and Biskit Sitting on the Floor Biskit
and Lolly were having a Monster Card Battle before they heard me
climb up into the treehouse as a pulled myself up Rodeo Grabbed the
Rope Ladder behind me and rolled it up since we were the only ones in
the Club ‘Morning Bonbon’’ lolly said Cheerfully
putting down a Mew Twister Card down beating Biskit’s Naga and
leaving him with only two monsters left ‘’Hey dog’’
Biskit Says Without looking up from his cards and putting down a Gali
Scratch card only doing 2 damage to lolly’s Mew ‘’Hey
chaps’’ Rodeo says while watching the sad battle but what
was soon over after Lolly Put Down another Twister Card and Biskit’s
monster Team was Finished ‘’ aww come on that’s the
third time you’ve won’’ Biskit whined as he handed
Lolly his CD which could unlock Gali and a few Gali cards to with it,
‘’You have to stop Fighting her for your stuff back just
fight someone else who doesn’t have a mew with a twister card’’
I say to him as he checks his card collection checking if he still
had a decent amount of Monster Rancher cards left, ‘’I
can’t stop fighting her she seems so easy at first then she
fakes me out and pulls out her big guns’’ he cries Rodeo
pats him on the back while lolly Shuffles through her deck looking
for cards to give him to Cheer him up’’ here don’t
be Discouraged I bet you’ll beat me next time’’ she
says as she hand over some Golem and Suezo Cards “hey Hikaru
aren’t we going to practice today’’ Rodeo says as
he Gets things ‘’oh yea we have to go to Kama Practice
today I almost forgot’’ I reply as I grabbed my Two
handed baton and stuck it in my backpack, me Rodeo, Lolly and biskit
jump out of the Tree house and Walked over to Fileossur’s Kama
Dojo as we were walking to the dojo we spot a Green Dragon with Black
horns with a red under tone and red eyes talking to Fileossur but
when he spots us walking over starts to of walk and waves good-bye to
Fileosurr and his grandson, I wave to them to get their attention
that we’re coming over to practice I finally get their
attention thanks to Bistkit stepping on Lolly’s Tail by
accident making her Screech in pain loudly getting their attention,
‘’you’re here for practice today’’ he
asks while signaling his grandson to go set up the dojo for practice,
‘’Yes sir!’’ we both Exclaim, Rodeo gets his
wooden axe from the Weapon rack and I get my Baton from in my
Backpack armed and ready with it, while Scar pulls out his long Sword
and Begins to attack, the first attack had me Dodging like crazy but
luckily I was very light on my feet I was almost able to land on his
sword but I was quickly knocked off I recovered and began to swing
each hit being blocked by Scar’s Sword I started to dart round
him knowing that he couldn’t turn fast enough for him to block
another attack but I was quickly interrupted by His Tail Tripping me
making me go Face first into the Rug making me slide in a cartoony
manner, I recover from the sudden death trip and notice that I’m
still sliding I jump off the ongoing rug a dash toward Scar who has
his sword in a bat like position ready to hit me outta of ball park
or into a window, I quickly ducked jumped up and swing Downward
hoping to land a hit and luckily I did...but to no effect and
apparently it didn’t affect him at all only doing so much as a
small mark to his forehead I’m quickly knocked away but Recover
and land on the feet though I Struggle to rebalance, he dash toward
me ready to Beat me but I saw an opening I ran toward him as fast as
I can possibly go and Indiana Slide under his legs and since he
couldn’t stop in mid-air because of how much power and strength
Scar put into the swing he Crashes painfully through the door which
was the room Rodeo was training in with Fileosurr and Smashes into
him having both Fileosurr and Scar Smashed into the wall, Rodeo then
looks to the Crash site of Scar and his grandfather while Biskit and
Lolly have to most Shocked Expressions I’ve ever seen, Rodeo
then quickly turns to me he does this 3 times until he walks over and
whispers ’’maybe we should leave I think we’ve done
enough training for today’’ while still checking if there
even breathing, I nod in agreement and signal Lolly and Biskit to
come over and as soon as we walk out of the Dojo we Darted in our
separate directions toward home, as I’m running I spot the same
CyanDragon from before he seems to be looking at me and no one else,
I stop running and start to walk not wanting to get karate chopped in
the neck by this dragon while running like how killer do it in the
movies, as I’m walking he starts to follow me I quickly dart
into a bakery store knowing that he wouldn’t follow me in here
I hide under a table while looking up out the window waiting for him
to pass by but he never did in fact I think he stopped following me
as soon as he saw me go into the store I notice that Mrs. Isabelle
had free sample slices of Red Velvet cake, ‘’well since
I’m here I might as well get one’’ so I did and
immediately scarf it down like it was the last of its kind and walk
out the store satisfied though I’m quickly reminded about the
strange Cyan dragon that was following me though he was nowhere to be
seen I Run home while Scouting out each street and block I ran past
looking out for the dragon, when I get home Hoshi Tackles me and
starts Sniffing around ‘’ I Smell Red velvet cake Where
Is It’’ he demands searching through my pockets and
lifting my goggles up searching In my spiky hair and Letting them go
which makes them Retract Hitting my eyes which hurt like hell, I push
my goggle back to my forehead while he Jumps off me and goes up
stairs to scour my room for cake while my sister Walks over and helps
me up, I walk in hoping to run into my room and kick Hoshi out, I
hear mom ask me “how was your day’’ in a kind
manner I say the usual ‘’it was fine’’ hoping
she wouldn’t expect a whole story of what happened since moms
always have to know what kind of whacky ass adventure you had with
you friends, so I dash up stairs and catch Hoshi finding my Digimon
Pendulum progress looking at it like it was a magic lamp, I run over
and snatch it out his hands ‘’Hey I was looking at that’’
he exclaims while trying to grab it back from me ’’no one
gave you permission to look through my stuff Hoshi if you want to
look at something go look at your Toys’’ I tell him while
I put it back on the drawer and fix up my room, he runs back down
stairs still angry about me snatching My Pendulum from him, I flopped
on the bed knocking some pillows off when I roll over to the end side
of the bed when I spot the picture of a Humanoid Red dragon in a
tuxedo under my bed he had a lighter Cyan under tone on him and he
had Darkened Red hair that went down his back and he also had a Dark
red Goatee and he had Black Crooked Horns he had a Tinted Cyan Glow
in his Eyes as if the camera Caught it and he had a scar Going
straight down his eye it seemed though it was still open, it looked
like he was at a wedding with mom and they looked like they were
getting married, mom said Dad was a strong guy and he worked hard,
though people feared his temper and his Gaze although she didn’t
really put it into detail on what he looked like, she might have done
this to keep us from going off to find him, but why? Was she afraid
of us getting hurt of or us hating her for keeping this a secret, and
one question still remains…why would she put or Hide this
under My bed? Did she forget about it did she leave it there by
accident or what?

© Copyright 2015 yoku (yokufire5 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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